
Eva Franco
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Introduction Empty Introduction

Post by Eva Franco 14.03.19 20:46

Hello all,

I'm Eva, I'm 30 years old, I've been studying occultism for over a decade, learning from a variety of paths, but I have a personal love for comparative mythology, religion, psychology, and traditional Witchcraft. I Accepted myself as a Vampire at the age of 16 and been understanding and refining the concept over time through vertical and horizontal experiences.

I'm glad to talk and share ideas, learn new things and be helpful whenever I can.
Eva Franco
Eva Franco

Number of posts : 6
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Registration date : 2019-03-12

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Introduction Empty Re: Introduction

Post by Lynskha 14.03.19 20:58


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Post by MysticLightShinethForth 14.03.19 22:14

Indeed welcome. Hope you will find it a good place.

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Introduction Empty Re: Introduction

Post by Jonathan 15.03.19 5:24

Welcome to the community.

If you've been studying vampirism for a long time, is there a vampire tradition or path that you identify with?

How did you find this forum and what moved you to register now? If you don't mind me asking.

Number of posts : 3046
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Registration date : 2008-06-05

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Introduction Empty Re: Introduction

Post by Troublemaker 15.03.19 7:16

Welcome to the forum.

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Registration date : 2013-12-18

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Introduction Empty Re: Introduction

Post by Eva Franco 15.03.19 14:58

Thank you all for the welcome.
Eva Franco
Eva Franco

Number of posts : 6
Location : America
Registration date : 2019-03-12

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Introduction Empty Re: Introduction

Post by Eva Franco 15.03.19 15:33

Jonathan wrote:Welcome to the community.

If you've been studying vampirism for a long time, is there a vampire tradition or path that you identify with?

How did you find this forum and what moved you to register now? If you don't mind me asking.

Hello Jonathan,

Actually no, Vampirism refers more to the journey, than to the goal, it is not the end in itself so there isn't a strong identification with traditions, either be Western or Eastern, but I greatly appreciate and value the experience I had with the practices and contacts of various paths that have been passed on to me, my initiator had a very oriental approach to vampirism and put me in direct astral connection with what we can call "Vampiric egregore or entities", where I had the pleasure of learning with them.

Don't mind at all. I had seen this forum a few years ago, but I never had the opportunity to take the time to read the topics and to think about registering, I always interacted with people in person. A special friend who was part of ToV commented this week about a few forums and groups that were still discussing vampirism online and quoted this one, so I decided to register.
Eva Franco
Eva Franco

Number of posts : 6
Location : America
Registration date : 2019-03-12

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Introduction Empty Re: Introduction

Post by Jonathan 17.03.19 7:52

Eva Franco wrote:Actually no, Vampirism refers more to the journey, than to the goal, it is not the end in itself so there isn't a strong identification with traditions

In my view esoteric traditions are not meant to be a goal but a journey. That’s why some are called spiritual paths because they’re not static or stagnated but require ongoing learning, adaptation and self-development. A journey inwards by quoting Asetian terminology.

What are your views concerning Asetian culture and teachings?

Number of posts : 3046
Location : United States
Registration date : 2008-06-05

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Introduction Empty Re: Introduction

Post by Victor 18.03.19 9:06

I prefer to draw my teachings from real sentient beings beyond the layers of the astral than egregore thoughtforms and tulpas.

Number of posts : 576
Location : A pool filled with naked horny vampire girls.
Registration date : 2008-06-12

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Introduction Empty Re: Introduction

Post by Troublemaker 18.03.19 15:40

I feel that the whole subject of egregore "teachings" is really just misguided fluff perpetuated by the newer and less credible circles out there.

Number of posts : 1623
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Registration date : 2013-12-18

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Introduction Empty Re: Introduction

Post by Maxx 18.03.19 15:53

I disagree. Just look at the Jesus movement.

Number of posts : 4334
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Introduction Empty Re: Introduction

Post by Troublemaker 18.03.19 16:13

I'm talking about the whole vampire egregore nonsense started by the less credible, fluffy American organizations that push the nonsense and misinformation to the less aware. Organizations that have been discussed a lot on this board in a less than approving way.

Jesus is a different story.

Number of posts : 1623
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Post by Troublemaker 18.03.19 16:17

I think the whole topic of Jesus as an egregore could get into an entirely different and lengthy discussion, of a different nature and significance. But the whole vampire egregore stuff gets me thinking about the ludicrous silliness of a certain charlatan who made a self-aggrandizing egregore worship movement around himself in order to get people to give him more money.

