Sethian Vampires ?

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Sethian Vampires ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Sethian Vampires ?

Post by Jonathan 16.05.10 16:04

From someone that was accusing me, and others, of being arrogant and assuming too much, I found it almost funny how you ended up making a post that only reflects one thing: inflated ego. You claim to know who you are, you claim to be a vampire, and you even claim to know more than me about the occult. Interesting things you "know" when in fact from all the people in this forum, certainly you are one who knows nothing about me or what I may or may not know. Stating so blatantly that you know more than me, when you know so little about myself, just comes as a very obvious flag on how what you "know" is actually nothing more than self-delusion and wishful thinking. I was actually taking your posts serious, and thought you were someone mature, but seeing that after all you're nothing but another confused being who comes here stating he "knows more than others", I have just seen too much of your type to bother about it. You bring nothing new, when your argument is "I know more than you". It is just childish. You judge Stalker of being mortal, when he never claimed otherwise, but when in fact you know nothing about him. If you presume you can know someone's nature simply by reading their first post in a forum, I honestly suggest you to develop some maturity before delving into subjects like spirituality and metaphysics. There are many others just like you, they come and they go. They leave when they notice no one here really cares to feed their egos or to listen to their ignorance when they start showing the reality of what they "know". We, here, don't claim to know more or less than anyone... we're not here to compare ourselves to each other. I bid you farewell and good luck with what you "know"...

I would recommend you some authors and occult works that would help you with your "knowing", but since you're still reading Franz Bardon, I actually don't think you're yet ready for such venues of thought. Smile Take care.

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Sethian Vampires ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Sethian Vampires ?

Post by Nebibi 16.05.10 16:15

1. .............
2. Go read the remark on the AK website
3. Re read the disclaimer in the AB.

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Sethian Vampires ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Sethian Vampires ?

Post by AndreiaLi 16.05.10 19:25

Our judgments, most of times are influenced by our own personality, tastes and life situations. So it is sometimes pretty hard to have a neutral opinnion about something. It's difficult to create a distance between your inner self and the subject in discussion, specially if you're a person majority driven by emotions.

Although it is hard to distance your own Ego from the nuclear question, so that your anwser could not be interfered by it, that can be possible. All I want to say with this, is that we are going nowhere with this confusion and discussions about personal tastes and life experiences. But one thing I have to add, we should all respect ourselfs and the world that we are living in.

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Sethian Vampires ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Sethian Vampires ?

Post by Saylamine 18.05.10 10:36

AndreiaLi wrote:I think if Michelle were an Asetian she would probably know by now (I think her spiritual evolution could permit that)

I will respectfully post this quote because it lead me to the question: can an unawakened Asetian realize that she is an Asetian on her own accord? I don't want to stray off topic, but I did want to post that question. I'd like to hear the thoughts of others, because I am unsure on this one.

I began to ponder why I didn't think a Sethian can be a former Asetian. This may be a crude example, but I will put it this way. I don't think a Sethian can be a former Asetian because she would come from a different bloodline. I think it would be the equivalent of saying something like "I am the former daughter of my uncle." If I am understanding this correctly, Aset would be the parent of the Asetians, and Seth would be the father of the Sethians. This is just my personal opinion and understanding of the topic. I would love to hear the opinions of others who are more informed on the subject.

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Sethian Vampires ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Sethian Vampires ?

Post by Saylamine 18.05.10 10:38

AndreiaLi wrote:Our judgments, most of times are influenced by our own personality, tastes and life situations. So it is sometimes pretty hard to have a neutral opinnion about something. It's difficult to create a distance between your inner self and the subject in discussion, specially if you're a person majority driven by emotions.

Although it is hard to distance your own Ego from the nuclear question, so that your anwser could not be interfered by it, that can be possible. All I want to say with this, is that we are going nowhere with this confusion and discussions about personal tastes and life experiences. But one thing I have to add, we should all respect ourselfs and the world that we are living in.

I completely agree, AndreiaLi.

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Sethian Vampires ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Sethian Vampires ?

Post by Jamien 01.06.12 20:41

Greetings everyone...
I am taking in quite a lot of info and enjoying the deepening experience im having in doing so here......but, to be up front, at this point anyways I tend to step back a little if not a lot when I read a statement that injects limitations and especially within the context of the nonphysical state! (something I thought only existed in human belief systems) ... To the extent it slides downward from "Nothing is true, everything is permitted" to me it deviates towards agreements of the limitations of objective physical reality rather than the agreements and reality of the Immortal Undead within...thus I agree fully to what is implied or out-rightly stated in the quote below

"if "You cannot change what your soul is." then how is it that Asetians or Kheprians came into being?"

