Ordo Equester Sethiani.

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Ordo Equester Sethiani. - Page 2 Empty Re: Ordo Equester Sethiani.

Post by Troublemaker 03.08.20 11:47

This thread doesn't make any sense.

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Ordo Equester Sethiani. - Page 2 Empty Re: Ordo Equester Sethiani.

Post by Maxx 03.08.20 12:05

Hahahahah. There you go, Jon.

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Ordo Equester Sethiani. - Page 2 Empty Re: Ordo Equester Sethiani.

Post by 8lou1 04.08.20 5:15

[quote="Maxx"]correction..    no.    no.    no.[/quote]

Sorry for the big laugh, but ive seen you dance your dance. The typo didnt lie:sunglasses:..


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Ordo Equester Sethiani. - Page 2 Empty Re: Ordo Equester Sethiani.

Post by Tiet 12.10.20 3:02

Rhea Kaye wrote:This thread doesn't make any sense.  

@maxmoefoe telling that ROS members are Aset.ka too doesn't make any sense?

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Ordo Equester Sethiani. - Page 2 Empty Re: Ordo Equester Sethiani.

Post by Troublemaker 12.10.20 15:19

Though I generally dislike the nonsense of the VCN group, I will repeat this here for awareness since Anto is continuing to troll this place and various others.

This was posted by Alexia Ashford:

"Anto (Antonio) Anghel aka Rjeje Djeje, Tiet, Jean LaCroix, is up to his antics again FYI. He’s lurking in various community groups under different aliases, both Discord and here.

He’s currently posting a photo of me around these various groups so he can show the world how big a fan he is, request an autograph, and display the collection of photos he jacks off to. I was going to send him a photo of my better side when I at least was wearing contour, but it seems he’s disabled his Jean profile. He originally commented on his previous VCN thread with the photo.

It is a very specific photo with only one source. Anywhere a photo of me pops up, the poster is guaranteed to be Anto, so there is no guessing on that front. Each alias will be outed and reported both here and to Facebook directly, and weeded out of community groups. I find it amusing, though he is either quite brave or stupid to post photos around with the intention to cause me harm when I know exactly what he looks like, have photos of him, his name, region, and work in the legal industry.."

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Ordo Equester Sethiani. - Page 2 Empty Re: Ordo Equester Sethiani.

Post by Tiet 03.04.21 19:57

too much free time down here...

Number of posts : 78
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Ordo Equester Sethiani. - Page 2 Empty Re: Ordo Equester Sethiani.

Post by Lightseeker 22.04.21 11:51

Jonathan wrote:What do you mean about members being part of the Aset Ka and ROS at the same time? My information tells me otherwise and the exact opposite.

That is not entirely correct, the two Orders do try to infiltrate one another - maybe not even for hideous purposes, but to experience the other perspective.

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Ordo Equester Sethiani. - Page 2 Empty Re: Ordo Equester Sethiani.

Post by Lightseeker 22.04.21 11:56

As to the Ordo Equester Sethinai itself, according to the little what I can find in our archives, the branch in Berlin was somewhat connected with the pre-Crowleyan O.T.O. of Theodor Reuss and the Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica. Makes sense, as they seem to share a "Neo-Gnostic" foundation. I find no mention of a branch in England, but that doesn't mean they weren't active there two.

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Ordo Equester Sethiani. - Page 2 Empty Re: Ordo Equester Sethiani.

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 23.04.21 10:48

Lightseeker wrote:
Jonathan wrote:What do you mean about members being part of the Aset Ka and ROS at the same time? My information tells me otherwise and the exact opposite.

That is not entirely correct, the two Orders do try to infiltrate one another - maybe not even for hideous purposes, but to experience the other perspective.

Trying to infiltrate is different from being infiltrated, no? The notion, to me, of there actually being infiltration, sounds highly unlikely. Are you taking into account all the highly advanced security measures that are in place to such Orders? Of course you must be. But, if we're taking that into account, how do you think it is possible? Do you really think a Sethian, for instance, can infiltrate the Aset Ka and not be noticed, by metaphysical scrutiny and deep analysis as well as verification, and actually thrive in that setting? Their energies, as far as we know it, or have come to understand, are so profoundly incompatible and even oppositional, that even if they'd manage to somehow infiltrate, wouldn't it expose itself sooner or later? Or do you mean regular Sethianists or Asetianists doing the work? But, even then...

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Ordo Equester Sethiani. - Page 2 Empty Re: Ordo Equester Sethiani.

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 23.04.21 10:51

Although, I admit, I have no knowledge upon what both of them are capable of in that regard. It just sounds highly unlikely, but I'm not that knowledgeable.

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Ordo Equester Sethiani. - Page 2 Empty Re: Ordo Equester Sethiani.

