A short writing on Heka

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A short writing on Heka Empty A short writing on Heka

Post by Naoom 05.10.20 5:53

Em Hotep

this is a writing from a personal blog. I thought I'd share here as well.

Recently I've been focusing on learning and understanding the Magick of the ancients that is known as Heka, that ancient practice and sacred art which inspires nations and destroys worlds. I came to the realization that Heka is tied to the essence of magick, for many and various reasons. To begin with, I will share a personal part of the gnosis of Heka from my own experience and understanding. In order to understand Heka you have to live it, you have to touch it and let it touch you back. It is only understood when seeing the interconnectidness of all things in Magick.

Attempting to even write about Heka has been a greatly appreciated and deep source of understanding it, something I plan to nurture for many years to come. A form of Magick that teaches you through itself and its usage. We all use words to communicate and relate to each other, Heka is not different, it is simply more complex and deeper as it constitutes a higher form of communication. In Asetianism this is no different than any of the teachings. Many of the lessons within it are interconnected and dependent on each other. This is the reason for which the highly misunderstood philosophy of Asetianism has to be taught in whole in order to be integrated. One cannot understand the vast complexity of a singular lesson without knowing how it relates to the rest of the teachings and philosophy. All of these lessons are authentic and unique to themselves, but only through studying it all deeper can we truly understand it. This might seem very complicated, and for that I want to thank you for enduring so far with me.

The next thing I want to share is the reason for which Heka is the true Language of the Gods. This is something I learned from my own experience, so please take it with a bit of skepticism. People in our day and age seek easy answers, and solutions to their problems in the here and the now. They fail to understand how the focus towards evolution and learning through changes in the path and soul are going to be more helpful in the long-term and in the planes where all change truly matters and is with very dire consequences but also untapped potential, the higher realms. Many answers we aren't supposed to know, it is easy to feel like we should have all the answers at this age of information, but the divine cosmic timing is unparrareled to that. Getting to know the correct teachings at the correct time will prove far more powerful than falling in the trap of asking for quick results and answers that will leave no room for individual effort and magickal growth. The Journey is very important when seen under this scope, for only through that can the goal regain its meaning. Once a connection has been made to Heka, it becomes a part of who you are and a natural part of your thinking, as second-hand as breathing to some.

The correct words and answers can hold the magick to lead us to where we should be, a power often underestimated but one that is our biggest ally in the tests of Time.

When communicating meaning, substance and knowledge, simple words used in conjuction to other things allow for a higher form of communication that teaches through simplistic action and result, holding keys towards valuable lessons which can only be seen through the eyes of a Fool

To conclude, for me Heka is the fabric through which Magick can be expressed and understood but also connect with its infinite layers of complexity in our own physical realm, it is the embodiment of nature in all aspects, and is something far beyond what I explained in my words, as that is only one aspect of Heka.

Number of posts : 367
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Registration date : 2016-11-17

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A short writing on Heka Empty Re: A short writing on Heka

Post by Jonathan 05.10.20 7:47

Thanks for sharing this here Naoom. It was nice.

This deserves more than off topic though! I suggest it being moved into Metaphysics & Magick no?

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A short writing on Heka Empty Re: A short writing on Heka

Post by Naoom 05.10.20 7:49

Thank you  Smile  Yes, if the admins can do that it'd be appreciated.

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A short writing on Heka Empty Re: A short writing on Heka

Post by Sybil Mason 05.10.20 8:13


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Sybil Mason

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A short writing on Heka Empty Re: A short writing on Heka

Post by Naoom 05.10.20 9:09

Thank you!

Number of posts : 367
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A short writing on Heka Empty Re: A short writing on Heka

Post by Ramla-Meryt 05.10.20 10:51

Naoom wrote:When communicating meaning, substance and knowledge, simple words used in conjuction to other things allow for a higher form of communication that teaches through simplistic action and result...

This quote particularly emphasises how my own communication patterns have begun to change from before beginning to explore my spirituality more seriously, through the point of first engaging with Asetianism to surrendering to the path as now. I am putting more thought into not just what I say, but whether I truly need to say it. I've observed a marked increase in reservation, definitely energetically, to preserve what I output for what is truly worthwhile to me.

Thank you for posting this.

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A short writing on Heka Empty Re: A short writing on Heka

Post by Naoom 05.10.20 11:12

Ramla-Meryt, thank you for sharing your thoughts. That particular quote was from a meditation I had done and I can definetely see what you mean. That is part of why I wrote that. We should be aware of our own usage of words and their implications as them being real actions that carry consequences and not empty shells. Writing the correct words or speaking those is just as important as not using them too much depending on context or using the wrong ones per say. It is something that never stops, and it is a continuum. This magick should be reflected in all our words and actions and not just few of them, that is another way the interconnetidness of Heka comes to life.

Number of posts : 367
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Registration date : 2016-11-17

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