New member saying hi!

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Post by JSP 26.02.10 10:34

I'm Joana, I'm nearly 18 years old (please don't judge me for my age because from what I see I'm not like the other brainless teenagers I know) and I'm from Portugal. I'm a vampire, feeding mostly on psy energy, but on the edge of getting 2 blood donors.
I came to this forum because I 'found' my asetian self really recently, and you seem to have pretty much the information I was seeking about the subject.

As you can see, I'm not that good in introductions, although I really love to write.
I hope I find someone interesting to talk to here


Number of posts : 5
Location : Portugal
Registration date : 2010-02-26

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New member saying hi! Empty Re: New member saying hi!

Post by Daniel09 27.02.10 11:22

Well, welcome. Hopefully you find what you need here. Feel free to ask questions and debate with other members. Just don't expect to be treated anything different because you are new and claim Asetian. Your reputation will build as anyone's will.

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New member saying hi! Empty Re: New member saying hi!

Post by JSP 27.02.10 11:27

Thanks. (I don't want to be treated any different, and I apologise if it sounded that way. New member saying hi! Icon_smile )


Number of posts : 5
Location : Portugal
Registration date : 2010-02-26

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New member saying hi! Empty Re: New member saying hi!

Post by Jonathan 27.02.10 17:13

Hello Joana and welcome to the vampire community. I hope that we all can get to know you better and that you can learn, grow and evolve with the rest of us. I would also advise for you to properly read the Remark section on the Aset Ka official website, it may shed some light in something you said in your introduction. But you're young, have much to learn, and that is a good thing. Smile

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New member saying hi! Empty Re: New member saying hi!

Post by JSP 27.02.10 20:36

Thank you, Jonathan. I have already read the Remark are in the AK website, as well as the other sections. Also, I'd like to say that you've got an interesting community, with many thing thhat already caught my attention and study-time.

I am afraid, though, that I wont post anywhere for a couple of days. Call it adjustment time, when I'll read many of the posts. Also because I'll order my Asetian Bible next monday *sighs for the end of the month* and I think I'm not informed enough to discuss anything until I read it.

(Oh, and, sorry if my english 'sounds' weird. I try my best but I end up writing portuguese thoughts badly translated)


Number of posts : 5
Location : Portugal
Registration date : 2010-02-26

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New member saying hi! Empty Re: New member saying hi!

Post by Jonathan 28.02.10 6:05

Yes, that is a wise call. Reading the Asetian Bible will give you much more in-depth information so you can understand most of the things discussed in here. It certainly is an enlightening literary work. Please let us know all your opinions and experiences on it after you read it.

Also, don't worry about your English. We can understand it just fine. This forum is no an English language competition, but just a place where we all gather to share information, learn, study and evolve together. We are all here to learn, not to judge others, but to help them.

Number of posts : 3062
Location : United States
Registration date : 2008-06-05

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New member saying hi! Empty Re: New member saying hi!

Post by Saylamine 28.02.10 9:14

Welcome, Joana to the forum :-)

Number of posts : 145
Age : 43
Location : naptown...the sleepiest place on earth
Registration date : 2008-09-10

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New member saying hi! Empty Re: New member saying hi!

Post by Kotaro 01.03.10 18:05

Welcome to the forum Joana.

Number of posts : 152
Location : somewhere
Registration date : 2009-01-17

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