Can anyone else read people's thoughts?

Ella Moor
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Can anyone else read people's thoughts? Empty Can anyone else read people's thoughts?

Post by ElizabethBathory 15.12.09 0:27

This mostly happens to me when someone is thinking about me. Randomly, in my head, their thoughts start reading off as if I were reading a book. I usually try to ignore it because it really sounds like something someone would experience when they are just about a step away from really going off the deep end. However, tonight (and also a couple days ago) it happened again, and it was something that I could actually verify. So my question is, does this happen to anyone else?

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Can anyone else read people's thoughts? Empty Re: Can anyone else read people's thoughts?

Post by Jonathan 15.12.09 1:09

Oh yes... Embarassed

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Can anyone else read people's thoughts? Empty Re: Can anyone else read people's thoughts?

Post by Azrael 15.12.09 16:20

sometimes when I am within large groups of people... when they are socializing I will pick up thoughts or when I am alone I will hear whispers... undiscerned

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Can anyone else read people's thoughts? Empty Re: Can anyone else read people's thoughts?

Post by Nebibi 15.12.09 16:31

Can someone please give some insight as to why that happens?

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Can anyone else read people's thoughts? Empty Re: Can anyone else read people's thoughts?

Post by Daniel09 15.12.09 18:16

Well, theoretically, the mind is broadcasting an energy frequency constantly, so basically your energy sensing is able to interpret the signals in the air into coherent thoughts that people around have thought.

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Can anyone else read people's thoughts? Empty Re: Can anyone else read people's thoughts?

Post by ElizabethBathory 15.12.09 19:51

Daniel09 wrote:Well, theoretically, the mind is broadcasting an energy frequency constantly, so basically your energy sensing is able to interpret the signals in the air into coherent thoughts that people around have thought.

Yes, exactly, it's not like words that I wouldn't otherwise know. It's more actual thoughts that I wouldn't know but read off using vocabulary that I know.

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Can anyone else read people's thoughts? Empty Re: Can anyone else read people's thoughts?

Post by Saylamine 18.12.09 10:12

When my mind is not preoccupied and at rest, sometimes I pick up the thoughts of others. It comes to me as a summary of feelings, hunches, and images. What happens more often is that I pick up on emotions, and sometimes confuse them as my own. Also, I'll know if someone is in a bad mood even if they say otherwise because I'll feel a reticence towards them.

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Can anyone else read people's thoughts? Empty Re: Can anyone else read people's thoughts?

Post by manwolf15 18.12.09 12:12

This reminds me alot of the jump shift:To shift into more than one kind of animal mind frame.You like tune in to there brain waves or something to take on the mind frame of whatever animal your near.

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Can anyone else read people's thoughts? Empty Re: Can anyone else read people's thoughts?

Post by Sekhmet 09.01.10 17:37

This is interesting. A few years ago I have read a book called "YOU ARE PSYCHIC" It seemed like a silly psuedo-psychology book. It was actually decently helpful. It taught techniques to practice this kind of telepathy and some other practices that are rooted in the art of energy techniques. It said this was possible via "universal echos" that some people are attuned to and some aren't but with practice and training it's possible for anyone.

I personally, hear allot of stuff in my stage one of sleep, through out the day during meditation, or just being around people and hearing a faint voice of their assumed inner mind. Rather it's other people's thoughts or random firings of the neurons in the auditorial lobe of the brain. It is has always made me uneasy. I am going to start writing the things down from now on, maybe it will lead me somewhere..or not.. I wont know until I try.

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Can anyone else read people's thoughts? Empty Re: Can anyone else read people's thoughts?

Post by Ella Moor 09.01.10 18:12

Well I don't know if it is really alike to my situations but I can be talking to someone and its like a thought that is not mine pops up into my head and I'm like woah is this my thought.
Ella Moor
Ella Moor

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Can anyone else read people's thoughts? Empty Re: Can anyone else read people's thoughts?

Post by ElizabethBathory 09.01.10 18:15

Sekhmet wrote:This is interesting. A few years ago I have read a book called "YOU ARE PSYCHIC" It seemed like a silly psuedo-psychology book. It was actually decently helpful. It taught techniques to practice this kind of telepathy and some other practices that are rooted in the art of energy techniques. It said this was possible via "universal echos" that some people are attuned to and some aren't but with practice and training it's possible for anyone.

