Nimrod, the famous hunter of Hebrew mythology.

Divine 277
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Nimrod, the famous hunter of Hebrew mythology. Empty Nimrod, the famous hunter of Hebrew mythology.

Post by Kalb 05.11.13 21:20

The Tower of Babel, is mentioned in the Bible, as one of the most ambitious constructions of man. The Tower of Babel was the work of human pride. God, punished the work of human pride, God decided to confuse them in their language and create many language as you know the story. This detail call my attention because of the first Secret of Orion of  the Book Of Orion writed by Luis Marques, and because of the Tower of Thoth Tarot letter created by Aleister Crowley and Lady Frieda.
Gen10:8-12 wrote:And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth. He was a mighty hunter before Jehovah: wherefore it is said, Like Nimrod a mighty hunter before Jehovah. And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar. Out of that land he went forth into Assyria, and builded Nineveh, and Rehoboth-ir, and Calah, and Resen between Nineveh and Calah - Version of King James.
Nimrod, more accurately a "mighty hunter against the LORD. Biblically we know only that bit of information. Some believe that this represents a legend or simply a representation of older stories coming from Ancient Egypt. The etymology of Nimrod is quite uncertain and the bible does not go into further detail about him but It is possible that this document of Genesis was written around 1332-1323 BC(Or... 1351–1334 BC). The historian Yosef ben Mattityahu  depicts Nimrod as a tyrannical leader, demanding complete dominion and control over people and compares the Assyrian king Nimrod with Tukulti Ninurta I (1246-1206 BC), could be a precise choice, since he was the first Assyrian monarch to rule Babylon and have centers of worship in Babel and Caleh. I will not get there, perhaps I'm just meaningless, but I know that after the death of Ay, Horemheb assumed the throne. A commoner, he had served as vizier to both Tutankhamun and Ay. Horemheb instigated a policy of damnatio memoriae, against everyone associated with the Amarna period. Inside Egypt he had much success, outside of Egypt I don't see good information, but looking at the old Testament I can look for details and think about it. Hebrews and the Christians have believed that Nimrod was the truly hunter, the first symbolism that someone can connect with Orion , which they call Orion by... Kesil(meaning fool). It's funny how things are, Saturn was regarded by ancient people as "the great evil" and Jupiter as the "great benefit", and a good example is the adventure we know about the teachings/stories of Tolkien in his great work on the distinction between both sides. As explained in BoO, Orion is in Greek mythology as an expression of the Divine Hunter. Posted by Zeus in heaven and tells the story that Saturn was banned from Olympus by Zeus.

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Nimrod, the famous hunter of Hebrew mythology. Empty Re: Nimrod, the famous hunter of Hebrew mythology.

Post by Divine 277 06.11.13 9:44

Kalb wrote:The Tower of Babel, is mentioned in the Bible, as one of the most ambitious constructions of man. The Tower of Babel was the work of human pride. God, punished the work of human pride, God decided to confuse them in their language and create many language as you know the story. This detail call my attention because of the first Secret of Orion of  the Book Of Orion writed by Luis Marques, and because of the Tower of Thoth Tarot letter created by Aleister Crowley and Lady Frieda.
Gen10:8-12 wrote:And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth. He was a mighty hunter before Jehovah: wherefore it is said, Like Nimrod a mighty hunter before Jehovah. And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar. Out of that land he went forth into Assyria, and builded Nineveh, and Rehoboth-ir, and Calah, and Resen between Nineveh and Calah - Version of King James.
Nimrod, more accurately a "mighty hunter against the LORD. Biblically we know only that bit of information. Some believe that this represents a legend or simply a representation of older stories coming from Ancient Egypt. The etymology of Nimrod is quite uncertain and the bible does not go into further detail about him but It is possible that this document of Genesis was written around 1332-1323 BC(Or... 1351–1334 BC). The historian Yosef ben Mattityahu  depicts Nimrod as a tyrannical leader, demanding complete dominion and control over people and compares the Assyrian king Nimrod with Tukulti Ninurta I (1246-1206 BC), could be a precise choice, since he was the first Assyrian monarch to rule Babylon and have centers of worship in Babel and Caleh. I will not get there, perhaps I'm just meaningless, but I know that after the death of Ay, Horemheb assumed the throne. A commoner, he had served as vizier to both Tutankhamun and Ay. Horemheb instigated a policy of damnatio memoriae, against everyone associated with the Amarna period. Inside Egypt he had much success, outside of Egypt I don't see good information, but looking at the old Testament I can look for details and think about it. Hebrews and the Christians have believed that Nimrod was the truly hunter, the first symbolism that someone can connect with Orion , which they call Orion by... Kesil(meaning fool). It's funny how things are, Saturn was regarded by ancient people as "the great evil" and Jupiter as the "great benefit", and a good example is the adventure we know about the teachings/stories of Tolkien in his great work on the distinction between both sides. As explained in BoO, Orion is in Greek mythology as an expression of the Divine Hunter. Posted by Zeus in heaven and tells the story that Saturn was banned from Olympus by Zeus.
The Orion constellation and myth is in direct correlation with the True Shepard of Anu ( mul sipa  zi an na or sitaddaru = the one that was struck with a weapon)  in the Babylonian/ Sumerian mythology. It states that it may be related to, the Shepard that was loved by Ishtar in the epic of Gilgamesh.
It is also said that it  can be related to the myth of Artemis .

