Lost Asetians?

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Lost Asetians? Empty Lost Asetians?

Post by Aghrab 12.09.08 4:36

In another thread one of our users, Maktub, rose quite some interesting questions for debate, so I will paste it here, in the right part of the forum for further discussions. I am looking forward.


"Also an interesting subject for debate is, being the Asetians so united and strong together as is a renown characteristic of their Family, how come that in this very era, at the turn of the tide from the Djehuty of the Crocodile into the Djehuty of the Serpent, it is said that many Asetians may be lost? Did something happened in a recent past that broke any kind of bond or calling? Did they suffer any unexpected situation in their powers over the reincarnation cycles? Is this a result of any dramatic ROS attack?"

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Lost Asetians? Empty Re: Lost Asetians?

Post by Karnath 12.09.08 8:09

Em Hotep, Aghrab.

Thank you so much for opening such a topic. Seems like a great subject to debate. Smile

I think that it might be indeed the result of a massive ROS attack, since Aset Ka's power is union. Being able to turn the Order into separate pieces will surely put it in danger. I've heard someone talk about the pieces of the pyramid, and how important all of them were. I wonder if this is why the Order of Aset Ka decided to publish such a book as the Asetian Bible. They're coming off the shadow they've been located for such a long time. This surely has its reason, and means something deep.

But I think no one should ever forget... This is a Djehuty of Awakening, a Djehuty of Claiming, a Djehuty for enforcing one's True Self, and a Djehuty to prove one's Loyalty and Dedication. Surely... This is a Djehuty of Selection. Wink Who stays?, It asks.

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Lost Asetians? Empty Re: Lost Asetians?

Post by Hellen 13.09.08 14:23

I understand it is a particular thing you have in mind , something happened only in the recent past ?
Because i thought that it was a constant process all along the Crocodile Djehudy consisting in a multiplication of 'noises ' (of many natures most powerful religion and the 'kafkian' reality ) which made the asetians who choose to reincarnate in this era to awake but possibly not to be able to evolve anymore to the point of controlling their next reincarnation , which possibly put them into random lifes ,not chosen by them ,far away from the others ,some of these lives bringing limitations for them to evolve and find their true Self and fulfill their condition
I think asetians are called also by other messages , the Asetian Bible is the final guiding sign they have to see in the multiplicity of new alternative religions and subcultures spread on the internet which also can be misleading , most talk about things that are much similar but not the true ways and possibly are made on purpose..just my feeling

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Lost Asetians? Empty Re: Lost Asetians?

Post by Maktub 17.09.08 14:24


The Asetians have powers and control over the reincarnation cycles, that is entwined with their soul's fabric, being a part of their essence and their natural powers and rights in Existence. We must not forget that they are princes and princesses in the Duat, part of the noble family of the Elder Gods, in lineage with Aset.
This leaves us a clue for that something surely happened in the case of the Asetians that got lost and scattered, something which severed that link, and probably *after* the first stages of reincarnation, since they can consciously do that choice still in the Duat which is their realm afterall. So, probably something went wrong when entering the physical universe, and then is where many of the ROS theories enter into picture.

I agree that the Asetian Bible is at this point the final guiding sing, and most of all, spiritual subtle link, with the ancient Asetian tradition and path of the Elders, but please, don't take my comment in a negative way, but the word Asetian should always be capitalized.


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Lost Asetians? Empty Re: Lost Asetians?

Post by Hellen 17.09.08 15:59

Thank you Maktub ,

When you asked about something that affected 'their powers over the reincarnation cycles ' i thought it could be the situation of the 'oblivion of the soul ' and 'mortalily' Asetian Bible is speaking about in the cases of vampires who do not awaken .
But i'm most interested to know about the other theories .
About the writing I understand what you mean and you are very right . But you also must know my feelings for Asetians are in capital letters .

Best regards ,

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Lost Asetians? Empty Re: Lost Asetians?

Post by SarangGa 02.03.09 10:22

Whatever is lost can be found. If their strength is in their unity, then without that they are left reflecting with those around them that aren't their kind. I think it is possible for an Asetian to purposefully incarnate away from their kind as maybe even a means of evolution, just to find their way back...a journey of Khepri maybe. I would say that true Asetian have purpose in everything they do, whether it can be understood by others that are looking in on it or not. A characteristic of the God within them.

Without a sort of system of checks and balances through the Lineages the delicate mind can bend and I believe that sometimes this can lead to an interpretation of being lost or losing themselves in a way. It might be a way of disciplining the mind by undisciplining it, a sort of subtle shift that could be considered dangerous. Possibly, this is a sort of finding themselves in madness, which an Asetian is well capable of. I think that it could just be part of the process of Khepri or Transformation.

Keep in mind that the Asetian Bible is put in a public format, leaving windows to possibly lead deeper into the Mysteries. We may only get a small glimpse in the Asetian Bible of what it is really all about. In which case I do agree with the theory that those who are “lost” are the Asetians who have not been awakened, meaning they are merely asleep until they rise again in consciousness. But even though they may not be awake are still Asetian and all that comes along with their immortal Ba, it is a definite part of their nature forever.

