The Lack of Genuine Sanctuary (for "actual Otherkin") in the Modern Era

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The Lack of Genuine Sanctuary (for "actual Otherkin") in the Modern Era  Empty The Lack of Genuine Sanctuary (for "actual Otherkin") in the Modern Era

Post by Tehom 26.08.20 20:22

This will be an obvious thing to almost all experienced readers, but by majority such communities meant to house genuinely "Otherkin" entities are a farce. They are safe-harbour to, than most else, the mentally unwell, the adolescents in stages of puberty, and so on.

I've not come to talk about this, rather I want to speak to an issue of greater importance, one I've so-wanted to say something about up until this point but have, for years of my life, rejected any inclination to.  

Note that I am now strictly talking about actual, real Otherkin— i.e as real as Asetians, Sethians, and Keepers, but focusing here on other often occult classifications of "Vampire", or just "other" entities, and so on, and not the majority of self-identifiers found in delusional masses.

It is extraordinarily difficult for people who are authentically "else " to find a true sense of "Community" in this New World, particularly in the cases where their nature is a very uncommon thing.  I would and Will strongly argue that, for most, it borders on the realm of impossibility. It is almost of indifference to being incarnated as you Are some 50 or 60 years prior, as there are negligible "benefits" to the modern alternative. There are simply new groups of people wherewithin to hide yourself and wear masks amongst, to be alienated by, and to find Yourself socially ostracised as a result of. Most will not even choose to waste their time about these pretend-people and will instead stubbornly prefer their alone, making the search evermore difficult. We are like individually isolated, odd-coloured grains of sand on the world's largest beach.

There exists no correlation betwixt "being special" and being a rarity, one implies the positive acceptance of a perceived abnormally excellent condition and the other says only that you are not often found. In this case, to the one who experiences this, it might translate as almost never, which easily takes precedence over the former.  Until We are better educated as to our Nature(s), the latter is the expected, mature conclusion. I believe Mr Luis Marques himself acknowledges this in the A.B, listing it as a burden lost Asetians suffer.  The only discernible "speciality" of this is an incredibly lonesome one.

Regardless, It is ridiculous to expect these beings to emerge from this state unscathed and "good to go." They cannot be lumped into the category of "the rest of the looney bin" for their reactions to being outcasts allwheres. I will continue to defend that against all-comers.

There is a true olde Occult community in Europe that operates as a substrate to their society, that might offer this kind of Sanctuary, but access to it relies on a specific set of connections and conditions that can easily exclude these horribly treated people. Years of resultant endured silence and truest solitude do terrible things to one's sense of trust and perception that few people should ever have to understand.
Publicly, It is almost NEVER considered from the "other perspective" in this way.

There should be a serious, conditionally accessible, partially-public sub-community for the genuinely Otherkin, that is detached entirely from this infantile nonsense of "kinnies" and "furries".  At the least, a visible doorway to one ...

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The Lack of Genuine Sanctuary (for "actual Otherkin") in the Modern Era  Empty Re: The Lack of Genuine Sanctuary (for "actual Otherkin") in the Modern Era

Post by Void 27.08.20 3:51

The "otherness" can make much smaller part of ones "being" than we sometimes imagine, expect, hope. And just because people share some aspect(s) they may be be very different in many other aspects. Connecting one way, but disconnecting in hundred ways. Unless one will insist that "true otherness" mean truly connected in every way, but then one will find isolation more often than connection.
And when it comes to spiritual "otherkin", definition seems very arbitrary. How does one qualify to this or that group? Is it enough to just feel like you belong there? Does one have to prove somehow they are actually part of it? Or share some origins? By thinking the same way, agreeing to ideas and ideals of some group? Reading same books and expressing same interests?
Maybe sometimes those false "otherkin" are actually true and were just very biased and judgemental?
Maybe in part it depends on the "kin", some kins perhaps more able to connect and stay connected, and prefer company of their own more than others, others not as much.
But can't say for sure, I've not come across any community that is truly "true" by nature and not by enforcing certain dogmas, where you either accept it all without question and they accept you, or you aren't part of it, whatever you feel or believe.

