Question about the Gods/Goddesses...

Sinata Anika Asti
Divine 277
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Question about the Gods/Goddesses... Empty Question about the Gods/Goddesses...

Post by JediMatt1000 28.11.10 21:39

Greetings Everyone,

I just had a question about the Asetians and the Gods/Goddesses. Do Asetians believe that through the work mentioned in the Asetian Bible that you will become your own personal God? Or is that heresy in the sense that we are to worship the Gods? I hope to hear from you again soon! Please take care and be well!

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Question about the Gods/Goddesses... Empty Re: Question about the Gods/Goddesses...

Post by Daniel09 28.11.10 22:35

No idea. Asetians believe a variety of things, a wide myriad of spiritualities. You may find an answer after talking with an Asetian if you can find one. But even then, Asetians are masters of deception, so they would probably just mislead you.

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Question about the Gods/Goddesses... Empty Re: Question about the Gods/Goddesses...

Post by Divine 277 29.11.10 4:00

HMM.... I do have thoughts on the subject ...but like Daniel said the best way is to find one your self....
well on this one, I do agree whit Daniel .... except for the part of them misleading you, they can do that, and they can give you some answers.

I guess that depends on their mood ... but you have to find one that you are positively sure is one first .... cause they probably will not tell you ...
But then Again some one probably will....

So... I wish you good luck on your quest Smile

Sincerely Divine 277

Divine 277
Divine 277

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Question about the Gods/Goddesses... Empty Re: Question about the Gods/Goddesses...

Post by N.Augusta 29.11.10 6:14

Well, let's address this question from a different approach. Rather than express my interpretations of the AB, and/or my personal views, I shall ask you some basic questions. I know not if you have read the AB, so I will share a little text.

What is Asetianism? The AB tells us that "Asetianism is about loving Aset, unconditionally embracing life and honoring the divine within." <-- What does it imply to' honor the divine within'? Does such statement imply that we are or will become our own personal Gods? Who practices Asetianism? Is Asetianism limited to Asetians only?



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Question about the Gods/Goddesses... Empty Re: Question about the Gods/Goddesses...

Post by N.Augusta 29.11.10 6:40


Oh my, that negative, and I would not say that! First, they can see right through you, and will know your true intentions. As long as one is respectful and sincere, and not asking personal questions or questions on that which is classified or plainly "none of your damn business," then you may have a very interesting discussion with one. They are still individuals that have their own interest, passions, likings or dislikes as we all do.

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Question about the Gods/Goddesses... Empty Re: Question about the Gods/Goddesses...

Post by N.Augusta 29.11.10 7:03

Oh dear....that is just my opinion, I do not talk to them. Sorry if it sounded that way.

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Question about the Gods/Goddesses... Empty Re: Question about the Gods/Goddesses...

Post by Daniel09 29.11.10 13:10

Nah, it's cool. I'm a Negative Nancy when I'm sick. I still don't think an Asetian would reveal something like that if it was secret or something.

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Question about the Gods/Goddesses... Empty Re: Question about the Gods/Goddesses...

Post by Sinata Anika Asti 30.11.10 1:00

JediMatt1000, I am a beginner here at this forum... My personal thought for the moment would be that the answer you are seeking depends on if your soul is human or other...then from that point it would depend on what your personal beliefs concerning god(s)/goddess(es) are and their relation to everything around can figure out an answer through logic after you answer those questions...
Sinata Anika Asti
Sinata Anika Asti

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Question about the Gods/Goddesses... Empty Re: Question about the Gods/Goddesses...

Post by Mojisola 24.02.11 11:05

N.Augusta wrote:Well, let's address this question from a different approach. Rather than express my interpretations of the AB, and/or my personal views, I shall ask you some basic questions. I know not if you have read the AB, so I will share a little text.

What is Asetianism? The AB tells us that "Asetianism is about loving Aset, unconditionally embracing life and honoring the divine within." <-- What does it imply to' honor the divine within'? Does such statement imply that we are or will become our own personal Gods? Who practices Asetianism? Is Asetianism limited to Asetians only?


In Wicca we believe that the Goddess and god are within everything including ourselves and therefore can invoke the goddess from within.. Maybe this is what they are trying to say here?

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Question about the Gods/Goddesses... Empty Re: Question about the Gods/Goddesses...

Post by ChristinCP 10.09.12 19:42

JediMatt1000 wrote:Greetings Everyone,

I just had a question about the Asetians and the Gods/Goddesses. Do Asetians believe that through the work mentioned in the Asetian Bible that you will become your own personal God? Or is that heresy in the sense that we are to worship the Gods? I hope to hear from you again soon! Please take care and be well!

I think that anyone on the "path", Asetian or not knows that we are all gods in the making aka co-creators - offshoots of the original divine spark. It's not heresy although many would have you believe it was because they want to take your true power and heritage away from you so that you will think that god is something outside of yourself when the mystery and wonder truly lies within.

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Question about the Gods/Goddesses... Empty Re: Question about the Gods/Goddesses...

Post by Pyrene 18.05.13 14:37

Dear JediMatt1000,

I believe the answer to your question lies in the hermetic saying "As above, so below", which means that the Divine existing outside you, is equal to the Divine existing within you.

My own suspition on the nature of the "Divine" in Asetianism – as in any other Initiatic Tradition studied by the Asetian(ist)s – is that its keys lie in the intuitive comprehension that the Gods and Goddesses often being referred to are, in fact, an image of the Divine in you, in the same way that the symbols of the Gods are contained in your own Being.

Have you ever asked yourself why there are Shen centers (Chakras) corresponding to the Sacred Pillars of the Asetian Tradition? Why does the Crown Chakra correspond to the Ankh, which is a symbol of Aset Herself? Why does the secondary Shen of the hands correspond to a symbol of Hapi, the god of the Nile? Or the Root Chakra to the Was Sceptre?

These are only some examples, but maybe this will help...



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Question about the Gods/Goddesses... Empty Re: Question about the Gods/Goddesses...

Post by Jonathan 18.05.13 15:32

Hello Pyrene, it's good to see you, it has been a while. Nice post, you raise interesting questions.

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