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Lost Asetians? Empty Re: Lost Asetians?

Post by Victor 03.03.09 10:48

SarangGa wrote:Whatever is lost can be found. If their strength is in their unity, then without that they are left reflecting with those around them that aren't their kind. I think it is possible for an Asetian to purposefully incarnate away from their kind as maybe even a means of evolution, just to find their way back...a journey of Khepri maybe. I would say that true Asetian have purpose in everything they do, whether it can be understood by others that are looking in on it or not. A characteristic of the God within them.

Without a sort of system of checks and balances through the Lineages the delicate mind can bend and I believe that sometimes this can lead to an interpretation of being lost or losing themselves in a way. It might be a way of disciplining the mind by undisciplining it, a sort of subtle shift that could be considered dangerous. Possibly, this is a sort of finding themselves in madness, which an Asetian is well capable of. I think that it could just be part of the process of Khepri or Transformation.

Keep in mind that the Asetian Bible is put in a public format, leaving windows to possibly lead deeper into the Mysteries. We may only get a small glimpse in the Asetian Bible of what it is really all about. In which case I do agree with the theory that those who are “lost” are the Asetians who have not been awakened, meaning they are merely asleep until they rise again in consciousness. But even though they may not be awake are still Asetian and all that comes along with their immortal Ba, it is a definite part of their nature forever.
Those were pretty wise words, SarangGA. Your interpretation of the Asetian ways in that subject checks with my personal understanding of it. It is always interesting to find people that can grasp inner secrets behind the obvious, in spiritual texts like the Asetian Bible. Looking forward to read more of your posts.

I would agree that an Asetian definitely has purpose in everything they do and experience. The path of finding their inner Self and commune with their inner Truth is the path of finding their Family in the Aset Ka. That is certainly a true form of enlightenment.

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Lost Asetians? Empty Re: Lost Asetians?

Post by Vertigo 19.03.09 13:24

Iam an necromancer for I call forth the dead threads!

Im sorry for reviving this thread, but I have a feeling that I may have to do it very often here :/

I have many theories about the Asetianism and Asetian bible.

I believe that many Asetians are lost because of changes.

Think about it, they may choose which parents and where to reincarnate, but what hinder the parents from moving?
What hinders the Asetian from taking the wrong turn?

And the Aset Ka cant be that big, its harder to hide an large group than a small...

I also believe that one purpose of the Asetian bible is to guide so many Asetian's as possible.

If you think about it, it make sense...

Asetian's, from what ive seen, dont share their knowledge out of charity...

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Lost Asetians? Empty Re: Lost Asetians?

Post by Maktub 19.03.09 15:19

Laiko Su Katara wrote:I also believe that one purpose of the Asetian bible is to guide so many Asetian's as possible.

If you think about it, it make sense...

Asetian's, from what ive seen, dont share their knowledge out of charity...
Not very elegant, but still... a nice way to put it.


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Lost Asetians? Empty Re: Lost Asetians?

Post by Vertigo 19.03.09 15:53

Maktub wrote:
Laiko Su Katara wrote:I also believe that one purpose of the Asetian bible is to guide so many Asetian's as possible.

If you think about it, it make sense...

Asetian's, from what ive seen, dont share their knowledge out of charity...
Not very elegant, but still... a nice way to put it.


Well, it did good with me and gave me many new angles to look at the world and myself.

I really identify myself with the Asetian path and believe (believe NOT claiming) I were an Asetian in my previous life.

When I read the AB it opened my eyes after years of blindness and it explained many things about me and my history.

Also, before I read the AB ive never identifed myself with vampires but always been drawn to the occult and questions about my past lifes.

When I was like 15 or so I believe my awakening started since that was the start of my...well...awakening :p

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Lost Asetians? Empty Re: Lost Asetians?

Post by empress2k 26.06.09 15:53

This is indeed a very interesting topic and being new here, I feel the right to revive it..Wink Yes, as many of you put here Asetians always have purpose for whatever goes on. Yes, we have to go deeper, and look at the history of Creation of Asetian Race. It did not come about on Its own. It was birthed forth my Aset after her husband was killed by her brother and had to leave this World. Aset knew that the balance of the world was threatened and that the Negative was prevailing. So she went into another plain and birthed her Asetian children as the keepers of the balance to continue the existance of this world.

We all know that there is Dark and Light. The Dark has within it Positive and Negative as does the Light (yes there is Negativity in the Light as well - it's called Righteousness). When there is too much of one the other gets weakened and the balance disappears causing degradation and decay as we are currently seeing in our societies.

Now back to Asetians, so they were created to be the keepers of the balance and the representatives of the Dark Positive Force. That is a great responsibility and does require an ongoing self-development and growth, particularly since the Dark Positive as well as the Light Positive and Light Negative are developing too. So it is only understandable that Asetians would spread through out the world, study variouse traditions and spiritual believs to guide humans into balanced existance.