Number of posts : 1623
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Registration date : 2013-12-18

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Introduction Empty Re: Introduction

Post by Eva Franco 18.03.19 16:17

Jonathan wrote:
Eva Franco wrote:Actually no, Vampirism refers more to the journey, than to the goal, it is not the end in itself so there isn't a strong identification with traditions

In my view esoteric traditions are not meant to be a goal but a journey. That’s why some are called spiritual paths because they’re not static or stagnated but require ongoing learning, adaptation and self-development. A journey inwards by quoting Asetian terminology.

What are your views concerning Asetian culture and teachings?

Yes, exactly Jonathan, it's a living path!

I know very little about Aset Ka, being quite honest, even though I have already read excerpts from the Bible (At the time I only started the book and did not keep reading, unfortunately), it seems an interesting philosophical system especially as far as the inspiration of self-development is concerned. I am not the greatest practical fan of the Egyptian elements but I know how much they have influenced society so it can not be ignored, and of course the force of the Egyptian gods (It's unlogical to have the minor contact with one of them and not feel their power.) But not my thing personally, although I do like Hermetism ironically.

Here in the forum, the focus on Asetianism is very strong as I was able to see reading some threads, it's cool to have a place for a tradition that many do not know.
Eva Franco
Eva Franco

Number of posts : 6
Location : America
Registration date : 2019-03-12

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Introduction Empty Re: Introduction

Post by Eva Franco 18.03.19 16:23

Rhea Kaye wrote:I think the whole topic of Jesus as an egregore could get into an entirely different and lengthy discussion, of a different nature and significance.

As mystery traditions, who study the knowledge and wisdom within sacred texts and myths Smile, yes! This forum could maybe be a great place to talk about those things. (I'll make a little search to see if anyone said something about that.)
Eva Franco
Eva Franco

Number of posts : 6
Location : America
Registration date : 2019-03-12

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Introduction Empty Re: Introduction

Post by Jonathan 18.03.19 16:31

Eva Franco wrote:Here in the forum, the focus on Asetianism is very strong as I was able to see reading some threads, it's cool to have a place for a tradition that many do not know.

This forum does have a strong component of Asetian studies although not everyone here is an Asetianist, even among the older members. Some admire the teachings, others are passionate about it and others don’t identify or agree with it. It’s all fine. We’re usually pretty tolerant of different views and disagreement but also somewhat intolerant of bullshit and dishonesty. We're also a really diverse group of people where some are more naturally intolerant while others are very tolerant so I don't like to generalize.

Not many knowing the tradition as you said is something that I personally enjoy. Sometimes I think it would be even more beneficial to new students if the Aset Ka and its culture was less known. It used to be different in the past though, far more secretive and debated only in person at restricted gatherings. These days there are several different occult communities run by Asetianists with some degree of influence.

Number of posts : 3046
Location : United States
Registration date : 2008-06-05

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Introduction Empty Re: Introduction

Post by Maxx 18.03.19 17:26

Rhea Kaye wrote:I feel that the whole subject of egregore "teachings" is really just misguided fluff perpetuated by the newer and less credible circles out there.

If we exclude the Jesus egregore and go to your comment on the rest, then we do have a bit of disagreement still. I have created and used egregores in the past and I certainly can vouch for first hand how real the results were. So then I think it might have something to do with the individual that creates the being. Connecting to what Victor had to say about it, my use does not include teaching sessions from the being so there would be a disconnect in that area for me.

Number of posts : 4334
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Introduction Empty Re: Introduction

Post by Nightshade 20.03.19 13:09

Are we talking about egregore in the line of the angelic spirits in Enochian magick or simply the collective group energies as used in chaos magick?

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Introduction Empty Re: Introduction

Post by Maxx 20.03.19 13:27

Actually, both types were mentioned.

Number of posts : 4334
Age : 108
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Introduction Empty ..Witches councel

Post by evilA66 01.04.19 0:12

my name is Aaron, but they call me Evil-A, or evil, for short. I am a 20 cycle old psi vampire, ( equivalent to roughly 219 human years) i was also born a natural witch, and a friend of the fay. Im here looking for others like me , and answers to some questions i have...and i am also seeking counsel from a powerful witch. I have been hideing underground for a long time, now i feel compelled to reveal myself. We could help (?) eachother, i could contribute my knowlage... And in return gain insight into the nature of myself

Here are the 'powers' i have accumulated over the years.
this is a List of my extra-sensory abilities, Each with accompanying attribute: (witch)= from being a natural witch) (psi) = my vampyric gifts, most of which revolve around sound waves, and sound manipulation)
(fairey-gift:) .. These attributes where given to me by the fairies, many of whose spirits now reside within this body.)

