for ardent and whomever enjoys a silly story about mechanics, choices and dna.

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for ardent and whomever enjoys a silly story about mechanics, choices and dna. Empty for ardent and whomever enjoys a silly story about mechanics, choices and dna.

Post by 8lou1 12.11.20 11:20

in the beginning there were lots of sperms and 1 egg. the sperms were quite the warriors and each and every one thought themselves to be special and the ONE. after a long discussion who would get the egg, they decided to race for it. little did they know about the travel ahead as the little fools they actually were.

long story short, a few reached the room the egg was living in and some tried to make contact with the egg. the egg used to being alone was surprised at all the attention and decided not to stay alone anymore. which sperm to choose as roommate became the eggs biggest queste. the egg loved the surrounding area it lived in so it decided to look inside itself and in that way find the most befitting sperm.

the egg remembered that before it came in the room, it had lots of eggfriends. they had told the egg about the different sperms. some were aggressive others more loving and there were even very sneaky ones. the egg knew that in order to find the perfect roommate it had to know itself otherwise it would just be taken by the most fast and furious sperm there was.

and then the egg realised that the most fast and furious Lover would win and the egg opened her gates to let the sperm in who aligned with the eggs purpose and the sperm with the most will to power won the reace.

the egg and the sperm didnt just become roommates, but they actually Loved each other as if the other was themself. this LOVE shook their world and they transformed into 1 and started generating and expanding, splitting and combining, dancing and warring into a new life, a new eaon...


now of course this is my little sidestory. if one is silly enough, one might even be able to see the richness of the human body shine tru the will to power/ the divine feminine/ the great spiritual warriors/ the seeking of the fool, etc.

just saying.....


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for ardent and whomever enjoys a silly story about mechanics, choices and dna. Empty Re: for ardent and whomever enjoys a silly story about mechanics, choices and dna.

Post by Troublemaker 12.11.20 12:58

What was the point? This was rather lame and pointless.

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for ardent and whomever enjoys a silly story about mechanics, choices and dna. Empty Re: for ardent and whomever enjoys a silly story about mechanics, choices and dna.

Post by 8lou1 12.11.20 13:17

well i could do a dirty talk about sex onsite, but id thought it more appropiate to put it in the back lane, so to say.

im quite sexual in my workings and cant always express that what im doing in words.

so if you didnt find joy or anything in it, it was simply not for you to find.

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for ardent and whomever enjoys a silly story about mechanics, choices and dna. Empty Re: for ardent and whomever enjoys a silly story about mechanics, choices and dna.

Post by Troublemaker 12.11.20 13:36

Sounds more like it was simply not for the forum...? It comes across more as lame trolling than a legitimate contribution about sex magick. Especially considering ardent has never contributed anything but trolling himself.

Honestly I miss the older days of this forum when the content was more relevant.

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for ardent and whomever enjoys a silly story about mechanics, choices and dna. Empty Re: for ardent and whomever enjoys a silly story about mechanics, choices and dna.

Post by 8lou1 12.11.20 13:44

then start filling it with content relevant to your Self. thats what im doing here and as the title of this topic says its for everyone who is interested. Dont leech on others powers to do so, but use your Own and combine so you also can have a meaningfull connection on this site.

we are all different beings, with different interests. im showing mine, you might want to show yours as well.

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for ardent and whomever enjoys a silly story about mechanics, choices and dna. Empty Re: for ardent and whomever enjoys a silly story about mechanics, choices and dna.

Post by Troublemaker 12.11.20 13:50

Kind of just proving my point. For instance, how is calling attention to the sheer ridiculousness of this thread "leeching on other's power?" It's just another example on how people only want a pat on the back and can't take criticism.

It's stupid content like this that keeps more serious users away, or at least more detached from this place.

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for ardent and whomever enjoys a silly story about mechanics, choices and dna. Empty Re: for ardent and whomever enjoys a silly story about mechanics, choices and dna.

Post by 8lou1 12.11.20 13:56

ow im sorry i wasnt pointing at this discussion as i wrote that. i just ment that in general as a way to get some content flowing for you, with the best interest for your Self in mind.

im not here for a pat on the back, i know the way i get things into being looks quite ridiculous. and it probably wont work with everyone eventhough i sometimes like to think it does. and i know thats stupid, we all have the freedom to be and not even exist in others worlds, even if and when we type online.

its one of the strangest things i had to accept.

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for ardent and whomever enjoys a silly story about mechanics, choices and dna. Empty Re: for ardent and whomever enjoys a silly story about mechanics, choices and dna.

Post by Troublemaker 12.11.20 14:02

Just wondering if you actually read this as it appears you've actually been here a few years.

This forum is supposed to strive for a high quality of occult debate and discussion as well as healthy respect and maturity. It is supposed to be set apart from other places by its maturity level.

To read this crap we could just to to any random Facebook group full of trolling. Literally there are thousands of said idiot groups online. This forum was initially an oasis of sorts, away from that bullshit.

I'm really not trying to jump at you, but avoiding the issue by suggesting I just create content is missing the point.

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for ardent and whomever enjoys a silly story about mechanics, choices and dna. Empty Re: for ardent and whomever enjoys a silly story about mechanics, choices and dna.

Post by 8lou1 12.11.20 14:18

ive read that, yes.
and im trying to understand your point. i too miss a site were i was able to express my spirituality more and with more clear words and respectfull indebt discussions. But since it got attacked and destroyed i never could find such a thing back. maybe im a bit nostalgic in trying to rebuild it back from the ground up.

to me however, i always find respect and maturity here. so im surprised you dont have that.