Post by Troublemaker 25.04.21 15:30

I'm getting sick of the sheer amount of misinformation that is always floating around about the Aset Ka. Hopefully time increases my patience. It's always interesting to see how each mind reacts to the inherent inaccessibility of the occult underground. A surprisingly large number of people react by either fabricating information or pretending access outright. Still yet, some forego common sense entirely and then decide to believe any nonsense as long as it makes them feel important and close to secret insider information. I guess the unshakable reality that some things are just inaccessible (and for very good reason) is enough to make some people quite nervous.

Lightseeker just exemplifies this reality in a way I don't think he realizes himself. It's obvious from reading his messages that he doesn't understand very much about the occult - not the deeper practices anyway. It is annoying to watch him recurrently add to the ever-growing pile of bullshit this forum sees on a regular basis, but I don't think this will change any time soon and I know a pretentious "That's just your opinion" or "I have access to stuff none of you do" or etc is coming behind that. (Preemptive eyeroll)

So, some people in this forum have been studying Asetianism since long before any books even came out for the public and some random nobody comes along with a bloated ego, per usual, to spout misinformation. Oh yes, of course, the Aset Ka DEFINITELY wouldn't detect a member of the ROS among their numbers. It's this kind of crap that shows me some people have nothing close to the occult skill or wisdom required to get anywhere near any of these secret societies holding guarded information. It shows a complete lack of understanding of even the public, surface information available, like the fact that within these Orders are individuals with the skill to perform magick most can't even fathom and they certainly would have control and knowledge over who is able to get closer.

Perhaps at the end of time people will finally stop pretending to have access to things they aren't anywhere near and will grow some common sense, when they have no other option.

It's just more nonsense added to that fabled "curtain of fume" that constantly surrounds anything Asetian.

I'd like to remind anyone newer who may be taking him seriously to revisit the Remark published on the website of the Aset Ka.

Now, cue the inevitable influx of complete idiot trolls with nothing better to do than further degrade this place.

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Ordo Equester Sethiani. - Page 2 Empty Re: Ordo Equester Sethiani.

Post by 8lou1 27.04.21 10:55

@rhea: i always get annoyed by your aggressious ways and feel disappointed. but every time i get to my senses and are able to think again you make total sense. thank you! Laughing

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Ordo Equester Sethiani. - Page 2 Empty Re: Ordo Equester Sethiani.

Post by Tehom 28.04.21 5:37

8lou1 wrote:@rhea: i always get annoyed by your aggressious ways and feel disappointed. but every time i get to my senses and are able to think again you make total sense. thank you! Laughing

Rhea is kind to them in my eyes. We are mostly agreed on the latter.

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Ordo Equester Sethiani. - Page 2 Empty Re: Ordo Equester Sethiani.

Post by 8lou1 28.04.21 6:10

Probably, yes. Im very often way to kind for my own good. Tried to change that, but it didn't work. Calluses on my soul just make me not notice until it seeps into life. Which can be fun with the right beings, otherwise not so much.

Im also still healing from a past full of witchcraft wars/attacks so i hardly feel safe enough to explore on my own again.

Glad to be on this site though. It makes me understand right from wrong better. Overall right feels fucked up and wrong feels good, but never ends well. So its strange, but im used to that.

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Ordo Equester Sethiani. - Page 2 Empty Re: Ordo Equester Sethiani.

Post by Tiet 20.05.21 15:47

Lightseeker wrote:As to the Ordo Equester Sethinai itself, according to the little what I can find in our archives, the branch in Berlin was somewhat connected with the pre-Crowleyan O.T.O. of Theodor Reuss and the Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica. Makes sense, as they seem to share a "Neo-Gnostic" foundation. I find no mention of a branch in England, but that doesn't mean they weren't active there two.
thanks for info !

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Ordo Equester Sethiani. - Page 2 Empty Re: Ordo Equester Sethiani.

Post by Lightseeker 15.06.21 13:03

Rhea Kaye wrote: Lightseeker just exemplifies this reality in a way I don't think he realizes himself. It's obvious from reading his messages that he doesn't understand very much about the occult - not the deeper practices anyway. It is annoying to watch him recurrently add to the ever-growing pile of bullshit this forum sees on a regular basis, but I don't think this will change any time soon and I know a pretentious "That's just your opinion" or "I have access to stuff none of you do" or etc is coming behind that. (Preemptive eyeroll)  

Thank you for your kind words. I am not going to say I have access to stuff none of you do, because I have no way of knowing what "stuff" you have access too. Some members here on this forum certainly seem to be very knowledgable in the occult.

Whether or not what I say is bullshit or not is up to every individual to decide for him- or herself. I have little interest and see little sense in engaging in "flame wars" like this. However, I do want to emphasize once again that my information is solid because a lot of it comes from our Watchers' archives (which believe me, contain more occult "secrets" than I will be ever allowed to read lol). Obvioulsy, as I have mentioned before, I sometimes make mistakes when interpreting those materials or come to partially wrong conclusions.

