view on drugs

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Post by goingpostal 18.06.09 20:16

i was just wondering, what is the Aset Ka's view on drugs(like softer drugs like weed and cigarettes or harder ones like coke and meth?

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view on drugs Empty Re: view on drugs

Post by Aghrab 18.06.09 20:38

Good question. Any highly spiritual being, Asetian or not, would never waste their lives with something so useless as drugs, or allow themselves to lose their health and life to things like alcohol and smoking. I just cannot imagine a true Asetian doing drugs, it is just such a low human action that cannot even be imagined with the Asetians in mind. They cherish their lives too much, and have enough Will and self-respect, to know that they should never go near anything that will take a part of their life away.


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view on drugs Empty Re: view on drugs

Post by goingpostal 18.06.09 23:59

very good point.
its good to see that some people have at least some respect for them selves to not get into that crap...
but as far as what i do (a cigarette now and again and some weed in small amounts very rarely, and alcohol even more rarely)
so i just heal myself of the small amount of damage that i did and move on. i think im getting the "sex drugs and rock and roll" thing going on...
but on the other hand... i would quit anything harmful if it was highly frowned upon by the Aset Ka and asetianism

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view on drugs Empty Re: view on drugs

Post by goingpostal 19.06.09 0:02

o and i forgot to mention... i dont just do it and have fun with it like most humans do, right before i light up that cig or joint im like wtf am i doing? this is retarted...then everybody goes "hurry up and pass it"...

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view on drugs Empty Re: view on drugs

Post by Syrianeh 19.06.09 1:01

I agree with Aghrab that for evolved beings drugs are just a waste of time, energy and precious mind control. But it depends on the tradition. Indian Shamans use drugs (peyote, ayawasca, etc) for their own personal realization and spiritual search; however, this is just a vehicle that takes to the subconscious. Other cultures and traditions, such as Asetianism, use Will, meditation and Astral travelling techniques as such a vehicle.

Drugs used purely for recreation or just to get away from reality, which is why most people use them to begin with, are just ways to weaken ourselves and keep us even further from the goal of evolving. Personally, I spent a few years in "that place" before I realized all this, and they never really did much for me other than confuse me. In fact, I must say, I never became addicted or even dependant on anything at all. Quitting smoking was uncannily easy. I have no idea why. But it all came naturally once I realized where my path was leading me and once I got a clear though not complete glimpse of my true self.

The ocassional glass of wine or spirit is still, however, a pleasure that I don't think has anything to do with drug-taking and I am sure Asetians enjoy as well.

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Post by Syrianeh 19.06.09 5:31

That said, I also believe weed can ocassionally be useful for therapeutic purposes, such as relaxing, phasing out of a difficult time or easing pain. But it is still very important to keep a clear headed, non-dependent attitude about it. I can see how that would also be compatible with Asetianism.

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Post by Aghrab 19.06.09 8:22

Syrianeh wrote:The ocassional glass of wine or spirit is still, however, a pleasure that I don't think has anything to do with drug-taking and I am sure Asetians enjoy as well.
I do not see anything wrong in occasional drinking, even though I do not. What I would see wrong as, is if individuals allows themselves to get lost within such things, as I said, waste their precious lives.


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Post by Aghrab 19.06.09 8:29

Syrianeh wrote:That said, I also believe weed can ocassionally be useful for therapeutic purposes, such as relaxing, phasing out of a difficult time or easing pain. But it is still very important to keep a clear headed, non-dependent attitude about it. I can see how that would also be compatible with Asetianism.
I may be wrong, but I believe energy work and some techniques that Asetians use towards relaxation and easing pain would many times be way more powerful and soothing than intaking alcohol. Sex, can be one. Also, keep in mind that alcohol is a strong chemical, and as it was mentioned before, it is not something that an Asetian should intake much of. Even in medication, they try to stay away from too much chemical treatments, due to how their system reacts to it.


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view on drugs Empty Re: view on drugs

Post by Daniel09 19.06.09 8:38

I have always thought of drugs as stupid wastes of time. I mean, from the beginning, I've found that people have to get used to the drug before their body stops reacting violently to it, then they slowly degrade themselves.

Personally, I'd never do any either simply because I have an extremely low tolerance for drugs, even medicinal ones. It's why I try my best to never take anything when I get sick, and it's been many months since I've had a single pill for sinus problems.

Though I will say I have tried vodka. That was something I don't want to repeat. I was like, "what the heck was anyone thinking when they chose to drank this of their own free will!" I know it was straight, hard, Russian vodka, but still, diluting something to make it a bearable drink doesn't make sense either. I much prefer flavored drinks and water, lol.