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for ardent and whomever enjoys a silly story about mechanics, choices and dna. Empty Re: for ardent and whomever enjoys a silly story about mechanics, choices and dna.

Post by Troublemaker 12.11.20 14:20

Oh well. The passive aggressive suggestion I don't have respect and maturity just does all the heavy lifting in proving my point.

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for ardent and whomever enjoys a silly story about mechanics, choices and dna. Empty Re: for ardent and whomever enjoys a silly story about mechanics, choices and dna.

Post by 8lou1 12.11.20 14:23

could you please be so kind to leave your emotions out of your eyes and take my words neutral, since thats the state im typing in right now.


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for ardent and whomever enjoys a silly story about mechanics, choices and dna. Empty Re: for ardent and whomever enjoys a silly story about mechanics, choices and dna.

Post by Troublemaker 12.11.20 14:28

I find it kind of interesting when people mirror their own issues at others.

After... what, 7 years here...? still encouraging trolls like ardent to continue with their idiocy and polluting the forum with more garbage, alongside the likes of Heruset/Thomas and his 80 banned accounts.  

The point is that, precisely. Some posts lately, from ardent especially but even here in this one, read like they were made by a bot programmed to spew nonsense.  If that was the goal it was certainly accomplished.  

About receiving respect, I think that is more earned than automatically given.

And the more you respond to this the more you continue proving my point, which is the fact that sometimes people come wanting a pat on the back and undeserved respect/kind words, descending into mirroring when they don't receive that. There are no emotions here, except for perhaps a bit of an eye roll at the stupid trolling that has sadly not stopped ever since it picked up momentum some time ago.

If your ego requires the safety net and coddling of convincing yourself Im trying to "feed off your power" and that Im getting emotional at your words, by all means lead yourself further into delusion and continue creating a prime example on why certain people left this forum.

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for ardent and whomever enjoys a silly story about mechanics, choices and dna. Empty Re: for ardent and whomever enjoys a silly story about mechanics, choices and dna.

Post by 8lou1 17.11.20 8:45

Btw if anyone is interested in why all the crap lately, heres the dutch version of whats going on worldwide:

This is real. I know simply because the doctoral candidate in this artical is my brother in law and is a vampire.

I dont care anymore to adjust and figure out whats child's play or not. This is my reality and has been for many years. Theres not a damn thing spiritual about it, except the warring part. Which, as the article shows, has been taken down to human level.

It annoys me tremendously that my being has been used for this crap and that ive become spiritually handicapped due to it.


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for ardent and whomever enjoys a silly story about mechanics, choices and dna. Empty Re: for ardent and whomever enjoys a silly story about mechanics, choices and dna.

Post by 8lou1 29.04.21 14:47

Rhea Kaye wrote:I find it kind of interesting when people mirror their own issues at others.

i actually find it very annoying when that happens and was i was figuring out how it works in order to stop it. i've had this kind of behaviour for many years at home. I have been researching and testing online, in the hope to stop such behaviour so the mirroring one can evolve and i can move on.what i've found is that by using mirorring and switching one can help a group of people learn to see different ways without them being really affected by the path they are mirroring. i also found that after that way of doing things some people start to 'walk in one's footsteps' and sort of mimic the spiritual path and therby become more aligned.

After... what, 7 years here...? still encouraging trolls like ardent to continue with their idiocy and polluting the forum with more garbage, alongside the likes of Heruset/Thomas and his 80 banned accounts.  

i've been wounded due to groups like ardent's and i brought them up to heal the wrongings they did. heruset i didn't know off, but i'm very aware of etu malku. not going to talk about that further though, we all know why and i'm quite done with such beings

The point is that, precisely. Some posts lately, from ardent especially but even here in this one, read like they were made by a bot programmed to spew nonsense.  If that was the goal it was certainly accomplished.  

there is and by now hopefully was indeed a program running. ardent mentioned it as well. there are some groups online that use 'gamingtools' to attack real occult sites and they are annoying as hell. this was one of these programs being used.

About receiving respect, I think that is more earned than automatically given.

that's a cultural thing and i don't mind. but overall one can say that except for the western woldview, the ruling about respect goes to lived years and familylines. also in certain spiritual area's respect goes to the most knowledgeable no matter what origin, age, title or relation and newby's are treated with kindness and guidance as well as an helping hand.

And the more you respond to this the more you continue proving my point, which is the fact that sometimes people come wanting a pat on the back and undeserved respect/kind words, descending into mirroring when they don't receive that. There are no emotions here, except for perhaps a bit of an eye roll at the stupid trolling that has sadly not stopped ever since it picked up momentum some time ago.

overall people wanting these things have a hidden need or wound. not being able to help everyone i encounter has been one of my learningprocesses. so i understand, but also for myself always feel when pain is around. it's quite hard to not respond. i'm learning though Wink

If your ego requires the safety net and coddling of convincing yourself Im trying to "feed off your power" and that Im getting emotional at your words, by all means lead yourself further into delusion and continue creating a prime example on why certain people left this forum.

hehhee, this actually rings a bell about myself back in the days when i was a newby on this site. i remembered being totally drained and hardly being able to think. i read something here and decided to create a new ego for myself and then destroy it again. seems it's working. i'm way more happy and healthy these days. so kuddo's for the one who gave me that idea.

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for ardent and whomever enjoys a silly story about mechanics, choices and dna. Empty Re: for ardent and whomever enjoys a silly story about mechanics, choices and dna.

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