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The Lack of Genuine Sanctuary (for "actual Otherkin") in the Modern Era  Empty Re: The Lack of Genuine Sanctuary (for "actual Otherkin") in the Modern Era

Post by Tehom 27.08.20 4:38

You are misunderstanding me, I am not talking about those people who have some arbitrary feeling of difference to Human society, some childhood repressed angst-laden disconnect from the common world about them or some odd hunch that they are a dragon in a man's body. I am talking about actual, real "Otherkin", in the way of beings that are in one sense or another provably non-Human in Self. There are complex methods to "confirm" this, the intricacies of which are not publicly disclosed by (righteously) elitist, secretive orders as the Aset Ka, that range from triangulation, joint astral-inspection techniques, and other multi-spectator practice(s). There are some able to "prove" this by other "mundane" means I will not go into here, and it is not the pleasant or at times even harmless experience you may be envisioning. The serious Occult community I reference has existed for a very long time preceding any of this "new age" Tumblr nonsense, and some senior members of this forum could speak to this themselves, though likely will not. There exists an ocean between what you are thinking I am talking about and what I actually speak to.

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The Lack of Genuine Sanctuary (for "actual Otherkin") in the Modern Era  Empty Re: The Lack of Genuine Sanctuary (for "actual Otherkin") in the Modern Era

Post by Ramla-Meryt 27.08.20 7:25

Unfortunately, it is not likely to happen anytime soon although it is a noble aspiration. Accessibility would likely prove to be the continued faltering point in terms of making it, as said, findable by those driven by the genuine need for connection with akin-others while not being either dragged through the mire of public mockery or invaded by those who see it as playing pretend rather than a deep, perhaps at times difficult to explain but otherwise raw and genuine difference in soul.

Finding this forum was like a breath of fresh air from the drama, bickering and surface concerns. A deep potential for something more that resonates at the core in a manner that is far more calming and resolute than any of the interactions had on Otherkin-specific forums and groups, although they had their own value in a way even if not quite to the depths that this does.

If a genuine path leading to what you seek has not been readily found and does not exist in the manner desired, why not forge one?

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The Lack of Genuine Sanctuary (for "actual Otherkin") in the Modern Era  Empty Re: The Lack of Genuine Sanctuary (for "actual Otherkin") in the Modern Era

Post by 8lou1 27.08.20 12:05

i think that the urge to find 'home' is similar to finding 'peace'.
those to pillars have indeed a common middle ground: a place of recognition and common interest. and thats where such a community can be.

due to the fact that even, when one would find such a community, everyone is different, it still would be hard to find. if that makes sense.

what makes life easier, ive found, is instead of longing for such an existence is to accept such an existence. and then from that point i start looking inwards as to where do i have systemerrors that miscreate my world.( since i dont see what ive accepted, yet.)

when this is done in the proper ways, and that differs for every being, then one should be able to create even that.

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The Lack of Genuine Sanctuary (for "actual Otherkin") in the Modern Era  Empty Re: The Lack of Genuine Sanctuary (for "actual Otherkin") in the Modern Era

Post by Tehom 27.08.20 17:11

Ramla-Meryt wrote:Unfortunately, it is not likely to happen anytime soon although it is a noble aspiration. Accessibility would likely prove to be the continued faltering point in terms of making it, as said, findable by those driven by the genuine need for connection with akin-others while not being either dragged through the mire of public mockery or invaded by those who see it as playing pretend rather than a deep, perhaps at times difficult to explain but otherwise raw and genuine difference in soul.

Finding this forum was like a breath of fresh air from the drama, bickering and surface concerns. A deep potential for something more that resonates at the core in a manner that is far more calming and resolute than any of the interactions had on Otherkin-specific forums and groups, although they had their own value in a way even if not quite to the depths that this does.

If a genuine path leading to what you seek has not been readily found and does not exist in the manner desired, why not forge one?

I value this response, as for the first time in too long a time someone evidently understands what it is I am talking about without my saying more. Your first paragraph in particular reflects this.
Your closing inquiry has crossed my mind, though I carry a very personal search at the heart of this and it would likely not extend as far to general Otherkin. Regardless, I feel strongly protective of people who share something this genuinely personal. Were I able to at least offer them kinship in the way of finding their own, I would.


