Ordo Equester Sethiani.

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Ordo Equester Sethiani. Empty Ordo Equester Sethiani.

Post by Tiet 19.07.20 16:28

The Knights of Seth were a 19th-century British-German Neo-Sethian group that attempted to resurrect medieval Gnostic and dualistic Christian ideas. While achieving a certain popularity among wealthy young Englishmen in the 1850s, the Knights never gained considerable influence and were by many considered a mere gentlemen's club rather than a religious movement. Apart from a handful of members in Edinburgh and Berlin, the group presently appears to be almost extinct. The group is sometimes referred to by its Latin name Ordo Equester Sethiani.

Like the gnostics, the Knights of Seth believe that there is a true God and a false one. The latter is known as the demiurge. According to gnostic tradition the demiurge created the world. In doing so, the demiurge (Classical Greek for craftsman-creator) carried out an order of the true god. The malevolent demiurge, which sometimes goes by the name of Yaldabaoth, then usurped the true god's position.

According to the Ordo Equester, Adam's third son Seth was a messiah who could get in touch with the true god and acted as his herald, thwarting the plans of the evil demiurge. The Knights believe that seven prophets will deliver various teachings to humanity. These will then enable men to experience the true, hidden god. This allegedly requires studying different religions and meditation, resulting in a process of recognition (gnosis, Greek language for knowledge). --- SOURCE , WIKIPEDIA--

bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce


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Ordo Equester Sethiani. Empty Re: Ordo Equester Sethiani.

Post by Maxx 19.07.20 16:45

And???? What does that mean for you? How would this affect you in any way? Or, much more importantly for me, how will that affect me, tomorrow?

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Ordo Equester Sethiani. Empty Re: Ordo Equester Sethiani.

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 19.07.20 16:51

I don't think the Seth in the Old Testament as the third son of Adam and Eve has anything to do with the Egyptian god Seth. This probably means something else entirely.

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Ordo Equester Sethiani. Empty Re: Ordo Equester Sethiani.

Post by Tiet 19.07.20 18:05

It may be that the Sethians' gradual shift away from their original communal baptismal context, interpreted by means of a rich history of their primordial origins and salvation, towards the more ethereal ancl individualistic practice of visionary ascent contributed to the event lal decay and diffusion of those who identified with the Sethian traditions. Around 375 C.E., Epiphanius has difficulty recalling where he had encountered Sethians, and says that they are not to be found everywhere, but now only in Egypt and Palestine, although fifty years before they had spread as far as Greater Armenia (Pan. 39.1.1 2; 40.1). Perhaps the burgeoning pressure of officially sanctioned Christianity after Constantine drove them away from their former community centers. Their initial rapprochement with Christian ideas, alternating between positive in the case of Apocryphon of John, Hypostasis of the Archons and Melchizedek, and more negative and polemical in the case of Trimorphic Protennoia, Gospel of the Egyptians, and the Apocalypse of Adam, may have proved a liability. While Christological concepts could clearly depict the eschatological advent of Seth in their own era, to adopt these meant also to reinterpret them in a Sethian way and thus challenge a more "orthodox" Christological interpretation. Although this preserved for a time their separate conscious identity as an elect body, in the long run it must have earned the hostility of the increasingly better organized, institutional, "orthodox" church. Certainly influential church fathers holding powerful positions in the church singled out the Sethians along with many others for attack. At first, this attack was perhaps rather pedantic, sarcastic, and theoretical, but in the case of a Tertullian or later an Epiphanius, it could become brutal and libelous. Though thrust away by the church, many Sethians no doubt held on to their own version of Christianized salvation history, but concentrated more and more on spiritualizing it along a vertical, transcendent axis. Such an emphasis on vertical transcendence at the expense of a sense of primordial history must have weakened their sense of traditional historical grounding and communal solidarity.
   The final stage seems achieved in the Allogenes group, where the Sethians, if they thus identified themselves any longer, moved into rapprochement with pagan Platonism. Epiphanius tells us that the Archontic branch of Sethianism had rejected baptism and the sacraments associated with the church. This happened possibly around the inauguration of the Sassanide era, the time of the vision and mission of Mani, who also rejected baptism. Without some cultic or communal form of this rite, individual Sethians were left to their own devices. An increasing emphasis on self-performable techniques of spiritual ascent with its attendant possibilities for individualism possibly entailed a further weakening of communal awareness traditionally grounded in ritual and primordial history. While initially welcomed into Platonic circles, their insistence on enumerating and praising their traditional divine beings with hymns, glossalalia, and other forms of ecstatic incantation must have irritated more sober Platonists such as Plotinus, Porphyry and Amelius. Although the Platonists initially regarded the Sethians as friends, soon they too, like the heresiologists of the church, began writing pointed and lengthy attacks upon them for distorting the teaching of Plato which they adapted to depict their own spiritual world and the path toward assimilation with it. This rejection, coupled with the official sanction of Christianity under Constantine and the attendant pressure against the very paganism the Sethians had turned to, may have contributed to the fragmentation of the Sethian community into a multitude of sectarian groups (e.g., Audians, Borborites, Archontics; perhaps Phibionites, Stratiotici, and Secundians), some of which survived into the Middle Ages-a true scattering of the seed of Seth!


Number of posts : 78
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Registration date : 2020-07-19

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Ordo Equester Sethiani. Empty Re: Ordo Equester Sethiani.

Post by Maxx 19.07.20 19:52

Anyone can copy miles of material. So what does it mean to you?

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Ordo Equester Sethiani. Empty Re: Ordo Equester Sethiani.

Post by Tiet 19.07.20 20:23

It means, it was a good day (yesterday ) I read AB I Find Setians information ..VF rulz !

