Deadly Poison

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Deadly Poison - Page 2 Empty Re: Deadly Poison

Post by Victor 09.01.09 11:43

Talibah wrote:I may be completely off the mark here, especially since there is no mention of it thus far, and if so, then please do correct me, but could someone clarify a little more about the DPVO (Deadly Poison Vampiric Order) - 'Ordo Veneni Mortiferi' ?
I believe them to be an integral part of the AK and controlled by it exclusively, but some more information would be appreciated.
They are a secret department inside the Aset Ka. One that used to be known for its violent actions in several situations that became known and were news. Some people go as far as considering them the cause of why the Aset Ka is usually seen with caution and as so much dangerous. A good example of this was the incident in Paris 3 years ago. You can find mentions to it in some other forums about vampires, if they were not deleted already or turned into dust by the AK intervention squads.
Where is the rumor and where starts the truth? To be honest... I don't know.

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Deadly Poison - Page 2 Empty Re: Deadly Poison

Post by Dreamer 02.05.09 18:35

Victor wrote:A good example of this was the incident in Paris 3 years ago. You can find mentions to it in some other forums about vampires, if they were not deleted already or turned into dust by the AK intervention squads.
Where is the rumor and where starts the truth? To be honest... I don't know.

I'm sorry to ask this in a very old thread, but can someone please explain to me what this "Paris incident" is? That is, if it will not turn into dust. Shocked

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Deadly Poison - Page 2 Empty Re: Deadly Poison

Post by Severus 26.10.09 18:56


What does any of you know about thee DPVO?? Or what is it that you think you know??

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Deadly Poison - Page 2 Empty Re: Deadly Poison

Post by AnaInDark 26.10.09 19:34

Severus wrote:lol

What does any of you know about thee DPVO?? Or what is it that you think you know??
You seem to have quite an ironic tone in your question, may I ask why?

Anyways, Victor already said above what the DPVO is.

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Deadly Poison - Page 2 Empty Re: Deadly Poison

Post by Severus 27.10.09 11:07

Ordo Veneni Mortiferi is not even close to the vague interpretations given within these forums. Masking ingnorance with fear only serves to make a subject and the DPVO themselves untouchable. Which is the few they would prefere you have of them... that is the only thing that is ironic and is now the reason why my question will now linger as a stament instead.

*bows my head and tips my hat to Ana*
Em Hotep femina

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Deadly Poison - Page 2 Empty Re: Deadly Poison

Post by Talibah 27.10.09 11:40 have my attention..Please enlighten us.

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Deadly Poison - Page 2 Empty Re: Deadly Poison

Post by Syrianeh 27.10.09 12:45

Mine too, definitely.

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Deadly Poison - Page 2 Empty Re: Deadly Poison

Post by Severus 13.12.09 1:08

First -
I wish to say that I am not attempting to belittle anyone even thought what I say tends to apear so.
Second -
Information About Kemetic Orthodoxy is available just about any where, but is very hard to peice together in most cases... I will endevor to explain with out leaving topic to much.
Atum ( pronounced tem ) is one of the most important deities from earliest times in Egypts regional mythology, as evidenced by his prominence in the Pyramid Texts, where he is portrayed as both a creator and father to the kings.
He is usually depicted as a man wearing either the royal head-cloth or the dual white and red crown of Upper Egypt, and Lower Egypt, reinforcing his connection with kingship. The council of Atum with the nine members: Osiris, Nut, Geb, Shu, Atum, Tefnut, Nephthys, Isis and Aset. This group formed the solar cult of Heliopolis, Thebes, and Abydos.
During the Old Kingdom the Egyptians believed that Atum lifted the dead Pharaoh's soul from the tomb to the starry heavens.By the time of the New Kingdom, the Atum myth had merged in the Egyptian pantheon with that of Ra. This was Asetian Empire's doing... bare with me.
Ra is most commonly pronounced 'rah'. and in the beginning the two were mixed to form one god Amun-Ra. A deity in Egyptian mythology who in the form of Amun-Ra became the focus of the most complex system of theology in Ancient Egypt.
Amun represented the essential and hidden, whilst in Ra he represented revealed divinity. Amun was self created, without mother and father, and during the New Kingdom he became the greatest expression of transcendental deity in Egyptian theology. He was not considered to be immanent within creation nor was creation seen as as an extension of himself. Amun-Ra, As his cult arose in the Egyptian pantheon, Ra often replaced Atum as the true father of the deities of the Ennead, and as result became the creator of the world.
It is fact that the Great Ennead which are the nine deities of Atum, Geb, Isis, Nut, Osiris, Nephthys, Seth, Shu, first appeared prior to the rise of Ra's cult in the sixth dynasty, and that after introduction of the new pesedjet the cult of Ra soon saw a great surgence until the worship of Horus gained prominence. Afterward worship focused on the syncretistic solar deity Ra-harakhty (Ra, who is Horus of the Two Horizons). During the Amarna Period of the eighteenth dynasty, Akhenaten introduced worship of another solar deity Aten. The deified solar disc represented his preferred regional deity as he attempted to lessen the influence of the temple of Atum. This was all the result of the priesthood within these periods being constantly replaced.