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The Lack of Genuine Sanctuary (for "actual Otherkin") in the Modern Era  Empty Re: The Lack of Genuine Sanctuary (for "actual Otherkin") in the Modern Era

Post by Hound 28.08.20 8:33

Looking back, the Therian (before Otherkin became the umbrella) communities used to be rather elite, with a series of mechanisms in place (online) to vet potential newcomers in order to maintain some semblance of earnestness within the community, but those days have come and gone. It makes my heart heavy. The community today is a circus, to put it plainly, and it's striking to see some of the still living founders (such as the Silver Elves) of the modern community encourage the charade of "I have 100 kintypes" and "I'm fictionkin with from Overwatch". There's no talk of critical analysis of the self, there's no introspective discussions or endeavors, and even simply asking someone why they identify the way they do usually results in conflict in those who've never been forced to think about it before. As they tend to take it as an attack when you ask them to think. It's why I don't necessarily involve myself on the regular, and haven't in many years.

Over the years I've made some great friends, and keep in contact with them individually, but you are correct, Tehom. As of right now, there are no serious nonhuman circles out there that values anything beyond the superficial. All we have are trash piles like kinmunity and facebook groups. I get a migraine every time I took in their general direction. I have made efforts (with one of my greatest friends) before to run communities similar to the "old school" forums, and we're still met with a swath of pretenders on the regular (who don't take kindly to us asking questions at the bare minimum). We recently did an hour long lecture for a (unfortunately otherkin) convention and it was genuinely the first time some of these people had ever been told to do research about their "identities".

"Wow what a great idea!"

Part of me wanted to die.

I often consider the modern community a simulacrum, in a way. The real, life permeating experiences of individuals was absconded with and made into a farce for the sake of self gratification and a sensation of being "unique" when "everyone's unique".

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The Lack of Genuine Sanctuary (for "actual Otherkin") in the Modern Era  Empty Re: The Lack of Genuine Sanctuary (for "actual Otherkin") in the Modern Era

Post by Nightshade 28.08.20 11:53

I resonate with your sentiments and agree that such a place is unlikely to be created in any meaningful way, at least in the way that you desire. I mean, such places do exist, but what makes them so great, serious, safe and reliable to those who are genuinely "other" are also the features that makes them so restrictive and sometimes nearly impossible to gain access without a certain extensive background and contacts. Their secrecy and elitism which guarantee the quality is also the great adversary of accessibility in any reasonable capacity.

A question for you Tehom. These souls that you describe as intimately "other" include that of Asetians, Anubians and Sethians correct? Can you share a few more of such "other" spiritual lineages that you recognize besides those just mentioned?

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The Lack of Genuine Sanctuary (for "actual Otherkin") in the Modern Era  Empty Re: The Lack of Genuine Sanctuary (for "actual Otherkin") in the Modern Era

Post by Ramla-Meryt 28.08.20 15:23

Glasswalker wrote:There's no talk of critical analysis of the self, there's no introspective discussions or endeavors, and even simply asking someone why they identify the way they do usually results in conflict in those who've never been forced to think about it before. As they tend to take it as an attack when you ask them to think.

I believe that I caught the fringes of this when I first began exploring my sense of self around a decade ago. It was forum-based and while there were occasional flickers of drama, it overall maintained a healthy balance between introspection, community and a lightly note in terms of offering support for mundane matters. I have always wondered how someone can just accept an identity and not investigate it further. Dissecting it and determining the inner workings is part of inner growth.

Tehom wrote:I value this response, as for the first time in too long a time someone evidently understands what it is I am talking about without my saying more. Your first paragraph in particular reflects this.

Your closing inquiry has crossed my mind, though I carry a very personal search at the heart of this and it would likely not extend as far to general Otherkin. Regardless, I feel strongly protective of people who share something this genuinely personal. Were I able to at least offer them kinship in the way of finding their own, I would.

I did, a while back, have the idea of creating something of an informal nexus for vampiric individuals foremost that, while not aligned to one particular paradigm, would offer resources and a degree of sign-posting. Like a library, if you will. I have seen quite a few people over the course of the years engage in groups that are not what they are seeking to detrimental effect. Some manner of light directional nudging and self-investigative encouragement would ideally facilitate connection and self-flourishing more fluidly upon the connection of individual to the paradigm that aligns with their framing and perception.

