Truth about House Kheperu.

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Truth about House Kheperu. Empty Truth about House Kheperu.

Post by Victor 16.06.09 11:07

Interesting facts were brought up to my attention about House Kheperu that I wish to share here with you, so hopefully that can aid new people that are just now getting in contact with the Vampire community and may end up deceived by this scam.

As most people that are part of the occult society for a long time know, for years that the name House Kheperu has been recognized as a scam organization, used for commercial purposes in the media, mostly television and books. It is a commercial organization created by Michelle Belanger, a well known scam artist and compulsive liar, that tries to deceive unaware members of the community, without having knowledge of metaphysics and who was never respected by the real occult society.

For years that Michelle Belanger tries to insult the Aset Ka and mine their projects, out of fears for her commercial agendas. As we all know, the Aset Ka itself is proof on the stupidity and ignorance of Belanger's lies.

Now it was brought to my attention another detail (out of the many that were already shared in this forum, as Belanger plagiarizing texts on Wikipedia and her blatant scams for self-promotion), and that detail is that House Kheperu is using the words Asetian, Aset Ka and Asetian Bible on their website to draw additional users from the search engines.

That can be seen in here:
Check the keywords.

For even more proof, check their official website directly at and then do a View Source in your browser. Check the code for the meta name:


<meta name="keywords" content="Kheperu, Kherete, vampire, vampyre, vampirism, awakening, awakened, dreamwalking, kheperian, kheperian castes, ritual, ritual work, meditation, spiritual, Set, Temple of Set, Egypt, Egyptian, metaphysics, spirits, ghosts, reincarnation, energy work, energy body, Michelle Belanger, Belanger, asetian, asetian bible, aset ka" />
<title>House Kheperu</title>

Please check this quickly, since as they read this thread in here, the will probably run and remove those tags, knowing that they were caught, and they do monitor this forum on a daily basis.

So, Michelle spreads the word that the Aset Ka does not exist and that it is a fake organization, but yet she is the one using the Aset Ka and its credibility and respect among occultists to draw people to her site on Google searches? Wink Right... seems like someone just got owned again.
Just one more detail to add for the long roll of ignorant attempts from these people to undermine and then use the Aset Ka to their own profit.

I have nothing else to say except one word... cowards.

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Truth about House Kheperu. Empty Re: Truth about House Kheperu.

Post by Aghrab 16.06.09 11:15

Disgusting... that is all I have to say.


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Truth about House Kheperu. Empty Re: Truth about House Kheperu.

Post by Daniel09 16.06.09 12:06

Why those self-serving, egotistic impostors. I even took a screenshot, just to keep my own proof of this blatant attempt to draw people to her site under false pretenses.

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Truth about House Kheperu. Empty Re: Truth about House Kheperu.

Post by Hellen 16.06.09 12:34

lol , Victor !!!

This is sooo funny !!!Truth about House Kheperu. SuperlolTruth about House Kheperu. SuperlolTruth about House Kheperu. Superlol

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Truth about House Kheperu. Empty Re: Truth about House Kheperu.

Post by Jonathan 16.06.09 12:54

Simply unbelievable. Such a blatant form of spiritual and intellectual theft. Thank you for pointing this out, Victor. And well done, Daniel, in keeping that screenshot. It is always good to document these things for future reference.

I don't find this situation funny, Hellen. I find it shocking how these thieves, like Michelle Belanger, still have the guts to show on TV, with that male face and body of hers, pretending to be an occultist or an expert in anything except some cheap drama that looks more out of some lost ghetto. Just like Victor, I agree that this is a very coward individual, that just hides behind the lines making her manipulation and bad mouthing of what she fears the most, but then tries to use it to her own profit. Probably even tried to tie herself up with the AK in the past and got rejected, being the emotional trigger for all of this life pursuit and grudge against the Asetians. Either way, this is nothing to laugh about. I know how many of you laugh at her ridiculous self, but I repeat, I don't see this as funny at all. It is people like Belanger that give the occult, and particularly Vampirism, such a bad name and such a bad image on the press and general public. This is the type of people that make this community and knowledge that we all so love and cherish, to look like crap in front of everyone else.

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Truth about House Kheperu. Empty Re: Truth about House Kheperu.

Post by Maktub 16.06.09 13:12

The best word to describe Michelle Belanger is cheap.

