Asetians as parents...?

Divine 277
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Asetians as parents...? - Page 2 Empty Re: Asetians as parents...?

Post by Jonathan 24.06.09 17:21

Daniel09 wrote:And I also forgot to mention that an Asetian may end up making his/her children into their apprentices, so that one day, if they were raised right, they could receive the Dark Kiss and become Asetians. No mortal is to go underestimated, in my opinion. I've found that everyone has potential, just some are more naturally attuned to that potential, and better raised to grasp it.
I would say that for an Asetian to give the Dark Kiss to his physical/biological son or daughter would be an extremely unlikely situation, the way I understand it. Not to mention that the practices of the Dark Kiss are nearly lost these days, only being able to be applied by the higher Elders.

Geo, your lack of maturity and spiritual growth is an unfortunate disappointment. It is because of people like you, that simply strike aggressively anyone that has a different opinion than your own, that makes the Aset Ka and the real Vampire community to be so silent about their own practices and views. No one has the patience to deal with all those accusations simply because you disagree. I would say that natural intolerance is one of the biggest problems with humanity...

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Asetians as parents...? - Page 2 Empty Re: Asetians as parents...?

Post by Daniel09 24.06.09 17:29

Jonathan, I didn't mean for the parent to give their children the Kiss. I meant of course, that perhaps the child raised by an Asetian in their ways, would perhaps earn the change from an Elder Asetian. It doesn't seem too far fetched, however unlikely it is to occur.

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Asetians as parents...? - Page 2 Empty Re: Asetians as parents...?

Post by Jonathan 24.06.09 19:05

My mistake for misinterpreting you, then.

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Asetians as parents...? - Page 2 Empty Re: Asetians as parents...?

Post by Aghrab 24.06.09 19:41

geo wrote:be a mere whore, have no feelings towards your own blood
Geo... what in the world do you mean when you say “be a mere whore”?

empress2k wrote:My biggest concern in my relationship with my children is my lack of compassion when they feel ill or experience physical pain. Whenever they hurt themselves, no matter how badly, I feel nothing inside. I used to think that something was wrong with me, that I don't react the way mother supposed to.
The way you explained your bond with your children is quite an interesting and rare one. Could you explain more what you believe causes you to be quite detached from them?


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Asetians as parents...? - Page 2 Empty Re: Asetians as parents...?

Post by empress2k 24.06.09 21:11

Aghrab wrote:The way you explained your bond with your children is quite an interesting and rare one. Could you explain more what you believe causes you to be quite detached from them?


Aghrab, I wish I could explain that myself. It's like I relate them intellectually and not emotionally. With my oldest son I never had the opportunity to learn that I did not have that emotional sense until he was already grown. My mother was mostly hands on with him when he was a child, since I was working on my education. So the first time I realized that I do not feel compassion was when he called me that he had an accident. Instead of what I was supposed to experience, which is worry and concern, I felt nothing and gave him very specific instructions as to what he had to do to make sure that he can deal with the insurance.

With my young children, who are now 9, 6 and 4 -- I am a bit more hands on now and I do witness them getting hurt. So, I whenever it happens I look deep inside to see what I feel and usually I don't feel anything. Even though I am very capable of getting into the other person's shoes and experiencing their pain. So while I could feel what they feel, I am not feeling what I should as a mother. Nevertheless, when it comes to being protective, then it's another story. I have a lot of fury and me. I can feel the rage going up my spine. But I also know that my chidlren are not an easy floak, so I temper it long enough to investigate the issue.

There is really nothing that causes me to be like that. I've been like that ever since I remember myself. I was raised as the only chilld and had a lot of attention from my parents. My mother told me that ever since I was a baby I did not like to be held and would push her or anyone else away. I was raised with a lot of culture, theatre and art in Moscow and have always been exposed to many great things. So there was nothing in my upbringing that would warrant such a lack of reaction. My mother doesn't think I am capable of feeling. She said I would lure people into my nets and then make them serve me. Interestingly I always thought that I was very passionate, but I also know how to turn it on and off. My husband of 9 years thinks I am cold as a rock when it comes to feelings. He tells me that he never feels loved. Which is very interesting because we got married 12 days after our first date and he still desires being with me despite my coldness.

I hope that gives you a better insight on who I am. I believe that it's just me and I am no longer trying to force myself to be something I am not. Would love to hear your thoughts.

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Asetians as parents...? - Page 2 Empty Re: Asetians as parents...?