Even if not to the depths that is presented here in terms of introspection, the intention was soundly based in being in service to the wider community. A problem seen where a solution seemed to be feasible to offer. Better to offer it than for it to continue to go unrealised, or so I thought initially. I was concerned at one point that it was a project of ego but I had always strongly inclined to the idea of setting it up and then acting behind the curtain, only updating the resources when needed and not actively connected to it. Sadly it is not something that I have the energy to maintain, outside of present mundane and studious concerns. Maybe in another age, another time or even by another.

Nightshade wrote:I resonate with your sentiments and agree that such a place is unlikely to be created in any meaningful way, at least in the way that you desire. I mean, such places do exist, but what makes them so great, serious, safe and reliable to those who are genuinely "other" are also the features that makes them so restrictive and sometimes nearly impossible to gain access without a certain extensive background and contacts. Their secrecy and elitism which guarantee the quality is also the great adversary of accessibility in any reasonable capacity.

Quite. It is one thing for someone to be able to dissect themselves and to determine their Other nature in a grounded manner while remaining critical in a healthy manner and focused on growth and another entirely to be connected to things more underground. While there does seem to be a degree of overlap from my impressions of this board, they are hardly mutually exclusive by default depending on from which direction the subject is approached.

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The Lack of Genuine Sanctuary (for "actual Otherkin") in the Modern Era  Empty Re: The Lack of Genuine Sanctuary (for "actual Otherkin") in the Modern Era

Post by Tehom 28.08.20 19:31

Nightshade wrote:I resonate with your sentiments and agree that such a place is unlikely to be created in any meaningful way, at least in the way that you desire. I mean, such places do exist, but what makes them so great, serious, safe and reliable to those who are genuinely "other" are also the features that makes them so restrictive and sometimes nearly impossible to gain access without a certain extensive background and contacts. Their secrecy and elitism which guarantee the quality is also the great adversary of accessibility in any reasonable capacity.

A question for you Tehom. These souls that you describe as intimately "other" include that of Asetians, Anubians and Sethians correct? Can you share a few more of such "other" spiritual lineages that you recognize besides those just mentioned?

This is more or less my point. I'll be so daring here to use myself as an example this once, and maybe speak for those silent others, but I am a very unusually private person. I "keep to myself" moreso than most would consider reasonable in the 21st century, and am not easily found online. Such stems from a myriad of causes that involve personality and nature, but two above most stand out: Firstly, I have learned (the hard way) to exercise serious caution about whom I would permit to frequent my circles, and Secondly, I have learned (the hard way) that almost 0% of people I will ever meet in my day-to-day life, even after knowing for many years, can be trusted with information that pertains to anything "more" about Myself.
And so every social interaction after the fact(s) becomes a shallow facade.

I would ask of you to now to expect nothing, and to imagine this scenario given to one who has never met another alike themselves, nor seen a community for "their own" in the online age. What would you suppose becomes of their experience in life? and their conceptions of this Occult community that exists out there, somewhere?

To your question, I can and Will answer, but in respect to privacy (and my own ignorance) Will keep my words short. I Will say Draconians,  and "Elves"—none excluded, as they are interpreted today.

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The Lack of Genuine Sanctuary (for "actual Otherkin") in the Modern Era  Empty Re: The Lack of Genuine Sanctuary (for "actual Otherkin") in the Modern Era

Post by Ramla-Meryt 29.08.20 7:05

Tehom wrote:Secondly, I have learned (the hard way) that almost 0% of people I will ever meet in my day-to-day life, even after knowing for many years, can be trusted with information that pertains to anything "more" about Myself.

And so every social interaction after the fact(s) becomes a shallow facade.

While I am more open in terms of having a social presence for a myriad of mundane reasons*, the second point in particular strikes a cord. There is also the discernment needed between those who seem well-meaning and whether they are genuinely so, given how easy it is online to present in one way and hold emotions in the heart that are contrary.

I quite dislike having a nature that is more inclined to suspicion by default but having witnessed enough over the years while thankfully remaining out of the worst of it, it is a nature that seems like a sensible precaution when interacting with those unknown. Assume and premeditate the worst and then be lightly surprised when the storm doesn't break. A stance of neutrality and civility with the outer presentation adapted to the circumstances and setting.