I personally, hear allot of stuff in my stage one of sleep, through out the day during meditation, or just being around people and hearing a faint voice of their assumed inner mind. Rather it's other people's thoughts or random firings of the neurons in the auditorial lobe of the brain. It is has always made me uneasy. I am going to start writing the things down from now on, maybe it will lead me somewhere..or not.. I wont know until I try.

Your style of writing is so sharp, I love reading it.

Yes, after reading the Asetian Bible, I am fairly sure it is because I am getting this flood of energy.

There has to be more amongst all beings. I mean, how do you just know when someone is looking at you despite not being able to see them.

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Can anyone else read people's thoughts? Empty Re: Can anyone else read people's thoughts?

Post by Sekhmet 09.01.10 21:15

Thank you.

A basic concept of science; all we know are made of two things, matter and energy. Also a quantum mechanic concept; if something is observed(Via senses or word) then it is changed. If it is not observed it doesn't exist.

There is alot more that exists on the realms of energy. Humans of physical form (vampire, otherkin, or just human) are attuned to energy because they are apart of that energy.

Some may be attuned to it more than others due to their realization of the energy (its existance) so it becomes more of a reality for them. So in continuation with this theory, if something is heard it exists somewhere at sometime..

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Can anyone else read people's thoughts? Empty Re: Can anyone else read people's thoughts?

Post by ElizabethBathory 10.01.10 5:21

Sekhmet wrote:Thank you.

A basic concept of science; all we know are made of two things, matter and energy.

How is energy defined when using it like this? What are we talking about exactly? The spiritual basically? Is the energy that vampires drain the same as the energy you get from food?

I mean, I know what I'm talking about when I say's a feeling to me. But if I try to explain it to someone with any kind of rational thinking skill, they're like what are you talking about?

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Can anyone else read people's thoughts? Empty Re: Can anyone else read people's thoughts?

Post by Sekhmet 10.01.10 7:34

There are many kinds of energy as there are many kinds of matter. So it can be any kind of energy that exists in the universe. Including sugars that break down into energy or the ka of a being.

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Can anyone else read people's thoughts? Empty Re: Can anyone else read people's thoughts?

Post by ElizabethBathory 10.01.10 7:55

What is Ka and what is this energy that vampires absorb? A theoretical additional kind of energy? A frequency? Is it like heat, so to be "cold hearted" would have a different meaning all-together? It's just interesting to me.

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Can anyone else read people's thoughts? Empty Re: Can anyone else read people's thoughts?

Post by Sekhmet 10.01.10 8:10

Cold hearted is metaphorical.
Yet, the neurons who fire causing this "cold" state of mind are sending electric signals to and from in order to create a "cold heart". Electricity, form of energy.
From what I have gathered Ka, the life force is energy based. It's a word that represents an actual existence of energy. If I am wrong, correct me please.
All in all, it's all theory and the more I think about it the more everything seems connected and everything is one but just dwelling in different states.

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Can anyone else read people's thoughts? Empty Re: Can anyone else read people's thoughts?

Post by ElizabethBathory 10.01.10 8:49

Yeah I meant cold like an absence of this energy ..this ka.. so the ka of everything around you goes into you. Although that sounds a lot like the typical theory of the broken heart chakra or shen being the cause of vampirism...and Luis Marques has already said that that's not right.

I have another chemistry class this upcoming semester, so now I have an idea to try to take all of that info and try to relate it to metaphysical phenomenon I experience. So thanks for sparking that new interest. Usually when people start talking about science, they start to drone and my connection to what they're saying fizzles out........

It's funny though cause I just imagined myself going up to my professor and saying to them something like, Hey could you explain what Ka is...and while you're at it, can you define Ba please? Thanks! lol

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Can anyone else read people's thoughts? Empty Re: Can anyone else read people's thoughts?

Post by Jonathan 10.01.10 9:52

ElizabethBathory wrote:It's funny though cause I just imagined myself going up to my professor and saying to them something like, Hey could you explain what Ka is...and while you're at it, can you define Ba please? Thanks! lol
lol That would be fun to watch. It would probably be of help if he had some scholar background on Egyptology and Anthropology though, besides his expertise in Chemistry. Smile
Personally I start to believe in what Luis Marques says, that it is all interconnected, and that people just lost the primer keys to connect the different subjects and fields, since as time passed people became more shallow and less interested in what really matters. They became more materialistic, and so science also lost much of its former secrets and gnosis...