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Ordo Equester Sethiani. Empty Re: Ordo Equester Sethiani.

Post by Maxx 19.07.20 20:31

Fine. But when one just posts miles and miles of copy material and puts it up with no thoughts or meaning... that has a similar meaning from the poster that he/she/it is just recycling used toilet paper out to the group. After a while it gets old. Too many try to get away with doing that here.

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Ordo Equester Sethiani. Empty Re: Ordo Equester Sethiani.

Post by Tiet 20.07.20 3:10

Everyone has a start from somewhere..with the time I will post my thoughts about Setians. I am a true pleader, not a copy machine but I appreciate your comments..sounds half good half badly!✝♒

Number of posts : 78
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Ordo Equester Sethiani. Empty Re: Ordo Equester Sethiani.

Post by Tiet 29.07.20 5:29

¡Ponte de pie, oh Seth, bienamado de Ra!

¡Permanece en tu lugar en la nave de Ra!

El ha recibido su corazón como justificación.

Tú derrotas a los enemigos de Ra todos los días”

(Papiro Vaticano).

Number of posts : 78
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Ordo Equester Sethiani. Empty Re: Ordo Equester Sethiani.

Post by Maxx 29.07.20 15:55

Stand up, O Seth, beloved of Ra!

Stay in your place on Ra's ship!

He has received his heart as justification.

You defeat Ra's enemies every day ”

(Vatican Papyrus).

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Ordo Equester Sethiani. Empty Re: Ordo Equester Sethiani.

Post by Maxx 29.07.20 15:56

Stand up, O Lucifer, beloved of Ra!

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Ordo Equester Sethiani. Empty Re: Ordo Equester Sethiani.

Post by Maxx 29.07.20 16:04

The military that would follow Seti I into the pits of hell or where ever he would decide to go, no matter, were strong followers of The God Seth. These were the magnificent warriors of the desert. So the Vatican would certainly be in possession of this document.

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Ordo Equester Sethiani. Empty Re: Ordo Equester Sethiani.

Post by Tiet 29.07.20 19:14

Are the members who are part of Aset.Ka and ROS at the same time .we see in AB that an archetype is balanced bad and good and.so this may be the secret we all seek ”balanced” .depends on the situation to be dark or bright?

Number of posts : 78
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Ordo Equester Sethiani. Empty Re: Ordo Equester Sethiani.

Post by Maxx 29.07.20 19:25

of course.

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Ordo Equester Sethiani. Empty Re: Ordo Equester Sethiani.

Post by Jonathan 30.07.20 3:56

Maxx wrote:of course.

What do you mean about members being part of the Aset Ka and ROS at the same time? My information tells me otherwise and the exact opposite.

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Ordo Equester Sethiani. Empty Re: Ordo Equester Sethiani.

Post by Maxx 30.07.20 6:40

mo. he did not mean that at all. you have to deal with his statements in over views. And there are no members of either here anyway.

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Ordo Equester Sethiani. Empty Re: Ordo Equester Sethiani.

Post by Maxx 30.07.20 6:41

correction.. no. no. no.

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Ordo Equester Sethiani. Empty Re: Ordo Equester Sethiani.

Post by Maxx 30.07.20 6:44

balance is the best design no matter which group one would attach to with the mind.

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Ordo Equester Sethiani. Empty Re: Ordo Equester Sethiani.

Post by Jonathan 30.07.20 7:00

Maxx wrote:balance is the best design no matter which group one would attach to with the mind.

That I agree with, but look at this section of his statement which you replied to:

Tiet wrote:Are the members who are part of Aset.Ka and ROS at the same time

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Ordo Equester Sethiani. Empty Re: Ordo Equester Sethiani.

Post by Maxx 30.07.20 7:04

I know what he wrote but he did not imply that was the case the way I see it. He was implying that Aset Ka and ROS came from the same structure in the beginning. If you start getting into nit pick details with him you will be here for days trying to clean up his English which will amount to nothing after it is all over. So here you go.

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Ordo Equester Sethiani. Empty Re: Ordo Equester Sethiani.

Post by Maxx 30.07.20 7:06

also if those here cannot see that, then they really have a problem with their mental structure and need to be hammered by the thought police.

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Ordo Equester Sethiani. Empty Re: Ordo Equester Sethiani.

Post by Jonathan 30.07.20 7:08

Then I misread what he said because that was how I interpreted it. Maybe he meant something completely different then.

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Ordo Equester Sethiani. Empty Re: Ordo Equester Sethiani.

Post by Tiet 30.07.20 7:16

In the end, I work well with God Seth so I believe ROS is more qualified for Men since many Aset.Ka member is female...but this is not the main reason I like Seth and I am Aquarius♒

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Ordo Equester Sethiani. Empty Re: Ordo Equester Sethiani.

Post by Maxx 30.07.20 7:29

ok, here Jon is an illustration.  He says he feels more attached to Seth than to the Aset Ka side.  So he says there are more women with Aset than with ROS so that is his excuse following that one side but is not the real excuse he likes Seth.   He says he works well with Seth.  We all know he is not going to begin working in magic with either side as many think they will begin and develop into the Wizard of OZ and rule the world.  He is not going to find the real magic in either direction.  So what is his meaning when he says he will work well with God Seth?

So the overview is that we just look down the hallway into some other topic instead of digging into the spider web of that mind and lightly brush over it and not get into the cobwebs of Carl Jung here.  lol.

Uncle Fester Knows. lol

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Ordo Equester Sethiani. Empty Re: Ordo Equester Sethiani.

Post by Tiet 03.08.20 6:39

oh dear God Seth !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Number of posts : 78
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Ordo Equester Sethiani. Empty Re: Ordo Equester Sethiani.

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