* Although I do see it as having some value in terms of finding aligned others.

I would ask of you to now to expect nothing, and to imagine this scenario given to one who has never met another alike themselves, nor seen a community for "their own" in the online age. What would you suppose becomes of their experience in life? and their conceptions of this Occult community that exists out there, somewhere?

Disorientation, a sensation of being adrift and a yearning for a degree of Family or at the very least, like-minds and connectivity without knowing the deep-seated reason as to why all come to mind. Without any manner of framework, trying to conceptualise and self-interrogate to better determine the extent of any felt Otherness also becomes more difficult as there is no point of reference. It is like explaining colour to the colour-blind.

If there is no framework that one has access to to use to examine themselves, how can they be defined in terms of barest, most raw core essence? But a lack of knowing doesn't make the awareness of being Other lessen at all. It is either buried and adapted to, or not. Mundane life does not allow for a predominant focus on such things -- bills need paying and it is all too easy to lose focus entirely and to be too drained by the suffocating steel and glass to even begin to consider looking inward with any degree of intensity. There is rarely a true break enough necessary to make that examination. Stillness is cherished.

Number of posts : 199
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Registration date : 2018-03-19

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The Lack of Genuine Sanctuary (for "actual Otherkin") in the Modern Era  Empty Re: The Lack of Genuine Sanctuary (for "actual Otherkin") in the Modern Era

Post by Tehom 29.08.20 8:19

Mundane life does not allow for a predominant focus on such things -- bills need paying and it is all too easy to lose focus entirely and to be too drained by the suffocating steel and glass to even begin to consider looking inward with any degree of intensity. There is rarely a true break enough necessary to make that examination. Stillness is cherished.

Interestingly, our instincts would divide here. The modern world, to me, is just a map. I only ever have one destination in mind, and it concerns such things .. though I understand not many are made subject to experiences—negative included—that would make Society seem secondary by comparison...

I am "still" touched by your view on Stillness.

Reflecting, I'm reminded that we are so fortunate to even be able to discuss this matter; something that would be unfeasible for many were they not here. I can count myself among them. It is a good thing this Community is here at all.

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The Lack of Genuine Sanctuary (for "actual Otherkin") in the Modern Era  Empty Re: The Lack of Genuine Sanctuary (for "actual Otherkin") in the Modern Era

Post by Ramla-Meryt 29.08.20 8:43

Tehom wrote:

Mundane life does not allow for a predominant focus on such things -- bills need paying and it is all too easy to lose focus entirely and to be too drained by the suffocating steel and glass to even begin to consider looking inward with any degree of intensity. There is rarely a true break enough necessary to make that examination. Stillness is cherished.

Interestingly, our instincts would divide here. The modern world, to me, is just a map.  I only ever have one destination in mind, and it concerns such things .. though I understand not many are made subject to experiences—negative included—that would make Society seem secondary by comparison...

I am "still" touched by your view on Stillness.

Reflecting, I'm reminded that we are so fortunate to even be able to discuss this matter; something that would be unfeasible for many were they not here. I can count myself among them.  It is a good thing this Community is here at all.

Looking at society as a map is an interesting perspective. Something necessary to navigate to reach the end goal. I have not seen it regarded it that way before but it is a perspective to note, albeit its surface understanding as much as can be gleaned from a single post.

'Needs must' is a better way of phrasing it. It is not feasible in the present circumstances for me to completely or even mostly detach, as much as it is a desire strongly and blessedly shared with my Beloved. That said, lockdown has at least granted me the time and ability to dedicate to the most basic foundations of magical study, self-growth and re-attuning. I didn't have that chance before.

The pandemic has been described before as initiatory and transformative chaos and I am beginning to be strongly convinced of its potential to be so.

As an observation that has occured while writing this, I have found myself increasingly drawn away from old hobbies and back to old ones. I wouldn't say it is indicative of a massive or sharp withdrawal but my tolerance for some things has changed and my priorities are becoming more

Stillness is a work in progress for me. While theoretically some things have been understood and aligned, applying the principles to my lived reality is ongoing. Finding stillness is among them. I hope to progress to being able to find it when work calls to balance the clustered, overlapping constant noise.

