Heka and Shakti

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Heka and Shakti  Empty Heka and Shakti

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 14.03.19 5:07

The Eastern gurus speak of Shakti, particularly in the religion of Hinduism. It is through their power of shakti whereby they relay and infuse power through their words with backed up realization of experience and are able to transform their disciples. One cannot help but realize and acknowledge the similarity to the power of words, or Heka, at least to that exent - but the power of shakti does not work merely through the expression, art form and magick of words. They seem to be somewhat dissimilar forces to yet another extent - that extent, and also in some other ways - but yet the correlations are striking. What are your thoughts?

Also here is some simple article for reference upon what Shakti is: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shakti

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