Pretty accurate

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Pretty accurate Empty Pretty accurate

Post by Maxx 23.08.20 7:23

More than a hundred years ago, Rudolf Steiner wrote the following:

" In the future, we will eliminate the soul with medicine. Under the pretext of a 'healthy point of view', there will be a vaccine by which the human body will be treated as soon as possible directly at birth, so that the human being cannot develop the thought of the existence of soul and Spirit.
To materialistic doctors, will be entrusted the task of removing the soul of humanity. As today, people are vaccinated against this disease or that disease, so in the future, children will be vaccinated with a substance that can be produced precisely in such a way that people, thanks to this vaccination, will be immune to being subjected to the "madness" of spiritual life. He would be extremely smart, but he would not develop a conscience, and that is the true goal of some materialistic circles.
With such a vaccine, you can easily make the etheric body loose in the physical body. Once the etheric body is detached, the relationship between the universe and the etheric body would become extremely unstable, and man would become an automaton, for the physical body of man must be polished on this Earth by spiritual will. So, the vaccine becomes a kind of arymanique force; man can no longer get rid of a given materialistic feeling. He becomes materialistic of constitution and can no longer rise to the spiritual ".

Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925)

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Pretty accurate Empty Re: Pretty accurate

Post by 8lou1 23.08.20 8:13

You might want to look into CRISPR. Reality being way worse then predictions...

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Pretty accurate Empty Re: Pretty accurate

Post by Jonathan 23.08.20 8:19

Not quite. Without a soul the body would just perish like an empty shell.

Also to become paranoid that all Western medicine is evil and out to get us isn't really a healthy perspective on reality. You're likely alive thanks for modern medical development, just look at life expectancy only fifty years ago compared to now.

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Pretty accurate Empty Re: Pretty accurate

Post by Maxx 23.08.20 8:21

At this point the testing has already been completed and they have found that as the vaccination is given, they use a shot with 3 needles.  The center one will send the vaccine while the outer two will send a charge or voltage into that cell receiving the vaccine as it enters the system. That will tell that cell to open up its function and begin to influence others around it and continue to reproduce in like manner.  It is designed to reproduce from the first one. This is then carried over into the blood stream which is then all circulated throughout the body. I am not a medical person but I believe you can get the general idea.  

We are already set up to function as one big antennae receiver with what they are calling smart dust. Some in the military design section is already using this very wording.  Every person on the planet has received this as they inhale the stuff falling from overhead that has been dumped on us.  No getting out of this as breathing is required.  This can be activated and controlled with varying degrees.  Seems the military and technology have perfected the method and can control the population at will if needed.  This is not the only means of control, just one.

So looking at what R. Steiner has said is pretty close and if it turns out not being completely accurate, just using your mind to replace his description of removing the soul and the ability to leave the body at will can be replaced with total exterior physical control by the means above. Science already knows how to project the cell division within the body.  This changes our entire body operation and how we will relate to the surroundings.  Designer beings coming right up.

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Pretty accurate Empty Re: Pretty accurate

Post by Jonathan 23.08.20 8:25

I know that rationality isn't much your thing but do some research in case you're interested in something more than nuttery. Not the best of resources for sure but it's a start and surely better than this nonsense so detached from reality.

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Pretty accurate Empty Re: Pretty accurate

Post by Maxx 23.08.20 8:28

Those are the words of Steiner. Your argument is with his statement to begin with.  So if what you are saying is 100 % accurate, why has the testing been done and completed to make us live longer with the second box I put up? The method they developed was to change the being, not become involved with saving mankind as you project.  This is one section for planned eugenics.

From your view, since I posted this, it becomes a necessity to try and discredit it, but I am more likely to trust the words of Steiner than yours. But thanks for your display.

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Pretty accurate Empty Re: Pretty accurate

Post by Jonathan 23.08.20 8:32

The issue is not that you posted it, it's with the words of Steiner. He's a quack with no credibility whatsoever. The words you posted above from him are completely false and nonsensical to anyone with some degree of knowledge.

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Pretty accurate Empty Re: Pretty accurate

Post by Maxx 23.08.20 8:36

then please tell us how the second post cannot possibly be accurate. Also, I am not one to completely take all the wiki material as being utterly correct as you seem to do.

So here we go again.....

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Pretty accurate Empty Re: Pretty accurate

Post by 8lou1 23.08.20 8:37

You know, and that counts for the both of you, fucking change your ways of bickering. The one thing i learned from being in the wrong surroundings, is taking my shit up while having a polite conversation. Go play WoW or something, but for fucks sake have at least the decency to put some mirrors up.

Seperately you are quite nice, but together even little kids know better.. Oof!

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Pretty accurate Empty Re: Pretty accurate

Post by Jonathan 23.08.20 8:40

Do you have any factual evidence of what you’re claiming about testing on this supposed vaccination form and how the military has dusted the entire population with a chemical that turns everyone into one big antennae (lol) or is this more of your usual “I have proof of this collected in some very secretive emails that I was sent from Africa which I can’t show to any of you so you have to take my word on it”?
Because at this point not many people are going to take your word on anything.