"you loved the Shepard ... who was forever heaping up glowing ashes and cooking ewe-lambs for you every day. But you stuck him and turned him in to a wolf; now his own heard-boys hunt him down and his dogs tear at his haunches. "

He was regarded as messenger/ herald of the gods  and he had the power to act on the behalf of them.

The Name Ninsubur is also connected highly to the sign of orion. Ninsubur meaning lord or lady, Is both female and male but in the star sign depicted as a man with a long walking stick and a bird as his companion Smile.

Ninsubur in female  form was the minister of Inanna.
When the goddess descended to the underworld, Ninsubur preformed traditional rites of morning for her goddess.

She was also the one that  consulted Enki, who helped form a strategy to free the goddess from the land of the dead.

Other texts call her the faithful minister of the Anunna gods or even the minister of the great Place.

The true shepherd him self walked the path of the dead in the form of Sitaddaru, who was struck down by a mace ..

Nimrod, the famous hunter of Hebrew mythology. 1425529_10200144848022892_473983546_n

Nimrod, the famous hunter of Hebrew mythology. 1391601_10200144847742885_1346620205_n

I know I can be a bit cryptic sometimes Smile 

Thank You @Kalb Smile

Sincerely Divine277
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Nimrod, the famous hunter of Hebrew mythology. Empty Re: Nimrod, the famous hunter of Hebrew mythology.

Post by Kalb 06.11.13 12:14


Semiramis had strong knowledge in Egyptian religion, so, she was against of the corrupt faith in the God of Genesis. She deified herself as Ishtar. She is best known by Shammuramat or Sammu Ramat and was the Queen of Assyria between 811 and 808 BC. No doubt she exercised great power in his time and managed a great field at a time where man could only have dominion and control. There are also reports that she was the wife of Nimrod, but I do not believe.

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Nimrod, the famous hunter of Hebrew mythology. Empty Re: Nimrod, the famous hunter of Hebrew mythology.

Post by Divine 277 06.11.13 12:52

Im a bit confused Kalb ... cause the first zodiac that has been found was dated about 1000 years bc ... Babylonian/Mesopotamia rule ...The Babylonian star signs entered Greek astronomy in the Ptolemaic dynasty with Alexander the great, so Im a bit confused :/ do you have knowledge that I don't possess ?
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Nimrod, the famous hunter of Hebrew mythology. Empty Re: Nimrod, the famous hunter of Hebrew mythology.

Post by Nightshade 06.11.13 13:25

Alexander the great also known as Alexander the fake.

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Nimrod, the famous hunter of Hebrew mythology. Empty Re: Nimrod, the famous hunter of Hebrew mythology.

Post by Kalb 06.11.13 17:30

Divine 277: I might agree with you. But the problem is that the Egyptians left many details. The best example I can give you is the Pyramids of Giza, aligned with the constellation Orion. Or even if you prefer the Sep Tepy time, where Gods shared knowledge to humanity, including astrology. We know that Asetians created Sigils with starts for more than 8,000 years BC, and the last work of the AK was even an initiation to understand the starts...
The problem of Ancient Egypt were invasions, various foreign peoples throughout their history and changed the story, as is your knowledge, the Christianity is monotheistic, contributed greatly to the loss of most Divine inspiration of old Egypt. All that was related to the ancient Egyptian gods was considered pagan, and therefore banned. Immense inscriptions were destroyed and rendered unreadable. The introduction of Islam by the Arabs continued the same practice to erase the records and forget the past.

