sacred ground

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sacred ground Empty sacred ground

Post by schitzophobic 23.06.12 18:05

Ab page 109... end of second paragraph...
"...but they can also effectively feed from the environment when in sacred ground- their native lands in egypt."

Are there no other sacred grounds to the asetians? Throughout the ages no other sites have become sacred? This struck me as slightly odd and although I know the significance behind kemet I feel that other places would become sacred to them for various reasons... also the feeding only from these places.... I have been somewhere that was so inaccessible that quite possibly no one had ever been there before... the feel of the place was almost intoxicating... would not such places be of at least some value to the asetians?

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sacred ground Empty Re: sacred ground

Post by Jonathan 23.06.12 18:38

I think there are probably other places considered sacred by the Asetians, particularly secluded locations in nature and other areas of relevance in their ancient history, however those are most likely secret and not something the Aset Ka would openly reveal to the world, especially due to the danger of those places being defaced not only by ignorant people but also by the ROS.

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sacred ground Empty Re: sacred ground

Post by schitzophobic 23.06.12 19:49

Which inspires the question why wouldn't the ignorant read tidbits from this site or the ab and spin it into their games and do so anyways? By merely presenting themselves to the world after such silence would it not open up their ways to these people much as misinterpretations have led so many to gather at stonehenge every year?

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sacred ground Empty Re: sacred ground

Post by Jonathan 24.06.12 6:01

I'm sure misinterpretations are all around us and those are unavoidable, even the AB and the introduction to the Book of Orion explain that in a very clear way. Now the secret sacred locations you asked about are not endangered by the ignorant reading tidbits from this site or the AB simply because we don't know about them. We can't lead them to those sacred places as we don't know where they are, and the ones around that may know about those places would not openly reveal they do.

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sacred ground Empty Re: sacred ground

Post by schitzophobic 24.06.12 15:33

No further questions your honor...

Thank you... I have read further and reread some which has resolved my other questions... I think I'm going to take the advice I've seen so frequently and finish reading before I present anymore of my questions... tongue

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sacred ground Empty Re: sacred ground

Post by ChristinCP 10.09.12 19:26

I think that for the most part Aset Ka sacred ground is in Kemet. However, that doesn't mean that there isn't other sacred ground out there for you. What other past lives have you lived? We come from the stars and you may be feeling a pull toward your true "home" or incarnation of origin. There are much older star systems. Keep in mind the Orion connection.

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sacred ground Empty Re: sacred ground

Post by squidofsymphony 16.09.12 18:49

Indeed. Although I think that we should be able to understand what makes a place sacred beyond that of past occurrences and/or origin. My belief is that a ground is made sacred when a certain greatness occurs in that area, and so the souls of the deceased whom experienced this greatness tend to cling on to that area, reluctant to leave the place that brought them such enlightenment. Since we're talking about an Asetian ground, it would make sense that many specters of our breed would still be lurking about those areas and that we would be able to participate in an energy exchange of vast spectral/astral (or whatever you want to call it) proportions the likes of which we would rarely encounter in the physical world, allowing us to experience something we might interpret as sacred. Not so?

Also, please forgive me if my terminology is lacking. I unfortunately cannot afford myself a copy of the AB right now so I've had to get by on what I can read here.

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sacred ground Empty Re: sacred ground

Post by Leira 23.05.14 17:20

schitzophobic wrote:Ab page 109... end of second paragraph...
"...but they can also effectively feed from the environment when in sacred ground- their native lands in egypt."

Are there no other sacred grounds to the asetians? Throughout the ages no other sites have become sacred?

I believe the answer to this question lies in archaeology, myth and through the utilisation of one's sixth sense.


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sacred ground Empty Re: sacred ground

Post by Nightshade 24.05.14 0:55

I agree.

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sacred ground Empty Re: sacred ground

Post by Leira 24.05.14 18:54

Nightshade wrote:I agree.
I was reading an article the other day that stated

someone with psychic ability does not use their other five senses to have the experience.  It comes to them through their sixth sense. By using this ability, a psychic can pick up information from the energy bodies that surround each of us … our emotional, physical, mental and spiritual bodies.

From my own personal experience I believe this statement is wrong.  I always incorporate as many senses as I can when I am working on a psychic level - it is actually during heightened states of fear or anxiety that my gifts work best - key information is blocked from certain individuals and for good reason I think - it's kind of like a spiritual blindness -their heart soul and mind are not in sync - not enough bits = no byte


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