Asetianism and Honor: All or Nothing

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Asetianism and Honor: All or Nothing Empty Asetianism and Honor: All or Nothing

Post by Troublemaker 31.03.22 12:05

Em Hotep.
Well, I’ve decided to interrupt the silence and inactivity of this place to share a few thoughts that have been preoccupying me lately.

As we know quite well by now, the path isn’t followed just by reading books, although people with dishonest intentions who wish to cherry pick out of Asetianism what makes them feel good and special love to accuse us all of only reading books and doing no other exploration/work.

Being “out in the wild”, so to speak, learning and living my life, I’ve been noticing a lot of silent lessons unfolding. While this is expected and unsurprising, the level of disdain and frustration some lessons caused have taken me by surprise a bit.

I have discovered that, rather than being the bubbly and friendlier individual I once was upon discovering this path, underneath it all and behind the veil of self-discovery I recoil at people and really loathe interacting. It’s an unfortunate necessity that sometimes leaves me feeling like I’m drowning, but I digress. Disliking interaction with humanity doesn’t mean that we should blindly dismiss and turn up noses at everyone, and yet, so many people retain the remarkable talent of making me even more antisocial than I already am with their lower ideals and stupidity.

What I’m really wondering is, what the hell happened to things like elitism and honor? I believe that Asetianism is one of the most elite paths out there, when approached with a mature mindset. Yet, I’m disappointed at what I see when I look around - we are supposed to follow and explore a myriad of paths, but it challenges me to see what I see.

Paths with extreme, or should I say respectable and serious, policies on honor and elitism are probably far more hidden and guarded than what we can find even from those more obscure occult publishing companies. Yet how are so many of these authors, who are otherwise respectable and knowledgeable, indifferent to things like elitism?

As an example of what I’m talking about, let’s say you have an extremely dark occult system, being spoken for and taught about by a specific author. You know the system itself is quite real, and existed eons before that author was born. Yet still, that voice is a valid one, so you decide to explore his work. It would logically follow that you expect this individual to have reached a certain level of mature, higher discernment… after all, look at the forces he’s working with. It would make precisely zero real sense that any occultist could work with these forces unscathed while not having a working, sensible concept of honor and sharp discernment.

Yet there that author is, promoting another author known widely for being an abuser of women, claiming to be the only voice of a goddess able to destroy souls and bellow out commands from behind a nonexistent throne of filth and trash about who gets to live and who gets to die spiritually, who can worship and follow which deity and so on.

I am left bewildered and irritated. Let’s take another different author to add to the point- you take the recommendations seriously, and you decide to give him a chance too. Then, of course, naturally the universe enjoys trolling you and has an annoying sense of humor sometimes, so after giving him a chance and acquiring his (very expensive) book, you find him heaping tremendous and nauseating praise upon the occult work of someone online. And upon the most superficial and easy investigation that any beginner could even see, you realize that same person they’re praising has been insulting and degrading the path of Asetianism and the teachings of Aset Ka for years, spreading lies about it, trying to silence its seekers with slander, and being an eager part of the most parasitic circles in a desperate bid to feel powerful.

Hold on. How does it all go under the radar of so many people? This is not about catchy tunes on the radio, that any random drug addict can create and thus separate themselves and their glaring shortcomings from their “art”. These are supposed to be working grimoires that we are talking about - for something to function as a metaphysical gateway, well, a whole different set of subtle rules apply. We cannot simply use the easy and lazy argument that a man can be separated from his work, then free to do and support and act in any way he pleases with no regard for truth and honor.

The question then follows - how can you possibly be in contact with these forces, enough to write a relevant grimoire functioning as a magickal device, while also being too blind, dumb and unaware to see the rot that remains right in front of your face? It is frustrating that some things are not painfully obvious to these men who claim decades upon heaping decades in the occult with these “hardcore forces”.

You look around and just feel weird asking yourself… where are the voices, occultists, authors who keep themselves apart from all this? Who actually take elitism and honor seriously, and who don’t just promote whatever the hell will give them more attention or please their readers? More exploration is obviously in order. I have no problem that this is a “needle in the haystack” situation - after all, the real is far more elusive than the fake, or the “partially real and only when it serves me somehow”.

I came to this realization that perhaps Asetianism, and whichever paths and traditions remain behind those inaccessible, elite covens/private Orders, are the only forms of spirituality that truly approach allegiance, friendship, and honor as an “all or nothing” situation.

You’re either loyal, devoted and fiercely elitist when it comes to honor and what you will excuse or support, with every fiber of your being, or you are nothing. I feel that in terms of High Magick and true alchemy, there is no possible in-between. That seems to be the one thing that disturbs people the most, or at least makes them pretentiously declare that in serious systems you can do whatever the hell you want and decide how the current of energies act, when nothing is further from the truth.

The occult scene, especially online, is like a web of lies where very, very few manage to remain untainted by the rot. Well, perhaps “online” is the key word here. However, that does nothing for the fact that we must get our hands dirty and explore everything we can reach for, and also learn the important lesson of how to study things while filtering out what can be used for higher understanding and discarding the rest. It still feels strange to see these people who have “achieved such a high level of occult success (lol)” being so deeply blind to what often seems like important information and raw sensing ability/subtle perception.

For me, this has been an important lesson that complacency can be deadly, and things are not always what they seem.

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Asetianism and Honor: All or Nothing Empty Re: Asetianism and Honor: All or Nothing

Post by Jonathan 01.04.22 8:52

Interesting post. Keep this forum alive Rhea! We need more people with your sense of truth and honor.

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Asetianism and Honor: All or Nothing Empty Re: Asetianism and Honor: All or Nothing

Post by Ramla-Meryt 01.04.22 19:38

I am reminded distinctly of the concept of fair weather friends - those by your side only when the seas are calm and adventures plenty. When the trials come, they are absent. Certainly while not involving elite knowledge, I would say that honour is the common core, as is 'all or nothing'.

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