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Can anyone else read people's thoughts? Empty Re: Can anyone else read people's thoughts?

Post by Sekhmet 12.01.10 18:32

ElizabethBathory wrote:Yeah I meant cold like an absence of this energy ..this ka.. so the ka of everything around you goes into you. Although that sounds a lot like the typical theory of the broken heart chakra or shen being the cause of vampirism...and Luis Marques has already said that that's not right.

Oh I was talking about the modern version of human "cold heart" on a neuroligical level. I am sorry for that misunderstanding. I wasn't directing it to the cause of vampirism or anything of that sort.

ElizabethBathory wrote:It's funny though cause I just imagined myself going up to my professor and saying to them something like, Hey could you explain what Ka is...and while you're at it, can you define Ba please? Thanks! lol

What if your professor knew what that was? Might lead to a interesting discussion..

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Can anyone else read people's thoughts? Empty Re: Can anyone else read people's thoughts?

Post by Aleina 13.01.10 18:18

Sometimes, humans are so predictable that we think we are reading their minds, when in fact we are just assuming the obvious.

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Can anyone else read people's thoughts? Empty Re: Can anyone else read people's thoughts?

Post by Jonathan 13.01.10 20:55

Aleina wrote:Sometimes, humans are so predictable that we think we are reading their minds, when in fact we are just assuming the obvious.
That is also true... silent

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Can anyone else read people's thoughts? Empty Re: Can anyone else read people's thoughts?

Post by Sekhmet 13.01.10 22:09

^ Haha! Lovely!

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Can anyone else read people's thoughts? Empty Re: Can anyone else read people's thoughts?

Post by Kahina 14.01.10 19:28

Aleina wrote:Sometimes, humans are so predictable that we think we are reading their minds, when in fact we are just assuming the obvious.
Can anyone else read people's thoughts? Lol

lol Very good point Aleina.


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Can anyone else read people's thoughts? Empty Re: Can anyone else read people's thoughts?

Post by Azrael 15.01.10 15:22

...The weak minded especially...

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Can anyone else read people's thoughts? Empty Re: Can anyone else read people's thoughts?

Post by Divine 277 29.07.10 12:47

ElizabethBathory wrote:This mostly happens to me when someone is thinking about me. Randomly, in my head, their thoughs start reading off as if I were reading a book. I usually try to ignore it because it really sounds like something someone would experience when they are just about a step away from really going off the deep end. However, tonight (and also a couple days ago) it happened again, and it was something that I could actually verify. So my question is, does this happen to anyone else?

This is nothing that i like to talk to people about, but since it seems that there are more people in here who also can "read" peoples thoughts , I will reply.

Yes I can, but its not something I do intentionally, so I cant call it reading of thoughts.... Its not something I just set my mind to do, if you know what i mean???

( I can block and intentionally go deeper, if I want )

I feel the thoughts or not actually that ether, In a way, I just know/feel the essence of people , and very often I actualy have some fun whit it, but only whit close friends, cause I tend to scare other people whit it, and that's not the intercession, they don't seem to understand me, maybe they are scared of what they do not know.

Not even my closest friends or husband understands where I "come from " .., but its fine cause they do respect me and dont hush me down when i start Smile so I'm very grateful for that, cause it is a part of me that I cant really do anything about.... I cant remember when I couldn't do this.

When I was a little girl, I thought it was normal to "know ", cause nobody had told me that it was´nt , until I began school, I thought everybody could ... but that soon changed, when the other kids started to bully me about it Sad

Since that time I don't like to talk about this....
what I can, or can not do, Whit in this topic, cause every time I do tell, they ether mock me, don't believe me or I have to prove something to some "idiot".....

And I rely do hate to prove my self, my word should be enough.
I have no interest of claiming to be weird, just to have people mock me behind my back or claiming me to be a lair...
Cause I know that how people react, when I tell them...

And who wants that ????

Sincerely Divine 277
Divine 277
Divine 277

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