Aset Ka cannot be viewed as an ordinary order the way others function. It is a metaphysical order and as such it operated beyond physical manifestations. Another way to put it, there are many Asetians who might not be formaly involved or even aware of Aset Ka, yet subconsciously in constant contact and performing functions assigned to them by the order.

That is what is coming through for me to share with your right now. And yes, much of what the Asetian Bible supposed to do is to bring forth the conscious Awareness in many for the world is in a critical state now.

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Lost Asetians? Empty Re: Lost Asetians?

Post by Victor 26.06.09 16:34

Although I agree with some of the things you mentioned in your last post, I would add that we should not express anything by Positive and Negative, when it comes to metaphysics, as you have done with Light Positive and Negative Positive. That would be closer to the ones that ignorantly assume Darkness to be a representation of Evil. Energy polarities do not work in this way, and Darkness is simply Darkness. There is no positive or negative forms of Darkness, but all ultimately a reflection of the practitioner's choices in how to manifest that Darkness.
There is no positive, negative, good and evil... those are just narrow-concepts that reflect standardized points of view, when the Universe is ultimately infinite and multi-layered. There is no true good and evil, right and wrong, except from what we perceive as right based on our own values. The proliferation of such terminology is one of the reasons why the spiritual concepts of Darkness and the Black Arts are still so misrepresented in many people's judgment.

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Lost Asetians? Empty Re: Lost Asetians?

Post by empress2k 26.06.09 17:08

Victor wrote:Although I agree with some of the things you mentioned in your last post, I would add that we should not express anything by Positive and Negative, when it comes to metaphysics, as you have done with Light Positive and Negative Positive. That would be closer to the ones that ignorantly assume Darkness to be a representation of Evil. .

The only reason I expressed it that way because I hope that most people will be able to read between the lines and not simply respond with basic semantics here.

Victor wrote:Energy polarities do not work in this way, and Darkness is simply Darkness. There is no positive or negative forms of Darkness, but all ultimately a reflection of the practitioner's choices in how to manifest that Darkness.There is no positive, negative, good and evil... those are just narrow-concepts that reflect standardized points of view, when the Universe is ultimately infinite and multi-layered.

Yes Darkness is simply Darkness as a Matter, however the practictioner's choice of how he/she wants to manifest that Darkness determines its polarity. Any action causes reaction, which is a motion and change, and we do know from physics that energy can manifest itself negatively and positively. Hence that choice of the practitioner is what determines that polarity. For instance while many healers use Light and Love in their work, i.e. raiki, I use Fire and Force to free the body from the illness. Sometimes I have to bring distruction to cetain beings who want that person to remain ill. I know I am using the same energy as a serial killer who is raping and killing a five year old child, but our use of that energy is completely opposite. I hope that makes better sense for you now.

Victor wrote:There is no true good and evil, right and wrong, except from what we perceive as right based on our own values. The proliferation of such terminology is one of the reasons why the spiritual concepts of Darkness and the Black Arts are still so misrepresented in many people's judgment.

To be honest I do not share in societal human values, never had. I have my own internal code I live by. So it would be hard for me to comment here. But I am sure you are right about basic human mentality.

Thank you for inspiring me to go deeper into the subject.

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Lost Asetians? Empty Re: Lost Asetians?

Post by godofbattle 26.08.09 17:57

I agree with you. Everyone is differant and if you think about it this is what makes modern religions seem foolish. Because someone thinks they know what is right for everyone. When they really only have an opinion.

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Lost Asetians? Empty Re: Lost Asetians?

Post by Tiet 23.07.20 14:11

We only have Aset.Ka books who are very usefull FOR al humans ,vampire,demigod ,werewolves ,witches and many more ..But we Dont have the Official story of ROS ..the real stort is maybe 65/100 .Seth is bad evil Dark Buț we dont know the real reason so we should not talk about good and Bad!!
This is a battle between GODS ..

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Lost Asetians? Empty Re: Lost Asetians?

Post by AlexaAnghel 28.05.21 17:51

I read Asetian Bible and I wonder how if you are not listened by the crowd you become the crowd Very Happy

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Lost Asetians? Empty Re: Lost Asetians?

Post by Lightseeker 15.06.21 13:18

Tiet wrote:We only have Aset.Ka books who are very usefull FOR al humans ,vampire,demigod ,werewolves ,witches and many more ..But we Dont have the Official story of ROS ..the real stort is maybe 65/100 .Seth is bad evil Dark Buț we dont know the real reason so we should not talk about good and Bad!!
This is a battle between GODS ..

Seth is not really "bad, evil", he just represents a different path. You decide what you want to become and that leads to a decision which path to follow.

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Lost Asetians? Empty Re: Lost Asetians?

Post by VedantaBlack 15.06.21 13:52

Well, the path of Seth is the path of Materialism, fame, ego and glory and hence, no real power or spiritual growth. But yes, everyone has that choice.


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