Post by empress2k 24.06.09 21:27

I would say that for an Asetian to give the Dark Kiss to his physical/biological son or daughter would be an extremely unlikely situation, the way I understand it. Not to mention that the practices of the Dark Kiss are nearly lost these days, only being able to be applied by the higher Elders.quote]

Before I make a statement I would like to make a disclosure that my comment comes purely from me since I just began reading the Asetian Bible. We should all remember that Asetian Soul is immortal one and as such only the Great Mother knows how many incarnate Asetians are walking the Earth now. But it must be more then handful since we are going back to the premordial time. Therefor, I firmly believe that for the most part one either Asetian or not when one is born. To be transformed through Dark Kiss would be understandable when the Race started. After thousands of years I cannot imagine there would be much need for new recrutes..Smile I am certain that not every Asetian is a member of Aset Ka, yet there are many out there living their life in accordance with the inner principals of the Divine Mother. She does communicate and she does not leave their children in unnecessary trouble, coming forth and guiding when needed.

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Asetians as parents...? - Page 2 Empty Re: Asetians as parents...?

Post by Helliana 24.06.09 23:37

Your experiences have been quite interesting to read, empress, especially ones that have to do with your children. I look forward to reading more. =] Thank you for sharing all that you have shared with us.

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Asetians as parents...? - Page 2 Empty Re: Asetians as parents...?

Post by Talibah 25.06.09 4:40

empress2k wrote:
There are other obligations that we come here with that have to be fulfilled, and sometimes it is about serving as a vessel for others to come through.

If you don't mind me asking empress, are you implying that you feel your purpose was to have these children, by order or through service to a higher being? (Aset or otherwise).

And if so, now that you have had them, what is the next role you beileve you have in being their parent (if any) ?

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Asetians as parents...? - Page 2 Empty Re: Asetians as parents...?

Post by Syrianeh 25.06.09 4:43

It is indeed interesting.

In my opinion, lack of feeling is not a premise for bad parenting or bad relations with others. That is not such an uncommon trait, and, when controlled or steered the right way, it can help to act more cerebrally and often much more efficiently. Many people suffer from a low emotional intelligence and are overcome by it.

Is it better than being overly emotional and sympathetic, especially towards loved ones? I don't think so. Compassion and empathy can be great virtues, but also entrapments.

It is just another way of dealing with things.

Nothing is black or white, as Daniel said, and I applaud empress2k's courage in sharing this aspect of her personality.

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Asetians as parents...? - Page 2 Empty Re: Asetians as parents...?

Post by empress2k 25.06.09 5:09

empress2k wrote:
If you don't mind me asking empress, are you implying that you feel your purpose was to have these children, by order or through service to a higher being? (Aset or otherwise).

And if so, now that you have had them, what is the next role you beileve you have in being their parent (if any) ?

Soul decides to incornate within certain circumstances and family for various reasons. Sometimes it's a karmic, but always it is about growth and evolution of the soul. My Situation is not any different from anyone else. However, being where I am spiritually, I feel that the most important role I can play is to faciliated their individual growth by providing them with opportunities to learn while allowing them to chose what they want to learn and what they don't. Sometimes it means stepping back and allowing them to get hurt if they keep on insisting to do something even though you warn them of potential danger. Of course I would not stand by watching them put their life in danger, but certain amount of painful experiences is important at any age...Smile So in short, my role is to make sure that nothing gets on their way of finding their path and moving forward on it. That, however, doesn't mean defining it for them.

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Asetians as parents...? - Page 2 Empty Re: Asetians as parents...?

Post by empress2k 25.06.09 5:10

Helliana wrote:Your experiences have been quite interesting to read, empress, especially ones that have to do with your children. I look forward to reading more. =] Thank you for sharing all that you have shared with us.

Thank you Helliana for your interest in my journey...Smile

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Asetians as parents...? - Page 2 Empty Re: Asetians as parents...?

Post by empress2k 25.06.09 5:24

Syrianeh wrote:It is indeed interesting.

In my opinion, lack of feeling is not a premise for bad parenting or bad relations with others. That is not such an uncommon trait, and, when controlled or steered the right way, it can help to act more cerebrally and often much more efficiently. Many people suffer from a low emotional intelligence and are overcome by it.

Is it better than being overly emotional and sympathetic, especially towards loved ones? I don't think so. Compassion and empathy can be great virtues, but also entrapments.

It is just another way of dealing with things.

Nothing is black or white, as Daniel said, and I applaud empress2k's courage in sharing this aspect of her personality.