It truth Aset / Isis goes back 68,000 years which is twice as old as the asetian empire from whom the Egyptians inharated there concepts of spiritualality from.
Her true name is IUSA'ASET
In this, the true historical version... she was described as Atum's wife. Consequently As the wife of Atum, Iusa'aset was seen as the mother of the gods. Her strength, hardiness, medical properties, led the acacia tree to be considered the tree of life, and thus the oldest, which was situated close to, and north of, Heliopolis, was said to be the birthplace of the deities. Thus, as the mother of the deities, Iusa'aset was said to own this tree.
Although Iusa'aset seems to be attested quite early in the Egyptian pantheon, being associated with creation and the creation of the deities. She remains as a primary deity in the pantheon throughout all eras of the culture as Aset, even through the Persian, Hyksos, Greek, and Roman occupations, and regardless of changes in the specific myths - "reason Asetian influence."

At a later times Iusa'aset became Aset, Aset then took on the meaning "The Throne," Aset is the power that makes kings; a feminine Name appearing in texts beginning in Dynasty IV as wife to Wesir and daughter of Nut and Geb. In the cult of Wesir Aset is attributed with having prepared Him for burial and conceiving a son upon his dead body, which She magically reanimates long enough to complete (in Kemetic texts, Wesir's death is attributed to drowning; the dismemberment myth given by Plutarch does not appear until millennia later and is therefor not even Kemetic in origin). During this period, Aset's importance as mother of Heru-Sa-Aset ("Horus, son of Isis", a Name intimately connected with kingship and therefore within Aset's purview as kingmaker) became paramount, in ways strongly suggestive of the Christian cult of the Virgin Mary. The Romans declared all feminine Names to be forms of Aset, crowning Her "Goddess of Ten Thousand Names," though Kemetic mythology does not exhibit this specific archetype.
The factual history is that the Asetians excepting Aset as the rightful figure for the worship of their society for reasons unknown actively omitted Atum as the creator. this constant influence is what lead to the need to replace Atum. Which is the reason you have thousands of years and the slew of male gods to follow.
Aset Ka - or "the spirit of Aset" - still lives in the Asetians by choice not by truth.
It's unclear as to when they decided to do this but what is know is that it was the point at which they became a closed cult like society.

Atum Ka-mon is the birth place of Vampirism and it's true meaning and most high level members of the order are aware of this. The fear generated by The Ordo Veneni Mortifer is real althought most are unaware as to why. Trust me the DPVO hate humans, many of them still believe that the under devloped humans below the term vampire are to unpredictable to trust and should be enslaved. They are not a Group to be praised and would feed on you for fun if it was allowed. They are the reason the term vampire over the ages has gone from a spirit that has reached a level of consciousness which allows for it to reincarnate with knowledge of it's past lives to that of a predator that feeds on life in order to mainifest greater power.

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Deadly Poison - Page 2 Empty Re: Deadly Poison

Post by ElizabethBathory 13.12.09 9:36

You've really never thought about killing some random human and drinking their blood before? Like who cares, it's not like they're endangered or something. I have, but then I start considering how I'd probably throw up cause it brings up the same thoughts as having sex with them (disgusting). Also, laws make it complicated and way more trouble than it's worth. So I guess that's a problem for all.

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Deadly Poison - Page 2 Empty Re: Deadly Poison

Post by Severus 13.12.09 10:08

Well your correct in that, they aren't endangered by any means. But just because you have the power to kill something indiscriminately doesn't mean you need to. Again it boils down to left or right handed path. The true nature of immortality is in the power of soul retention the ability to remember even the smallest of details of your past lives.
You can reach this level of consciousness by earning it and working within the laws of the natrure or you can steal it, take it by force. I have no fear of the DPVO or any other Order because I have earned my place. Although my voice can be silenced from life to life my essence is not something anyone can extinguish. Their fear, their rituals, and their secrets, are known and hold no meaning over me.

