guardians and true loves

Victoria Prue
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guardians and true loves Empty guardians and true loves

Post by godofbattle 17.09.09 20:19

I was woundering if guardians had to be a certain age to find their true love. Since many people awaken in their teen years can they find love then?

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guardians and true loves Empty Re: guardians and true loves

Post by Daniel09 17.09.09 20:39

I would say it is subjective to the life they are living, how a Guardian would find their true love. It would most likely be harder to fool a Guardian's sense of true love on account of being less affected by the energy of others due to their shields. It could lead to a very lonely life-style growing up, especially after awakening, because they simply will not connect with anyone who is not already connected to them, unless they specifically focus on weakening the power of their shield and allowing change to occur. It's certainly not a likely thing for a Guardian to do, with the effort it would take to cause instability. A Guardian would probably prefer that things stay isolated within themselves, and perhaps not even look for love, but embrace it when the love they recognize enters their life. This is all speculation, don't take it as definitive.

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guardians and true loves Empty Re: guardians and true loves

Post by Jonathan 17.09.09 22:29

Most Guardians, particularly Elders, are only beings of love towards that One that people talk about. Despite that, they are not beings of love at all, and so as teens they would not look for love at all, and most likely not even imagine themselves ever having anyone, until the day that they meet the One, and all that changes.

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guardians and true loves Empty Re: guardians and true loves

Post by AnaInDark 18.09.09 12:48

Jonathan wrote:Most Guardians, particularly Elders, are only beings of love towards that One that people talk about. Despite that, they are not beings of love at all, and so as teens they would not look for love at all, and most likely not even imagine themselves ever having anyone, until the day that they meet the One, and all that changes.
That is actually what I would imagine a Guardian being like... Not looking for Love, not able to even imagine belonging to another, and only being awakened that Love exists when their special other half enters their lives.

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guardians and true loves Empty Re: guardians and true loves

Post by Victor 18.09.09 13:09

You are right.
Also one of the reasons why Elder Guardians tend to remain virgins no matter what, only giving themselves and their essence to the right Soul.

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guardians and true loves Empty Re: guardians and true loves

Post by Phoenix 18.09.09 21:39

Jonathan wrote:Most Guardians, particularly Elders, are only beings of love towards that One that people talk about. Despite that, they are not beings of love at all, and so as teens they would not look for love at all, and most likely not even imagine themselves ever having anyone, until the day that they meet the One, and all that changes.

Of the three lineages, I consider myself closest to the Guardians and generally agree with Jonathan's comments.

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guardians and true loves Empty Re: guardians and true loves

Post by godofbattle 18.09.09 22:25

if the guardian cannot be with their love for some reason say they find their love but, are too young at the time. will they at least try to keep contact with that person. would this person be drawn to them. I use young age as an example because I believe love has no age. THIS DOSENT MEAN I THINK PEOPLE SHOULD HAVE SEX AT A YOUNG AGE.

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guardians and true loves Empty Re: guardians and true loves

Post by Aghrab 18.09.09 23:40

godofbattle wrote:if the guardian cannot be with their love for some reason say they find their love but, are too young at the time. will they at least try to keep contact with that person. would this person be drawn to them. I use young age as an example because I believe love has no age. THIS DOSENT MEAN I THINK PEOPLE SHOULD HAVE SEX AT A YOUNG AGE.
I don't believe that Asetians think of age when they decide to... become One. It is too much of a human concept to think of age. It is about the right moment, in my opinion, not about the physical age of a person. Also keep in mind that Asetians will not always incarnate at the same time as their Lovers, so one may sometimes be much older or much younger.


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guardians and true loves Empty Re: guardians and true loves

Post by godofbattle 19.09.09 9:03

i relate alot to the guardians. i never felt ahuman could understand me but i could always understand them. one day i met a teacher of mine and we had conversations and we began to understand each other. i thuoght of him and even if he didnt say i culd tell he did the same of me. it was the way he would look at me that gave him away

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guardians and true loves Empty Re: guardians and true loves

Post by AnaInDark 19.09.09 11:00

lol... Actually, Guardians do not understand humans whatsoever. A very wise person once told me, which I trust in the knowledge of deeply, that Guardians are the one who never understand the humans' ways, always in confusion of "Why are they like this?; Why do they do this?"...

But I look forward to the input of members like Victor and Jonathan.

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guardians and true loves Empty Re: guardians and true loves

Post by Daniel09 19.09.09 11:12

I would say that I used to be a very Guardian-like personality. It's a long story, but I'd rather tell it. I can sum it up fairly short for a long story anyway.

