Self-deception. An inconvenient truth

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Self-deception. An inconvenient truth Empty Self-deception. An inconvenient truth

Post by Daniel09 08.09.10 13:42

Something that I think is never addressed enough in the human populous is the fact that everyone is a victim of self-deception. Simply put, the idea that because you want to believe something, you find every reason to believe it is true. This happens especially in cases when all you have to do is find positives and no negatives, as in the case of the Asetian descriptions in the AB. The AB lets a person simply pick and choose aspects of the divine ones that applies to themselves, or just apply one's aspects while ignoring exhibiting traits of others.
One of the things self-deceiving people fail to understand is that there are in all likelihood a number of other people in the 7 billion inhabitants of the planet that are almost exactly the same. Unless you are to claim that all these other people are the same super-special thing you are, then you are claiming a superficial argument.

In case I ended up straying from rational English, I will repeat. There is no rational, logical way to believe that you are special in any way. You can even feel it with ALL your heart and be pulled toward a certain belief, but really, self-deception can be so powerful that it will create those feelings. All you can trust is that you are alive and thinking, and that you can work toward something, whatever it is. Feeling the need to care about being something special, including many times just a vampire (not an Asetian one), implies that you really aren't.

If you come to this thread to defend yourself, posting rationale that tries to explain that you are not self-deceived, do not even attempt it. Just close your window right now and meditate on what you were about to do.

Hopefully I made sense. Em hotep people, and please seek truth, not comfort.

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Self-deception. An inconvenient truth Empty Re: Self-deception. An inconvenient truth

Post by Jonathan 08.09.10 14:34

Very good post, very very good. I fully agree with what you exposed here.


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Self-deception. An inconvenient truth Empty Re: Self-deception. An inconvenient truth

Post by AndreiaLi 08.09.10 18:03

I tottally agree. It's very hard to distinguish things you wanted to happen to from the way things actually are. For that, reliable proofs are needed.

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Self-deception. An inconvenient truth Empty Re: Self-deception. An inconvenient truth

Post by Kate 09.09.10 1:49

Souls come to this forum seeking explanation to what they are experiencing, yes some of the less evolved visitors jump to conclusions before giving appropriate consideration to what they are feeling, surely these souls need help not scorn, but who decides who is or is not special, surely everyone is special by their own nature and should not be outright dismissed because of their misinterpretation. Only those who truly understand should sit in judgement. Ones conviction is accepting the verification of one’s character, while scepticism would be to deny it.

Things are not always what they seem; the first appearance deceives many; the intelligence of a few perceives what has been carefully

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Self-deception. An inconvenient truth Empty Re: Self-deception. An inconvenient truth

Post by Daniel09 09.09.10 8:55

And it is people like you, Kate, who further propagate the mindless self-verification of today's youth. With that single post, you have opened up a bunch of people to saying "oh, see it's ok now, I can be what I wanted."

I'm not saying that some people aren't what they think they are, I'm saying that the need to prove it to people, to be accepted, and to require a "good feeling" from others is just ridiculous.

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Self-deception. An inconvenient truth Empty Re: Self-deception. An inconvenient truth

Post by Divine 277 09.09.10 11:08

Greetings Smile

I couldn't shut up anymore :S typical Sad
well I do agree and disagree whit you bought....

Here is why....

What ever you are, or think you are ,or know you are, You should be pleased whit it.
There is nothing that changes the core ether way ... You are you....

And some people need to feel special on others expense , because they cant see how special they are by them self ... Its called LOW self-esteem.....

And seriously I feel bad for them, cause everybody has there own good and bad qualities, everybody has there ups and downs ....

And everybody means something special to someone.

So If you want to be more special then that no-one in the world is completely like you.

well you cant , but you can try to accomplish something that makes the world recognize that you are special by being famous for something you do ... but you will still be YOU !

But they will never see you completely for what you are ( the core of you ), anyway ......

They will judge you, they will write thing about you ,and follow you, but in the end that does not mater, If you dont like YOU.
You/anybody have to like there self.
Then and only then ,will you get what you no longer need ....

But If you are on the path of needing someone to grow and develop your self and learn, there is nothing better , then doing exactly that ...

I know very many out there also are just looking for understanding and someone they feel they can talk to .... and that's good to .....

And when it comes to the Asetian bible , there are so many superficial traits for each linage that I my self can point to at least 4-8 of my friends and say they have treats from one of the lineages ....

so stop speculating, find people that you can talk to, understanding is the key , but you need to understand and like your self.....

If you have abilities , well find someone in the same situation, that can relate to you and talk about it if its confusing ..... use time .....

I want to write a lot more ....

but Im not going to ....

If Its still to hard to understand, well... I cant do anything more.

sincerely Divine 277
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Self-deception. An inconvenient truth Empty Re: Self-deception. An inconvenient truth

Post by Kate 09.09.10 11:51

Daniel09 and Divine 277 thank you both for your valued opinions, it is for this reason we are all here, to Daniel09 though I would like to emphasis that I am not in opposition to your stance on this subject, I merely feel that those souls in pursuit to belong to that something original that causes them to grasp at any new fad or idea deserve compassion more than scorn, not that I’m saying in any way shape or form that you showed any scorn or derision toward them in your original post, I feel everyone is entitled to their point of view and to express their feelings as best they can for this reason shouldn’t we as members of this esteemed forum show due respect to that and if necessary direct them towards another path with due consideration. Tolerance and patience truly are virtues after all.

Things are not always what they seem; the first appearance deceives many; the intelligence of a few perceives what has been carefully hidden

Number of posts : 74
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Self-deception. An inconvenient truth Empty Re: Self-deception. An inconvenient truth

Post by Daniel09 09.09.10 15:11

Indeed. I really just don't want to see the ignorant excuses and empty validation of people trying to look good in the eyes of the people they feel will "judge" their belief.

If you truly are what you are, then no amount of judging will change it.

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Self-deception. An inconvenient truth Empty Re: Self-deception. An inconvenient truth

Post by Divine 277 16.09.10 2:43

That is right Daniel, but understanding isn't always peoples best quality, they simply don't know better.

We do...

so If we did, what they do, Then we wouldn't be better then they are, actually we would be worse ... cause we know better...

I know its a bit frustrating ....:S

So I'm my own opinion, I rather keep things like that to my self , and others that can respect it, at least Smile

Sincerely Divine
Divine 277
Divine 277

Number of posts : 1003
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Location : Gate between heaven and hell.
Registration date : 2010-03-01

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