Anunaki and Earth conection

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Anunaki and Earth conection Empty Anunaki and Earth conection

Post by Proxy 15.10.10 7:02

Barbara Hand Clow wrote in one of her texts this:

The Sirian work with humans was for higher brain activation, but the Anunnaki thought of the human brain as just a robotic structure to be used by them to control humans as workers.
..Humans have always been smarter than the Anunnaki have realized, while the Sirians always had a deep understanding of human potential.
The degree to which the WMT gets away with murder on your planet is in direct proportion to the degree to which you do not trust yourselves to be creative.
The WMT uses your electronic forms of entertainment to get into your head.
Nibiruan programming in your heads is what is driving you to commit ecocide.

Anyone read [color=orange]Earth Chronicles[/color or The Pleiadian Agenda ?? is it worth bying..

just some thoughts...

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Anunaki and Earth conection Empty Re: Anunaki and Earth conection

Post by Victor 15.10.10 8:57

I believe that ET's and the X-Files is stretching the boundaries of Off Topic a little too much. Alien abductions, the Anunnaki, Nibiru myths and invasions from other galaxies... there are many forums dedicated to such themes, but it really has nothing to do with what we study over here. Not to mention the lack of seriousness in such subject when compared to what we deal with in this community.

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Anunaki and Earth conection Empty Re: Anunaki and Earth conection

Post by Divine 277 15.10.10 11:02

Victor wrote:I believe that ET's and the X-Files is stretching the boundaries of Off Topic a little too much. Alien abductions, the Anunnaki, Nibiru myths and invasions from other galaxies... there are many forums dedicated to such themes, but it really has nothing to do with what we study over here. Not to mention the lack of seriousness in such subject when compared to what we deal with in this community.

I thought learning was one of the things Asetians hold dear ( forever evolving and adapting )?

And well It can be seen as new age , but the Sumerian myths and Hindu religion does mention this.

Sincerely Divine 277
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Anunaki and Earth conection Empty Re: Anunaki and Earth conection

Post by Victor 15.10.10 11:30

No, those religions do not mention this at all. Alien theories are very recent adulterations of Sumerian and Hindu myths. Both Sumerians and Hindus did not believe in alien foundations as recent enthusiasts like to proclaim. It is the same thing as what we can find in so many sites that have photographs of Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs that people believe to be flying saucers, airplanes and helicopters in Kemet. There is even a thread in this forum about that, including those images. It is just like rain clouds, people see in them what they want to see...

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Anunaki and Earth conection Empty Re: Anunaki and Earth conection

Post by Divine 277 15.10.10 11:48

Victor wrote:No, those religions do not mention this at all. Alien theories are very recent adulterations of Sumerian and Hindu myths. Both Sumerians and Hindus did not believe in alien foundations as recent enthusiasts like to proclaim. It is the same thing as what we can find in so many sites that have photographs of Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs that people believe to be flying saucers, airplanes and helicopters in Kemet. There is even a thread in this forum about that, including those images. It is just like rain clouds, people see in them what they want to see...

That is true, everyone does Smile

But I don't think he was referring to the Aliens in the first place....
but since we are in on the subject...

Her is a nice link to the 7 tablets of creation ....

sincerely Divine 277
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Anunaki and Earth conection Empty Re: Anunaki and Earth conection

Post by Divine 277 16.10.10 7:59

and guess what : here is another Smile

Divine 277
Divine 277

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Anunaki and Earth conection Empty Re: Anunaki and Earth conection

Post by Proxy 17.10.10 14:05

Victor wrote:No, those religions do not mention this at all. Alien theories are very recent adulterations of Sumerian and Hindu myths. Both Sumerians and Hindus did not believe in alien foundations as recent enthusiasts like to proclaim. It is the same thing as what we can find in so many sites that have photographs of Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs that people believe to be flying saucers, airplanes and helicopters in Kemet. There is even a thread in this forum about that, including those images. It is just like rain clouds, people see in them what they want to see...