When I was youngest, first entering school and before then, I was always happy. There was rarely a point when I wasn't. During school I experienced the pain of being hurt by others' feelings toward me, because I was different than them. I had a natural predisposition towards retaining what I learned, and I constantly did socially awkward things. You could say I was somewhat Asperger's. So, even though I went through a lot of emotional pain from my treatment by others, I would always manage to befriend at least one person every year, sometimes almost everyone in a class. I was still very happy all the time. Then my family changed location to Florida, about the same time as I began to go through the first stages of puberty.

With the onset of this growth phase, I ceased to be happy. I still managed to look happy, but inside I most certainly was not. Even as I developed, with hormones and people telling me I should like women, I never found a reason to actually have sex or anything. It seemed to me to be a stupid thing to even have a girlfriend at an age when one's brain hadn't even fully developed. I became more and more a recluse. My mind began wandering places and in my desperation my mind responded to my mind's inquiries. I focused a lot on spirituality, because I realized that I knew nothing of death and what happens when one dies. It became a sad idea to think that I couldn't know what would happen when I died. At this point I had only two real friends, and a number of acquaintances.

Then my family returned to my birth town, where I currently reside. I noticed an instant improvement in everything. I suddenly could feel a flicker of that innate happiness I once felt. I also befriended almost everyone I could meet in school. But I never once looked for a relationship, not even slightly.

2 years into high school, things got strange. My first year, I met a boy who was very well versed in martial arts and spirituality. When I first saw him, I felt something stir inside me that said "this boy is someone I will be friends with." We basically became friends instantly when we met, and developed into best friends very quickly. He taught me things about energy and chakra systems, and most importantly, he taught me meditation. I began meditating constantly, whenever I could, even on the bus, regardless of the jeers pointed towards me. Just two weeks after beginning, a weird thing happened. I started seeing colors with my eyes closed. It's not like lights outside the eye, which appear orange and yellow. This was a sudden "cloud" which flushed through my vision in blue or green. I would ask my friend about it, and he wouldn't know what it was, but said it was probably chakra manifestation of some kind, possibly meaning I reached a heightened meditative state.
My second year, I began to become insanely depressed without reason. I started acting odd, getting jittery, extra reclusive, and biting myself trying to taste my blood, which didn't make sense to me. I turned to the internet one day, my one source of quick information, and recalled seeing a fetish once called Vampirism. Looked it up and found, which explained Vampires in some detail related with real life. This was very new and because I fit the picture, I was drawn to it, getting pulled into the Vampire Community for a time.

Now to get to where the idea of Guardian-like love comes in.

I was in a chatroom on this site, and this girl came on. I had become sensitive to energy for some reason at this point, and could feel that I wanted to talk to her. She and I talked a lot and very soon (after hours and hours of talking), or after days, I honestly cannot recall time very well in this regard. Everything is bunched together into experiences rather than time periods. But I told her I thought I loved her. She told me she thought the same thing. We were together over the internet for 3 months, and I felt so powerfully in love with her that nothing could possibly change it. By this point I had found myself on this site.

Naturally, things changed... one day I found out she was hitting it off with someone else over the internet for almost a week, and she wanted me to be fine with it, acting like everything she had felt and said wasn't the truth. After this occurred, I didn't show anything at first. For a few weeks I remained as a stone. I couldn't interact with energy at all, no-one could even sense me anymore. I was even ignored at school. See, she had been the one. The one who helped me awaken to my senses. Then, to soil herself by mingling with another like that and lie to me while doing it. I wanted nothing more to do with her. She complained to high heaven that she didn't want me to go, but I was already gone to her. After she had done that, the link I had forged was slowly being destroyed. It is now completely severed I think. I don't have any kind of contact with her at all.

It took me a year before I decided that I wanted to date someone for real, to experience what it was like to have a relationship like that. Since then, every one I've had has been increasingly stronger, though I haven't been with anyone who sets me off like the one might. With that girl, I had a clouded feeling, the kind I recognize now as deception, so I know she was never really the one. There is one boy now, who I feel insanely drawn to. I have never had to be careful near someone before, because I never had the urges to do anything. I was very much in a shell for myself and no one else really. Yet with this boy, he controls my heart without even knowing it. Every time he moves, I want to be with him. Whenever he speaks, it's like I've never heard anything like it. When I get close to him, I have to use almost all my self control to prevent my instincts from throwing myself at him. It's strange, and new, and I'm sure I'm probably in need of some kind of help to stop myself from thinking these things.

So I skipped a lot of details, but this ended up being excessively long. Sorry for such a long post, I'm not completely sure what even motivated me to write it. I forgot to add that since then, instead of feeling very Guardian-like, I have felt very much like all three kinds of Asetians, switching between them randomly. It led to confusion, and I simply stopped worrying about it since I finally matured enough to know that a label is a pointless thing to have. I just have what I can do and the fun strange things about myself, like the bare line through my eyebrow that's like a scar from a past life, the pyramid in a box and X on my palm lines, the horned oval on a stick on my left wrist, the Aset Ka looking symbol in the veins on the back of my right hand. I don't know much about symmetry of veins, but it seemed odd to me that they were structured so differently.

