6th sense and other abilities

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6th sense and other abilities Empty 6th sense and other abilities

Post by hesperia 09.07.09 1:15


I have a question regarding the 6th sense, also known as intuition. How are we supposed to control and develop such abilities?

I am a person who often dreams things that afterwards happen, who has strong feelings of "good" and "bad" regarding people/situations/etc and i'm always right.
Besides that, absolutely every single time when somebody tried to harm me (in any way), something really bad happened to these persons, without any direct influence of mine (at least not in a conciously manner).
And when i mean really bad things, i include also major health problems, accidents, etc.
The only time when i really wanted revenge and i thought to myself that something bad should occur to that person who harmed me, 2 people died. So i never wished for revenge again.
I feel i have certain powers that i cannot control nor even understand. Sometimes i control dices, sometimes i focus to control the weather. It doesn't always come out the way i want to (i'm not skilled), but when it does i feel both amazed and scared.

I've tried to read books on amplifying and increasing such powers (or at least controlling them) but i believe i need more than books. Perhaps i need guidance.

Any advices?

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6th sense and other abilities Empty Re: 6th sense and other abilities

Post by Talibah 09.07.09 1:34

This is a subject - namely intuition - which hold a great deal of interest for me, and as such I'm going to take some time before I formulate a response, and see how the discussion develops.

But, just for starters, I dont see intuition as a 6th sense, more as something inherent to everybody, but not always something understood enough for just anyone to utilise to it's full potential. The ramifications of misguided intuition are obvious to everyone, but the act of ignoring it is also - in my eyes - an equal crime against the Self.
Also the creation, intention and direction of Will plays a part in what you have described - which is whole other ball game, but just as interesting.

Developing and attaining a level of control with such abilities is not always as straight forward as it may at first appear, so for that reason, I'm going to hang back and see what others have to say regarding it.

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6th sense and other abilities Empty Re: 6th sense and other abilities

Post by hesperia 09.07.09 1:41

There are many theories on intuition. You are right that it could be considered something inherent to everybody. But after overcoming the "normality" and the "normal intuition" which ofter relies also on intelligence and a "sense of reality" (the logical intuition), we're talking about a superior form of intuition which is not common to all people. Some have it, some don't. Some don't even realise it exists inside of them.
I do believe that there are people who simply sense nature and the energies around them and people who don't have this ability. This is the intuition i was talking about.

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6th sense and other abilities Empty Re: 6th sense and other abilities

Post by Talibah 09.07.09 1:43

As was I... Wink

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6th sense and other abilities Empty Re: 6th sense and other abilities

Post by Aghrab 09.07.09 2:14

hesperia wrote:Besides that, absolutely every single time when somebody tried to harm me (in any way), something really bad happened to these persons, without any direct influence of mine (at least not in a conciously manner).
At many situations, there is nothing more deadly and lethal than a slow and steady energetic attack, due to a few reasons. You may be able to attack an individual suddenly, even if you do so unconsciously and without control over the attack, it is not quite as efficient as if you do it slowly... especially if the individual is a human or a being with no significant awareness over their system. Once you begin to slowly attack that individual, they cannot notice anything significant enough to, even unconsciously, block and shield. This, however, is impossible to do towards Asetians and aware vampires in general. They are just too aware.
Perhaps this is what is happening in your case, since you may not do “anything”, but who knows... maybe without your Will, you are attacking them, only too gentle to be felt.


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6th sense and other abilities Empty Re: 6th sense and other abilities

Post by hesperia 09.07.09 2:16

The problem is that i visualise the happening (the bad event) before it happens. I do not desire it to happen, i simply visualise it.

For example, i visualised somebody falling from a bridge, and he did, in 2 minutes after i visualised it.

I'm not sure if i'm causing the happening or i simply sense it will happen, without having a direct influence.

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6th sense and other abilities Empty Re: 6th sense and other abilities

Post by hesperia 09.07.09 2:20

Or, another example: during an argue, i told somebody : "watch out on your way home, you might be struck by a ligthening!" He laughed and went home...in 30 minutes he called me, he was very scared because a ligthening hit the ground right in front of him, like 20 cm away from him. he said it could have hit him instead of the ground and now he is afraid of me because he believes somehow i caused the lightening.

