Why did the Asetians abandon rulership?

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Why did the Asetians abandon rulership? Empty Why did the Asetians abandon rulership?

Post by Jonathan 17.11.09 5:38

After reading the following interesting post by Karnath, which I quote after my own text, I decided to ask you all a question:

Why do you think that the Asetians left their Empire in the sacred lands of Kemet, and gave the throne to mankind?
Like Karnath said, what made the Asetians retreat in Silence, if they had the Power to take the Throne?

Looking forward for your opinions...

Karnath wrote:Best greetings to all.

History became legend, legend became myth...

It's part of the myth, though, that the Children of Aset were the firstborn.

After the breeding of the Children of Seth (who only greedily copied the technology from Aset, the Great Sorcerer), 7 Scorpions sworn loyalty to Aset and the protection of Her Divine Children.

Along with the 7 Scorpions of the Imperial Guard, also Anpu (Anubis) sworn loyalty to the protection of the Children of Aset. Anubis felt like one, since He was raised by Aset Herself, who accepted Him; He was illegitimate, since He was the Son of Osiris and Nephthys, who took her revenge from Seth, having Osiris that was blind from a spell cast by her; so Aset raised Him as Her own, teaching Him all the Magickal Arts She knew.

And so there was war, between two Great Titans.

Nevertheless, the Throne was always Asetian by legitimacy. That's why throughout all Myth, Heru-sa-Aset was the one to sit upon the Amethyst Throne, and Seth being seen as the one trying to take it away from him. But of course he eventually did later, especially with Akhenaton (The Living Spirit of Aten). Do you think that honor between enemies could exist, if Seth tried to remove all Kemetic Deities from worship, changing his own face to the solar disk (Aten)(1)?
Even though the Atenists (Sethians in origin) were stopped in Kemet, some eventually ran away, as you might well know, and gave origin to one of the most murderous religions in whole world, especially because they were a lot. This is the Djehuty of the Crocodile, The Dark Period of the World. Everything stopped evolving, becoming stagnated and rotten. Actually, Evolution itself suffered regression.

I wonder, however, what made the Asetians retreat in Silence, if they had the Power to take the Throne. Could it be because of a massive betrayal from their human allies?

And now, within the Djehuty of the Serpent, the Asetian Empire shall rise once more, even if it is for the Select Few(2).

To Her Highness Aset,
To The Empire.

Best regards,

(1) Only Tutankhamen (The Living Image of Amon) gave, again, Life to the Old Tradition. Originally, his name was to be Tutankhaten (The Living Image of Aten), which would continue the lineage of Aten. But the Tradition of Akhenaten had been banned.

(2) 10. Let my servants be few & secret: they shall rule the many & the
known. (Liber AL vel Legis, Aleister Crowley).

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Why did the Asetians abandon rulership? Empty Re: Why did the Asetians abandon rulership?

Post by Marion 20.11.09 7:04

Every empire and every era has its growth, peak and decline.
This is the cycle of life, which destroys the old and give life for the new, renewing and giving balance to the universe.

So it was with Uranus who was defeated by his son Chronus and so it was with himself that he was defeated by his son Zeus.

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Why did the Asetians abandon rulership? Empty Re: Why did the Asetians abandon rulership?

Post by Aghrab 21.11.09 12:17

I do not think that they have completely abandoned it. They still rule, but secretly, without making a sound... Before, their force was as loud as screams, shaking the very grounds... Now, mandkind has forgotten about them.

To my mind, they gave up leadership due to all the unneeded drama over who should rule Egypt. They did not "give up", but simply stepped away. If they truly gave up, would they still be here, risen from the shadows, ruling ever so strongly?
The ROS may be controlling in many, many ways, such as the Vatican, but yet, the battles still go on. If the ROS had all the power they wanted, there would be no battles in our days.

Another reason... The Aset Ka got tired of the blindness of mankind. The days have changed... The people used to know deep within their hearts that there existed Gods, not one single existant named God, or Aten, as they called him. Many kept their beliefs, memories and faith within their beloved Gods, but slowly the idea of Gods changed, and all began to worship One Being. The humans became tainted and unworthy of the beautiful presense of the Asetians.

These are my personal views, and I look forward to other's.


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Why did the Asetians abandon rulership? Empty Re: Why did the Asetians abandon rulership?

Post by Karnath 22.11.09 17:04

Best Greetings, Jonathan, Aghrab.

This is a very good question, and I see not everyone dared to answer.
My views about it, are very much alike Aghrab's.

First, they ruled and fought.
Then they probably had some valuable losses and made a different plan, turning to a very ironic behavior - If you want it, come and claim it, and let us see what you can do with it(1).
Then They stood in the Shadow, observing which of Their allies would keep up with Them, and checking those who would conform (and forget Them), and those who would corrupt (against Them).
Still, They kept some presence and influence over some of the most direct masterminds of the Empire, and there were certain Pharaohs who were indeed into their thoughts and tradition (including Tutankhamen upon the so-called New Kingdom).
After the Persians (who actually never left) came the Libyans, then, with the loss of allies, the Assyrians (who didn't even want it)... and then with the help of the curious Greeks, who always saw Kemet as a fascinating mysterious culture, the Assyrians left, but the Greeks stayed after the Persians handing out Kemet to Alexander. Then, the final drop of blood for Kemet, as the Romans took it as their own province, Christianity used it, abandoned Temples to the Deserts' Cry, and worse... converted them into Churches.
Let us face it. What was left (and it was very little) of the Old Kemet, was buried with Tutankhamen.

Still, and this is always worth of stating, the Asetians have Arisen once more from the Depths, and the Abyss in Darkness, to show all Their Beauty and Sacredness.

To Her Highness Aset,
To The Empire.