Anyway, that's all I can bear to have anyone read. I feel that I've probably said too much anyhow, with possibly no contributing information. Again, this is just a strange motivation I felt, regardless of what reaction it gets.

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guardians and true loves Empty Re: guardians and true loves

Post by Lyprith 19.09.09 17:58

Thanks for posting that Daniel, i found it very interesting and can definatly relate to your life in many ways. It always helps to know that we're not alone in our experiences.

I have found that in romantic relationships people bond with me alot stronger than i do to them, i'm not sure how or why but i have a tendency to make people feel really good about themselves and this often leaves me feeling used up which leads me to breaking up with them and feeling horrible because i know i've ripped their hearts out and stomped all over them.
I also would say that i have a very guardian-like personality that has been constanly like that for all my life. I pretty much have no friends because i can't bring myself to let anyone else in and have serious trust issues from past betrayals, but i am extremely loyal and protective when i do find someone to trust.
And i have a firm belief in "the One" for me, though i'm not at all sure we will be meeting up in this life, but i guess the trick is to wait and see lol...


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guardians and true loves Empty Re: guardians and true loves

Post by Aghrab 19.09.09 22:32

Lyprith wrote:I have found that in romantic relationships people bond with me alot stronger than i do to them, i'm not sure how or why but i have a tendency to make people feel really good about themselves and this often leaves me feeling used up which leads me to breaking up with them and feeling horrible because i know i've ripped their hearts out and stomped all over them.
I also would say that i have a very guardian-like personality that has been constanly like that for all my life.

That detail of "leaving them from feeling used" is especially something that Guardians would never do, if they spend the effort to actually make someone feel "good about himself", so I am not sure how that is so Guardian-like, when that detail is one of the biggest and most obvious traits in a Guardian, something they would never do. They are beings that hang on no matter what, and can never "stomp all over" the one they love and "rip out their hearts".


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guardians and true loves Empty Re: guardians and true loves

Post by Lyprith 19.09.09 23:02

Aghrab wrote:
That detail of "leaving them from feeling used" is especially something that Guardians would never do, if they spend the effort to actually make someone feel "good about himself", so I am not sure how that is so Guardian-like, when that detail is one of the biggest and most obvious traits in a Guardian, something they would never do. They are beings that hang on no matter what, and can never "stomp all over" the one they love and "rip out their hearts".

Did i say i WAS a Guardian? nope i don't believe i did, i said "Guardian-like" which doesn't mean i'm exactly like them in every way.
Why would a Guardian hang on to a romantic relationship when he/she knows that theres no future for it? And when i said "rip out their hearts and stomp all over it" what i meant was just the act of breaking up with said person was enough to hurt them because they were more attached to me than i was to them.


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guardians and true loves Empty Re: guardians and true loves

Post by Jonathan 20.09.09 13:56

Thanks for sharing that long text Daniel. It is always good to read about the experiences of others.

Lyprith, I don't believe Guardians would ever feel they are less attached than the ones they are in a relationship with. Actually, being Guardian-alike is the other way around. They are the ones that attach in a relationship, in such a strong way, that nothing can severe that bond and link. They linger on, living for the One they love, no matter if they get betrayed, beaten and killed while doing it. That is why they are beings that embody the purest concepts of Loyalty and Love.

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guardians and true loves Empty Re: guardians and true loves

Post by Lyprith 20.09.09 20:54

So what your saying is that Guardians are like Doormats?
They would stay with someone who is not their true love and who treats them badly because they are loyal to the person even if that person is not loyal to them?


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guardians and true loves Empty Re: guardians and true loves

Post by Daniel09 20.09.09 21:49

Lyprith wrote:So what your saying is that Guardians are like Doormats?
They would stay with someone who is not their true love and who treats them badly because they are loyal to the person even if that person is not loyal to them?

I think you're oversimplifying it and looking at it narrowly. A Guardian would remain forever loyal to their One. That is not the same as allowing themselves to become "doormats." Basically, because the Guardian cannot be with their One during their incarnation, they will be with no one.

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guardians and true loves Empty Re: guardians and true loves

Post by AnaInDark 20.09.09 21:58

Lyprith wrote:So what your saying is that Guardians are like Doormats?
That word is very rude to use towards the amazing ways of a Guardian.

Lyprith wrote:They would stay with someone who is not their true love and who treats them badly because they are loyal to the person even if that person is not loyal to them?
They would NEVER be with anyone in the first place, if it is not their True Love. guardians and true loves Icon_wink If they are with that person, it is because that person IS their True Love, or else they could not stand a day in the hands of the wrong man/woman.