That is the only thing that comes to my mind when I read her books, when I watch her documentaries, when I see her photographs, when I hear her interviews.

A cheap individual, in every way possible...


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Truth about House Kheperu. Empty Re: Truth about House Kheperu.

Post by Hellen 16.06.09 13:40

Yes , cheap is a good word .
Johnatann I find it just funny .
Why does it 'shock' you ? and why should I do other than have a good laugh of these kind of ridiculous behaviour , they don't realy get my attention no matter what they do .
I was just wondering why there is another thread open on this stupid subject .
Do you really believe they can steal anything from Asetians ? They just attract the weak and (maybe) steal from themselves (if there is anything to steal -LOL).
And I prefer to call Asetians ,not vampires but Asetians .
Vampire is just a 'name ', much newer than Assetians are .

Those fake belanger 'vampires ' are just jokes.
And is annoying for me to see any attention wasted on them .
I don't mind how they call themselves or imagine they are.

Are they the real enemies of AsetKa , so I should be serious about them ?
I think they don't deserve so much of attention.

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Truth about House Kheperu. Empty Re: Truth about House Kheperu.

Post by Victor 16.06.09 13:59

You are very right Maktub, cheap would be a fair way to describe Belanger. Also I would like to add basic. Honestly now, even if we fully ignore all of her life obsessions against the Aset Ka, and simply focus on what she writes... she is simply far too basic for what we are used to. Her books are misinformed, biased, completely driven by ego... they reflect a very ignorant mind. But how basic they are, is what is more easy to spot. Everything is presented in a very shallow fashion, without any sort of spirituality and depth to it. So I stay by my word to classify her works... basic. And I am being kind, since most occultists that have read her books simply classify all of it as a hoax.

Hellen also made a great point with her latest comment. No matter how these wannabes try to bring attention upon themselves and insult the Aset Ka, are they really the enemies of the Asetians? No, they are not. They are far too weak and far too unimportant to be considered an enemy. That is what they wanted to be, to pretend to be some old enemies of the AK, but they failed with their insignificance. True enemies of the Aset Ka are actually highly powerful and quite dangerous, and those are the ones that are worthy of attention and study. Well said, Hellen.

I am really sorry for opening up another thread about this, I know how useless and unimportant all these people and their "knowledge" are, but I have just put it out here in the hope of bringing up some awareness in order to help the younger individuals of our community, and the so many yet to come. I am sorry to again bring up the attention for what does not matter, but I have done it only to serve the better interests of the community, and if this helps to open up the eyes of only one single person that is now starting to learn about Vampirism, then it was worthy. To all of the older and more experienced members, I am sorry.

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Truth about House Kheperu. Empty Re: Truth about House Kheperu.

Post by Syrianeh 16.06.09 14:13

Great work, Victor. And I fully agree with you on wanting to expose things like this to younger or newer members, who are more susceptible to falling into the traps. This is the kind of stuff that keeps this forum's standards.

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Truth about House Kheperu. Empty Re: Truth about House Kheperu.

Post by Karnath 16.06.09 16:56

This attitude from House Kheperu and Michelle is ridiculous. It's incredible how they can show off themselves as being great, highly spiritual, wanting to enlighten everyone with their little books and little (paid) workshops, when they are so empty and all they care about is money. They're no more than business; this attitude marks that as an imperative. They will never be more than what they've always been. Roleplayers.

Denouncing hoaxes is a good practice. Good job, Victor.

Best regards.

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Truth about House Kheperu. Empty Re: Truth about House Kheperu.

Post by Phoenix 16.06.09 22:17

A good thread and accurate posts. Would insignificant describe Ms. Belanger? That is how I feel. An annoyance unworthy of the energy we waste to decry her frauds and lies. Yet, it is good that we help inform the younger members and non-members who might otherwise believe her.
Personally, I am glad that this forum and its members maintain the high road when it comes to winnowing the truth from the mountains of chaff.

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Truth about House Kheperu. Empty Re: Truth about House Kheperu.

Post by Gilded 17.06.09 23:47

Thank you Victor, for opening this thread. I do not see it as a flaming thread nor an immature one, at all. It is perfectly right to guide the younger ones and teach them the difference between the fake role-play side of vampirism and the spiritual and real side. Although, to be honest, I see this woman losing her mind more each day. But that is what anyone gets who dares to mess with the Aset Ka. Evil or Very Mad

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Truth about House Kheperu. Empty Re: Truth about House Kheperu.