It would seem to me, that to abide in the power of the Godhood within, one's God-point within consciousness, one has the freedom and power to choose, and that choice is within each and every moment and contains all the consequences that arise from it...thus, choose desired ends; which really has me wondering, why would anyone that feels they have the power to de-identify from the human condition (a body that has a soul compared to a soul that has a body) choose or agrees with an existence that has a malfunctioning energy body?... and then feels they have the adeptness to teach energy work? (M. Belanger)...that would be like consulting an obese weight loss consultant, or a healer that can't keep a plant


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Sethian Vampires ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Sethian Vampires ?

Post by DCxMagus 02.06.12 2:11

Your giving too much credit to Belanger and her ideals, once you read farther on that subject you'll have your answers.

Vampires are not beings that have a malfunctioning energy system, and a lot of what she presents as the truth is merely fiction role playing.


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Sethian Vampires ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Sethian Vampires ?

Post by Jonathan 02.06.12 5:47

Kheprians supposedly changed their Shen centers, ruining part of their subtle system in the process which made them need more energy than other humans. They didn't change their soul.

Now Asetians did, but this was done by Aset that actually created their soul. It's more like a rebirth than an actual change or turn. Very different concepts.

I just don't get what any of this has anything to do with the Sethians which is the subject of this thread.

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Sethian Vampires ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Sethian Vampires ?

Post by N.Augusta 02.06.12 7:38

Jonathan wrote: I just don't get what any of this has anything to do with the Sethians which is the subject of this thread.

Lol, I have no idea! Laughing

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Sethian Vampires ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Sethian Vampires ?

Post by Jamien 02.06.12 8:18

My genuine apologies for causing upset to you both above. I read something in this thread that struck a chord and wanted to see how that is viewed and handled within the Family of this site. Now I see.

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Sethian Vampires ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Sethian Vampires ?

Post by Jamien 02.06.12 8:47

Jonathan wrote:Kheprians supposedly changed their Shen centers, ruining part of their subtle system in the process which made them need more energy than other humans. They didn't change their soul.

Now Asetians did, but this was done by Aset that actually created their soul. It's more like a rebirth than an actual change or turn. Very different concepts.

I just don't get what any of this has anything to do with the Sethians which is the subject of this thread.

I do appreciate the information offered above and again apologize for going off topic a tad, do take a peek at my name and recognize i am a beginner here. This is a public forum and I assumed there would be a good deal of tolerance for those of us that hunger for information not found easily elsewhere. In time I will learn where to obtain the information in other threads and refrain from deviation from the main topic.

I always thought that the idea that Vampires having damaged energy bodies wasn't quite right or blatantly wrong. In the text by Joe Slate re psychic vampires he discusses the impacts psychic vampires can have on a targets energy body, ie fissures, jagged tears etc. But to think that a Vampire is already coming from that condition of energy body damage, made no sense at all. A wolf doesn't kill a deer because its condition is damaged; hungry to maintain a state of health, yes, but not a damaged, wounded system.

What you eluded to above is a more detailed understanding of the mechanics and dynamics of how an energy body changes when addressed by those who have risen, is this information in the Asetian Bible? If not where might I obtain that?

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Sethian Vampires ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Sethian Vampires ?

Post by N.Augusta 02.06.12 8:52

No need for apologies! Nobody is upset. Sorry if you felt offended-- that was not the intention. You will notice that we do joke around here from time to time-- we have to, least we become dull and boring. Your post had humor in it as well. Smile Humor is always welcomed.

Actually, I am a healer, and do lack a green thumb. Smile I had this fantastic idea to grow some herbs-- and out of all the seeds I planted- only 2 have a chance. Unfortunately I killed the others off by watering them too much. :S
This whole planting business is proving to be quite a complicated science for me. Good to know that I would be quite unsuccessful were I to choose to become a pot grower as no revenue could be generated for me as that would prove a most unfortunate business venture. Such a shame! I knew I shouldn't of slept through my Biology classes in high school and college.

Bellinger...........hmm, now-now, don't give her any ideas or else we may see her trying to get on TV and become a spokesperson for "Weight Watchers" where she will then reach a larger audience. I can see it now-- she will market the "Vampires Diet" oh how splendidl! Okay, now I've digressed with my humor. BAD N. BAD!!! There--now my non-sense had nothing to do with the Sethians as well. But the point is-- feel free to speak as you Will. Smile

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Sethian Vampires ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Sethian Vampires ?

Post by N.Augusta 02.06.12 8:56

Do read this article on vampirism:

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Sethian Vampires ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Sethian Vampires ?

Post by Jonathan 02.06.12 9:10

Jamien wrote:What you eluded to above is a more detailed understanding of the mechanics and dynamics of how an energy body changes when addressed by those who have risen, is this information in the Asetian Bible? If not where might I obtain that?
Yes that is explained in the Asetian Bible. Do you plan on reading it?

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Sethian Vampires ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Sethian Vampires ?

Post by Jamien 02.06.12 15:04

Thanks for the link N.Augusta, appreciated ...and the humor Smile

I always thought that the reason a Vampire or other nonphysical entity would feed on the life force of other entities was to satisfy very high requirements from a high frequency vibratory state/ empowered condition.

