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An Introduction... Empty An Introduction...

Post by Khaldun 13.01.12 8:55

More specifically, my Introduction!

Hello all, I'm male, 27 years old, living in the UK and have recently bought The Asetian Bible. I've been involved with studying the occult since I was 15, an age that I think most people, if they are ever going to, started to question the universe on a deeper level.

I moved from book to book and bounced around topics over the years, from Crowley's 'The Book of The Law' to Franz Bardon's 'Initiation Into Hermetics', Lavey's 'Satanic Bible' to Ford's works on Luciferianism and countless other books from various authors on all sorts of topics!
My closeness towards Vampirism began when I was around 15 also. I'd never read a book on it, or received any real information outside of what the internet had to offer at the time but I felt a great closeness to that creature at the same time as I felt a distancing from humanity as a whole (not individual humans though you understand! I've been lucky in my life so far to have some truely close and amazing friends)

As time has gone on and my teenage years have fallen well behind me I've still felt that this link to Vampirism. I started to consciously feed a few years ago and had some amazing experiences, verifying for myself that this energy does indeed exist and that I am able to draw it into myself with a direct and instantly noticeable effect of my personal wellbeing.

I first discovered The Aset Ka website just over a year ago. I didn't buy the Asetian Bible at the time, I still don't know why, but I felt this sense of comfort whenever I thought to myself that they were there and that I could chose to return to that website and purchase the Asetian Bible whenever I chose. Around a week ago I made the decision.

The day I received the Asetian Bible and opened it I felt a cool wind blow over me, despite all the doors and windows in my flat being closed (It's January after all!) I don't know what to make of that, but it was a very definite feeling of a cool physical wind moving over me.

Since then I have been reading and keeping the Asetian Bible next to my bed. I feel that I identify very strongly with the Concubine Lineage, for good and bad. Each word in their description spoke to me about times in my past and gave me goals for the future.

I am currently studying for a Level 3 Diploma course in Egyptology, around my day job, through which I hope to learn more about the ancient and beautiful land of Kemet. I am also starting a course in Reiki healing in March and study Taijiquan (Tai Chi Chuan), Qigong and Brazilian Jiujitsu in my spare time.

Also in my spare time, what remains of it at least, I enjoy reading and writing immensely. I'm a member of a writing group with 4 of my close friends and we exchange pieces and critique each other’s work on a month by month basis. I had articles and poetry published in my University newspaper when I was there and, more recently, I've had an article published in a life style magazine here in the UK. I also play the guitar (Just!) and sing (fairly well - or so I'm told!)

I have many wonderful and close friends, and, although I still feel a sense of disconnection from the herd of humanity, I have been blessed with a beautiful wife and many close companions.

So, that's me, I hope you welcome me to your group and that I can learn from each of you. It's an honour to be here. I've been 'lurking' on the forums for a couple of weeks now and I've found that you are seem a very welcoming and mature group.

Thank you for your time and listening to my introductions,



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An Introduction... Empty Re: An Introduction...

Post by Daniel09 13.01.12 9:07

Well, good on you. We're always here to help. If you happen to have any tips for me, I'm studying Anthropology right now with the goal to begin Egyptology courses after I graduate.

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An Introduction... Empty Re: An Introduction...

Post by Khaldun 13.01.12 9:25

Hi Daniel,

Thanks mate, I'll let you know - I'm sure you probably know a lot more than me though! My course is very much a beginners level one, my study background isn't in Anthropology so it's all new to me right now!

Thanks for the Welcome,



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An Introduction... Empty Re: An Introduction...

Post by Jonathan 13.01.12 11:05

Hello Khaldun and welcome to the community! That was a very nice introduction, thank you for sharing all the details with us. I hope to read more from you in the threads around the forum, feel free to give us your opinion and thoughts in any subject. Also let us know what you feel and think as you go on and read more of the Asetian Bible and learn more about Asetianism.
If you have any questions, we're here to help with what we can! Just keep in mind we're all just learning same as you.

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An Introduction... Empty Re: An Introduction...

Post by Khaldun 13.01.12 14:12

Hi Jonathan,

Thank you for your welcome - glad you liked my intro, I was worried I might have gone on a bit!

I'm looking forward to getting involved in discussions where I can and learning from everyone. I'll be sure to let you know about developments as I continue to learn about Asetianism.