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guardians and true loves Empty Re: guardians and true loves

Post by Jonathan 20.09.09 22:14

Lyprith wrote:So what your saying is that Guardians are like Doormats?
They would stay with someone who is not their true love and who treats them badly because they are loyal to the person even if that person is not loyal to them?
I never said they would stay with someone that is not their true love. In fact, they would not even be with that person in the first place if it's not their true love.

But yes, if that person is the soul that they belong to, they would undoubtedly stay with them no matter if they get betrayed or what. That is because their loyalty is unconditional. Has no "if".
That is why their loyalty and dedication is said to be on the extreme level. Where would their unconditional loyalty and dedication be if they turned their back and left their lover that betrayed them? That is what every human out there does. Why would then be so much discussions and studies over the Guardians and their example of True Love?

To understand the Asetians we have to think outside of the box. We can't keep comparing them to the human social padron found in society or to judge them with our own fears and egos. These beings are unlike everything you have ever seen, and that is what makes them so fantastic and unique.

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guardians and true loves Empty Re: guardians and true loves

Post by Daniel09 20.09.09 23:07

For a time I was like that, unconditional undying love. It was just the way I was. What changed it was some kind of strange illness that befell my mental capacities and caused me to change in some way that altered the way I saw things. Suddenly I decided it was unhealthy for me to even speak with her anymore, and cut off contact. I still really wish she could be alright, and with me... but she made her decisions and staying in her life would remain unhealthy for her too, because she would have to give up the happiness she finds in this other man.

Look at what this topic's gone and done, got me thinking about that girl a little too in depth. I try to keep it out of my mind for reasons of mental sanity. You know I nearly killed myself three times (for specific reasons I can't recall, but I'm sure it was related to the mental breakdown which occurred at the time).

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guardians and true loves Empty Re: guardians and true loves

Post by Jonathan 21.09.09 0:05

Daniel09 wrote:For a time I was like that, unconditional undying love. It was just the way I was. What changed it was some kind of strange illness that befell my mental capacities and caused me to change in some way that altered the way I saw things. Suddenly I decided it was unhealthy for me to even speak with her anymore, and cut off contact. I still really wish she could be alright, and with me... but she made her decisions and staying in her life would remain unhealthy for her too, because she would have to give up the happiness she finds in this other man.

Look at what this topic's gone and done, got me thinking about that girl a little too in depth. I try to keep it out of my mind for reasons of mental sanity. You know I nearly killed myself three times (for specific reasons I can't recall, but I'm sure it was related to the mental breakdown which occurred at the time).
I understand. I wasn't judging you at all. My whole post was mostly a reply to Lyprith's comment. But thank you for your input.

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guardians and true loves Empty Re: guardians and true loves

Post by Lyprith 21.09.09 0:11

Jonathan wrote:
I never said they would stay with someone that is not their true love. In fact, they would not even be with that person in the first place if it's not their true love.

Ok i understand and accept what your all saying about Guardians and their true loves, But as i've said I am not a Guardian so i don't understand why everyone got all defensive when i mentioned breaking up with someone because of feeling used. I said my personality was some-what guardian like in regards to my loyalty when i find someone to be loyal to, but as i'm a lowly human it also means i can cut loose those who are untrustworthy and unhealthy to myself and those around me. So what exactly is the problem?


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guardians and true loves Empty Re: guardians and true loves

Post by Daniel09 21.09.09 0:18

Mhm, nothing I said was blaming. I manage to keep a pretty steady shield on that area of my mind and emotion, so it doesn't affect me often. I was just stating what I know is true. And truth be told, because of my Asperger's-like traits, I have an undying truth streak. Quite literally no secrets. I only need be asked, unless asked by another to hold a secret for them.

To Lyprith: Though Humans view things on a much narrower field, they are in no way lowly, because some can learn and break out of the "auto" mode they run in most of the time. Viperines have the strongest capability in helping Humans become aware. I know you were likely being sarcastic, but I just wanted to point that out. Being a developed Human is nothing to be ashamed of. It's a rather proud achievement I'd think.

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guardians and true loves Empty Re: guardians and true loves

Post by Lyprith 21.09.09 0:35

Daniel09 wrote:
To Lyprith: I know you were likely being sarcastic, but I just wanted to point that out. Being a developed Human is nothing to be ashamed of. It's a rather proud achievement I'd think.
guardians and true loves Icon_biggrin I was being sarcastic, Sorry guardians and true loves Icon_biggrin


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guardians and true loves Empty Re: guardians and true loves

Post by AnaInDark 21.09.09 1:22

I wasn't being defensive, and I am sorry if you felt that way. I only wanted to point out that Guardians are not like that.

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