Number of posts : 18
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6th sense and other abilities Empty Re: 6th sense and other abilities

Post by Aghrab 09.07.09 2:26

Many times you have to put a line between the reality of a situation, and what may have caused it. Many of us tend to “apply a reason” to situations like the ones you mentioned, and the best way to avoid doing that, is to look at the event that occurred through a different view. Ask yourself if what happened could make any sense metaphysically and energetically... try to question a lot, before you settle with a reason for what took place.


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6th sense and other abilities Empty Re: 6th sense and other abilities

Post by Talibah 09.07.09 3:04

Aghrab wrote:
Many times you have to put a line between the reality of a situation, and what may have caused it. Many of us tend to “apply a reason” to situations like the ones you mentioned, and the best way to avoid doing that, is to look at the event that occurred through a different view. Ask yourself if what happened could make any sense metaphysically and energetically... try to question a lot, before you settle with a reason for what took place.

I agree. Rather than concentrating on the reasons which might at first make the most sense, it is wise to try and take the time to analyze situations from a different angle.
The truth is, control lies within at all times, whether one is aware of it or not.

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6th sense and other abilities Empty Re: 6th sense and other abilities

Post by empress2k 09.07.09 18:46

Talibah wrote:The ramifications of misguided intuition are obvious to everyone, but the act of ignoring it is also - in my eyes - an equal crime against the Self.

Also the creation, intention and direction of Will plays a part in what you have described - which is whole other ball game, but just as interesting.

Developing and attaining a level of control with such abilities is not always as straight forward as it may at first appear, so for that reason, I'm going to hang back and see what others have to say regarding it.

I want to make a quick comment on the above. You cannot really have "misguided intuition" because intuition is a guidance itself. Intuition exist to guide us. I also feel that to say that to ignore intuition is crime against the Self is a bit strong...Smile Yes, there are people who ignore intuition but that is usually for religious reasons, since some Christian denominations consider forseeing future and such as a sin. In the case of Hesperia I don't think she ignores her intuition, since she is fully aware of the role it plays in her life. In this case my suggestion in terms of developing her intuition would be through an act of active listening to how it manifests... if it's through dreams, then start writing then down, if it's through visions, then writing the as well and get as many confirmations as possible, if it's through body then listen to its sensations.

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6th sense and other abilities Empty Re: 6th sense and other abilities

Post by empress2k 09.07.09 18:56

I am about to leqve for my medium circle, but I wanted to put my 5 cents never the less...Smile I've already made a comment on the intuition bellow so here I will touch on other areas of your inquiry.

hesperia wrote: Besides that, absolutely every single time when somebody tried to harm me (in any way), something really bad happened to these persons, without any direct influence of mine (at least not in a conciously manner).
This has a lot less to do with you and more to do with their own instant karma as well as protection you have around you which reflects back their negativity.

hesperia wrote: And when i mean really bad things, i include also major health problems, accidents, etc.
The only time when i really wanted revenge and i thought to myself that something bad should occur to that person who harmed me, 2 people died. So i never wished for revenge again.
Again a questionable situation because you wanted a revange for something that they have done to you. Hence, their own actions could've produced the outcome. In case of death, obviously they could've had some serious baggage. I am not trying to undermine your possible powers, but I can tell you that my father has always had the same experience and so did his other siblings. It is a protection that they've been blessed with. It could be the case with you as well.

My sense is that you often find yourself feeling overwhelmed as if in a vortex of emotions and feelings. I feel that you are an empath and often attract people with negative thoughts into your auric feild. Have you ever caught yourself thinking something that felt very foreign to you? Your Soul is very gentle and is not quite ready to break through the egg shell, but the shell is so thin that all the turbulance of the world is felt and heard by you. Does any of it make sense?

hesperia wrote: I feel i have certain powers that i cannot control nor even understand. Sometimes i control dices, sometimes i focus to control the weather. It doesn't always come out the way i want to (i'm not skilled), but when it does i feel both amazed and scared.