I have gone on something on a tangent from the original intention of the thread. Apologies.

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Registration date : 2018-03-19

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The Lack of Genuine Sanctuary (for "actual Otherkin") in the Modern Era  Empty Re: The Lack of Genuine Sanctuary (for "actual Otherkin") in the Modern Era

Post by Tehom 29.08.20 9:07

No worries. I quite appreciate how refreshing some sincere, personal insights can be.

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The Lack of Genuine Sanctuary (for "actual Otherkin") in the Modern Era  Empty Re: The Lack of Genuine Sanctuary (for "actual Otherkin") in the Modern Era

Post by Hound 01.09.20 14:36

Ramla-Meryt wrote:I have always wondered how someone can just accept an identity and not investigate it further. Dissecting it and determining the inner workings is part of inner growth.

These are the people that don't have the experience, to put it plainly. Identity itself is an expression, a social performance, that arises out several places. But, mostly, it comes from an experience. That experience is funneled into an actualized, exteral form which others can interact with and interpret based on their own experiences. Our identities are the culmination of what we go through, what we feel, and what are are. The people in question that parade around with the subsequent result of that (the public facing "identity", the performance) are just absconding with it for self gratification. It's why they don't have that need for introspection, a need for answers or at the very least unsteady but reasonable conclusions that provide even the slightest bit of solace in a world often made more confusing by Otherness. I have asked in the past, and people have also asked, why these people would want to deal with the isolation, the alienation, the atypical sensory information, the troubles and such... but at the end of the day they don't have to deal with it. And that's why it's so easy for them to be forward facing with their charade. A lot has changed in the last ten years. A lot has changed in the last five. I got out a few years ago and honestly have no intentions of really going back to the larger communities. There just isn't a sameness anymore, a knowing between myself and most people who are in those communities.


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The Lack of Genuine Sanctuary (for "actual Otherkin") in the Modern Era  Empty Re: The Lack of Genuine Sanctuary (for "actual Otherkin") in the Modern Era

Post by Jonathan 01.09.20 16:45

Couldn't agree more with Glasswalker's latest words on this.

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The Lack of Genuine Sanctuary (for "actual Otherkin") in the Modern Era  Empty Re: The Lack of Genuine Sanctuary (for "actual Otherkin") in the Modern Era

Post by Tehom 01.09.20 20:39

We are completely on the same page, Glasswalker. That is why I feel the way I do about the lack of availability of the "real" community to people such as ourselves. Currently, the only real way to "make anything happen" is to put yourself "out there and get talking to people" in a very personal way, making strategic choices as to the who, where, when of it all. And should you not arrive where intended, all you've then accomplished is telling, perhaps showing, a bunch of strangers deeply personal things about yourself... the risk is more of a danger than most can come to terms with without having had been on "this side of the fence". It constantly feels as though you are fighting your way out of a losing position. From what you and others say, I'm glad I avoided the major communities as much as I could. As terrible as the isolation is I think I "almost" prefer it than having to look back on that kind of circus.

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The Lack of Genuine Sanctuary (for "actual Otherkin") in the Modern Era  Empty Re: The Lack of Genuine Sanctuary (for "actual Otherkin") in the Modern Era

Post by Ramla-Meryt 02.09.20 4:15

Glasswalker wrote:These are the people that don't have the experience, to put it plainly. Identity itself is an expression, a social performance, that arises out several places. But, mostly, it comes from an experience. That experience is funneled into an actualized, exteral form which others can interact with and interpret based on their own experiences. Our identities are the culmination of what we go through, what we feel, and what are are. The people in question that parade around with the subsequent result of that (the public facing "identity", the performance) are just absconding with it for self gratification. It's why they don't have that need for introspection, a need for answers or at the very least unsteady but reasonable conclusions that provide even the slightest bit of solace in a world often made more confusing by Otherness. I have asked in the past, and people have also asked, why these people would want to deal with the isolation, the alienation, the atypical sensory information, the troubles and such... but at the end of the day they don't have to deal with it. And that's why it's so easy for them to be forward facing with their charade. A lot has changed in the last ten years. A lot has changed in the last five. I got out a few years ago and honestly have no intentions of really going back to the larger communities. There just isn't a sameness anymore, a knowing between myself and most people who are in those communities.

