Self introduction and a Hello!

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Self introduction and a Hello! Empty Self introduction and a Hello!

Post by OpalineOwl 13.08.23 22:27

Hello hello! My name is Leo, or Lionel, I can also go by opal or owl if you wish. 29, artist, fantasy novel fan, I love both ttrpg and rp in general, I'm quite the foodie and I have a broad range of other interests and hobbies, which I promise you I won't shut up about should they crop up into conversation.

I'm hoping to make many friends here, looking in the one category that's been a huge part of my life and yet I never searched for a community because, well, I honestly didn't think to. Being a vampire is kind of drenched in solitude by default but, I wish to change that. I do identify as a vampire in every sense, appearance, mannerisms, and the more private aspects of my life are dominated by being a vampire. I've been living this lifestyle for almost 11 years now, so I'm well passed due in finding fellow fanged folks.

I look forward to interacting with this community 😊

Number of posts : 4
Age : 31
Location : Northern USA
Registration date : 2023-08-13

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Self introduction and a Hello! Empty Re: Self introduction and a Hello!

Post by N.Ganymede 18.08.23 3:15

Welcome. This community is mostly quiet these days.


Number of posts : 9
Location : GA USA
Registration date : 2023-03-20

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