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A new topic to discuss - Page 3 Empty Re: A new topic to discuss

Post by Maxx 12.05.20 13:00

if what Mystic sees as more individuals banning together in a group of Asetianists there, that would mean they would have to return here to participate, and that would make them feel uncomfortable. I certainly would not want that to happen. Also, I would not want additional work for Ms Sybil.

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A new topic to discuss - Page 3 Empty Re: A new topic to discuss

Post by Maxx 12.05.20 13:01

Hahahaha. That is funny. I am discord in myself.

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A new topic to discuss - Page 3 Empty Re: A new topic to discuss

Post by Naoom 12.05.20 13:12

Maxx wrote:if what Mystic sees as more individuals banning together in a group of Asetianists there, that would mean they would have to return here to participate, and that would make them feel uncomfortable.  I certainly would not want that to happen.  Also, I would not want additional work for Ms Sybil.

I am not aware of anyone who voted or openly said they would prefer the discord server option. For the reasons which Rhea suggested, I also believe it is better to be done here. It would also be a shame not to have you join the discord server in that scenario as you were the one who had this idea and the reasoning behind it in the first place, in addition to the fact you may not have time to devote on both servers or simply prefer to interact on one. I don't believe it would necessarily be of better quality in the other platform, and there it is a closer circle and it seems easy to get off the main topic at times, but the intent isn't to either move fully on either place. It's just different things, not necessarily better or worse.

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Post by Naoom 12.05.20 13:14

On second thought, maybe Mystic did imply that but I wasn't sure if he was just speculating about it. We could do a voting system or something

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A new topic to discuss - Page 3 Empty Re: A new topic to discuss

Post by Troublemaker 12.05.20 13:20

This forum still draws a lot of traffic and has been around for more than a decade. I still say it would be cool to see such a thing occur on the forum that may bring life to it, perhaps offsetting the gross imbalance of trolls that take up too much space.

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A new topic to discuss - Page 3 Empty Re: A new topic to discuss

Post by Maxx 12.05.20 13:22

but I love trolls for dinner

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A new topic to discuss - Page 3 Empty Re: A new topic to discuss

Post by Maxx 12.05.20 13:29

Any place would be fine if you stick to following the words of the author. That is what the concept is. Not to add weeds in the middle of a beautiful lawn.

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A new topic to discuss - Page 3 Empty Re: A new topic to discuss

Post by Maxx 12.05.20 15:50

Those that have been banned in here that maybe have an interest in participating in an organized study would be able to come in on the discord site and use some other name as they try here all the time. Some may even find it enlightening. Susko, Hero, others like that would probably enter as they would not be known there whereas here there would be less chance of them pulling it off. Heck, even M. Bellinger or Frat Sebastian could probably come in to give their thoughts. If all would be honest I could see some benefit in it all.

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A new topic to discuss - Page 3 Empty Re: A new topic to discuss

Post by Troublemaker 12.05.20 16:03

Whoa whoa... Whoa there. I think I just tasted my lunch again.
Actually, it tasted the same as it did the first time around. Perhaps I should cook more, some canned items are secret monstrosities.

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A new topic to discuss - Page 3 Empty Re: A new topic to discuss

Post by Maxx 12.05.20 16:07

wow. you might consider some apple cider vinegar in a glass of water. Makes everyone feel better.

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A new topic to discuss - Page 3 Empty Re: A new topic to discuss

Post by Troublemaker 12.05.20 16:08

Also the last thing we need is RL clogging discussions. Next thing we know, he will be claiming to have personally taught English to members of the Aset Ka in Portugal.

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A new topic to discuss - Page 3 Empty Re: A new topic to discuss

Post by Maxx 12.05.20 16:15

oh my. I thought that was why you posted that address.

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A new topic to discuss - Page 3 Empty Re: A new topic to discuss

Post by Maxx 12.05.20 16:16

You told them to be nice !!!!

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A new topic to discuss - Page 3 Empty Re: A new topic to discuss

Post by PLM 12.05.20 17:38

I visited the site Discord.com. It is ok I suppose. I, like many, have a busy life and time spent going to one is enough. Perhaps the weeds that Maxx spoke of will only direct the serious student into solitary study. As with any path, the walk must be done by the individual rather than a group. For personal success that is, but a group is fantastic for bouncing ideas/experiences off of.

If the discussion happens here than I will read it and perhaps be able to participate, eventually that is. If on Discord, I don't think so as I will not be on that site. I did sign up and after looking at it for a bit...deleted it.

My best to all.


