The Kheperu Mantra
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The Kheperu Mantra
Em Hotep everyone,
Can anyone give me the correct pronunciation of each word of the Kheperu Mantra.....?
I feel there is little point in trying to include it into my daily routine, if I am not certain I am pronouncing each word correctly!
Also, I'm just wondering, how many others use this Mantra?
Many thanks.
Can anyone give me the correct pronunciation of each word of the Kheperu Mantra.....?
I feel there is little point in trying to include it into my daily routine, if I am not certain I am pronouncing each word correctly!
Also, I'm just wondering, how many others use this Mantra?
Many thanks.
Talibah- Insider
- Number of posts : 287
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Registration date : 2008-08-17
Re: The Kheperu Mantra
kheper ee kheper kheperoo kheperkooyeh m kheperoo n khepree kheper m sep tepy
Ankhhape- Banned
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Re: The Kheperu Mantra
It may be hard to know the exact sounding of that and other Kemetic mantras. Maybe Maktub may point us in the right direction in what comes to modern research achievement on that field, but I still believe that type of knowledge is in a way lost. At least for those of us that like me lack the knowledge and understanding over Kemetic magickal words and sounding, like the secret language of the Asetians known as Serkem.
Victor- Adept
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Re: The Kheperu Mantra
As I understand it, kheper is pronounced "Kheffer"...
Syrianeh- Expert
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Re: The Kheperu Mantra
that is also what I have come to understand. Although, as Victor stated, perfecting the exact sounding of the words when strung together is a little trial and error.
that is also what I have come to understand. Although, as Victor stated, perfecting the exact sounding of the words when strung together is a little trial and error.
Talibah- Insider
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Re: The Kheperu Mantra
Talibah wrote:Syrianeh,
that is also what I have come to understand. Although, as Victor stated, perfecting the exact sounding of the words when strung together is a little trial and error.
True. I suppose it's not so much the exact pronunciation as to the rhythm and vibration.
I have also recently started to use this mantra. Not yet to the point that I become oblivious to it and recite it mechanically, but I do think I have caught on to the rhythm.
But at the same time I'm learning to meditate properly, so it's all a question of information overload
Does anyone have some useful advice on meditation techniques?
Syrianeh- Expert
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Re: The Kheperu Mantra
I completely agree Syrianeh...Information overload indeed
I too have only just started using this mantra, and trying to keep in a state of meditation whilst concentrating on the rhythm is proving to be a trying task.... ....I have found that if I am not properly grounded, (head in the clouds somewhat) then internal distractions tend to get in the way of productive meditation. *shrugs..some may disagree*
I use various techniques that have helped me, you are more than welcome to PM me if you would like to discuss this further.
I too have only just started using this mantra, and trying to keep in a state of meditation whilst concentrating on the rhythm is proving to be a trying task.... ....I have found that if I am not properly grounded, (head in the clouds somewhat) then internal distractions tend to get in the way of productive meditation. *shrugs..some may disagree*
I use various techniques that have helped me, you are more than welcome to PM me if you would like to discuss this further.
Talibah- Insider
- Number of posts : 287
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Re: The Kheperu Mantra
Just as a side note, the Aset Ka has far more interesting and deep mantras than the transformational one referred in this thread. Lets hope some of them can be shared in any future work of public access from the Order, otherwise makes it harder to discuss it on this vehicle that is the forum.
Maktub- Insider
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Re: The Kheperu Mantra
I've had great success in composing from using the Kheperu Mantra
Matter of fact I plan on composing a piece using the Mantra itself.
Being that mantras are sound / vibration based I seem to gravitate towards their use and relate better.
I look forward to any other mantras the AK bless us with
Matter of fact I plan on composing a piece using the Mantra itself.
Being that mantras are sound / vibration based I seem to gravitate towards their use and relate better.
I look forward to any other mantras the AK bless us with
Ankhhape- Banned
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Re: The Kheperu Mantra
Could I ask a few of you . . . "how many syllables do you count in the Kheperu Mantra?"
Ankhhape- Banned
- Number of posts : 387
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Re: The Kheperu Mantra
A'nen Sedjet wrote:Could I ask a few of you . . . "how many syllables do you count in the Kheperu Mantra?"
I count 25, though depending on how you read it out. But it could also e 24, because "kuie" can be read as one syllable - and the number 24 in itself is much more significant.
Syrianeh- Expert
- Number of posts : 708
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Registration date : 2008-09-16
Re: The Kheperu Mantra
Interesting. What significance do you see on it?Syrianeh wrote:A'nen Sedjet wrote:Could I ask a few of you . . . "how many syllables do you count in the Kheperu Mantra?"
I count 25, though depending on how you read it out. But it could also e 24, because "kuie" can be read as one syllable - and the number 24 in itself is much more significant.
Victor- Adept
- Number of posts : 576
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Re: The Kheperu Mantra
Victor wrote:Interesting. What significance do you see on it?
Number 24 is linked to reincarnation cycles and the evolution of the spirit towards illumination.
(I might add that 24 is 2+4 = 6, which is in harmony with the "trinity" ensemble of the three Castes - while multiplying it by 2 (3x2 = 6) signifying the duality inherent to each one of them - but that's just random thinking on my part.)
Number 25 as far as I know represents the world of the divine among other things. It is also of significance, but I would say 24 applies much more to the Mantra's meaning.
