The Sacred Religion of Asetians.
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The Sacred Religion of Asetians.
day, in a great metaphysical battle, Seth’s increasing powers succeeded at
destroying Osiris’ physical body. Isis used Her breath of life to revive Osiris, but the Pharaoh was too tired of all these disputes over power. Accepting his will, Isis granted Osiris safe passage into the realm of the Duat, where he would render Anubis as the new Lord of the Death”
Bible – Page 47
Across the time we have been eared in true love…but what does love mean? Many will give their owns opinion,others, will find the concept of love in friends or family. Finally there are the ones who capture the definition of love in religion. I make my own definition whit help of Asetian Bible; I can understand that love is the same thing as Freedom, Respect, Honor, Loyalty and Responsibility.
True love is free, never an obsession.
The Epic War, was not only a fight that Sethians lose, but was the first lesson that love wins everything. While Asetians fight for Love and Honor, the Sethians fight for greed and power…
There are things that never change… while Asetians are beings that accept the reality and adapt to the final score, they have Honor, are Loyal to their own word and Family, the Sethians will try to take what they desire…
Re: The Sacred Religion of Asetians.
Deep and beautiful post Stalker.
You said many truths here.
Asetians are a great prove of Love, Truth, Loyalty and Honor.
Wonderful Beings of our Belief.
You said many truths here.
Asetians are a great prove of Love, Truth, Loyalty and Honor.
Wonderful Beings of our Belief.
Kahina- Outsider
- Number of posts : 75
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Registration date : 2009-04-21
Re: The Sacred Religion of Asetians.
Azrael- Insider
- Number of posts : 115
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Registration date : 2009-07-22
Re: The Sacred Religion of Asetians.
Nice post Stalker. Addressing a central part of Asetianism that many don't venture in discussing, the fact that Asetianism is all about Love, but not mortal Love, unlike what any human would define as love.
Jonathan- Master
- Number of posts : 3051
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Registration date : 2008-06-05
Re: The Sacred Religion of Asetians.
Kahina wrote:Deep and beautiful post Stalker.
You said many truths here.
Asetians are a great prove of Love, Truth, Loyalty and Honor.
Wonderful Beings of our Belief.
I really agree with you Kahina.
Re: The Sacred Religion of Asetians.
Just wondering, do most vampires associate with Asetianism? I hadn't heard of it previous to this forum.
Black_Halo- Beginner
- Number of posts : 13
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Registration date : 2013-05-15
Re: The Sacred Religion of Asetians.
Most vampires with a connection or past life relationship with Ancient Egypt, yes. Otherwise not really, for different reasons. One of them being that many people online claiming to be vampires and speaking in vampire forums aren't really vampires. There are a lot of roleplayers and lifestylers out there and those certainly don't associate with Asetianism as the Aset Ka turned their backs at those realities and communities. Then, there are the rare few who are real vampires but not Asetian, as even the Aset Ka teaches that they are not the only vampires in existence, although they are the oldest. Just keep in mind that other vampires do exist, but they just aren't as common as people may think. If you find a forum or community where everyone claims to be a vampire and speaks about how they taste blood, most likely is that you're dealing with roleplayers, which often don't admit being so.Black_Halo wrote:Just wondering, do most vampires associate with Asetianism? I hadn't heard of it previous to this forum.
Jonathan- Master
- Number of posts : 3051
Location : United States
Registration date : 2008-06-05
Re: The Sacred Religion of Asetians.
I agree with you Jonathan. Vampires are actually a very rare breed. Its true that there are a lot of people who have for one reason or another decided that they would like to dabble in blood drinking but drinking blood does not a vampire make. As for the ones who call themselves psychic vampires, any human soul can train themselves or be trained in the art of psychic draining but again this does not a true vampire make. . . On the subject of Love. It has to be felt to be understood.
BellBook&Candle- Outsider
- Number of posts : 39
Location : UK
Registration date : 2013-03-11
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