Best regards,

(1) This is a fantasist adaptation from a parallel made between The Lord of The Rings and the Asetian Tradition. A lot of parallels can be made around it, and research about the parallels are highly recommended.
If you want him, come and claim him. (Arwen)

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Why did the Asetians abandon rulership? Empty Re: Why did the Asetians abandon rulership?

Post by Aleina 29.12.09 1:57

This is a very nice thread, but I don't have much to add but to agree to the posts above.

The Asetians must have abandoned rulership due to the blindness of mankind.

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Why did the Asetians abandon rulership? Empty Re: Why did the Asetians abandon rulership?

Post by Anto 06.03.20 2:20

Strictly from my point of view i think ASETIANS wished and wanted the followers to follow Aset.Ka from the heart and not out of interest ..let them be kings and ASETIANS will be like humans ...that is why they are on earth and look like humans to be humans not kingz...from what i read i see thing in my way ...it s my opinion!

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Why did the Asetians abandon rulership? Empty Re: Why did the Asetians abandon rulership?

Post by Morell 03.12.22 11:56

Some reasons really come to my mind on this toppic.

Perhaps first that comes is that in growing empire the more and more time and strength is needed to rule it and you need to take this time somewhere among your activities. So one possibility was simply that Asetians wanted to have time for themselves to spend on spiritual studies as well as to spend it in love with their family instead of using it to serve the humans in leading their empire. (no matter who you are, the day still has 24 hours Laughing )

Second related to the first is responsibility. When you rule, you are bound to the realm you rule and responsible for its well-being. You cannot that simply just go to travel for months or even years to study in other parts of the world, when you have duties to uphold. Giving the rule to the humans must had been in this way quite liberating.

Another might be that since they are not humans, they remained in leading as long as humans followed them for their growth, but stopped rulling when humans started becoming too dependant on them, which was not right.

Could be other reasons too.

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Why did the Asetians abandon rulership? Empty Re: Why did the Asetians abandon rulership?

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 23.12.22 7:14

To my mind, though I'm speculating in this post overall, I'm thinking of the Asetians as the silent initiators of the flame of magick, soul and spirit. At least they perpetuate the Violet mysteries in this profoundly secretive way for a very long time. In Kemet, perhaps, they had more open mystery schools... along the days of Sep Tepy and the Djehuty of the Hawk I believe as well, potentially... although admittance to the Order of Aset Ka itself wasn't always within most Asetianists' or Disciples' reach. But, for this sacred sake and purpose, perhaps ruling more ethereally over profound magickal and mystical currents of our world, that inform occult societies, than plainly by direct, overt rule, they may have accomplished something far different than what an open rule would bring while also testing humanity to the passing of centuries.

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Why did the Asetians abandon rulership? Empty Re: Why did the Asetians abandon rulership?

Post by SoulTower0 24.12.22 21:19

Jonathan wrote:
for your opinions...

Thank you for this intriguing challenge Jonathan. I don't usually make guesses, as often times guesses are what stops my critical thinking and deduction skills if done in unclear ways - which even then can be used to study oneself truer, further and deeper, and our own tendencies. But if we are going to speak, I am of the opinion we should be clear first, with true knowledge. So that it can be done once, and not twice. And if not sure, it is often better to stay silent indeed. Nontheless, since you made the request, I shall please.

Please et all consider me extremely new as if I know nothing.

But sometimes in order to hunt well, you have to disappear. And you have to disappear well.

So that in the dullness of their minds and routines, enemy can appear. In the way of their thinking. Through which they shall prepare themselves to become your secret offering.

We lay the ground and space for the unconscious, so they come and fill our lands and vessels, and inhabit them in their will to soon become our dissected meals.

Since if you truly have power, you do not have to conquer anyone to prove it. But if you want to hunt and finalize you battle, you have to go into areas you're not willing.

And to convince your enemy, that you're losing, you have to convince yourself even of the same first, only to gain dominion over all fear, desire and anger. And sometimes that requires stepping away from what we hold dear.

Then the darkest areas can become clear and gain true power. In us as strengths, in enemy's demise as their final deaths.

And just like that we go into unconscious depths, of sleep and silence, stillness to the extent of disappearing, to its very brims, so that we can rise again from such small depths of a single deed and seed, and liberate all that is hiding underneath, and all living places within where they are still breathing.

Even in blockage removal works, there are types of outer, inner, secret, supersecret and original. And maybe a 6th, before stepping into infinite.

In short, it is a way of total internal & external purging.

One thing for sure, intelligence can surely delay consciousness, but it can never overcome it forever. So it is best to take advantage of its own power against itself, and appear weaker. And let it display its ways and means freer, to the point that it becomes too confident and full of itself that, it forgets basic laws of existence, so that this fine game can be conquered fuller.

Becoming the offering to prove our glory, through us rising out of our own on-the-edge-dance ending, true.


And if I can think of this much in my little brain and little self, I'm thinking Asetians can plan of and execute masterplans for their hunts in ways no less.


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Why did the Asetians abandon rulership? Empty Re: Why did the Asetians abandon rulership?

Post by Waterlily 25.12.22 5:31

Why abandon ruler ship. Betrayal from within and from humans. The priestess of the Hathor’s sang the vibrations to raise the whole planet. The temples of Kemet empire sent signals to balance your chakras and give one abundance. The brotherhood of the snake locked the powers down in the temples so this would not happen. This is why only certain families had access to these powers balancing your chakras allowing one abundance. The Asetian empire was not perfect. One on the inside betrayed Aset and her children. A female betrayed her. From her inner circle. Yes their power was great, but there is always one that covets others powers. The one that has greed in their heart and covets everything for themself.
Yes, Asets people are awakening, but remember not everything in a coveted book is true,, one must look inside themselves. Aset was betrayed and that female that betrayed her is still around.

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