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Deadly Poison - Page 2 Empty Re: Deadly Poison

Post by ElizabethBathory 13.12.09 10:49

Severus wrote:lol
Well your correct in that, they aren't endangered by any means. But just because you have the power to kill something indiscriminately doesn't mean you need to. Again it boils down to left or right handed path. The true nature of immortality is in the power of soul retention the ability to remember even the smallest of details of your past lives.
You can reach this level of consciousness by earning it and working within the laws of the natrure or you can steal it, take it by force. I have no fear of the DPVO or any other Order because I have earned my place. Although my voice can be silenced from life to life my essence is not something anyone can extinguish. Their fear, their rituals, and their secrets, are known and hold no meaning over me.

Thanks, I will hold on to your advice, Severus.

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Deadly Poison - Page 2 Empty Re: Deadly Poison

Post by Hellen 13.12.09 11:49

Severus wrote:

The factual history is that the Asetians excepting Aset as the rightful figure for the worship of their society for reasons unknown actively omitted Atum as the creator. this constant influence is what lead to the need to replace Atum. Which is the reason you have thousands of years and the slew of male gods to follow.
Aset Ka - or "the spirit of Aset" - still lives in the Asetians by choice not by truth.
It's unclear as to when they decided to do this but what is know is that it was the point at which they became a closed cult like society.

This was a very superficial affirmation since Asetian cosmogony does not at all omit Atum / Amun but in fact situates Amun in the Head of Asetian Tree of Life , as Primeval Consciousness emerged from the Nun and Creator of the entire Physical Universe .

On the other side one must not forget that Asetians are the Children of Aset and by Truth and Right they are here on Earth to live in the spirit of Aset their Mother and to honour their Royal Family .And I think is normal that you noticed this most than everything else .

Is true that Asetian Bible gives access to only pieces of the sacred knowledge but one must be blind not to see the other divinities that Asetian tradition attest and revere , like Toth and Ra , Geb and Nut ,Shu and Tefnut ,Ma'at and Amun.

The True relation of Asetians with the Cosmos remains veiled for the earthly eyes and part of their mystical tradition .
Also if Asetian tradition emphasize on certain things at a certain moment must there be reasons behind , since many eyes are not able to differentiate what they see .


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Deadly Poison - Page 2 Empty Re: Deadly Poison

Post by sungodaurora 13.12.09 15:58

IF I was Ever to find my one True Love, Yes, life would be quite meaningless in the future and day to day activities. Not one Doubt and in a blink of an eye, I would be more than willing to take my own life. And with anything that was Available.

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Deadly Poison - Page 2 Empty Re: Deadly Poison

Post by ElizabethBathory 13.12.09 15:58

I don't know why, but thinking about this post brought up the very day I decided that I hate humans. It was a video where this snake ate some family's baby. Like, the snake was just doing its thing....& this baby happened to be there, obviously not discerning that this a *human* (kind of like the rest of the universe). The family flipped out and they hunted down the snake and killed it just so that they could bury their baby in the ground. Then, of course, this same family went to go eat their dinner of animals or whatever; but they freak out if one of them dies. I'm sure my viewpoint has something to do with the fact that I don't have much of a connection to them, but come on... So, if there's vampires out there who wanna prey on them for energy cause that's their thing, I don't see that as any different than me going out to hunt a chicken or something.

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Deadly Poison - Page 2 Empty Re: Deadly Poison

Post by Jonathan 13.12.09 20:11

I think Severus is confused about what the DPVO was.

Anyways, nice post Elizabeth on the story about the family and the baby. I totally can see what you mean behind it. It shows how most humans are selfish, only caring about themselves, and also about how they don't understand the natural balance of the universe and nature. There will always be predators...

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Deadly Poison - Page 2 Empty Re: Deadly Poison

Post by Severus 13.12.09 21:35

Greeting Hellen, I enjoyed reading your response. As to your statement regarding Asetian cosmogony I think you would agree that just because any one given ideology (whether it be the present or past) happens to be in good standing does not mean that it was always this way.
Whether it be the sons of Aset or the Sons of the Jehovah, the Temple of Atum or the Temple of Solomon the facts on this are there and not veiled in anyway for those that wish to see it. The Asetian Ideologies reflect this as openly as the bankrupt ideologies that lead to the crusades or the Inquisitions reflect the modern day Catholic church's dogma.
Any one that is a student of Egyptian history knows that the priesthood was often wealthier and possessed more influence than any of the Pharaohs ever did. These priesthoods changed so often and thus did the gods they worshiped that if it was not the Pharaohs nor the people nor the priests who had the power to over turn the gods then who else had enough royal claim to be a constant influence spaning multipule dynastic periods.