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view on drugs Empty Re: view on drugs

Post by goingpostal 19.06.09 11:13

as far as harder drugs like cocaine and meth and all the other drugs an Asetian especially, would say no to because its a waste of time, even cigarettes are bad cus the 3000+ chemicals in the paper. but a lil weed every now and again i would imagine would be ok. and just a little note/question: arent the Egyptians extremely adept at making wine? on that, i would asume a little wine here and there would be a nice pleasure.

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view on drugs Empty Re: view on drugs

Post by Daniel09 19.06.09 11:58

Do you mean weed as in marijuana? I know from experience with a member of my family that that stuff is not harmless. It completely changes a person's brain chemistry and is plain stupid.

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view on drugs Empty Re: view on drugs

Post by Syrianeh 19.06.09 12:44

Daniel09 wrote:Do you mean weed as in marijuana? I know from experience with a member of my family that that stuff is not harmless. It completely changes a person's brain chemistry and is plain stupid.

That is very true, Daniel. I meant it as an ocassional/medicinal use and not exactly for recreational purposes. I can't stand the stuff myself. And only when the mind is not strong enough, which it should be if you are an Asetian.

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Post by manwolf15 19.06.09 12:48

:agree:with Daniel.

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view on drugs Empty Re: view on drugs

Post by Hellen 19.06.09 13:27

Body ,while incarnated, is indeed part of the equation, but i can not picture an Asetian preoccupied about not losing his or her 'precious' life and body .It's quite the opposite ,in my oppinion ,while they keep their bodies of flesh under uncommon flows of energy and pressure .

And they are Immortals .Worries about death , wasting own body and life , belong to human, mortal frame of thought , in my opinion .

Also appropriate habits , or body in 'good shape ' for a Vampire could mean different thing than for a human.
I'm not saying I consider an Asetian does not need a balanced body , or ,better to say, under control , just suggesting that definition of healthy and ill habits , or 'healthy' in general , could possibly be different . Not to forget that some physical problems are more or less common among Asetians, depending on every lineage , and behind these weaknesses ( in human eyes ) hide in fact the highest strengths.
I believe that what matters for an Asetian is the higher work ,and the state of the body is important to enhance and sustain that , but i think it belongs to every Asetian the freedom to control , own and master his own body and even decide how long his life to be depending on purpose of his current incarnation.


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Post by Daniel09 19.06.09 13:44

I agree that the worry over death would be fairly non-existent in an Asetian, and that they do have the free will to do whatever they please to themselves, but the Asetian's quest is one of discovery of pure self and enlightenment, so it would seem only logical that they would take good care of themselves, avoiding drugs which would alter their consciousness to a non-refundable level, and possibly result in conflicts with the human population's moralities in regard to laws and careers. It would seem to be in the best interest of any Asetian, at least in the United States, to avoid drugs as much as possible.

Plus, I would think an Asetian would try to preserve their good health as long as they can, for they severely dislike debilitating effects of old age, it being unnatural to them.

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view on drugs Empty Re: view on drugs

Post by Hellen 19.06.09 13:59

Oh , maybe i forgot to mention ,i was not thinking in my post about drugs , just happened that I wanted to express some thoughts in this thread about relation of Asetian with the body because that caught my atention in your posts ,not really the drugs subject in the thread .

I myself am not interested and never was in the subject ,
I fully agree with what Aghrab said about chemicals and medication.


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Post by Phoenix 19.06.09 18:45

This topic has certainly stirred up some strong responses.
First, I believe in moderation. Humans have ingested numerous naturally occurring, consciousness-altering substances for millenia: alcohol, nicotine, cannabis, opium, peyote, psilocybin mushrooms, etc. Continuous on-going use is not moderation. In my opinion, the occasional drink, smoke, toke or hit does no harm to one who has no addictive genetic predispositions.

I could imagine an Asetian enjoying a 40 year old Port and Cuban cigar after successfully finishing a difficult task. Would not Aset allow her children the joy of celebation?

These substances, legal or not, are part of who humanity collectively is. To classify them as "unacceptable" or "bad" is to deny ourselves.

I am against refined substances like heroin, meth, cocaine, PCP and pharmaceuticals that our technology has produced. If it comes out of a street laboratory, don't take it.

I agree that people with mental instabilites or emotional problems should refrain until better off. Nor should younger people get too deep until better able to comprehend the reality of addiction and health issues raised by their use.

There are also some positive spiritual experiences that substance use can bring about. I beleive Syrianeh mentioned shamanism in one of the above posts.

This is a personal decision. I do not know the AK position on them. If they were to be against such use, I would refrain.

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Post by Jonathan 19.06.09 19:05

Nice answer, Phoenix. I fully agree with the several points you made.

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view on drugs Empty Re: view on drugs

Post by Syrianeh 20.06.09 5:54

Hellen wrote:Body ,while incarnated, is indeed part of the equation, but i can not picture an Asetian preoccupied about not losing his or her 'precious' life and body .It's quite the opposite ,in my oppinion ,while they keep their bodies of flesh under uncommon flows of energy and pressure .