Post by Jonathan 19.06.09 11:50

It was not the first and won't be the last time that House Kheperu and Michelle try to take advantage of the Aset Ka. Just go on and type in the search "Aset Ka", then try "Asetian Bible", what do all of those searches have in common in their results? Michelle Belanger books. Why does this happen? Because she added several Asetian keywords to the metadata of her books as soon as the Aset Ka published their own. She tries to lure people that are looking for Asetian stuff and deceives them into her own useless, shallow and merely commercial books. Exactly the same thing as what was exposed in here, on what she did on the official House Khepru website. So her little club is so unique and special that she needs to hide Asetian terms all over the site's code to get visitors? lol Funny.
Just exactly as she went on Wikipedia and edited the countless articles that discussed the Aset Ka, the Asetian Bible and the Asetian tradition and changed it into her own books, her own name and her own stuff. She is a thief, nothing more...

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Truth about House Kheperu. Empty Re: Truth about House Kheperu.

Post by Dreamer 22.06.09 14:03

And people still follow and admire this... thing? Who would? I find nothing lower than people who try to bring a force like the Aset Ka down, something that is so impossible to be done by someone so low and insignificant. Well, we can all see her burning now, can't we? Twisted Evil

I see so many trying to use the name of the Aset Ka to make money and get publicity. Pretty sickening.

Thank you, Victor and Daniel, for creating some proof on this.

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Truth about House Kheperu. Empty Re: Truth about House Kheperu.

Post by Talibah 23.06.09 0:46

What I find funny, is the opinion of those closely related (in work etc) to HK, and how accurately they echo Belanger, without a second thought given to the actual content of what they are saying.
And I am sure they keep an eye on this forum as well.

She is breeding ignornace, even among those that have substantial intelligence. Thus further proving the Aset Ka correct.

I know there are many young people that are easily pulled into this sort of thing, and for them, it is good that such practises are pointed out so that they might have a better chance of developing an informed opinion of what is out there.

In summary, she is weak and desperate and morally flawed. And so too are those that side with her through the need to be included in some majority headcount.

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Truth about House Kheperu. Empty Re: Truth about House Kheperu.

Post by empress2k 23.06.09 1:03

As a new member of the forum I would like to add that, while I agree that it is important to expose fraudulent misrepresentation of vampirism, we should always remember that real vampires, no matter how young they are (age is so irrelevant here), are gifted clairvoyants and clairesentients. Therefor, I see no need to worry about them being mislead. I have read half a page of her "Code" and found it to completely lack life, so I went to her website to see what she looked like. It took me about 30 seconds of looking at Michelle's picture to know who she is. I had no need to read her books. What would be the point when I could see that the source was not genuine. However, in terms of general population and those who would like to understand our phenomena, yes having such misrepresentation leads to misconception and bad reputations to those of us who have nothing in common with such individuals as Ms. Belanger and her flock. Hollywood has done enough damage as it is...Smile

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Truth about House Kheperu. Empty Re: Truth about House Kheperu.

Post by Maxx 23.06.09 20:33

Very good post empress. I agree with your assessment. I, also, have changed my mind about the cockroach or worm MB. I see her as performing a service, a very good service, of drawing all the wannabees and fakes to her, instead of the genuine sites having to put up with her trash that the likes of her fake talent will bring in. Understand, Like draws Like minded. Like digging worms to catch the MB sucker fish.........let them all come together. All of you just continue to do your work and let her comedy routine draw those that have no idea what is really going on out there. The Aset Ka can use their own methods of drawing those they see that are capable. Only the fakes have need to defend their methods. But she is actually serving her purpose.........and doing an excellent job of creating havoc and thus spotlighting what she really is.....a fake.



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Truth about House Kheperu. Empty Re: Truth about House Kheperu.

Post by empress2k 23.06.09 21:04

Right on Maxx. I would not want to be caught dead in her type of crowd and at the same time she filters these people out. Last thing we need is to have a serious forum contaminated by fluff..Smile

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Truth about House Kheperu. Empty Re: Truth about House Kheperu.

Post by Saylamine 25.06.09 10:39

I am glad that this was posted here on the forum so that we could all be informed of what is really going on with House Kheperu. It is disappointing as well to know that House Kheperu is located in the midwest of the United States on top of that. In my opinion, credible resources on vampirism are difficult to find in this region for those who would like to learn more. This example doesn't help matters at all.