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Pretty accurate Empty Re: Pretty accurate

Post by Maxx 23.08.20 8:45

I suppose you will confirm Bill Gates is the saviour of mankind at this point while I would tend to have an opinion that he is the new Dr Mengele.  lol

Time will show which of us is correct.

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Pretty accurate Empty Re: Pretty accurate

Post by Jonathan 23.08.20 8:47

More information for those not too scared to think for themselves.

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Pretty accurate Empty Re: Pretty accurate

Post by Jonathan 23.08.20 8:48

Jonathan wrote:Do you have any factual evidence of what you’re claiming about testing on this supposed vaccination form and how the military has dusted the entire population with a chemical that turns everyone into one big antennae (lol) or is this more of your usual “I have proof of this collected in some very secretive emails that I was sent from Africa which I can’t show to any of you so you have to take my word on it”?
Because at this point not many people are going to take your word on anything.

So, Maxx, we are all waiting.
Are you going to provide any verifiable evidence of your claims or as always run away scared with tail between your legs?

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Pretty accurate Empty Re: Pretty accurate

Post by Maxx 23.08.20 9:08

that is a pretty sloppy example of your lying projections you try to create?  Do you simply think one will be convinced it is true just because you lack control of yourself?  You do exhibit outright anger towards me.  heheh.   Have you ever seen me frightened?  I have toned down my descriptive connections of what I really see you as, but I can get back into some of the details such as the manner you are openly trying with me. lol.  I really upset you tremendously, it appears.
My info comes from a doctor and a military individual.  You should check more into it yourself rather than take your liberal news media for accurate details. I doubt if they are telling you the truth about hardly anything but their agenda.  Take it or leave it.  ha.

Your opposition and proof comes from an article from wiki? And opposition is because of me posting it, hardly.   What is the difference?  I cannot implicate the military individual but I certainly believe what he is saying as it appears you can be a prime example yourself of what control of the population can exhibit to receive such beliefs from the liberal left.  But that must be why you live in it.
You will not answer the Bill Gates statement.  It is pure knowledge his parent was head of the eugenic foundation. Very clear what he is doing and where he is investing his money in places that are creating the vaccines.  How can you get around that?  Are you saying he is not working in the middle of the eugenics movement, if not the present day head of it?

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Pretty accurate Empty Re: Pretty accurate

Post by Jonathan 23.08.20 9:11

This isn’t anger. This is called speaking up against lies.

That’s why frauds are so easy to expose. You all have the same patterns, talk a lot and do very little, make an incessant series of bold claims and always run, avoid and deflect when asked for the smallest of evidence.

So… we are all still waiting on you to provide some evidence of what you said. Shouldn’t be so hard if what you say is true, that everyone is an antennae and how the military has dusted the whole world with a chemical that accomplishes this. Smile

I’ll keep waiting.

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Pretty accurate Empty Re: Pretty accurate

Post by Maxx 23.08.20 9:13

This back and forth display of your anger because I posted anything will serve to have the readers make up their own decisions as to what I posted as being real or not.  Your gang coming over from the discord area may well enjoy making up their own mind when they stop and think rather than blindly be led by people with a gigantic ego that seem to have a hard time with being challenged on anything.  Must be a new experience for you.  lol.

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Pretty accurate Empty Re: Pretty accurate

Post by Jonathan 23.08.20 9:15

Oh so the population has been chemically controlled by the military to receive beliefs from the liberal left. That's very interesting! Makes a lot of sense.

Still waiting on proof. Smile Come on, don't be so scared... lol

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Pretty accurate Empty Re: Pretty accurate

Post by Maxx 23.08.20 9:15

possibly you have been taught that tactic from your leftist commie programmers as always accuse your enemy of what you, yourself are doing. You are not answering my questions. There must be a reason. ha

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Pretty accurate Empty Re: Pretty accurate

Post by Maxx 23.08.20 9:18

I gave you my source. But repeating my statements in a manner which I never said is rather openly a display of ignorance, don't you think?

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Pretty accurate Empty Re: Pretty accurate

Post by Maxx 23.08.20 9:21

I bet Steiner never dreamed his statement would become so radiant due to your love of accuracy and
your display of intelligence by using his words to prove yours. ha

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Pretty accurate Empty Re: Pretty accurate

Post by Void 23.08.20 9:32

I don't believe I ever come across any people with dead (or eliminated) souls, yet. I've seen many with "sleeping" souls, many with "sedated" souls, but with "eliminated"? Not that I could ever recall

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Pretty accurate Empty Re: Pretty accurate

Post by Maxx 23.08.20 9:55

could be, but personally I believe that he was describing a condition of absolute disengagement and that was reflected in my statement following when I said something to the point that it could be....etc.  Also, looking back over the progression of mankind over the eons and the conditions that were included at different points, I do not know if one can distinguish exactly when the soul became a part of humankind. Who can? How can that be known?  I believe we continue to think in past and present and future scenarios as to how we engage with humankind today in our minds.  May leave many things out as we do not know the entire process.  I touched on a portion of that in my thoughts in a question to Glasswalker at the time with the animals.