And they are Immortals .Worries about death , wasting own body and life , belong to human, mortal frame of thought , in my opinion .

While I can see your point, I don't fully agree with this, Hellen. No matter how immortal you are, each life is precious and each is a forward step towards your true goal. Not knowing how to use what's been learned could mean a backward step. There are very few good reasons to waste one's life away.

Egyptians believed that upon death your heart is weighed on a scale and if it is heavier than the feather of Ma'at (the concept of justice, truth and balance) it would be eaten away and destroyed, thus the second -and final- death. This concept was later used by the Christians and Arabs to build their threatening image of Hell or everlasting death. Both are, however, metaphors of one very important fact: what you do or don't do will eventually pay off or come back to you, because there is a law of balance in the Universe. We have a chance to evolve, let's use it, whether our soul is Divine or mortal.

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view on drugs Empty Re: view on drugs

Post by Hellen 20.06.09 8:49

I can understand what you mean ,Syrianeh , but to my understanding Asetians are already above the second death ,while other souls still have to face it.

Again, I think , my words are misunderstood because being posted in this thread .

I am not pleading for taking drugs ,or having vices or not to constantly learn and evolve spiritually .

But on the contrary I said Asetians are dedicated to their Higher Works which are Deeply Spiritual , and even able to sacrifice their bodies , and mortal flesh for The Higher Purposes.

What i mean is that physical death is not bothering , not frightening . Farewell to physical body is said with no regrets :

"My Heart is in my body my corpse is in the earth ,
and I will not weep for it ,
My Soul is with Me"( Coffin Texts)


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Post by Syrianeh 20.06.09 13:30

I see what you mean now, Hellen. Also, it is quite common to lose your fear of death when you awaken.

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view on drugs Empty Re: view on drugs

Post by goingpostal 20.06.09 19:20

wow i never would have figured this topic would have goten so much attention.
and i have to say i cant really say my opinion because it would be a waste of time because most of the posts i agree with almost exactly. Smile and sorry that was probably a useless peice of information but whatever lol

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view on drugs Empty Re: view on drugs

Post by Aghrab 21.06.09 20:47

Syrianeh wrote:While I can see your point, I don't fully agree with this, Hellen. No matter how immortal you are, each life is precious and each is a forward step towards your true goal. Not knowing how to use what's been learned could mean a backward step. There are very few good reasons to waste one's life away.

Egyptians believed that upon death your heart is weighed on a scale and if it is heavier than the feather of Ma'at (the concept of justice, truth and balance) it would be eaten away and destroyed, thus the second -and final- death. This concept was later used by the Christians and Arabs to build their threatening image of Hell or everlasting death. Both are, however, metaphors of one very important fact: what you do or don't do will eventually pay off or come back to you, because there is a law of balance in the Universe. We have a chance to evolve, let's use it, whether our soul is Divine or mortal.
This is very well said. This somehow pulls me back to the “The Viperine and the Virgin” thread... when we said “whatever you do in this life will eventually echo within the next one”. However, I assume that whatever may happen to the Soul or mind of the Asetian during this life time, will heal a slightly through the in-between life.


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Post by Gilded 21.06.09 21:08

This is a very nice subject to debate, and so far I agree with a lot of things that were said, especially that Asetians would not waste their precious lives on chemicals and drugs, because I myself see Asetians as beings who fight every day to become better as a being. Each Asetian who is within the Aset Ka is a very important individual with a very important task, and they are all expected to evolve.

As for Aghrab's post saying that a wounded Asetian in Soul or mind would be able to heal within the time before incarnating, I would have to say that I also think the same. But when you brought up the “Virgin and Viperine” subject, I thought to myself and believe that such a thing as losing your purity with the wrong person would be too deep to fully heal... no matter how many lives it will take. I believe you think the same?

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view on drugs Empty Re: view on drugs

Post by Daniel09 21.06.09 21:22

I think it really depends on what you perceive as someone losing their purity. In instances of rape, it is purely physical from one side, rather than being a spiritual union between two lovers. If someone falls in love and gives themselves to someone other than their Asetian, that may be a wound that will never heal, though some Asetians may overlook it once enough time had passed (time used to cover multiple life-times of recompense if possible). However, it is possible that an Asetian would see it as a complete abandonment from their love. A betrayal that cannot be repaid, for the soul of that person is now forever entwined with another as well. If they ever come into contact in a future life, their bond will return, strong as ever. That's why it cannot be forgiven, why it can't heal...

anyway, I dawdle on a subject that is meant for another thread. As per the Asetian's view on drugs, I'm in agreement with what appears to be the leading argument, that an Asetian wouldn't waste their lives, treating each as a precious tool for advancement, though they will undoubtedly indulge themselves when they feel like it, as it is true that the majority of drugs have a strictly temporary effect if used sparingly.

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