Firstly, the most important of all the powers listed here:

Clair-auido( remote-hearing)(intuitive hearing)

This is the ability to perceive sounds or words and extrasensory noise from sources broadcasting from the spiritual or ethereal realm. These tones exist beyond the reach of others rational human senses. I can hear:

- sounds made by a person’s body

- sounds made by living things

- sounds made by nature

- sounds made by man-made things

- sounds made by interactions of the above

- ethereal sounds like voices of the dead, specters, spirits, fairies, ghosts, djinn, or mystic music
-sounds created by others thoughts
-peoples subconcious

(this is my most powerful ability. My sense of hearing is like that of a bat. I can hear through walls, i can listen to people from long distances. My hearing is so powerful i can hear peoples thoughts, and even listen to their dreams.
I can listen to the ether, to spirits, ..And so much else. ThEre are so many sounds flying around, its hard to keep track of it all.

"Mind reading" ( listening to peoples thoughts)(psi)
Enhanced speed and strength(psi)
Increased durability/toughness(fairey-gift)
Sound-manipulation (fairey-gift)
Delayed ageing(witch/psi)
Animal communication(witch)
Spirit communication, in addition to ( the fay, the lunites,(moon people) djinn, elementals, and human ghosts)(witch)
(continued)... And even Music Master S. ( satan, lucifer, little-horn, you know who im talking abOut. THE origional music-master himself (he sometimes makes an appearance)
Channeling (witch)
Astral-planing (witch)
Glamour ( aka fay illusion, usually to beautify themselves(in this
case, me) and hide their true form) this was gifted to be by the fairies.
Ehanced healing(psi)
Day-walk (fay) ( this trait, a vary important gift, was aquired by breathing the breath of a fairey. Some legends say that the fay blood is needed for this, but this is untrue. All that was needed was one breath.(of a true , full-blooded fay)
Healing-magic (psi/witch) ( this uses sound vibrations and sound-manipulation to heal)
luck of the fay( fairey-gift) ...Its self explainitory... Im lucky as fuck.
cosmic-awareness (becoming one with the universe in mind and body) (fairey-gift)
energy-perception (to see the energy around you)
Dimensional-manipulation ( drawing energy from other dimensions, planeing-through/to anothet dimension)
Delayed ageing, semi-immortality, immortality: (i have delayed ageing , both as a powerful natural witch, a psychic-vampire, as well as from being fairey-friend.)
confusion-inducement (fairey -gift)

Im sure theyre are other abilities that i havent heard of, or seen, or have yet to develope... Of those i have no knowlage. im wondering... Is there another like me who posses these gifts? I have never in my life met another who possed even two or three of the powers on the list, let alone all of them.


Number of posts : 5
Location : lakewood
Registration date : 2019-03-31

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Introduction Empty Re: Introduction

Post by Lynskha 01.04.19 6:40


Many things you describe could be considered normal abilities any person could have and develop.
Of course there are some like HYPERSENSITIVE Hearing that some people have. I do have it myself.
Some other things you describe may be related do a particular sensiteness you may have for energies.

I would suggest you try to learn more about energy. I understand that you may be seeking for some answers and I hope you find them. Observe yourself but it is very important to be aware of the traps mind plays. The ego. That thing inside you trying to make you feel.l special that have superpowers.
Being a vampire is not as glamouros or fantastic as some may think.
The idea of having powers and being different usually seduces people.
So before someone just answer you in a rude way, and I hope it does not happen, I just wanted to say that. Be careful with illusions, try to know yourself, and look for more information. Observe what is real and what is your own desire, The traps of your mind.

Number of posts : 476
Age : 40
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Registration date : 2017-08-25

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Introduction Empty Re: Introduction

Post by Maxx 01.04.19 8:06

I am so very impressed. Your first post and you exhibit your primary trait so very well. Humbleness. All the many years you have lived in this gateway and you want to share all your abilities with us. Lol. People probably really ignore you because you seem to be so ordinary. Ha. Such a happy camper. We are so honored.

Number of posts : 4334
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Post by Maxx 01.04.19 9:34

and rubbing shoulders with all those Beings....there is no need for interaction with us. Just go ahead and go on into the next dimension. Consider coming back when you reach age 30 (if you ever do) and let us know how you are doing in your new domain. Or the next best thing, send us a facebook message.

Number of posts : 4334
Age : 108
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Introduction Empty Re: Introduction

Post by evilA66 02.04.19 13:03

Thank for the warm welcome.. I wasnt expecting that from the world wide wed i i would be happy to share. also listen: im searching for a powerful witch to obtain counsel from ... Im much to scared to go near lilly(you would know her as lillith) ..I eargerly await your reply -Evil


Number of posts : 5
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Introduction Empty Re: Introduction

Post by Maxx 02.04.19 15:41

what if you found out that Lilith was just a different personality of Lucifer? Would that change your risk factor involvement?

Number of posts : 4334
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