More Asetian-like Harry Potter Magic

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More Asetian-like Harry Potter Magic Empty More Asetian-like Harry Potter Magic

Post by Daniel09 30.12.09 23:02

Something just occurred to me a moment ago. I do believe the Patronus charm used in Harry Potter is a very similar thing to a servitor, is it not? I was contemplating the idea of creating a servitor to send messages, and it popped into my head how in Harry Potter the Patronus would be sent to other wizards to let them know things, regardless of where they are. Then I realized that the concept of a Patronus and a Servitor are nearly the same, except that a Patronus doesn't change.

How much is there in these books which is very similar to Asetian magick? We know of the Dark Mark, and I do think this Servitor thing is valid. Could the complexities of wanding and such be related to Servitors as well? How in order to use someone else's Servitor, one must obtain ownership of it?

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More Asetian-like Harry Potter Magic Empty Re: More Asetian-like Harry Potter Magic

Post by godofbattle 02.01.10 10:45

I believe that in the thrd film with the battle with alot of dementors, Harry did send out a servitor. In the film Harry died and his soul was on the other side of the river and he saved himself.

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More Asetian-like Harry Potter Magic Empty Re: More Asetian-like Harry Potter Magic

Post by AnaInDark 02.01.10 18:28

The author of Harry Potter was said to know about the Aset Ka and about the well known occult orders that exist in Europe Underground, and Portugal in particular. The Dark Mark is also known to be inspired by the Asetian's Dark Mark. You can see a lot of details on "actual magick" in Harry Potter. It's like a childish movie that actually makes sense, metaphysically. There's even a real incantation said in the movie, I remember.

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