Good point. I'd always automatically questioned and debated - as much as it is possible to do so alone - in terms of being Other even before I really had the articulation and foundation to use to try to find other and I made the assumption - now known to be in error - that doing the equivalent of poking yourself with a stick is part and parcel of the norm of existence. But being an only child encouraged to seek my own path rather than just accepting the paradigm and tradition of my parent might have had a significant influence there.

I can definitely understand and share a degree of relation with what you mean in terms of things changing in the last five to ten years. I came back after a decade or so due to preoccupation and priorities being elsewhere and the terrain was unfamiliar and significantly contributed to the feeling of disconnection that had prompted the return and associated seeking.

Tehom wrote:From what you and others say, I'm glad I avoided the major communities as much as I could. As terrible as the isolation is I think I "almost" prefer it than having to look back on that kind of circus.

I was exceptionally fortunate. I was drawn initially to one of the more major groups within the wider vampire community but it was actually someone within said group who advised me not to go with what I first encounter. My foray into the OVC side of social media was my first interaction of such a sort in an attempt to find Other in about a decade. Their advice to continue looking and to not be draw into the first thing I encounter that seems to be what I am looking for is what led me here. I hold them in high esteem for that. It is that advice that resulted in me finding here, in addition to another smaller, more isolated group on the fringes that aligns well. But that does not seem to be an experience mirrored commonly, which is disappointing.

If more people were willing to... how to phrase it, 'refer on' people that do not fit their paradigm or intentions to groups that are more likely to be on the same energetic wavelength with them and in more of an accord, the better the more major communities would be. No wasted time in places that don't fit, no feeling of disconnection and shallow connection for those doing the searching. I have seen it happen but it is certainly not on a wider scale.

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The Lack of Genuine Sanctuary (for "actual Otherkin") in the Modern Era  Empty Re: The Lack of Genuine Sanctuary (for "actual Otherkin") in the Modern Era

Post by Tehom 02.09.20 7:31

Ramla-Meryt wrote: I was exceptionally fortunate. I was drawn initially to one of the more major groups within the wider vampire community but it was actually someone within said group who advised me not to go with what I first encounter. My foray into the OVC side of social media was my first interaction of such a sort in an attempt to find Other in about a decade. Their advice to continue looking and to not be draw into the first thing I encounter that seems to be what I am looking for is what led me here. I hold them in high esteem for that. It is that advice that resulted in me finding here, in addition to another smaller, more isolated group on the fringes that aligns well. But that does not seem to be an experience mirrored commonly, which is disappointing.  

I would agree with you. I would be interested in hearing more of your journey, insofar you are comfortable sharing. Also Extended to Glasswalker.  But to a more related thought -- What would your advice be toward those attempting to do as you had, in our current time?  As You and Others say, the "Community" is not at all what it once was in the way of being able to provide these opportunities, these friendships. I am sure there are many More without the benefit of answers gained through experience with their Own ...  What would You do Now if you had never met those aforementioned people?

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The Lack of Genuine Sanctuary (for "actual Otherkin") in the Modern Era  Empty Re: The Lack of Genuine Sanctuary (for "actual Otherkin") in the Modern Era

Post by 8lou1 03.09.20 11:26

i have been thinking about this topic and ive found some 'poetry':

how come one is other,
we share similar bodies, with head and limbs and legs
did acceptance leave the building,
or were we just to blind to see.
Oneness got disrupted, exploded into ashes,
the rise of lonely others
home is were the heart rests.

i also did some rereading and asked some beings. what it mostly comes down to according to the books and the beings is that in order to find community, one needs to totally accept what is in the open from ones own point of view. so in a sense its a culmination of ones otherness. when this is accepted properly, a new way will emerge where otherness becomes part of the whole again. with this new view on life, one might be able to find community.