Thanks again, it's good to be here,



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An Introduction... Empty Re: An Introduction...

Post by Kalb 13.01.12 18:03

Em Hotep,
I liked what I read. I can say that the Violet Flame of Dark Mark aroused something in you, good sign ... Smile Welcome.

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An Introduction... Empty Re: An Introduction...

Post by Syrianeh 14.01.12 4:48

Welcome, Khaldum, and thank you for your warm and honest introduction.

It is always a pleasure to see open minded and inspiriing individuals join this Forum. I hope you find some answers here.

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Post by Khaldun 14.01.12 12:14

Stalker and Syrianeh,

Thank you for your kind welcomes.

Stalker, I woke up this morning at 03:30 and saw your message, it was something very nice to read in the dead of night!

Syrianeh, I hope to live up to such a kind description of myself. Thank you. I think with such individuals as you all here I'll be sure to find answers.



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An Introduction... Empty Re: An Introduction...

Post by N.Augusta 16.01.12 9:22

Welcome Khaldun!

I found it interesting that you mentioned feeling a cool breeze when you opened up the AB. Actually, I have always felt a coldish energy emanate from it.
Take your time with the book, question everything in it!!!!! Also, do not believe everything people say here, for mainly "opinions" are exrpressed here. Until an "opinion" has facts/proof to back-it-up, such remains an "opinion". In fact, you will find various opinions here, which make for interesting discussions, and like Jonathan said, 'we are all learning here,' .

As far as relating to a "lineage", well, you don't have to! People do it all the time, thus, I advise all against such! People, for what ever reason, love to try to fit themselves into all sorts of categories, but to do such, is limiting and illogical, for we need conform to..."nothing".... especially categories!!! For example, I am so much more than a "simple description" of a lineage given. Just as I am more than the description of my astrological sign, we all are!!!!! As we are all individuals, same as with the Asetians. If we sat down and listed the "limited" character traits for all the lineages, which are given to us in the AB, then, there are descriptive traits in all lineages that would apply to who I am, and to who we all are, and other descriptive traits that would not fit us. The AB does tell us that the descriptions are limited and that not all Asetians have many or even any of the common characteristics per their lineage. Such detail can be found prior to the lineage descriptions. So, please take this as friendly advice as it in no way is criticism.

The best advice that I can give you, and anyone else for that matter, is this... Read the AB, but do not read it in a "sportive manner" as the AB tells us not to for a good reason. As you read it, jot down questions that arise, and perhaps you will find the answers as you continue on with your readings. Look for answers in the book!!! Build a steady knowledge based foundation with it. I advise you to not read from the forum as you read the AB, because what happens, is that we read things here, and over time, we can't remember if a particular thing we think we "know" was read in the AB or from an "opinion" that seems to be accepted here. The two can become jumbled together, trust me. Most of what is stated here on the forum are, again, "opinions", thus, do not taint your learning experience with others "opinions". Read and develop your own first, for all that matters for learning this knowledge is in the AB not "opinions". I can say that, I, personally, do not agree with many "opinions" here, which doesn't mean that mine are right, of course. But, until I see an "opinion" backed up with proof/quotes from the AB, I take them with a grain of salt when it comes "specifically" to Asetian knowledge. This is my way, this is my choice, this is my Will only. But, do as you so Will!!! And I wish you the best on your journey and where ever it may lead you. Smile

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An Introduction... Empty Re: An Introduction...

Post by Khaldun 16.01.12 12:54

N.Augusta an excellent post, and thank you for the welcome!

I'm glad it wasn't just me that felt the connection to a 'cold energy' from the Asetian Bible. I have been doing as you suggest and making notes of my questions as I go along, also bearing in mind that the opinions of other Asetianists do not equal the facts of The Aset Ka.

Your points on lineage are well made and well received. I did 'umm and ahh' about whether or not to include that section in my post for just those reasons. What swayed it for me in the end and made me decide to include it was that, as I read the description (simple description though it may be) I felt that it described some of my character flaws. There were paragraphs in there that made me think 'that describes me, I wish it didn't, but it does.' That said, your comparison to star signs is accurate, we're all more complex, brilliant and varied than a short description. Of course, whether what we see is what we want to see or what is genuinely there when we read such descriptions we can never know, bearing in mind that any assessment of the self can never be truly objective. Still, to sum up, I completely understand your point and take it on board as friendly advice and not in the slightest way a criticism Smile

Your points on 'opinions' are well received too.