Syrianeh- Expert
- Number of posts : 708
Location : Spain
Registration date : 2008-09-16
Re: The Kheperu Mantra
Kheper ee kheper
2 1 2 3
kheper-kuie em Kheperu en
4 1 3 1
Khepri kheper em
2 2 1 1 2
I have grouped these polyrhythms into groups of 5/8 - 7/8 and /8/8
I am having a singer overlay these rhythms on top of each other
Alone the groupings sung Mantra style are very hypnotic
Interesting 25 - 2 + 5 = 7 (Aset)
2 1 2 3
kheper-kuie em Kheperu en
4 1 3 1
Khepri kheper em
2 2 1 1 2
I have grouped these polyrhythms into groups of 5/8 - 7/8 and /8/8
I am having a singer overlay these rhythms on top of each other
Alone the groupings sung Mantra style are very hypnotic
Interesting 25 - 2 + 5 = 7 (Aset)
Ankhhape- Banned
- Number of posts : 387
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Registration date : 2008-06-06
Re: The Kheperu Mantra
Well, that didn't post any where how I wanted it to . . . and there's no editing of your own post here is there?
Ankhhape- Banned
- Number of posts : 387
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Registration date : 2008-06-06
Re: The Kheperu Mantra
[Kheper 2 ee 1 kheper 2] 5/8
[kheperu 3 kheper-kuie 4] 7/8
[em 1 Kheperu 3 en 1] 5/8
[Khepri 2 kheper 2 em
1 Sep 1
Tepy 2] 8/8
[kheperu 3 kheper-kuie 4] 7/8
[em 1 Kheperu 3 en 1] 5/8
[Khepri 2 kheper 2 em
1 Sep 1
Tepy 2] 8/8
Ankhhape- Banned
- Number of posts : 387
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Registration date : 2008-06-06
Re: The Kheperu Mantra
On this community we have decided to keep people from editing their posts. This serves several purposes, being one of them an attempt to incentivate people in being more spontaneous, where their first ideas and ways of expressing it prevails. Second, this serves as a security feature, since it is common on many other forums to see people, just because they have the ability to later change their posts, to write all sort of things and insults. In here we prevent that. What is said is said. So that no one comes later delete a post and argument he never said it. This is a place for mature people, so I see no strong reason to allow editing unless for post perfectionism. But in case anyone makes a mistake or wants to add or alter anything about his previous idea, that can easily be done by an added post explaining that. We believe this is the most mature solution for this community and also a safe way to protect our users rights and enhance their experience while in this forum.A'nen Sedjet wrote:Well, that didn't post any where how I wanted it to . . . and there's no editing of your own post here is there?
Vampirism Forum Admin
Re: The Kheperu Mantra
Oh I have no problem with that . . . I just couldn't get my post to come out right . . . messy messy!
Ankhhape- Banned
- Number of posts : 387
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Registration date : 2008-06-06
Of Interest
In the language of Ancient Egypt the root of the name
Khephra is "kh-p-r"
which means "to become". Khephera appears to represent our point of
- in my view, much like Kether in Qabalah.
Here's a sample of text from Budge's "The Gods of the Egyptians" vol.
"I became the creator of what came into being. I came into being in the
forms of Khepera coming into being in primeval time. I came into being in
the forms of Khepera. I became the creator of what came into being, that is
to say, I produced myself from primeval matter which I made."
khepera kheper kheperu kheperu -kua em kheperu en Khepera kheper em sep tepi
kheper-kua em kheperu pu en pa-na au pautet aru-na pa-na em pautet
Khephra is "kh-p-r"
which means "to become". Khephera appears to represent our point of
- in my view, much like Kether in Qabalah.
Here's a sample of text from Budge's "The Gods of the Egyptians" vol.
"I became the creator of what came into being. I came into being in the
forms of Khepera coming into being in primeval time. I came into being in
the forms of Khepera. I became the creator of what came into being, that is
to say, I produced myself from primeval matter which I made."
khepera kheper kheperu kheperu -kua em kheperu en Khepera kheper em sep tepi
kheper-kua em kheperu pu en pa-na au pautet aru-na pa-na em pautet
Ankhhape- Banned
- Number of posts : 387
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Registration date : 2008-06-06
Re: The Kheperu Mantra
This is pretty good stuff, keep sharing Ankhhape. Thank you.
Jonathan- Master
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Re: The Kheperu Mantra
Keep sharing indeed, that's such a powerful Mantra and it's hard to describe how I feel after reading it.
Helliana- Insider
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Re: The Kheperu Mantra
The Book of the Dead, Pyramid & Coffin Texts contain so much information it is hard to track down the Sound/Vibration stuff, but I will post as I find it
Ankhhape- Banned
- Number of posts : 387
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Re: The Kheperu Mantra
May I ask you to try one Budge to another translator to see the difference in translation. My understanding is that Budge could never read what he was trying to translate as well as some other scholars. I found a vast difference in comparing. Please take a look and compare Budge with Dr. Raymond Faulkner. Let me know if you see any difference.
That ole Bastard,
That ole Bastard,
Maxx- Master
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Re: The Kheperu Mantra
True, Faulkner translates it different, as do the Asetians.
Hmmm . . . I wonder who's translation is the closest to the true vibration of the 'glyphs? LOL
Hmmm . . . I wonder who's translation is the closest to the true vibration of the 'glyphs? LOL
Ankhhape- Banned
- Number of posts : 387
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Registration date : 2008-06-06
Re: The Kheperu Mantra
Along the same lines as the Kheperu Mantra, I've recently heard of the Malrak Ulnaus...supposedly another highly important and sacred Mantra within the Aset Ka.
Does anyone have any more information on this..?
Does anyone have any more information on this..?
Talibah- Insider
- Number of posts : 287
Location : uk
Registration date : 2008-08-17
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