Sorry Jonathan there is no confusion as to what a real vampire is vs what the DPVO is. One is a spiritual state of enlightenment the other is a self serving deviant perversion of the ladder.

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Deadly Poison - Page 2 Empty Re: Deadly Poison

Post by Jonathan 14.12.09 0:14

lol Severus is a joke and a fake.

Everyone, look at this:

He claims to be a son of Aset and connected with the Aset Ka, in this poorly constructed website filled with plagiarized texts that he copied from everywhere else, not being able to write them himself.

He also has a myspace profile:

And many other profiles across the web with his nonsense.

I have received an email from a girl, not long ago, that told me she was approached on a forum by someone under the name Severus Okpara, that said to be a high priest of the Aset Ka now founding his own group. I immediately warned her about this being a scam, but now I see where the Severus person comes from... lol

It is clear that this individual has no knowledge whatsoever, being nothing but a kid that read stuff around the web and started lying about it to make him look big. Just another fake with no knowledge about anything in the vampire community.

I ask for a ban on this pretender that knows nothing about what he speaks of.

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Deadly Poison - Page 2 Empty Re: Deadly Poison

Post by Severus 14.12.09 12:02

Awww Johnathan, are you angry... anger is one one letter away from danger, you may wish to remember that next time you attack someones character!!
Kind Sir taking a profile that gives basic information about myself and Asetianism taken from the source (which the link to the source material is provided) for the purpose of informing others about the basics is hardly plagiarism and doesn't makes any one a real or fake. In fact I am quite capable of providing proof of lineage some of which I have already done and is hidden in plain site. Most people choose to take the wait and see approach since time is the guardian of real truth, which is why those that truly know me (and you don't) are without question.
But I do find it odd that a social forum site designed to "emulate" Aset Ka and discuss a group that doesn't discuss themselves publicly to then have someone on that site call others fake is a bit hypocritical. In addition I don't believe I know this person your spoke of but I can say that the individual you spoke of does not know me... at all. I would never claim to be in any priesthood in any life. lol
Thirdly the same profile you listed reveals that I am hardly a child and am in fact a respectable man in statute both personally and professionally. "Any time you want to do a side by side on the merits let me know son!!"

Lastly to assume that everyone who is Asetian in nature must therefore still be part of Aset Ka is someone that possesses a truly small and sightless comprehend of the real world.
Believe what you wish to, do what you wish to, as was stated before if my voice could be silenced it would have been done already.


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Deadly Poison - Page 2 Empty Re: Deadly Poison

Post by Kalb 14.12.09 17:00

Well, i agree with Tora and Jonathan. Anyway, the best we have is Asetian Tree of Live. By the way, where did you find the source to talk about something that you don't undertstand?

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Deadly Poison - Page 2 Empty Re: Deadly Poison

Post by Maktub 15.12.09 0:56

Well, I was not going to address this, but thought it would be better for the sake of information and so people will not end up misinformed by what others may randomly claim around the web.

This is meant to address Severus claims.

Firstly, every Asetian and other beings connected with their culture are their allies, friends and spiritual family, still fighting by their side after awakening. To this, there are no exceptions, and there is no such thing as renegade Asetians and other theories people may wish to fantasize about. Actually, that is part of their success and why unlike most other groups in history they are still very much alive and powerful, their union is their strength. No Asetian ever rebelled against the Aset Ka or left the Order. The idea that some Asetians rebelled against the Order and their family is nothing but nonsense passed out by ones that don't really have any knowledge over this ancient secret society.

Now, another subject under debate has been the DPVO, also known as Ordo Veneni Mortiferi, from the Latin. The DPVO was nothing but an action sect, that was created within the Aset Ka during the medieval times, and that was used for active field work. Several atrocities were committed by this sect, which gave it its fame of something scary and dangerous, however, it was never at the level of other much more frightening and powerful sects within the AK, but that simply operate under higher secrecy, like in the case of the Imperial Guard, which is like the "secret services" of the Higher Magisterium. Also, to everyone's information, the DPVO no longer exists, since the sect was shut down and completely disbanded by Master Elënya Nefer in 2007, one of the higher members of the Order, and its members were assigned different functions. The DPVO services were no longer needed in modern times and the field operations were now under the control of other sects that worked under different policies. But by the sample of the information provided in here, knowledge of Master Elënya is most likely far too above his head, which is understandable and a common thing.