Thank you for your aknowledgement..Smile It is not that I am not capable of experiencing emotions, I am capable to invoke just about any feeling and experience it within me, that is one of the reason I am able not to judge others and see all sides to any story. But I am also capable to step outside of it too and turn it off. This comes very handy particularly when I meet new people and react to them from past-life memories. Then being able to step outside of what I am feeling and analyse it, helps me to assess the situation from the rational perspective, instead of from what I am feeling towards them.

As for my children, I am always able to tune into their bodies and emotional state and assess pretty much where they are any time I need to. That way they cannot manipulate me and I can always tell what they really feel... Smile I hope that makes sense.

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Asetians as parents...? - Page 2 Empty Re: Asetians as parents...?

Post by Syrianeh 25.06.09 6:10

Thank you for the clarification, empress2k.

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Asetians as parents...? - Page 2 Empty Re: Asetians as parents...?

Post by empress2k 25.06.09 6:11

It is my pleasure...Wink

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Asetians as parents...? - Page 2 Empty Re: Asetians as parents...?

Post by Daniel09 25.06.09 9:58

Thank you for sharing that with us. I must say, it's a little eerie to read your experiences, because of how much they parallel my own.

I've been raised to be compassionate and loving, caring for everyone around me. But also with a strong sense of logic and moral decision-making. What's always been strange for me is that I've never felt any of the radical emotions that most people feel towards their friends and relatives.

I care deeply for my father, but it's not because he's my dad. It's actually pretty selfish. He has an extreme amount of experience in very versatile fields, and has an analytical mind that's been trained to be able to tell someone almost anything. I strongly desire his knowledge, so I care for his well-being. It's the same with my mother. She's not as directly intelligent, but in a way that's hard to explain, she has an intuitive logic, like someone who's learned all the secrets of the universe and is just playing now.

But as for my brothers and sisters, I've never felt anything. I have admired my sister's efforts and I'm happy she's fallen in love, however badly the situation is set up, but I don't feel the deep feelings of love that one should have. My sister's been in multiple accidents, and while when I found out, I did express concern, it's because I knew I should, not because I was actually concerned. I've found it's better to feign emotional response, than show how you really feel in those situations. I had a great aunt die, and of course I didn't know her at all, but I still managed to gain the favor of a few family members by putting on a mask of heartfelt missing. It's always been a rather useful talent of mine to be able to portray myself as feeling things I don't actually feel at all. That way it doesn't look like I'm faking, because I just put myself in a mindset in which I'm thinking like someone who just lost that person important to them, and it can even feel real to me on the surface, but the inner self is still bland and looking at the situation as a good chance to get experience.

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Asetians as parents...? - Page 2 Empty Re: Asetians as parents...?

Post by empress2k 25.06.09 12:34

Thank you Daniel for sharing. Yes, much of what you stated resonates with me. However, like I stated before, I am also able to invoke the feeling and really feel it, while still maintaining an observer perspective of it. For instance I love the high of feeling of being in love, particularly when the chemistry is right...Smile

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Asetians as parents...? - Page 2 Empty Re: Asetians as parents...?

Post by Daniel09 25.06.09 13:09

empress2k wrote:Thank you Daniel for sharing. Yes, much of what you stated resonates with me. However, like I stated before, I am also able to invoke the feeling and really feel it, while still maintaining an observer perspective of it. For instance I love the high of feeling of being in love, particularly when the chemistry is right...Smile

As do I. It's a little addicting at first, and I've had to learn how to control myself after what happened with my last love. I got a little obsessive, even though that seems to go against my nature. I did get over him though, just took a bit was all.

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Asetians as parents...? - Page 2 Empty Re: Asetians as parents...?

Post by empress2k 25.06.09 13:28

It will get easier and easier as you get older, moving on that is..Smile

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Asetians as parents...? - Page 2 Empty Re: Asetians as parents...?

Post by ElizabethBathory 12.12.09 20:35

Well, I am awakened, and I like children very much (even though I dislike humans). And, it's very unfortunate that having children is one of my life goals when the thought of having sex with a human is so disgusting to me. I've had sex once in my life, and it was extremely disgusting. It may as well have been a dog as far as I'm concerned.....bestiality..... It's like how I am studying to become a nurse due to my nature of wanting to help people Asetians as parents...? - Page 2 Icon_rolleyes.

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Asetians as parents...? - Page 2 Empty Re: Asetians as parents...?