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A new topic to discuss - Page 3 Empty Re: A new topic to discuss

Post by SigillumVigillum 12.05.20 21:31

Hi I am not well versed enough in Asetianism I think to join this study...

I thought maybe me and other beginners can also form a group like yours to study the Asetian Bible?? I feel I have to start from book 1 to then go to 2,3, And finally 4...

Would any beginners be interested??? Or maybe we can all start with Asetian Bible if you would be willing or as a “side project” Kind of thing because from what I read it includes Asetian Bible in Violet Throne am I right?


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A new topic to discuss - Page 3 Empty Re: A new topic to discuss

Post by SigillumVigillum 12.05.20 21:33

Also I do not have a discord account or plan to make one as I am not even familiarized in this site yet if that is an issue Sad


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A new topic to discuss - Page 3 Empty Re: A new topic to discuss

Post by Maxx 12.05.20 21:40

Violet Throne includes all the written works released all in one large book.  That does include the Asetian Bible.  In a learning situation, everyone is a newbie as no one has ever gone over this study material like this before.  So everyone is in a new learning model.  Do not let that stop you as you will know as much as anyone else with this technique along with the benefit of what Mystic will be sharing on a section each time.  Additionally, you will be able to ask questions of the group as they arise, and you would not be able to do that if all were in the position you speak of. You would have the benefit of others' insight as to how they are viewing this material.

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A new topic to discuss - Page 3 Empty Re: A new topic to discuss

Post by Maxx 12.05.20 21:41

As far as where it will take place, that is up to Mystic and his aides to decide.

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A new topic to discuss - Page 3 Empty Re: A new topic to discuss

Post by SigillumVigillum 13.05.20 0:57

Thanks for making me comfortable
I will try to participate if you allow me and try and learn and input


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A new topic to discuss - Page 3 Empty Re: A new topic to discuss

Post by Maxx 13.05.20 7:14

To do that is very easy. All one has to do is just have a desire and by participating, you can accomplish that very goal.

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A new topic to discuss - Page 3 Empty Re: A new topic to discuss

Post by Troublemaker 13.05.20 9:27

In reference to an earlier message, the Discord server is merely intended as another platform for serious discussions to take place regarding the path of Asetianism (and, of course, other occult topics).
No one ever said it was intended to initiate anyone or detract from the solitary path. The fact that Asetianism is ultimately a solitary journey is blatantly obvious to anyone familiar with the tradition. Like the fact that this forum itself is no mystery school, as another user stated some time ago.
Discussions, and open channels of communication, can be nice for the scholarly value. They are never intended to replace the inner journey of the initiate.
I am only mentioning this here preventatively, as I suspect that some random people may end up being kind of dishonest about the intention, value and purpose of the server.

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A new topic to discuss - Page 3 Empty Re: A new topic to discuss

Post by Troublemaker 13.05.20 9:33

Also, speaking of discussions, I see no reason why beginners shouldn't participate. Nothing places anyone above others here, it's really all about the honest desire to learn and grow.

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A new topic to discuss - Page 3 Empty Re: A new topic to discuss

Post by Jonathan 13.05.20 10:21

Just wanted to drop a message in agreement with Rhea Kaye concerning their Discord server. Although I don't have the time at present to join them in their discussions just as much as I haven't been able to participate here as much, I find their initiative a very positive thing that should be supported by other occultists. Having different platforms and different communities that cater for how various people prefer to interact only benefits the occult community at large. Additionally, from what I was told they have the support and presence of a highly experienced Asetianist that has been around longer than most of us so that certainly vouches for its seriousness as a project and occult circle.

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A new topic to discuss - Page 3 Empty Re: A new topic to discuss

Post by A.Nightside 22.05.20 14:56

Maxx wrote:Since this forum is built upon the concept of the Aset Ka and,really, no one seems to know much about them other than their publications. Also, there are none here that are known to be from the group and not even the Red Order of Set, what if we begin to do a study based on the information published in the Violet Throne?  Granted, all we can use is mainly that book but we could go through it a small section at a time and discuss it and have viewers and readers ask questions or make statements for the group to try and learn more about it all, all based off the reading and study of that book.  Those that cannot afford the book, or say they cannot, would at least benefit from looking at the comments here of others and maybe even ask questions regarding some statements made here.  

This is something like book clubs that meet in areas across the world to study and learn from various books discussed.  The only difference here would be we would use only that one book.  We could take a week or two to allow those that want to, to purchase the book, and then get into it.  The book is over 900 pages so there is enough material to go into some subjects that would never be discussed unless we used an outline and the book would be useful enough to structure the process on.

I also have just the person in mind to put this together and be in charge of it.  

Yes Please <3
Sounds like fun.

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