However, as for the question whether the two orders "infiltrate" one another: Yes, I believe that there is more contact between the Asetians and the Sethians than we have been led to believe. Yes, their energies are quite opposite, but did you ever consider the possibility that that could be one of the reasons why the would want to "discover" the opposite too? Kind of like a Yin-Yang sort of thing? Think about it. It is not primarily a question if they could "detect" an infiltrator or not, but whether they even want to.... And possibly they might also have techniques to "hide" their energy signature, thus avoiding detection - but that is just speculation on my part.

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Ordo Equester Sethiani. - Page 2 Empty Re: Ordo Equester Sethiani.

Post by VedantaBlack 15.06.21 13:14

Of course there are cases of infiltration, but paraphrasing Luis Marques, it is the Shadow the the Anubians who crossed over into Sethian lines to infiltrate.


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Ordo Equester Sethiani. - Page 2 Empty Re: Ordo Equester Sethiani.

Post by Lightseeker 15.06.21 13:21

VedantaBlack wrote:Of course there are cases of infiltration, but paraphrasing Luis Marques, it is the Shadow the the Anubians who crossed over into Sethian lines to infiltrate.

I must honestly admit that I don't quite understand your reference to Anubians here. Would you please care to elaborate on that a litte?

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Ordo Equester Sethiani. - Page 2 Empty Re: Ordo Equester Sethiani.

Post by VedantaBlack 15.06.21 13:49

In words taken from myths and the published Aset Ka works,

“The Asetians are children of Aset
The Setians are followers of Set
The Anubians are children of Anpu, or in Greek Anubis

If you don’t know Anubis then you are likely unfamiliar with the rest of the pantheon. As explained by the Book of Nun, the cosmology goes something like this:”

“From Nun, came Amun, from Amun came Ra, Apophis, Thoth, Khepri, Shu, Tefnut and Maat, whence these forms/forces of Shu and Tefnut, or Fire and Water, became the building blocks of the universe— birthing Nut and Geb, eternal celestial lovers separated only Below— “Above they are One” these two Ancestors of the Ben Elohim gave birth to the Gods Asar and Set, and the Goddesses Aset and Nephthet.

Asar and Aset ruled the fertile lands of Kemet while Aset ruled over the arid desert. Asar and his sister Nephthet combined their essences of Darkness and Protection to birth a God called Anubis today. Anubis was raised by Aset and trained in her magical path, while the God forged his own as well. He birthed his own lineage in the same way that the Goddess did— trained in her practice. In greed for power, Set sought to rule all of the kingdom and overthrow his brother Asar. Aset didn’t allow this and after Asar passed into the underworld, his physical body destroyed by Set and healed by Aset, Aset took the throne. Aset birthed three Children, the first Asetians, Horus and his twin sisters which began their own lineages. ”


Number of posts : 111
Location : Isfet
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Ordo Equester Sethiani. - Page 2 Empty Re: Ordo Equester Sethiani.

Post by Lightseeker 15.06.21 13:54

VedantaBlack wrote:In words taken from myths and the published Aset Ka works,

“The Asetians are children of Aset
The Setians are followers of Set
The Anubians are children of Anpu, or in Greek Anubis

If you don’t know Anubis then you are likely unfamiliar with the rest of the pantheon.

I do know about Anubis and his place in the pantheon, I just didn't quite understand the reference to the Anubians infiltrating?

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Ordo Equester Sethiani. - Page 2 Empty Re: Ordo Equester Sethiani.

Post by VedantaBlack 15.06.21 13:55

In the epic wars and beyond, the Anubians are now known to have infiltrated the Sethians as spies and pretend allies.


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Ordo Equester Sethiani. - Page 2 Empty Re: Ordo Equester Sethiani.

Post by Lightseeker 16.06.21 2:10

VedantaBlack wrote:In the epic wars and beyond, the Anubians are now known to have infiltrated the Sethians as spies and pretend allies.

Hmmh, that's an interesting point I have kind of overlooked so far. I actually never paid so much attention to the Anubians and what they are doing - although I do find Anubis to be an interesting archetype to work with sometimes (as "Gatekeeper" and as "Opener of the Way").

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Ordo Equester Sethiani. - Page 2 Empty Re: Ordo Equester Sethiani.

Post by VedantaBlack 16.06.21 2:32

It’s stated that they are the Keepers of the Asetians.

Anubis may have an archetype but that is different than the actual divine spark that is the Kemetic Anpu.

Archetypes can be useful tools to learn from but don’t be fooled into thinking they are living beings— the “Gatekeeper” and “Opener of the Way” aspects are also linked to Death and calling upon those forces whether consciously or not may not be wise for beginners.


Number of posts : 111
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Ordo Equester Sethiani. - Page 2 Empty Re: Ordo Equester Sethiani.

Post by Tiet 30.06.21 16:19

Why they bring monsters in the holy war..?

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Ordo Equester Sethiani. - Page 2 Empty Re: Ordo Equester Sethiani.

Post by Lightseeker 04.07.21 14:03

Tiet wrote:Why they bring monsters in the holy war..?

What do you mean exactly by "monsters"?

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Ordo Equester Sethiani. - Page 2 Empty Re: Ordo Equester Sethiani.

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