Your quote realy dont help, you are just slaughtering the idea of conection an relationship here, but i get your point and i`l read more and study deeper in the AB.

only one thing... did you know both of the books are written by Luis Marques ??

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Anunaki and Earth conection Empty Re: Anunaki and Earth conection

Post by Proxy 17.10.10 14:06

Divine 277 wrote:and guess what : here is another Smile


thanks. 2 very good links...

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Anunaki and Earth conection Empty Re: Anunaki and Earth conection

Post by Divine 277 18.10.10 11:26

Proxy wrote:
Victor wrote:No, those religions do not mention this at all. Alien theories are very recent adulterations of Sumerian and Hindu myths. Both Sumerians and Hindus did not believe in alien foundations as recent enthusiasts like to proclaim. It is the same thing as what we can find in so many sites that have photographs of Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs that people believe to be flying saucers, airplanes and helicopters in Kemet. There is even a thread in this forum about that, including those images. It is just like rain clouds, people see in them what they want to see...

Your quote realy dont help, you are just slaughtering the idea of conection an relationship here, but i get your point and i`l read more and study deeper in the AB.

only one thing... did you know both of the books are written by Luis Marques ??

??? what do you mean ??
Has Luis Marques written one of thees books ?

Sincerely Divine 277
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Anunaki and Earth conection Empty Re: Anunaki and Earth conection

Post by Helliana 18.10.10 18:05

What are you two even talking about now? O_o

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Anunaki and Earth conection Empty Re: Anunaki and Earth conection

Post by godofbattle 18.10.10 18:57

Some believe that vampires and other otherkin creatures are the annunaki. That came to visit this earth. They believe they are the gods.

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Anunaki and Earth conection Empty Re: Anunaki and Earth conection

Post by Divine 277 19.10.10 2:30

Thats not completely right, they where considered demi gods.

They also had non "living" gods in their legacy.
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Anunaki and Earth conection Empty Re: Anunaki and Earth conection

Post by Proxy 19.10.10 5:32

Divine 277 wrote:
Proxy wrote:
Victor wrote:No, those religions do not mention this at all. Alien theories are very recent adulterations of Sumerian and Hindu myths. Both Sumerians and Hindus did not believe in alien foundations as recent enthusiasts like to proclaim. It is the same thing as what we can find in so many sites that have photographs of Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs that people believe to be flying saucers, airplanes and helicopters in Kemet. There is even a thread in this forum about that, including those images. It is just like rain clouds, people see in them what they want to see...

Your quote realy dont help, you are just slaughtering the idea of conection an relationship here, but i get your point and i`l read more and study deeper in the AB.

only one thing... did you know both of the books are written by Luis Marques ??

??? what do you mean ??
Has Luis Marques written one of thees books ?

Sincerely Divine 277

he is not the main author, but assistant and and a big source of information to the authors...

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Anunaki and Earth conection Empty Re: Anunaki and Earth conection

Post by N.Augusta 19.10.10 7:44

Okay.... I am totally lost here!

Proxy: First you say that Luis Marques wrote the books, and then you say that he is a contributing author. What books are you talking about?

Proxy said, "Anyone read [color=orange]Earth Chronicles[/color or The Pleiadian Agenda ?? is it worth bying.." <--Those books????


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Anunaki and Earth conection Empty Re: Anunaki and Earth conection

Post by Divine 277 19.10.10 8:45

Yes , I think it those he is referring to .... but Im not sure.
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Anunaki and Earth conection Empty Re: Anunaki and Earth conection

Post by Proxy 19.10.10 13:53

Divine 277 wrote:Yes , I think it those he is referring to .... but Im not sure.

Proxy said, "Anyone read "Earth Chronicles" or "The Pleiadian Agenda" ?? is it worth bying.."

i guess im the only one yhat have heard about them. then i wil just have to bye them my selv and find out,,,


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Anunaki and Earth conection Empty Re: Anunaki and Earth conection

Post by Helliana 19.10.10 19:53

Is that really answering the question?

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