This advice goes to everyone. Do not believe everything you read online, especially when those claims are not backed up or put forth by anyone with established credentials within the community or that field of expertise. At last, there are no Asetians online in forums or websites discussing Asetianism. Anyone who says otherwise, does it to deceive you. This should already be more than clear after the public remark published by the Aset Ka, but has been Asetian policy for several centuries, not anything new for those who study their culture and knowledge for a long period of time. Just be smart and know your research, most things out there will only throw sand in your eyes and cloud your judgment. You must be strong and determined if you wish to find real Truth among all the trash.


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Deadly Poison - Page 2 Empty Re: Deadly Poison

Post by Jonathan 15.12.09 1:23

Wow, great post as always Maktub. Smile Thanks a lot and great to see you around!

Oh and Severus, I am not angry at all, just tired of people that try to blind others with their ignorance. Wink Best wishes!

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Deadly Poison - Page 2 Empty Re: Deadly Poison

Post by Syrianeh 15.12.09 8:00

It's always a pleasure to see Maktub's posts. They are part of what makes this Forum worthwile.

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Deadly Poison - Page 2 Empty Re: Deadly Poison

Post by Severus 15.12.09 12:12


That's Awesome...
So what you have provided us with and we should believe in is a vision of a Utopian Occult Society which is made up of a race of beings that have formed there own club where everyone inside is in agreement for all time and would never disobey. A group that is left hand path by there own "official" public admission but has managed to create they own little slice of Heaven on Earth out of love. No one has ever been Exiled or disavowed form there little perfectionist club because differences in opinion is something just would not happen. Yet by your our statement there are differing groups within the circle of love that committed several atrocities but that is in comparison no where near as bad as other groups. None of these groups or different bloodlines some of which are noble and honorable would have had issues with the actions of others and "their atrocities".
A group that informs all outsiders that when it comes to their affairs to never believe anything you here from anyone other than them and those representatives they wish you to hear the "truth" from, and the reason for this is because it would be a clear fraud as are those that printed it.

Sorry were we talking about Aset Ka or Iran... I lost track.

Maktub is correct do your research and what you will have is what you have now, a history they have provided you with and nothing more because only what they give you is the historical doctrine to be believed. You go ahead and only believe those with the "established credentials within the community"!! Not one person here has ever asked to see the proof of what I say I am, even though I said I could. I am written off because that is what you have been told to do. But that is ok all of you should be good little acolytes and never question because no one ever does. After all this is what you have defended as fact regarding Asets inner workings in your above statements.


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Deadly Poison - Page 2 Empty Re: Deadly Poison

Post by Victor 15.12.09 12:20

I would just like to point out to Severus that this site does not "emulate" the Aset Ka or any other occult group. It discusses Asetianism, Vampirism and many other forms of Occult knowledge. This community is proud of having some of the most knowledgeable people in the field, with access to information that most can't afford or reach. Because of that, it becomes easy to discredit when people make up stories about any subject, like you trying to pass the idea that there are beings who are Asetian in nature but that have chosen to not be a part of the Aset Ka, something completely impossible like Maktub gracefully explained. But I guess those are the ways that some find to try and justify their claims that they were in any ways connected with the Aset Ka, or worse, are Asetians but here talking with us, which goes against the Asetian ways, like everyone knows.

I wanna thank Maktub, for again spending his time in here enlightening others and sharing his always deep knowledge from his apparently never-ending resources. Always a pleasure...

Just a hint to Severus's words. Someone that really has an important voice, does not need to state that fact anywhere. Just look at Luis Marques as an example. He talks, people follow and get moved by what he says. He does not neet to inflate himself to be heard. He naturally is.
You keep bringing up your "voice" and how it cannot be silenced. Well, that is a typical statement from people who have a voice that no one really cares to listen...

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Deadly Poison - Page 2 Empty Re: Deadly Poison

Post by Elendor 15.12.09 13:51


Like Victor rightfully said, who feels the need to say all of that, has a voice that holds no power at all. You're just desperate for attention, but you won't find it in here.

In what comes to the structure of the Aset Ka and the existence of exiled Asetians, I would trust Maktub as the better reference on this, as the one in this community that would be able to provide us with better inside information.
It is not surprising that Severus, like many others, cannot understand the Pyramid Structure and the unshakable bond of the Asetian Family. He, as explained by his own words, sees the Aset Ka with a human mindset, as just another group where people fight among themselves, a typical human view. Like the Asetians said and stated, humans will never be able to understand them.
Severus does exactly what the Aset Ka itself warns about spotting impostors: has an online profile stating that he is an Asetian, on several teen social networks out there, just like any other human in the need for attention.

Does this honestly still deceive anyone?

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