Pretty accurate

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Pretty accurate - Page 2 Empty Re: Pretty accurate

Post by 8lou1 23.08.20 10:42

At this point its probably more wise to understand that the both of you somehow got played, then to figure out who and why.
As i stated, shitting up, solves this. Im working on finding words to explain shitting up. Although it is the same as putting your north straith.

Ill work on a more proper way to explain this process of shitting up/putting ones north straith and open a new topic on it.

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Pretty accurate - Page 2 Empty Re: Pretty accurate

Post by Maxx 23.08.20 10:43

have no idea what that means.

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Pretty accurate - Page 2 Empty Re: Pretty accurate

Post by 8lou1 23.08.20 10:46

Yeah i get that. Thats why i will work on more understandable ways to express myself.

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Pretty accurate - Page 2 Empty Re: Pretty accurate

Post by Void 23.08.20 10:58

Jonathan wrote:
That is because there is no such thing. You are correct, of course. There are no automaton bodies without souls programmed by the military. lol Not to mention that no chemical is capable of destroying souls, and certainly not in the ways he described as factual. The guy over there has a mission of spreading all sorts of nonsensical propaganda that he got brainwashed over in the conspiracy theories groups he hangs with. He has lost all his credibility in the community quite a while ago, no one takes him seriously. I only speak up so that this stuff isn’t damaging to vulnerable newcomers.

Ah I see, thanks, I'll keep that in mind Smile
Although while there are certain deep rooted disagreements, there might still be be something to gained from this topic perhaps?

Maxx wrote:could be, but personally I believe that he was describing a condition of absolute disengagement and that was reflected in my statement following when I said something to the point that it could be....etc. Also, looking back over the progression of mankind over the eons and the conditions that were included at different points, I do not know if one can distinguish exactly when the soul became a part of humankind. Who can? How can that be known? I believe we continue to think in past and present and future scenarios as to how we engage with humankind today in our minds. May leave many things out as we do not know the entire process. I touched on a portion of that in my thoughts in a question to Glasswalker at the time with the animals.

Ha. But I may have come across some with minds that would reflex a problem with a lack of soul.

I think, how everyone would look at such subject, very depends on personal definition of a "soul", personal perception of the relationship between soul and body.
I know some people believe "souls" were created all at the same time, eons ago, and no new souls were ever born. I personally don't share such believes, based on my own and some other people's experiences, interactions, spiritual and magical works and experiments, travels and wanderings. For the sake of the context, assuming my personal believes and dogmas are right, or mostly right, or at least "not wrong too much", I see soul as something completely non physical. Meaning it cannot directly interact with physical matter, nor physical matter can ever directly interact with a soul/spirit. But soul is a substance that.. well for simplicity I often say, made of two part "information" and "energy", but simplicity not quite right. I feel more appropriate way to put it would be: "soul is a substance that has/express properties of both information and energy, while in it's entirety not being entirely just one or another", and thus soul cannot directly interact with physical matter, nor physical matter can directly interact with soul, and all interactions that happen - does happen indirectly through those shared properties of energy and information. So according to my personal dogmas, I don't see how physical substances could directly damage the soul in any way, except perhaps block, or severely suppress the flow energy and information. But that doesn't cure "condition of having soul", that just can make one's soul more "quiet", metaphorically speaking.
On the notion of disengagement of soul, as kind of "detachment" or "removal" of soul from a body? I don't have any personal dogmas that would suggest or imply that as something impossible, but I do have dogmas that strongly suggest difficulty of maintaining void space. Meaning if anyone would remove soul from some body without killing it, and all other souls in that space (my dogmas don't support "single soul per body only", as a rule), that someone would have to replace what was removed, would have to fill that completely vacant shell with something else, otherwise, because living breathing thinking and feeling body would generate enough energy and information within it's self to form new soul, it would just spark in to existence very next moment, relatively. So I don't see how how can there be living human body with no soul, even theoretically, based my dogmas, not saying it's impossible, just that according to my current understanding that seems very difficult and even unlikely.

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Pretty accurate - Page 2 Empty Re: Pretty accurate

Post by Maxx 23.08.20 11:16

I can see what you are advocating.  But there are even some groups in the Dark community that are operating exactly how you say you cannot imagine.  I am not within them so I cannot say first-hand yea or nay.

Again going back to some of the Annunaki accounts there are some things there that would engage in some sort of connection here but even those are classified in mythical fashion by some and as totally believed by others.  What would be interesting is the part you describe as you having experiences within a certain framework and that does affect how you believe what you reference.  That is excellent.  

But I go back to a question I asked Tehom the other day, why does one group of Darkness know that they are directly having fact-based reality seasons with all-encompassing beings while there is another group having connections with light and soft beings while both believing they are interacting with the actual truth of what is very important?  None of us can really know until passing into the realm we are comfortable with. Also, working within what each one is comfortable with engaging on their own walk of fame (lol).