I've tried to read books on amplifying and increasing such powers (or at least controlling them) but i believe i need more than books. Perhaps i need guidance.

Any advices?

I will comment more later after I read everyone else's posts..Smile Time to run.

Number of posts : 212
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6th sense and other abilities Empty Re: 6th sense and other abilities

Post by Maxx 09.07.09 21:23

I do not agree with the basic premise here at all.....and I find it in a few other posts here on this forum as well.

Not to be harsh on purpose but I am one that will tell it as I see it. Either you embellish the stories you have mentionded to produce a center stage production.......and nothing wrong with that, as you are being called out to stop it and learn to deal with reality here on this site.....I am not angry with you at all for doing it. You must learn to be honest with yourself as well as others you will deal with while you walk your life path and this is the place to start an honest walk.........

or.......you know exactly what is going on and what the powers are.......BECAUSE.......

No one has ever been given or born with certain powers that they did not know exactly where they were coming from and who the powers originated from. It is always inherit with information about the beings or spirits this power comes from....whether it be so-called good spirits or bad spirits. There is no fooling anyone about this........if you think about all accounts, you or anyone has, about any powers evident, that person always is told in some form or fashion, where the powers originate. Either you are playing with us.........or you know where this (power) comes from and you have intuition on how to use it.

It is time to face your own higher self and walk in reality now. Play time is over. Even little children know from whence the power they have comes from and who gives it to them.

Sorry to be so abrupt......But you know I am correct.



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6th sense and other abilities Empty Re: 6th sense and other abilities

Post by Maxx 09.07.09 21:27

The other part is this is not power at all........you are just telepathic as to what will happen in the future......

Which is it?



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6th sense and other abilities Empty Re: 6th sense and other abilities

Post by hesperia 11.07.09 0:41

Dear Maxxx,

I'm sorry that you see things that way. Your vision is a bit limited because you exclude one premise, the most important one of all: the hypothesis that i might really now know how to control these powers.

I didn't say above that i don't know where my powers are coming from. That's not the issue discussed. My problem was how to control them, eventually increase them. So it's a "hot" matter, not a "where from" matter.

There is a huge difference between telepathy (when you see things that will happen) and the power to cause things (which can be easily resembled to cursing) by saying they will happen. The line between these 2 powers is very thick and can be confusing.
If you would have read carefully my post, you'd understand that i don't really know on which side of the line i'm situated. Do i predict things or do i cause things to happen?

Regarding your theories on embellishing the stories, i prefer not to answer. Sometimes people do prefer to accept such theories when they can't explain something, when they don't understand something. Probably if i'd say i'm a vampire and i need blood, you would believe me without questioning my stories.

empress2k, thank you for your explanations. I am really considering that protection suggestion of yours.

Number of posts : 18
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Location : where the streets have no name
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6th sense and other abilities Empty Re: 6th sense and other abilities

Post by empress2k 11.07.09 0:57

hesperia wrote:Dear Maxxx,

There is a huge difference between telepathy (when you see things that will happen) and the power to cause things (which can be easily resembled to cursing) by saying they will happen.

Just want to make a small corrections her. Actually Maxx was mistaken first, but since your post was the last one, I decided to quote you.

"Telepathy (Greek τηλε, tele meaning "distant" and πάθεια, patheia meaning "to be affected by",[2]) refers to the supposed transfer of mental information, such as thoughts, ideas or emotions between individuals by means other than the five classical senses (See Psi)." Telepathy has nothing to do with predicting future...Smile Telepathy used to be a very communly developed skill and even in the 50s Russian Defense trained certain officers to use it.

hesperia wrote:The line between these 2 powers is very thick and can be confusing. If you would have read carefully my post, you'd understand that i don't really know on which side of the line i'm situated. Do i predict things or do i cause things to happen?

If you were the one causing these events to happen you would not be here questioning it. Neither Darkness nor Light gift such power without awareness coming with it. I agree with Max 100%. Even then there are still limits. I have such ability to a certain degree, yet it doesn't always work for when I try to do something in vein for selfish reasons, nothing happens. So I am going back to my original sense that you are intuitive and an empath, hence you are sensitive to things as they are about to come.

hesperia wrote:
empress2k, thank you for your explanations. I am really considering that protection suggestion of yours.

