Aset Ka changes security hash

Sybil Mason
Divine 277
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Aset Ka changes security hash Empty Aset Ka changes security hash

Post by Natalia 08.02.11 21:11

In one of the past updates to the Aset Ka Web system used by the Order on its public website, there was this security hash formed by an alphanumeric string that intrigued me, as I am sure did with many of you.

Many have speculated on what this string may represent, seeming to be connected with some security countermeasures used by the AK technology team. Now what does it do exactly and what purposes it serves, no one really knows.

I was surprised to see that string to change recently, and wanted to share this information with you, as well as to ask for your opinions on what this can possibly mean, given that the string has been static for a while now. I'm not entirely sure on exact dates.

Previous security.hash: ztkVsD2eKAoYSm347
New security.hash: ztkVsP2eKAbYSm357

They are very similar, but there are 3 changes if we pay close attention.

This seems to be connected with cryptography and security parameters, so we most likely will never find out what it means and why it changed. It is still an interesting detail that I wanted to register.


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Aset Ka changes security hash Empty Re: Aset Ka changes security hash

Post by Jonathan 09.02.11 23:47

Thanks for sharing this with us. It's an interesting detail, you must really pay a lot of attention to notice it. You're very focused, I like that.
I haven't noticed this change, although I was aware that their copyright was updated to 2011 as usual.

I must admit that I have no idea on what this security hash does or means, being probably something too technical for my level of knowledge, but I am curious about it. It seems to be related with security. Maybe someone else in the forum knows more about it than us.

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Aset Ka changes security hash Empty Re: Aset Ka changes security hash

Post by Divine 277 10.02.11 5:23

This link describes what it is in full :
Divine 277
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Aset Ka changes security hash Empty Re: Aset Ka changes security hash

Post by Kalb 10.02.11 18:27

Good point, Natalie. Just want to add that the AsetKa has the best hackers in the world. : >

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Aset Ka changes security hash Empty Re: Aset Ka changes security hash

Post by Sybil Mason 12.02.11 7:02

I am not familiar with the specifics on advanced security techniques, so I have asked Elendor for further insight, who has a broader knowledge on those technologies. He seems to believe that those codes might be connected with the Order's intranet, which is a major system formed by different networks that is used by the Aset Ka. This is not related with their known web system, which is hosted on a public company. Their internal network has been one of the most desirable targets for hackers and other organizations for the past decade, since it is known to contain highly sensitive data that many seek to acquire. Particularly the Red Order of Seth has been known to have spent considerable amounts on the investment of technologies to access and control the Asetian network, by the means of industrial espionage and hacking. I take it that social engineering would not be a viable way to gain information over any Asetian secrets given how aware the Asetians can be and how cautions they are when dealing with outsiders. Only the ones of their utmost trust and respect gain insight into their workings, wisdom and operations. Also, recently updated intel seems to point in the direction that although the Order's network contains highly valuable information, the most desirable secrets of spiritual and metaphysical nature are kept safe in detached systems not connected to any form of wireless or wired network, in a way to further enforce its security. Despite those extra, and maybe even extreme precautions, the networks and technologies surrounding the Aset Ka and the Asetians are known to be very advanced and classifiable as state-of-the-art, with some members of their technological staff being involved in high profile hacking cases from the past, that were surely individually selected after detailed scrutiny. This is understandable, given that besides an Order of mysteries with a strictly spiritual approach, the Aset Ka is known for holding rare knowledge and historical information that could be considered of immeasurable value.

Most of this information is not mere speculation as it is the result of extensive research and probing done over the years by experts in the field. In my opinion, their technological advancement is just a consequence of modern society and its requirements to enforce security in this technological age, but what truly matters, is that at its core the Aset Ka remains the same as it did centuries ago, and it is that same purity that attracts so many to its secretive path.

Sybil             سيبيل ماسَن
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Sybil Mason
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Aset Ka changes security hash Empty Re: Aset Ka changes security hash

Post by Kalb 12.02.11 9:40

Make sence what you said. I agree with all you said, Sybil.
Well, there is no doubt that the hackers of the AK has a vast knowledge in Computer Science. A hash is a sequence of bits generated by a hash algorithm, generally represented in hexadecimal, which allows the visualization of letters and numbers (0 through 9 and A to F), representing 1 / 2 byte each. The theoretical concept that says "hash is the transformation of a large amount of information in a small amount of information. "The process is unidirectional and impossible to discover the original content from the hash. The value of conference (check-sum ") changes if a bit is changed, added or removed from the message. MD5(Message-Digest algorithm 5) is one of the most commonly used by hash algorithms. A md5 hash can not be reprocessed in the text that gave it birth. The method of verification is done by comparing the two hash (one of the original message and another trusted the received message).