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Truth about House Kheperu. Empty Re: Truth about House Kheperu.

Post by empress2k 25.06.09 12:39

Saylamine wrote:In my opinion, credible resources on vampirism are difficult to find in this region for those who would like to learn more. This example doesn't help matters at all.
Very true, particularly with all the "glamour" associated with vampirism.. So many people with self-esteem and lack of confidence issue are trying to say they are it, just to get their 15 minutes of fame..Smile We have to greatly rely on our intuition when it comes to reliablity of any source.

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Truth about House Kheperu. Empty Re: Truth about House Kheperu.

Post by kameetrei 22.07.09 15:32

I find this thread really interesting, and would like to comment that it was Michelle Belanger's book The Psychic Vampire Codex that introduced me 'officially' into the awareness of psychic vampires. I found a lot of what was in the book to be interesting, most specifically the energy work. With the comments that many of you have left, I am looking forward to my eventual reading of the Asetian Bible and the sharing of information that goes on throughout these forums to better understand why such opinions are held. I do not doubt any of you - but I know about her just as much as I know about you (with in case you're wondering, is next to nothing.)

Joining this forum is going to have more of an intellectual impact than I first thought. Razz

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Truth about House Kheperu. Empty Re: Truth about House Kheperu.

Post by Jonathan 22.07.09 16:47

kameetrei wrote:I find this thread really interesting, and would like to comment that it was Michelle Belanger's book The Psychic Vampire Codex that introduced me 'officially' into the awareness of psychic vampires. I found a lot of what was in the book to be interesting, most specifically the energy work. With the comments that many of you have left, I am looking forward to my eventual reading of the Asetian Bible and the sharing of information that goes on throughout these forums to better understand why such opinions are held. I do not doubt any of you - but I know about her just as much as I know about you (with in case you're wondering, is next to nothing.)

Joining this forum is going to have more of an intellectual impact than I first thought. Razz
That is not an uncommon situation. Given all the marketing and spam of Belanger, her book reached many people. You will soon understand what we all mean, once you read the Asetian Bible and most of all, once you start learning more about real vampirism and the true vampire society. Her book is a tool against evolution, because it teaches a big number of techniques that don't really rely on energy work, but on wishful thinking. The techniques described in her book rely of visualization alone, and she convinces her readers that all you must do is to visualize the energy and you will start to feel several things and there you go, you're doing advanced magick. She couldn't be more mistaken. Visualization techniques are tools that aid energy practice, but visualization alone is not enough. What she teaches is not magick and certainly is not based on metaphysics, but just cheap psychology. The techniques behind energy work are much more complex than what she tried to portray, but also are much more effective. So her book pays a horrible service to the community, helping tons of kids that read her book to enter a state of self-inducted delusion and now all of a sudden, everyone feels like they are vampires, simply because the book was written in a way that nearly anyone could identify with several symptoms described therein. Despite those silly techniques she preaches, her book is filled with metaphysical inaccuracies and details that clearly prove how she is not knowledgeable on metaphysics, and very inexperienced. There are stuff she states in her book that anyone that has practiced actual energy work will know that works exactly the opposite as she states. In the real vampire community, in which Belanger is not allowed in, her work was never taken serious, and only is seen as a reference in the realms of lifestylers and gothic bars, not in any occult circle that you can find. This has caused her a great amount of jealousy and trauma against real vampires, and that is very clear when it comes to Asetianism. She uses the Asetians credibility to her commercial advantage and marketing, as you can see from the proof presented at the start of this thread, but at the same time she passes the information that the Asetian knowledge is fake, a scam, etc. She has two faces, and is very dishonest... a well known liar for people that are into vampirism for long, but still manages to deceive many innocent people that are just now starting to learn about vampires. Anyways, you said a good thing, you don't know us or her, so you should take your time to learn and judge by yourself. You don't need to take any of our words for granted, and actually you should not. Just study more deeply into the core of vampirism before you make your own mind about it. Truth will come your way, as you unveil the hidden secrets and mysteries that lie behind the profound system of spirituality that vampirism is. You won't be disappointed, but you surely will be surprised with what you will find...

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Truth about House Kheperu. Empty Re: Truth about House Kheperu.