Alexander died in 323 BC and his Macedonian empire is divided by high military positions, a scheme called the satrapy. Egypt fell Ptolemaic dynasty, son of Lagus, one of Alexander's generals.

NightShade: Alexander was a student of Aristotle, he ruled Egypt without resistance. The Macedonians were accepted as the best alternative to the oppression of the Persians. During his stay, Alexander ordered the construction of the city of Alexandria.

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Nimrod, the famous hunter of Hebrew mythology. Empty Re: Nimrod, the famous hunter of Hebrew mythology.

Post by Kalb 07.11.13 4:15

stars, not "starts". My apologies.

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Nimrod, the famous hunter of Hebrew mythology. Empty Re: Nimrod, the famous hunter of Hebrew mythology.

Post by Divine 277 08.11.13 1:18

Kalb : Im not saying that Egypt was not early in their way of looking at the universe and the stars .. Im just saying that from what I have studied from myth, both fact and "fact ", all seen to relate to one another ... even the people from the city of Knossos as early as 3000 bc  have relics and traces from Egypt and Sumer Babylon

Nimrod, the famous hunter of Hebrew mythology. 582687_3214502460407_701865814_n

What was very curious when I visited this museum .. was that I was aloud to take pictures of the egyptian related statues and monuments .. but I was not aloud to take pictures of the sumer inspired work ...
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Nimrod, the famous hunter of Hebrew mythology. Empty Re: Nimrod, the famous hunter of Hebrew mythology.

Post by Maxx 09.11.13 23:01

I am just involved with the book by Gerald Clark....I am disconnecting with most things mentioned regarding Z. Sitchen.....but in chapter 7 Clark speaks of the Epic of Gilgamesh...tells of a private school that gave and assignment to a 5th grader over the summer to study that epic....and states that the Gilgamesh is one and the same as Nimrod......

But it is a fascinating read in part because Clark writes from an Engineer background and is including sound, colors and design of the human body making mention of how we are designed to evolve upward like the Chakra the harp program is controlling many aspects all around is one interesting read....

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Nimrod, the famous hunter of Hebrew mythology. Empty Re: Nimrod, the famous hunter of Hebrew mythology.

Post by Nightshade 10.11.13 0:15

Maxx wrote:But it is a fascinating read in part because Clark writes from an Engineer background and is including sound, colors and design of the human body making mention of how we are designed to evolve upward like the Chakra the harp program is controlling many aspects all around is one interesting read....
Just like the Tree of Life system from the Kabbalah, where we're also taught to evolve upward through the paths of the Tree, consequentially reaching further enlightenment in each step.

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Nimrod, the famous hunter of Hebrew mythology. Empty Re: Nimrod, the famous hunter of Hebrew mythology.

Post by Maxx 20.11.13 9:27

I have attempted to contact Gerald Clark regarding statements in his book both about some of his statements and also about Z Sitchin......and he has refused to address it privately so I will be posting on his forum  in public.   But below I am posting a statement from Jonathan Gray from his book Forbidden says...

What you should know
about the Sumerian texts
Further investigation, without Mr Sitchin’s help, turned up the
fact that all of the Sumerian texts discovered by archaeologists
have now been translated and catalogued. No longer a secret,
they are finally accessible to us – and even on the Internet.
So are you ready for this? Examination shows that there is not
one Sumerian text that says those things. Not one anywhere. In
my book Just Sitchin Fiction? I show you how to check for
yourself all the Sumerian texts online. The truth is that in the
entire cuneiform record there is not one single text that says any
of these things Mr Sitchin was claiming they did. These texts do
not exist. They are all made up!
Except one. And that is a cylinder seal known as "VA243” (so
named because it is number 243 in the collection of the
Vorderasiatische Museum in Berlin). But, contrary to Mr
Sitchin’s claim, this seal does not show a 12th planet at all, but is
the record of a grain harvest offering to a god.
What about the good Mr Sitchin’s Sumerian word translations?
Same problem. They are just made up.
How can we be sure? Surprise! Not only do we now have access
to the Sumerian texts, but also to 4,000 year old Sumerian word
dictionaries. That’s right. The Sumerians kept their own
dictionaries. And we have these now! And what is their verdict
on the “alien-favoring” meanings that Mr Sitchin has been
giving us? The words do not mean those things at all! The actual
meanings are very, very different.
What about Mr Sitchin’s Hebrew word translations? Sorry to be
a spoilsport, but these are likewise fictitious. (So that you can
check it all for yourself, I now offer you a free 224 page e-book
in which you can go through each of these in detail. See below.)
Honesty is a treasure. But I am sorry to state that Mr Sitchin has
(a) served up to us fictitious word meanings so that we
would.accept his.theory,.and
(b) he has also "made up" Sumerian documents which
do not exist.
He asks us to accept such scholarship as his evidence. If the
"evidence" for a theory is bogus, then, may I ask you, what of
the theory?
Millie, bring me an aspirin!