But I have also heard of what you mention with those same thoughts about the soul.  But others say they know for certain it cannot be correct as they are harvesting the souls of those they are torturing.  who knows?

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Pretty accurate - Page 2 Empty Re: Pretty accurate

Post by Jonathan 23.08.20 11:19

Glasswalker, I understand that you're not taking sides and I thank you for your reasoning, which at the end of the day I do agree with what you’re saying. The only issue here is that there are details going on behind the scenes that you’re not familiar with and prevent a better understanding of the situation. Example:

Maxx wrote:Your gang coming over from the discord area may well enjoy making up their own mind when they stop and think rather than blindly be led by people with a gigantic ego that seem to have a hard time with being challenged on anything.  Must be a new experience for you.  lol.

This nonsensical discourse about Discord has been a recurrent issue with him for a while now. Maxx and his submissive slave have been completely scared over some people on a Discord server somewhere that I’m not even a part of to the point that he thinks everything that happens is related with that server and people, even calling them “my gang” when reality is that I have never visited said server or Discord in any way or form. He thinks this is all a great conspiracy by those "higher powers of Discord" who I supposedly even demand them to come here. lol Not true, never been there at all. He has been so scared about it that he even engages privately with people to keep them away from that place, which appears to be a great threat to him.

I do recognize that I’m going in circles by asking him for validation and proof, and that this approach is conceptually wrong, but I’m doing that intentionally, because for years now that Maxx has been questioning and attacking everyone new that comes here, demanding them to substantiate their words when he never did that not even once during all this time, all while focusing solely on conspiracy theories and false claims of the people all over the world he cured (didn’t happen). So I guess I had enough of the hypocrisy and decided to call him out on it, which he obviously couldn’t handle and flipped since this is the sort of people who can’t handle opposition of any way without breaking down.

This is all a reflection of fear and deeply rooted paranoia between two people who are alone in the world and found in one another an echo chamber for their needs of validation, where they can constantly spread poison about others, fearing their every move. I'm not even a part of said group! It seems like that Discord people must be really powerful by having messed with their heads so strongly, or then again maybe they just don’t give a shit and this is only happening inside their own minds which is the most likely scenario.

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Pretty accurate - Page 2 Empty Re: Pretty accurate

Post by Maxx 23.08.20 11:41

You spent a lot of time misrepresenting every portion of that.
Declaring this or that from misrepresentation does not make anything become accurate as to your statements.  In fact, it creates a question of why you are so adamant about your misrepresentations.  It cannot be that you care so much for statements that are made here, as if that was the case, you would be doing the same with all the fakes coming in the front door.  With those, you advocated their apparent delusion.  So, you are deceitful in what you are saying.  No true at all in your focused anger.

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Pretty accurate - Page 2 Empty Re: Pretty accurate

Post by Void 23.08.20 11:57

Maxx wrote:
But I have also heard of what you mention with those same thoughts about the soul.  But others say they know for certain it cannot be correct as they are harvesting the souls of those they are torturing.  who knows?
Well I was only said, or was trying to, that "I see no reasonable way how a human body could continue function without any kind of soul at all", I just went long way what laws(dogmas) of (meta)physics makes that impossible or at least improbably. Meaning my thoughts were focused on the "body" part.
Now the other side of same topic, the act of "harvesting soul", that is separate topic, I said nothing about, didn't touch it intentionally, because I don't want to.
While I personally believe, a lot of individuals and groups, misinterpret their own works and teachings, because in many areas it's possible to get certain results, without truly understanding the fundamentals, or understand how this or that happen, as long as this or that happen, they are comfortable with whatever explanation and interpretation suits their agenda best. That said, there still are things, subjects and topics, practices and "truths", I do not touch. For various reasons.
"Darkness" comes in many shades, and everyone should have some healthy boundaries Very Happy

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Pretty accurate - Page 2 Empty Re: Pretty accurate

Post by Sybil Mason 23.08.20 12:03

I have to agree with Jonathan on this one. This forum isn’t called pseudoscience. Closing this thread yet again. Maxx, you may find a more adequate audience for this material among the many conspiracy theory groups on social media and new age circles that are all the rage these days. Please keep this platform for serious articles and discussion on actual metaphysics, science, history or spiritual tradition. Thank you.

Additionally, please refrain from engaging in insult towards other Asetian-related communities or spreading misinformation about them based solely on rumor and hearsay, particularly when those communities such as the case with Asetianism Discord are respectable outlets led by people with experience and mastery above your own. This administration hereby expresses their utmost respect for them.

This will be the only warning.

Sybil             سيبيل ماسَن
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Sybil Mason
Sybil Mason

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