Post by Aghrab 23.07.09 11:27

Jonathan said it very well... what Michelle Belanger truly aims for with her books, and what her true intentions are, which are money and cheap fame, regardless of the fact that she is drowning younger people who are only beginning, down with her ignorance.
Jonathan wrote:her work was never taken serious, and only is seen as a reference in the realms of lifestylers and gothic bars, not in any occult circle that you can find.
Ironically she does not even want to be taken seriously by the “true occult” or “real vampirism” side of the community, believing that where she is is the ultimate spot. Ego. That is what took her to where she is.

Even if she was allowed and given a chance by the part of the community that aims for the research and knowledge of true vampirism, she would burn herself there as soon as she steps in, she will not be able to put her ego down and accept being wrong, nor could she understand a thing that would be said to her about metaphysics and spiritually. Perhaps she is just where she deserves to be... If she wants to be respected and known as an occultist or simply someone who wants to fit in within the vampiric community, she has failed greatly, and to me, that is the worse spot of all, no matter how much money you earn or fame you can have... it does not replace the loss of honor and respect.


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Truth about House Kheperu. Empty Re: Truth about House Kheperu.

Post by Jonathan 23.07.09 14:55

Yeah, you are right Aghrab. The funny thing about this subject is that barely anyone ever heard the name Michelle Belanger in the occult community and groups seriously dedicated to metaphysics. And in the places where her name is known, she is always used as an example of what not to read. She is just like Scott Cunningham in Wicca, an author with several books on the subject that everyone seriously interested in the system knows they should not take in consideration given the quality of its contents. Wiccans even have a term for that type of practices, they call it "kitchen witchcraft", meaning useless pseudo-magick. I have seen people starting to make the same parallel with Belanger's work, and describing her books as "kitchen vampirism" and "kitchen energy-work". It makes sense, since all the fluffy wishful thinking techniques and pretending have nothing to do with real magick and the energy-work that people study in metaphysics. Anyways, I am going off topic again from what I was saying. What I was saying that it is funny, is how the occult community never accepted Belanger's tries and begs (oh yes, she did beg, just because it happened behind the scenes does not mean it never happened) to be part of the inner circles of the occult, so she turned to the lifestyling community and gamers and made it her home. As everyone knows, most of her works are adapted and inspired by Vampire: The Masquerade, a roleplaying game. She grew in the "vampire community" by organizing parties and clubs for playing that game at night (read her work, she says it herself, all proud of her roleplaying side in her "magick" lol), and even to this day she has written on her blogs how she participates real life roleplaying parties, gatherings and events. She's a gamer who let fantasy run too wild. And she will pretend that her gaming community is the real deal, using her influence to pass that idea on TV shows, parties and events, that the real community sees as nothing but a soap opera. It's a world of lies and self-deceit, how far is an individual willing to go just because of his own ego. When you are not accepted into something, you create that something yourself and pretend to be a part of it. That's what happened with Belagner. The occult world and scholars turned their backs on her, so she turned into the vampires from videogames and most recently to a "paranormal" community that searches for ghosts, angels and spirits, in the most typically fluffy and fake way, without any knowledge whatsoever on the beings from the other realm. But she feeds herself and her ego by that, by being "worshipped" as a leader in a crowd of people with no knowledge, while others like us prefer to be "no ones" in a much more silent crowd, filled with knowledge and hidden truths. Choices my friends... choices. The funny thing is that she tries to make the ones close to her believe that this other world of the occult does not exist, that all the big orders like the Aset Ka and the Red Order of Seth or the secret covens from Europe, all is a delusion, and that we are all dreaming about a magickal world that does not exist, but only her gameplay world does. That's what humans do... when there is something they are not allowed near or allowed to see.. they rather believe it does not exist, so they can sleep better at night. Smile

And enough on this useless subject. As Victor so maturely said, if it wasn't for the best interest of the community, by opening the eyes of new comers and youngsters among us, I would not even waste my time talking over this and saying what everyone with a bit of experience in the occult already knows for long.

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Truth about House Kheperu. Empty Re: Truth about House Kheperu.

Post by Vertigo 23.07.09 15:52

Well, some people are born to fail at an epic level...

I dont want to have anything to do with Belanger or House Kheperu.

I wish to serve the Aset Ka with my sword, book and life.

Let the heretics play their games, they are harmless and their existence is just an momentarily distraction.

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