Post by ElizabethBathory 12.12.09 20:56

Daniel09 wrote: But as for my brothers and sisters, I've never felt anything. I have admired my sister's efforts and I'm happy she's fallen in love, however badly the situation is set up, but I don't feel the deep feelings of love that one should have. My sister's been in multiple accidents, and while when I found out, I did express concern, it's because I knew I should, not because I was actually concerned. I've found it's better to feign emotional response, than show how you really feel in those situations. I had a great aunt die, and of course I didn't know her at all, but I still managed to gain the favor of a few family members by putting on a mask of heartfelt missing. It's always been a rather useful talent of mine to be able to portray myself as feeling things I don't actually feel at all. That way it doesn't look like I'm faking, because I just put myself in a mindset in which I'm thinking like someone who just lost that person important to them, and it can even feel real to me on the surface, but the inner self is still bland and looking at the situation as a good chance to get experience.

This does ring so true. Yeah, you're just not used to being around enough people who are on your "frequency" (really not that many in the populous). I know I don't have a lot of friends because it's rare that I connect with someone. But when I do, it's so awkward when I catch myself wanting to express an emotion, figuring out in my head something like, "hmmm so this is probably what hugs are for, duh."

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Asetians as parents...? - Page 2 Empty Re: Asetians as parents...?

Post by Daniel09 12.12.09 21:38

ElizabethBathory wrote:This does ring so true. Yeah, you're just not used to being around enough people who are on your "frequency" (really not that many in the populous). I know I don't have a lot of friends because it's rare that I connect with someone. But when I do, it's so awkward when I catch myself wanting to express an emotion, figuring out in my head something like, "hmmm so this is probably what hugs are for, duh."

Yeah, I've only met a couple people in my life who think like me, and half the time I want to just kiss them. Course, they don't feel the same way (my sexuality is a very strange thing).

On subject though, kids are wonderful. Their minds are so open and manageable. I find myself having fantastic times with children, because I'm a natural teacher. Oddly, Autistic children are the ones I love the most. I can think on the same spectrum as they do, and when me and an Autistic child converse, it's like being in my element, and I can teach them why adults disallow them certain things. It's easy really, you just need to give them a logical ill-effect of their actions, often with emotions emphasized I think.

As for sexuality, at one point (before I "awakened") I was very intent on having children. Didn't care for the sex, but for some reason I wished to pass on my genes. Now my mindset is different. I found that, not only am I not attracted to women (most women that is. There does appear to be some kind of psychological attraction sometimes, but it's very rare). What I think is that I can only be sexually attracted to people like me, which is why I have become very homosexual of recent. I share much more with men than I do women. I expect that there might be a single person one day who will "light my fire" so to say, but I have not discovered them yet, be they male or female.

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Asetians as parents...? - Page 2 Empty Re: Asetians as parents...?

Post by Divine 277 06.04.10 8:22

Why shouldn't asetians want children ??
When Aset did?

Sincerely Divine 277
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Asetians as parents...? - Page 2 Empty Re: Asetians as parents...?

Post by Meiyo 06.04.10 12:23

Divine 277 wrote:Why shouldn't asetians want children ??
When Aset did?

Sincerely Divine 277

I believe it depends on the specific Asetians.

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Asetians as parents...? - Page 2 Empty Re: Asetians as parents...?

Post by Divine 277 06.04.10 12:33

exactly , my point Wink
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Asetians as parents...? - Page 2 Empty Re: Asetians as parents...?

Post by Victor 06.04.10 16:31

It does depend on the specific Asetian. Each case is unique.
However, not wanting children is something more frequently found among the Elders, and it is not something hard to understand even for us, outsiders. An Asetian who bears a child, would have human children, and the Asetians are not very fond of mortals. Why they tend to dislike humans is a whole different subject that I will not address here, since there is just so much to say about it, but rather focus on the debate at hand.
What would be the point of raising a child, give them all your love and life, so only they would someday die and not have the same power of immortality that you have? And giving the Dark Kiss and immortality to someone just because he is your child doesn't seem like a very plausible reasoning to justify a Dark Kiss.
Also, the Elder Asetians are totally dedicated to the Aset Ka and to the Asetian Family. That is who they Love, and the ones who they have been incarnated with for so many lifetimes. Under this light, a child would feel as something less.

The bond and Love between Asetians, as a Family, goes far beyond the feelings between human parents and their children. This might influence their views over having children. Like it was said, there might be cases of Asetians who have children, that is certainly possible, but might not be the most common of cases, especially among the Elders in the Family. Their inner agendas are far more important than that, and they have far more crucial things to do while incarnated. Asetians shape the course of history, and have ever done so in silence and in secret. There is just too much responsibility in their hands...

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