sense of responsibility?

Divine 277
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sense of responsibility? Empty sense of responsibility?

Post by Talibah 03.05.11 6:53

Em Hotep

As students of the Asetian and other LH paths, I am sure some of you will agree that there comes with it - at times - a sense of having a responsibility towards helping/changing the world in which we live. Be it through active methods or by more hidden ones.
I'd like to hear others views on this: What do you think causes these feelings? Do you think we really DO have some kind of responsibility towards others, or do you think with a more elitist outlook, and if so, why? Is elitism something which you believe is deeply and naturally inside you, or something which you have acquired through your studies, and would you make exceptions for those who may benefit from what you could teach them?

The floor is yours....


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sense of responsibility? Empty Re: sense of responsibility?

Post by Syrianeh 03.05.11 9:18

I feel that responsibility, and I feel elitism too. But to answer your question with a not so flattering answer, I'd say that practically every member of any spiritual organization / community / group will feel the same (especially certain fanatical Christian organizations) so, wrong or not, deluded or not, the elitist stance is not such a strange thing.

However, one of the gifts of Asetianism and many roads of the LHP is Wisdom. And there seems to be a clarity of mind, a forwardness, and a sense of purpose that comes with the blessings of Wisdom.

The problem is that Wisdom cannot be given the way it was received: it comes to you when you need it and it is tailored to your own personal, spiritual and evolutive stage. It sometimes comes in the form of intuition or a sudden flash of understanding, or as spiritual contact, clairvoyance, or most of the times just mere recognition of Truth when you look at it in the face. The responsibility, I'd like to assume, comes from the desire to change things or to help others evolve, because as you change and strive towards that often elusive balance, you want others whom you feel are worthy of it to benefit from this change. However, in my case, I can think of very few people I'd take the time to offer my help. Very few. Two or three at the most. The rest? they make up the bulk of a society I am no part of. That is elitism, I suppose.

This reminds me, though, of a conversation I had recently with a very wise individual. It evolved around the gifts of Asetianism and how we must be aware enough to appreciate them, see them for what they are and use them. But of course, the only use for them is evolution. Personal gain or feeding the ego would be a disrespectful waste. In that sense, I see another responsiblity to adhere to. And - obviously - another layer of elitism.

But that's the way things are. That is the Truth, in my experience.


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sense of responsibility? Empty Re: sense of responsibility?

Post by Syrianeh 03.05.11 9:19

I'm sorry, I missed a couple of words in my first paragraph:

I feel that responsibility, and I feel elitism too. But to answer your question with a not so flattering answer, I'd say that so does practically every member of any spiritual organization / community / group will feel the same (especially certain fanatical Christian organizations) so, wrong or not, deluded or not, the elitist stance is not such a strange thing.


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sense of responsibility? Empty Re: sense of responsibility?

Post by Syrianeh 03.05.11 9:23

Oops... The original paragraph was correct, after all. Please forgive my fogged brain. If the administrator would be so kind to erase this repetitive error messages, it would save others much confusion. Sorry.

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sense of responsibility? Empty Re: sense of responsibility?

Post by godofbattle 05.05.11 15:08

I too feel elitism and responsibilty. The interesting and perhaps a very powerful thing is that sometimes when I give knowledge to people at first they don't get it. Then after they think about it they do. I think that humans have the ability to evolve but don't use it as often as us wise ones do. But if your words like mine leave enough of an impression on their mind then you have done a great and powerful thing.

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sense of responsibility? Empty Re: sense of responsibility?

Post by N.Augusta 06.05.11 8:40

I feel a sense of responsibility to clean up non-sense for I love this path.

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sense of responsibility? Empty Re: sense of responsibility?

Post by AndreiaLi 07.05.11 10:53

Yes, I have that sense of responsability, but in a different way.
I only try to change or help the ones that "come to me" specifically for that.
The ones that do want to understand and learn more about the real world and themselves always make a move, even if it is a very small move.
And for those, I always strecth my hand to help them climb,

I do not try to change the ones that are blind by their own choice. That's useless and a huge waste of time. As for those, I prefer to keep Asetianism (among other things) as something secret.