I advise you to not read from the forum as you read the AB, because what happens, is that we read things here, and over time, we can't remember if a particular thing we think we "know" was read in the AB or from an "opinion" that seems to be accepted here. The two can become jumbled together, trust me.

Wise words from someone who has gone before me, thank you.

And I wish you the best on your journey and where ever it may lead you

You too mate, and thank you Smile


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Post by Daniel09 16.01.12 16:28

I'm well agreed about making sure not to attempt to identify too closely with a Lineage. Heck, as the book says, they are only the most basic blanket-traits that the writer could come up with regarding the types of Asetians, mostly only applying as the Hallmarks of the Primordials of the Lineages.

Even if someone were to be Asetian, they could just as easily display none of the traits as they could all of them. It's best not to dwell on the matter and focus more on the spirituality and inner message that the book is meant to convey.

Personally, I believe that the whole point of the Lineage section is to detract the youthful from the truth by preoccupying their notions with imaginations of grandeur.

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Post by N.Augusta 18.01.12 14:12

Khaldun, thank you for your kind words! I am glad that my words were received well. Smile And, I really enjoyed your response. I am glad that you shared your thoughts about the lineages on your original post, it alone encouraged deeper discussion. Wink

Daniel, Lol, on your last sentence. Smile


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Post by Jonathan 19.01.12 2:52

lol No idea about that Daniel, that's something that never crossed my mind. Would be interesting if true though.

I can identify with what is being said about the cold energy but not sure how to interpret that metaphysically. Do you guys have any ideas?

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Post by N.Augusta 20.01.12 7:29

Well, this isn't really a metaphysical interpretation, just a little about my own experience. I can only speak from my own experience, of course, but I will try. What I can say, is that the energy felt from it, I feel it even when nowhere near the AB. I feel it when I pray to Aset, when I meditate sometimes, and then I feel that energy come to me at the most random times. It's really cold, but more than that, which, separates it from other sorts of "cold energies" but aside from saying it is "cold" well... unfortunately, I cannot describe it more thoroughly in words. I have the most difficult time trying to explain energy and what I feel, but, I know it is the same, as energies are unique... Why do we feel it? I don't know! At first, I thought I was going crazy! Maybe I am the only one who feels it when not holding the AB? Maybe I am crazy!


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Post by Jonathan 20.01.12 14:55

I don't think that is crazy. If we start judging everyone's own way to interpret energy then we would all be crazy. Very Happy
You're not the only one who feels it when not holding the AB, but what happens in my case which may be different from yours is that when not related with the AB it's always related with Asetianism or Ancient Egypt, usually through meditations that I create or rituals that I am trying to develop in my personal practice. Nothing too fancy, most is very simple stuff, but it's always when I'm dealing with anything related with this tradition, or at least my own interpretation of the tradition which may not be so accurate.

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An Introduction... Empty Re: An Introduction...

Post by Sinata Anika Asti 20.01.12 18:13

I would also like to welcome you to the forum Khaldun... I hope it proves to be or provide with what you are seeking...I have sentiments that are quite similar to what N. Augusta has posted and therefore am not going into a long and drawn out response concerning...I would like to share with everyone, that I also feel the cold energy when reading the AB. It is kind of unnerving yet at the same time extremely peaceful and familiar...I have a jolt of the energy course through my whole being and at times a slight jump occurs...
Sinata Anika Asti
Sinata Anika Asti

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Post by Tambarina 24.01.12 21:37

Welcome Khaldun! Welcome

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Post by N.Augusta 25.01.12 12:53

Jonathan, lol, you have a point, 'were we to judge how others interpret energy, then we would be crazy'. That's so true as well interpret energy in our own unique way! And thank you for opening up and sharing your experiences too. And Sinata, thanks for sharing yours as well.

At first, when I started to "feel" it way back when, I was thinking I was crazy or that someone must of been slipping something in my coffee without me knowing. Smile I think over time, the energy gets merged with our own, and that the current grows stronger, I guess, but then again, maybe that sounds crazy, although, such is possible. Oh well, better to be brave and share what may sound crazy than to not.

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