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Post by geo 23.07.09 18:12

"I know you probably will take what I said with skepticism and will rather just ignore it because it "feels better" to believe we have "higher powers" when the raw truth is that you are only visiting your own Self-world. But I am sure that someday in the future, when you open your eyes, explore outside of the box, develop and learn more about true astral travel, you will finally get the clues that led me to this conclusion and understand what I said".

"Just another small comment, because I know you don't take me wrong for being open and honest, you should not state so many times that you are using techniques stated in some book that was written by some God. That sounds like most of the Christian and Islamic world that say they are following what is on the Bible because it has the words of God. That is not how things process in the Occult studies and development process, since it is nothing but rumor and unfounded truths".
Haha Isn't the Asetian Bible the foundation of your path? Why do you have to judge one for following the teachings of a different Bible? How are you right and him wrong? Haha Isn't the Asetian Bible a Bible with a core God - Aset? Who are you to judge a different Bibles' teachings? And let's all be frank here. As I said it before, A Bible is a book or collection of writings constituting the sacred text of a religion. To each their own. That doesn't make you right and him stupid, or even better, narrow minded, everyone's favorite.

"That does not mean that what we see was the truth , and does not mean the others see it either".

"As I said, I did not meant to insult you or attack you. What I expressed is merely my own opinion, or my own "truth" if you might".
Haha, of course not.

"Seems like I hit a nerve. People like you are just too easy to touch, with such a nervous reply you gave to my polite opinion".
"People like you". You must be one very special creature if I may say so myself...

"As I said, I did not meant to insult you or attack you. What I expressed is merely my own opinion, or my own "truth" if you might. ... I am not saying that you're a compulsive liar" ..
Hahaha of course you are not saying that he's a compulsive liar...

"It reflects quite of a big lack of evolution for someone that pretends to have so much "knowledge" and background. Again, that's in these small things that we separate the Masters and Teachers from the mundane.
Personally, you gave me a nice laugh for the rest of the evening".
Haha Good one!

"Have a good night in your mysterious worlds and let me know if you meet Alice in Wonderland as well".

"Jonathan explained his views on this matter quite maturely and reasonably, and such reaction from you should not be expected or accepted" ..
Haha. Of course he did, as always haha

"But it seems that everyone wants to express their thoughts openly here but I am not supposed to do that.......I am supposed to remain silent in the midst of all insult attacks and not defend myself".
Of course

"There is a point between being humorous, and being rude and arrogant. I do not see anyone else laughing here, but you".

"It seems like this thread will become a greater example to anyone wishing to understand the difference between High Magick and low magick. It is always a confusing theme that many initiates seek guidance in understanding the differences, and Maxx paid a great service without knowing".

"I would agree with Ankhhape and see you more as a Shaitan-driven personality, the type that disagrees just because he can't agree".

"Look out, you are getting close to being labeled a rougue or trouble maker. Little by little, we will have enough numbers here to start a coffee and donuts meeting in a private room at the back of the building on Sat. morning".
I should have the first donut I think.

"If you really think you cannot continue this path simply because several people in this forum believe that the relationship between a child and their parents is not love, then really, you do not belong here. Not because someone disagrees with you, but because you are too weak to face different opinions and too closed minded to accept that reality may not be as you always pictured it".

"Seems like you are simply too closed minded to accept some hard facts and truth, so I agree that it is best for you and your evolution, to step aside from us" ..

"I am sorry if spirituality is not as pretty and pink as you first pictured it, where your daughter was only yours, but a fact is that you are probably one of her many mothers... if this is too hard and painful for you to grasp, then probably you should give it a try to one of the monotheistic faiths. They will surely tell you what you want to hear..."
That's quite low for someone I thought highly of when I first joined the forum. I guess we all have our slips and falls.

"You were never, as I even pointed out, insulted, whatsoever".
Haha, of course not! Neither was Maxx or even you at some point as you shall see below. Haha

"Saying that you are being closed minded is not an insult... this is becoming too childish, and is not what this community is about..."

"I have not contradicted myself. I stated that you have not been insulted throughout this thread by anyone, but could have deserved one considering your replies thusfar. That is not a contradiction, geo. Simply a stated fact of everyone elses control and patience".

"Geo... I'm very sorry to have to say this, but your narrominded, judgemental and rude remark shows that you are perhaps not quite ready to participate in intelligent debate".
How did I end up in a Genius type forum? I don't think you are quite ready either, at least I can spell here and there...

"I will not dignify your response with my answer. Except for one thing, it is igorance like yours that keeps others from being able to be open with their inner wolrds and experiences, which is so impotant to do to elevate confusion one expriences upon awakening".

"Geo, your lack of maturity and spiritual growth is an unfortunate disappointment. It is because of people like you, that simply strike aggressively anyone that has a different opinion than your own, that makes the Aset Ka and the real Vampire community to be so silent about their own practices and views".
Here we go with the "people like you" type thing again haha. Racist much? Question

"Nothing is black or white, as Daniel said, and I applaud empress2k's courage in sharing this aspect of her personality".

"It's just too radical. Things are never painted in white and black".

"Jonathan, I believe there is a better, more mature and polite way for you to explain how you feel on this subject instead of saying countless times “Aghrab knows nothing about Asetianism”. This is not how VF works. I found that quite rude of you, how you simply assume something without knowing if I even have the answer to this or am only trying to know what you all think, as I do with most of my opened threads. So, think well before you rudely accuse.
Nice post, anyways".

"I was not immature at all, nor was I rude. Now you're answer seems like I hit a nerve. Calm down, I made no accusations the way you are getting it. I just replied my interpretation from your misunderstanding of donors to Viperines, nothing else. If you find my opinion rude, now that would be your own problem, and kinda shows who really is being immature, if you can't handle someone else's opinion over yours".

"You're speaking out for nothing, since I never intended to be arrogant, but just to present my view over your post, which is the whole purpose of a forum. You are the one who keeps calling childish every time someone presents an opinion against yours. You did it now, for no reason, and you did it not long ago against geo on the thread on Guardian's Detachment, just because she did not agree with your own opinions about it. This is a place for debate, and if you are going to call immature to everyone that disagrees with you, you just came to the wrong forum. That is not a sign of evolution, at all. Somehow it still sounds to me that I hit a personal nerve... but let's move over it".

I hope you all had fun!
Why is my account still active?


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Registration date : 2009-03-07

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Post by Aghrab 23.07.09 20:49

Perfect example of ignorance.

Number of posts : 492
Location : Where there is always Night and Darkness.
Registration date : 2008-06-06

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Post by Elendor 23.07.09 20:51

I will leave this topic on just as a living example for the rest of the community. I know that many people learn from the mistakes of others and this is a nice example on the lack of tolerance towards other opinions, which we cannot tolerate in here.

Another thing that won't be tolerated is people that express themselves by a "haha" in every sentence. This is no kindergarden.

I will lock the thread, though, because I don't wish to see this community wasting more time with such useless ramblings and flames. Focus on debate, focus on knowledge... focus on evolution.

And please don't say you pity her, who we shall pity is her daughter... because the innocent ones like her are the ones that really suffer from the lack of tolerance and growth of their parents. Unfortunately, those are the ones that always pay the bill.

Vampirism Forum Admin

Number of posts : 67
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Registration date : 2008-06-01


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