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Nimrod, the famous hunter of Hebrew mythology. Empty Re: Nimrod, the famous hunter of Hebrew mythology.

Post by Kalb 30.11.13 7:29

Maxx: You were very kind to expose this text here. I confess that I was unaware of this issue. I hope that our colleagues can put on something more useful than me.

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Nimrod, the famous hunter of Hebrew mythology. Empty Re: Nimrod, the famous hunter of Hebrew mythology.

Post by Maxx 30.11.13 7:50

Sorry kalb, I thought you were aware of these issues from our conversation about a year ago here. Jonathan was already aware.....but myself, I only became aware of this Sitchen problem about a year ago. I am always behind the times....and you are right. I am kind.........of behind the times. LOL.

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Nimrod, the famous hunter of Hebrew mythology. Empty Re: Nimrod, the famous hunter of Hebrew mythology.

Post by Kalb 30.11.13 8:02

I do not remember this part. Mad Sorry.

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Nimrod, the famous hunter of Hebrew mythology. Empty Re: Nimrod, the famous hunter of Hebrew mythology.

Post by Maxx 06.12.13 11:03

Gerald Clark has been very obviously avoiding me both in private mail as well as open mail regarding Z. Sitchen.  He was on Coasttocoastam last night and specifically began to address my questioning him when he told George that he wanted to address this issue more about   It was an interesting interview but he did not touch a direct answer to it.  He used other illustrations like Universities are teaching Sitchen material now and a couple of other side steps.  I am not convinced now and even more doubting about Gerald Clark at this point when he specifically avoids a direct answer on a very specific topic.

Based on my private initial message to him, he does make mention about the war between Horus and Seth to incorporate his message at the end of hour one.

I find mention of George Smith who wrote an account of early history (which I have a couple of his books) of the Genesis account. (The Chaldean Account of Genesis).   George also agrees that there was no fall of angels as written in the account of the Christian documents story.  It was man that fell.  I first heard of this from a Spirit Being named Azazel.  He said there was no falling by so called angels, and that the fall was mankind.  This is the instance that first got my attention and prompted my investigation of this whole account.  Azazel had directed me toward other research I am finding answers to fill my interest.  Azazel is a very interesting Being to me.  The account of this Spirit Being is certainly misinformation that you find in the Christian Bible.  Azazel even directed me towards my present activity into the magical studies program I am in at present.

Also, I find that Laurence Gardner's book has some great research into this matter as well as others.  He makes very plain how the Hebrew priests have spread misconceptions.  Then the Christians took up and added more misconceptions to that and combined several different beings to indicate that all of them became one being.  The bible is just a jumbled up mess.   Read it for yourself and make your own decision.  It is called Revelations of the Devil.

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Nimrod, the famous hunter of Hebrew mythology. Empty Re: Nimrod, the famous hunter of Hebrew mythology.

Post by Kalb 08.12.13 4:53

Maxx: The Bible as it is today seen by the world as something pure and totally religious to me make me sick. However, I believe the Bible as well as having important details about Kabbalah, has interesting symbolism. I have to agree with you in that aspect. There was no fall of angels, just mankind fell and well fallen. In so far well that has difficulties to be in tune with reality. It is interesting to observe the way the story was told in throughout the Old Testament. Anyway, Ahab was the seventh King of Israel and according to legend he replaced the Jewish God by Phoenician God Baal, whose worship was formalized. Built in Samaria a temple to Baal and ordered to kill the prophets of God. The symbolism is always funny, because as previously stated here in the forum, the 9 is always associated with great sacrifices and works devoted to God and 7 always goes against the beliefs and God's people. Baal was a god worshiped by some cultures, there were several gods Baal, for various tribes.