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sense of responsibility? Empty Re: sense of responsibility?

Post by Syrianeh 07.05.11 13:35

You have expressed very well what I also feel, AndreaLi. I didn't express myself properly in my post. I might only consider a few people around me worthy or ready to assimilate and understand this type of knowledge, but if someone comes to me I will help them in any way I can.

But I still find it very difficult to transmit a Wisdom that I consider I only see a small glimpse of.

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sense of responsibility? Empty Re: sense of responsibility?

Post by Divine 277 08.05.11 10:11

Not that this post rely is necessary to post, I do agree with AndreiaLi and Syrianeh, But in my cause I would g as far as saying that this apply to most things in life not only Spiritualism. In other words you can not help someone that does not want your help, or thinks he does not need it.
Free will, free choice.
Divine 277
Divine 277

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sense of responsibility? Empty Re: sense of responsibility?

Post by godofbattle 08.05.11 13:46

Very true words Divine. I agree.

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sense of responsibility? Empty Re: sense of responsibility?

Post by N.Augusta 08.05.11 17:20

Every man and woman has an inherit responsibility to make the world better for we are all a part of it. However, that has to do with becoming wiser and evolving Self. "He who knoweth little, thinketh he knoweth much; but he who knoweth much hath learned his own ignorance." Crowley

I do not feel like an elitist because I am on this path... I feel blessed! I remain eternally grateful to Aset and her beloved children. This path has brought great changes in me, as well as others, and no words can express how thankful I am. This path truly makes you take a good look at yourself, your own ignorance, your weaknesses, your fears, yet much-much more as you work on Self. I walk this path with humbleness and gratitude as I learn daily. Remember, this great path would remain unknown to us had it not been made known. Wink I think we must be very careful with elitist thinking because that can easily lead the Ego to a false sense of entitlement.

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sense of responsibility? Empty Re: sense of responsibility?

Post by AndreiaLi 08.05.11 19:37

That was also a good point N.Augusta.

Well, the truth is, no matter how much knowledge we obtain, we will always be sometimes teachers, but always eternal students. Like in that Crowley's quote. The important thing is to never stop drinking the sweet wine of knowledge.

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sense of responsibility? Empty Re: sense of responsibility?

Post by Daniel09 08.05.11 22:40

Keep a level head, always. Remember that the Asetians may have released a book, but their mysteries are beyond the comprehension and basic guessing that goes on within the minds of the followers of their tradition. Our responsibility is to keep strong and remain vigilant in our sight. Never to become complacent with what is before us. We are meant to change, in the spirit of the Violet Flame, and change to become greater beings than ourselves.

There is no good and there is no evil. There is only desire and will to do. Do well, and do often, for these are the times when all needs to be done.

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sense of responsibility? Empty Re: sense of responsibility?

Post by N.Augusta 11.05.11 17:27

I enjoyed reading everyone's posts here. Smile

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sense of responsibility? Empty Re: sense of responsibility?

Post by Jonathan 11.05.11 17:57

Me too. Smile Thanks guys.

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sense of responsibility? Empty Re: sense of responsibility?

Post by Talibah 12.05.11 1:30

There is no good and there is no evil. There is only desire and will to do. Do well, and do often, for these are the times when all needs to be done

I liked this alot, Daniel.

Thank you everyone for such honest and valued contributions.

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sense of responsibility? Empty Re: sense of responsibility?

Post by Kalb 25.05.11 14:13

To be neutral is many times a wise choice and full of responsibility.

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sense of responsibility? Empty Re: sense of responsibility?

Post by AndreiaLi 08.06.11 18:50

Stalker wrote:To be neutral is many times a wise choice and full of responsibility.


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sense of responsibility? Empty Re: sense of responsibility?

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