There are some interesting sites where you can learn more about it. I checked the information on Wikipedia and I liked it. I will share with you the sites:

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Aset Ka changes security hash Empty Re: Aset Ka changes security hash

Post by N.Augusta 12.02.11 10:07

Personally, I think that it is best if we do not concern ourselves on such matters which do not concern us.


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Aset Ka changes security hash Empty Re: Aset Ka changes security hash

Post by Jonathan 12.02.11 11:05

Thanks for your valuable contribution, Sybil. That certainly has shed some light on the subject and I know that you have access to resources that most of us don't, so I really appreciate that you took some time to ask around and write about it. Your post was very good and I really enjoy the eloquent way you express yourself.

I knew the Asetians have access to pretty advanced technology as well as the resources to master those technologies, so this doesn't surprise me. It isn't hard to see not only in terms of security, but also when comparing their website to other sites on vampirism, there is just no way to let it pass unnoticed, given the level of the art we can see in their site, from the writings to the design and graphics. It is pretty impressive, making it clear that nothing of what they do is random. Everything is brought to a certain level of perfectionism, that impresses everybody. Totally unrelated, but I believe that is also one of the reasons that made so many people jealous and angry at them from the American community, because if you look around most sites are painful in the eye, but the Asetians made it all different. It was the first group to bring art and polish into the web, and that simply changed it all. Of course that had to disturb some people who were used to publish stuff out without any taste or art. So it only makes sense that their concerns with online security are pretty high standard, and for a good reason. After all, they are perfectionists in everything they do. It is in their nature.

I also want to say that I can see the point in what Augusta said and that I agree with her as well. Although I am myself curious about this subject and certainly, like everyone else, get moved by the knowledge that lies hidden in those secretive networks of the Aset Ka, I can see that much of those things do not concern me and it is out of my reach. We should focus on what we can accomplish, learn and study right now, cherish what we already have, and I am sure the Asetians will present us with more in the future. Smile

Em hotep!

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Aset Ka changes security hash Empty Re: Aset Ka changes security hash

Post by Kalb 12.02.11 11:15

Jonathan wrote:It was the first group to bring art and polish into the web, and that simply changed it all. Of course that had to disturb some people who were used to publish stuff out without any taste or art. So it only makes sense that their concerns with online security are pretty high standard, and for a good reason. After all, they are perfectionists in everything they do. It is in their nature.


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Aset Ka changes security hash Empty Re: Aset Ka changes security hash

Post by Victor 13.02.11 11:48

Good intervention, Sybil. Thank you for the insight.

The hash code under debate is most likely linked with the encryption on a first layer of security shared by the Asetians and their allies. A secure way to exchange sensitive information so that only the ones with access to the matching key would be able to translate and decode. Those techniques have been used in warfare in the past, are well known in modern espionage and are as well used by other organizations that deal with classified information like the Aset Ka.
The interesting thing about some of the hash keys used by the Aset Ka is that, although custom in their implementation by their technology experts, they present a higher grade of encryption than the ones used by security agencies within the US government as the NSA, CIA and the FBI. Only someone with extremely important information would go to such lengths and investments to protect it.

For those who doubt what the Asetians truly know about the past due to their secret and silent ways, this might be a strong clue to the obvious answer: they know enough to protect it better than modern countries do with their national security.

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Aset Ka changes security hash Empty Re: Aset Ka changes security hash

Post by Hioman 13.02.11 14:20

Em Hotep,

Undoubtedly it is a subject that deserves a good discussion, primarily because it is a more contemporary knowledge concerning the field of informatic and technology. But, personally, and i agree and i go with the thought of Naugusta.

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Aset Ka changes security hash Empty Re: Aset Ka changes security hash

Post by Natalia 14.02.11 4:43

Thanks to all who participated in this thread that I opened. All your different views are appreciated and add something important to the discussion.

N. Augusta, I understand what you mean and I can say that I also agree with your more detached view.

Sybil, thank you for asking Elendor about this and sharing with us what you know. Unlike many others, your opinions are based on solid evidence and proper research, so they are always relevant.

Victor, your posts are pleasurable and informative to read, while your direct tone brings color to the discussions.

I am sorry if this thread was a bit more technical and less spiritual than what we usually discuss in here, but I just wanted to share my observations with all of you. I shared it out of curiosity and genuine interest, and did not meant any disrespect from it.


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Aset Ka changes security hash Empty Re: Aset Ka changes security hash

Post by Jonathan 15.02.11 5:42

Victor wrote:For those who doubt what the Asetians truly know about the past due to their secret and silent ways, this might be a strong clue to the obvious answer: they know enough to protect it better than modern countries do with their national security.
Bang. Right on the spot. Wink

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