Baal was the son of Dagon, he sometimes reborn in the spring after dying in the autumn, representing the cycle of fertility. According to the Tarot is the God of spring, Dionysus. In Ancient Egypt is ... Osiris and Dagon was usually accompanied by the goddess Ishtar. Joseph Campbell, equates Ishtar, Inanna, and Aphrodite, and he draws a parallel between the Egyptian Goddess Isis with the goddess Ishtar. The Bible considers Baal full idolatry, God's people fell at the feet of this God as is confirmed in the story of Moses and the Tablets of the Law and in the reign of Manasseh, who created altars to the Baals. Now, it is possible that Beelzebub was one of the names of Baal. Beelzebub is one of the demons of the Christian and Judaism religion, there are even cases of demonic possession attributed to Beelzebub. Another interesting detail is that Solomon's Temple was created by the Phoenicians engineers.

The Bible is an interesting book to observe, there are important details that lead us to a reality closer to the divine and everything depends on how we look at it, that is why I see the Bible as often the philosophy of Kabbalah, it depends on what you are looking for, and when you find some precise detail, you need of extra knowledge to be able to know their symbolism. There are occultist in the past that comparing the Bible with Tarot and I can give you the example of Eliphas Levi who was the first to put the Tarot in relation to Kabbalah, and compared them with 22 trumps of the 22 chapters of the Revelation of St. John. If we look at the Old Testament, we have to be careful with many stories, because they are not being counted at random, are details to everyone who has eye to see the door of light. I often have trouble trusting in certain fonts because they are unreliable, certainly many historians and researchers are not looking the way we want most, so their knowledge differs from ours. But it is always interesting to see what they say and think about it.


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Nimrod, the famous hunter of Hebrew mythology. Empty Re: Nimrod, the famous hunter of Hebrew mythology.

Post by Stapleraindrop 08.12.13 8:47

The story of the 'fall' of man can be seen when Eve takes a bite of the forbidden fruit of knowledge. The symbolism of this act varies greatly from religion to religion however, with Catholics eternally referencing this as the original sin, while Gnosticism reveres the event, admiring the capability of mankind to break free from the God depicted in that particular text.

Personally, I see the Catholic attitude towards original sin as a perfect example of how society is controlled. The message is do what you're told or you get kicked out of the garden. Such doctrine neither allows for freedom, or growth.

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Nimrod, the famous hunter of Hebrew mythology. Empty Re: Nimrod, the famous hunter of Hebrew mythology.

Post by 8lou1 08.12.13 9:19

after eating all those apples the gnostics still believe their is a god somehow more powerfull then us. wouldnt you think that after eating these apples ages ago you get tired of them and try a banana....

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Nimrod, the famous hunter of Hebrew mythology. Empty Re: Nimrod, the famous hunter of Hebrew mythology.

Post by Maxx 08.12.13 9:58

kalb...I can see you certainly have spent time in writing and research of your subject.  One thing I would like to add is that one way to see is to take sections and apply.  Look at the Old testament of the Hebrews, then the old testament of the Christian bible, and then the new testament of the Christian bible. (the first two mentioned are not the same thing).   One will find some things then become viewed from a different picture and they do not agree when we see them speaking of the same things many times.  But all were supposed to reference the same thing.  After that is revealed, then one can look back prior to when these were composed and see where these Hebrew priests combined different stories to make one myth conform to their wishes. Then you can follow how the Christian writing did the same thing.  Through all it becomes clear how bad this religion is structured to become the "word of God".  You might remember that the Hebrew Priests I talk about can be connected to the Red Order of Seth.

The word Baal always bothers me as it is a prime example of total misunderstanding in all their writing.  the Oxford English Dictionary  says that as relating to the morning star, neither lux-fer nor phos phorus were ever used as derogatory terms, and were even applied in respect of the Messiah in Rev. 22:16.  Then the Jewish Encyclopedia says: It is obvious that the prophet Isaiah, in attributing to the Babylonian king a boastful pride followed by a fall, borrowed the idea from a popular legend connected with the morning star.  Then Milton comes along and from there we find that Satan, Mastema and Belial, as being one and the same in the commonly regarded names of one devil. Only from the 17th century did Lucifer become another name attributed to the devil.  Prior to that, the Latin term Lucifer (lux-fer) had never been  associated with a MALE entity --- and certainly not with an evil demon.  That word beel derives from the Phoenician baal, meaning "lord", and zebub was a Semitic collective noun relating to "things in flight", and is generally accepted that Beelzebub (or Baalzebub) relates to one who is the "lord of flying things".  In the Christian old testament this word first appears as being the God of Ekron.  This Beelzebub also appears by name in the 3rd century gospel of Nicodemus, which again records him as "prince of the devils" and "king of glory."  In this apocryphal context, Satan is addressed by Hades ( the guardian of Hell) as Beelzebub, the heir of fire and torment".  This raises the question: If Satan was supposedly the lord of Hell, then who was Hades?  LOL.  
What I am bringing up is the word Baal which these old testaments use so often means many different individual Gods or beings and they are being lumped into one catch all being to fit the writers purpose.  NOT GOOD.