Now, that would work for (M Belanger) her id think...the Vamp die-it..for those who are dieing from damaged soul bodies...(evil grin)

@ Jonathan, yes ...I have ordered the Bible from Amazon, and very much looking forward to it.

I was wondering as well; I have read here that the Setians are the entities that are most interested in the spiritual/awareness enslavement of humans in the herding of them into the major religions especially Christianity. My question is this, are they also responsible for creating and overseeing the Muslim flock and the other major religious Godheads? Did they create the idea of Allah and Yaweh as a God to offer the illusion of choice and at the same time generate distraction in the form of division between them? I see sports as a mechanism that maintains division through the action of perpetual competition and distraction within the food supply ...
Also, while im at it, in the occult, i have seen the use of the term IMP...does this stand for Imperial? and if so, are Daemons Imperials and why the use of Imperial and not simply Demon? and do the Demons serve the agenda of the Sethians by maintaining human slavery, desires for authority etc etc, and siphoning and transfer life force to the Sethian elders ?
When a Christian priest attempts an exorcism to remove an attached entity, would these attached entities for the most part be "other Kin" that the Sethians want to have removed to maintain control of that particular human ?
Where do the entities of the so called "Greys" fit in? Are they Sethians?

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Sethian Vampires ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Sethian Vampires ?

Post by Jamien 02.06.12 15:06

Oops...a typo in the line below
"I was wondering as well; I have read here that the Setians" ( should have read as Sethians)

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Sethian Vampires ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Sethian Vampires ?

Post by Anto 06.04.20 7:21

For me it is very simple!
This is not fiction, it's nor about evil and good .it about Family. And after all, we see the name @ASETIAN !who mean ASET and SETHIAN. who is part of Setian eventually is part of the word ASET(ASET-AsetSETHIAN\ASETIAN BIBLE. It would have to be 2. That the world would have where to choose !!! after all the family is the most sacred thing that society got .in the end family solves problems between them!! I know and the H?
this is not math!! No perfection
This is my opinion!

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Sethian Vampires ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Sethian Vampires ?

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 06.04.20 8:04

What...? scratch


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Sethian Vampires ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Sethian Vampires ?

Post by Maxx 06.04.20 8:21

Anto-Iamcold.... you need to find Grammarly for Chrome. It is a software program that would probably help you in your communication to better help you present something we could understand.

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Sethian Vampires ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Sethian Vampires ?

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 06.04.20 9:07

He's essentially saying Asetians and Sethians are one family, because of "Set" being found in the name for Aset... but there's the "h" in Seth... and neither do the hieroglyphics for both names look very similar anyways... but I'll look into this a bit deeper and see, just for the sake of interest.

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Sethian Vampires ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Sethian Vampires ?

Post by Anto 06.04.20 9:10

I will search it Mr.Maxx

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Sethian Vampires ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Sethian Vampires ?

Post by Lightseeker 07.04.20 3:53

Jonathan wrote: I would recommend you some authors and occult works that would help you with your "knowing", but since you're still reading Franz Bardon, I actually don't think you're yet ready for such venues of thought. Smile Take care.

Not that I want to take this thread off-track, but what is bad about Franz Bardon? Granted, he was only initiated into a specific branch of Hermeticism, but the exercises and instructions he gives in his books are solid? That being said, of course he barely touches the surface of a lot of things. But I still think he knew more than he was allowed to write about openly.

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Sethian Vampires ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Sethian Vampires ?

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 07.04.20 3:57

I was wondering about this as well.

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Sethian Vampires ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Sethian Vampires ?

Post by Jonathan 07.04.20 6:37

Lightseeker wrote:
Jonathan wrote: I would recommend you some authors and occult works that would help you with your "knowing", but since you're still reading Franz Bardon, I actually don't think you're yet ready for such venues of thought. Smile Take care.

Not that I want to take this thread off-track, but what is bad about Franz Bardon? Granted, he was only initiated into a specific branch of Hermeticism, but the exercises and instructions he gives in his books are solid? That being said, of course he barely touches the surface of a lot of things. But I still think he knew more than he was allowed to write about openly.

Weren't you the one who also said that the books by Father Sebastiaan were solid? You must understand my apprehension to your judgement as Father Sebastiaan and Strigoi Vii are seen as a joke by occultists far and wide.

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Sethian Vampires ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Sethian Vampires ?

Post by Lightseeker 07.04.20 10:50

Jonathan wrote:Weren't you the one who also said that the books by Father Sebastiaan were solid? You must understand my apprehension to your judgement as Father Sebastiaan and Strigoi Vii are seen as a joke by occultists far and wide.

A fair and valid point. I believe I said back then that some of the techniques that Sebastiaan describes in his books are solid, yes. But that doesn't mean I take his whole fangsmithing business with Strigoi Vii seriously. It is also clear that most of the correct occult information given by Sebastiaan was "borrowed" from other sources, such as the CoS, the ToS or the Aset Ka.

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