Ha.  But I may have come across some with minds that would reflex a problem with a lack of soul.

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Pretty accurate Empty Re: Pretty accurate

Post by Jonathan 23.08.20 9:58

Void wrote:I don't believe I ever come across any people with dead (or eliminated) souls, yet. I've seen many with "sleeping" souls, many with "sedated" souls, but with "eliminated"? Not that I could ever recall

That is because there is no such thing. You are correct, of course. There are no automaton bodies without souls programmed by the military. lol Not to mention that no chemical is capable of destroying souls, and certainly not in the ways he described as factual. The guy over there has a mission of spreading all sorts of nonsensical propaganda that he got brainwashed over in the conspiracy theories groups he hangs with. He has lost all his credibility in the community quite a while ago, no one takes him seriously. I only speak up so that this stuff isn’t damaging to vulnerable newcomers.

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Pretty accurate Empty Re: Pretty accurate

Post by Hound 23.08.20 10:11

While I probably shouldn't get myself involved in this, simply because it may not have any effect at all to try, I would like say something. I have debated with myself whether or not to do so, and it seems I cannot remove my mind from it. I take no sides and would rather be completely void of this arena after I have posted this. I have no stake in the topic at hand. I just really don't like seeing this so frequently.

Neither of you are engaging in discourse. Frankly, it doesn't really matter what a person is presenting at the end of the day. What matters is how they define themselves by their presentation, and that can only be known with an extension of thought and intent. It does nothing to say, "you're wrong because I say so" (something so common in online "communication" these days), but it might actually do something to say, "I believe you're wrong and here's why I think that".

The initial post could have definitely benefited from some examples as to why one individually perceives the quote as "pretty accurate". Some sharing of the thought shapes behind why it is relevant to one's individual person and how it shapes their views. Reasoning. How does this to relate to me? How does it relate to how I think and feel? Why is it relevant here? What do I think about the processes involved and how do I think it works? Asking for that from someone, regardless of feeling, is an invitation to have meaningful, earnest communication with the other person regardless of the opinion held of the information. It is not an attack to request further insight. It is an extension of interest.

It does also help to cite sources when appropriate (not so much in an academic way, but "hey here's where this is from, what do you think?" kind of way is definitely viable here). If that's not a valid avenue, at least include why one believes the initial source credible. How long have I engaged with that source? What experiences make them credible to me? Can I also get this information in other sources?

Additionally, Gnosis is incredibly relevant and valid in discourse no matter what subject. The presupposed immutable knowledge that we take for granted on any one subject is merely nothing than gnosis that had been found repeatable in others. SPG. Every single concept found in the occult and metaphysical world is born of SPG. On top of that, a source can be completely inaccurate in relevance to the self and worth little at face value, but there are generally always ways to garner new methods of thinking from them. Even if the information contained within is considered ill-founded. This is not to imply that one must accept every idea which emerges from the aether, because that's not really the point in discourse. It's more about why the individual(s) involved believe in it, or consider it relevant. Or the opposite. It does much more to go through that method for new or uninitiated eyes than it does to bicker, because then it encourages the potential naivety to side with whoever sounds the most "logical", whether they are or not.

It has never benefited a conversation from the dawn of time to include a person's character in the consideration of ideas which transcend that character unless the individual in question is outwardly expressing their character in a series of actions that have legitimately impacted others. That has not occurred here.

Every thread the both of you are involved in devolves into this. I agree with what 8lou1 said above, separate both of you are wonderful individuals to converse with. Together, it is a whirlwind of monotony. Looking back into the older posts on the forum, you two used to be very cordial with one another. Times change, and people change, of course, but seeing as this sort of "communication" never actually gets anywhere... maybe it's time for a new approach.

I don't really deal in conspiracy, of any kind. But I don't have a personal interest in those who do. So I won't participate in that aspect of the thread. Mostly I am here to say that no one has to get along, or like each other, but neither is it appropriate to unearth that unease into a sphere which entangles others.

I am departing this thread now.

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Pretty accurate Empty Re: Pretty accurate

Post by Maxx 23.08.20 10:30

That sounds good and proper. I did follow up on the original posting to insert my views before my cherished buddy appeared.

Maybe banning both of us permanently, in the same manner, would be called equality? Otherwise, inequality exists. How to keep us both out of the same thread? hmmm? I find it a rather strange occurrence from where this all originates as no one actually knows why it developed. That is all behind the outward facade.

But I do appreciate the time you spent in your critique.

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Pretty accurate Empty Re: Pretty accurate

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