I say all this based from study of the book I mentioned by Laurence Gardner.  It had bothered me before about all these stories being so far off because of the fact I have personally called up both Lucifer and Beliar or Belial and they are not the same personality that is presented in the above books.  In my former posts I have commented that these so called demons have really gotten a bad rap and it is because of the writing of the Hebrew priests in creating their stories to fit their control over the populations.  Even the story about the 10 commandments given to the people by so called Moses was not the same instructions given to the inner priesthood by this Moses.  It was a different set of step by step teaching to be utilized only by that inner court of Hebrew priesthood.  

Anyway, I am getting way out of line here so I will just leave it at that.  Thanks for your insightful teaching Kalb.

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Nimrod, the famous hunter of Hebrew mythology. Empty Re: Nimrod, the famous hunter of Hebrew mythology.

Post by Stapleraindrop 08.12.13 10:09

Maxx, I believe you may remember a conversation in which you mentioned Belail as the symbol of earth represented within the pentagram. Do you believe he has any relation to Hapi, the canopic jar that represents the earth?

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Nimrod, the famous hunter of Hebrew mythology. Empty Re: Nimrod, the famous hunter of Hebrew mythology.

Post by Maxx 08.12.13 10:16

Sorry, I failed to mention that Baalzebub and Belial or Beliar or many times meaning the same when used by different people. Lord of the flies is another term used with these two names.....and it actually comes from the sound that is heard very often when you call this being up in person.....many times there is the sound of many bees buzzing so I can see how the thinking of the buzz of flies came into being by those thinking this is what they are hearing.

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Nimrod, the famous hunter of Hebrew mythology. Empty Re: Nimrod, the famous hunter of Hebrew mythology.

Post by Maxx 08.12.13 10:19

You certainly can find a good connection to that in past history. Also look at the children named from the Egyptian creation story and find the other names used in these Christian and Jewish stories from their past.

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Nimrod, the famous hunter of Hebrew mythology. Empty Re: Nimrod, the famous hunter of Hebrew mythology.

Post by Kalb 08.12.13 11:06

I see what you're saying and also read somewhere texts with the same identification of your sources, but I just want to add a note to your texts before Christianity become a well-defined doctrine and worship of Baal idolatry the various names Baal were attributed to God that meant "lord" or "god" as You mentioned. After Christianity have roots began to ban this name and consider it blasphemy. Now, the verse you mention Rev. 22:16, I believe that somehow is connected with this mystery, I have to agree that there is also a lot of confusion on this subject, but I disagree when you say that the Messiah/Jesus is the morning star. The morning star is really connected with the mysteries of Orion with a strong connection with Aset Ka:

Amos 5:8 > Seek him that maketh the  seven stars and Orion, and
turneth the shadow of death into the morning, and maketh the
day dark with night: that calleth for the waters of the sea, and
poureth them out upon the face of the earth: The LORD is his
This passage is very well explained in the book of Orion

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Nimrod, the famous hunter of Hebrew mythology. Empty Re: Nimrod, the famous hunter of Hebrew mythology.

Post by Maxx 08.12.13 11:15

I was not saying that......I was using that verse showing how it was quoted that wasy and made the connection for their purpose.

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Nimrod, the famous hunter of Hebrew mythology. Empty Re: Nimrod, the famous hunter of Hebrew mythology.

Post by Kalb 08.12.13 11:20

Maxx: You write something that you don't agree? I saw the source, but I thought you agree with the quote. My apologies for having misinterpreted you.

Anyway, I'm just showing that I can see connections with ancient Egypt, and despite all these confusions I always arrive at the same conclusion: Orion.

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Registration date : 2009-10-28!/st7lk3r

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Nimrod, the famous hunter of Hebrew mythology. Empty Re: Nimrod, the famous hunter of Hebrew mythology.

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