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The Lack of Genuine Sanctuary (for "actual Otherkin") in the Modern Era  Empty Re: The Lack of Genuine Sanctuary (for "actual Otherkin") in the Modern Era

Post by Tehom 03.09.20 11:53

I'm unsure about the logic to your point, 8lou. Perhaps I misunderstand, and you may correct me where so. The poem contradicts the meaning I grasp from the closure to your post. It would suggest coming to terms with the full extent of one's True Nature, inwards before Outwards, and yet the poem describes almost compromise; the putting aside of 'differences' - the very differences you recommend they prioritise comprehending just before.

An example. How could this be applied to a Sethian and Asetian context? Both are Vampiric but inherit extremely specific lineages, and homes that cannot be replaced by just common community found with other Vampiric, or Otherkin, entities. I am not shifting the goal posts with this reply, but attempting to aim you "on target" as opposed to where I believe you are.
Let me be clear: What if amongst these wanderers there are Otherkin who do not find Others like themselves anywhere they look ? particularly in the cases where this is because of their scarcity in the time they are incarnated?  Imagine an Asetian, or Sethian, or Keeper, or another Being belonging to a specific lineage, in the "OVC", for instance ... would you give them the same advice you just did now? this is an honest question.

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The Lack of Genuine Sanctuary (for "actual Otherkin") in the Modern Era  Empty Re: The Lack of Genuine Sanctuary (for "actual Otherkin") in the Modern Era

Post by Tehom 03.09.20 12:18

Ah, nevermind. I now see your point.
I've always considered that amount of openness, when one is in a position so cautious and uncertain, a gravely dangerous thing. Dangerous not only for the individual but for those of themselves out there, that they may feel obligated to protect with their actions ... or inaction.
I had not contemplated it from your perspective.

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The Lack of Genuine Sanctuary (for "actual Otherkin") in the Modern Era  Empty Re: The Lack of Genuine Sanctuary (for "actual Otherkin") in the Modern Era

Post by 8lou1 03.09.20 12:22

your wording is quite confusing to me, so ill start with answering your question:
i would and have done so several times. ive also experienced it myself.

now the first part of your post:
inwards creates outwards. sometimes the total inwards acceptance creates real turmoil simply because it creates outwards. due to the otherness the world reacts different and is very often aggresive.
because we all have a different body, even similar kin can create turmoil in each others lives. so in order to find, one needs to accept the totallity of ones being in a way the universe says ok now you fit 'safely' (this is not ment as word, but as form of being) enough. so in a sense its a door.

being able to hold to contradicting ideas is very important in creating that door.


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The Lack of Genuine Sanctuary (for "actual Otherkin") in the Modern Era  Empty Re: The Lack of Genuine Sanctuary (for "actual Otherkin") in the Modern Era

Post by Tehom 03.09.20 12:51

It is significantly easier for one to look inwards when they are with the knowledge that they are not entirely alone on planet Earth.

Or where they are not tortured with this uncertainty for an extensive amount of time.

To that effect I am surprised at this information not being disclosed to these 'people' at a much earlier point in their journey.

But all roads lead where, and when, they must go ...


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The Lack of Genuine Sanctuary (for "actual Otherkin") in the Modern Era  Empty Re: The Lack of Genuine Sanctuary (for "actual Otherkin") in the Modern Era

Post by ecstaticbeauty 03.09.20 13:52

My experiences connecting with Aset have led me to believe that grief and loneliness are fundamental parts of Her experience now on this planet, and I'd go as far as saying that regardless of whether you are a child of hers or somehow related, truly recognizing this is a form of alchemy and healing.

I think a lot of people in the VC and similar circles envy the lot of the vampire or otherkin, but what they generally don't realize is the amount of isolation, suffering and profound Otherness they tend to experience due to their nature - at least in the current age in history and for those who aren't fortunate enough to incarnate close to others of the same spiritual bloodline. Though I suppose everything can be seen as an initiation with a shift in perspective; perhaps the relevant process here is a sort of trial by fire. Those who succeed at navigating through the dark waters of disconnection, confusion and obscurity gain the tools needed to become guides, teachers, healers. In some ancient tribes, the majority of people would die going through the process of shamanic initiation, but this was merely seen as a fact of life.

Tehom - as for finding others, the recipe I've found so far consists of the following: creating a beacon, learning to track energy signatures from the etheric into the physical world, sympathetic magic, and a lot of creativity and courage.

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