You are very welcome.

Number of posts : 212
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6th sense and other abilities Empty Re: 6th sense and other abilities

Post by Maxx 11.07.09 9:21

Thank you for your reply, hesperia,

If you had said you were a vampire and you needed blood, that I would believe you...........not at all. That would be the first thing that I would disbelieve. In my world, Vampires do not need blood at all......it is nothing more than convincing themselves that they do.....


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6th sense and other abilities Empty Re: 6th sense and other abilities

Post by Talibah 13.07.09 23:08

empress2K wrote:
I want to make a quick comment on the above. You cannot really have "misguided intuition" because intuition is a guidance itself. Intuition exist to guide us.

I still stand by what I said. The misguidance comes from the interpretation of said intuition. Perhaps I should have clarified better.

empress2K wrote:
Yes, there are people who ignore intuition but that is usually for religious reasons, since some Christian denominations consider forseeing future and such as a sin.

Whilst that is true, the reasons for someone ignoring intuition is not always down to religious inclination, but rather personal inability to recognise and trust it.

empress2K wrote;
I also feel that to say that to ignore intuition is crime against the Self is a bit strong...Smile

Intuition itself comes froms the Higher Self, to ignore it, is to ignore the very core of yourSelf. If you do not agree, then we shall at least agree to disagree.

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6th sense and other abilities Empty Re: 6th sense and other abilities

Post by Syrianeh 14.07.09 0:53

I personally believe that intuition should be followed every time, as far as possible, as it is the best way to validate it. If this ever leads to undesirable effects, then perhaps it is time to reassess how real intuition, that is, Insight, does feel, and learn to detect it better so that it becomes a recognizable feeling in the future.

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6th sense and other abilities Empty Re: 6th sense and other abilities

Post by empress2k 14.07.09 17:01

Talibah wrote:
empress2K wrote;
I also feel that to say that to ignore intuition is crime against the Self is a bit strong...Smile

Intuition itself comes froms the Higher Self, to ignore it, is to ignore the very core of yourSelf. If you do not agree, then we shall at least agree to disagree.

I do not disagree with the content of what you said but with the verbage.. it's too strong..Smile

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6th sense and other abilities Empty Re: 6th sense and other abilities

Post by ElizabethBathory 15.11.09 11:37

I experience telepathy, too, but I have no idea how to control it. I really don't like metaphysical work, it's boring to me. Usually it happens if the person is thinking about me or is focused on me, I begin to read their thoughts. I wish it would go away cause it makes me feel crazy. I am way to self-conscious to say what I think someone's thinking cause it would be really embarrassing and crazy if I were WAY off and just making it up in my head cause I'm nuts. So the only way I can validate it is usually if something comes up where coincidentally that's exactly what I thought. But, I don't think too many things are truly coincidental in this world.

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6th sense and other abilities Empty Re: 6th sense and other abilities

Post by Divine 277 27.05.10 7:16

Maxx wrote:I do not agree with the basic premise here at all.....and I find it in a few other posts here on this forum as well.

Not to be harsh on purpose but I am one that will tell it as I see it. Either you embellish the stories you have mentionded to produce a center stage production.......and nothing wrong with that, as you are being called out to stop it and learn to deal with reality here on this site.....I am not angry with you at all for doing it. You must learn to be honest with yourself as well as others you will deal with while you walk your life path and this is the place to start an honest walk.........

or.......you know exactly what is going on and what the powers are.......BECAUSE.......

No one has ever been given or born with certain powers that they did not know exactly where they were coming from and who the powers originated from. It is always inherit with information about the beings or spirits this power comes from....whether it be so-called good spirits or bad spirits. There is no fooling anyone about this........if you think about all accounts, you or anyone has, about any powers evident, that person always is told in some form or fashion, where the powers originate. Either you are playing with us.........or you know where this (power) comes from and you have intuition on how to use it.

It is time to face your own higher self and walk in reality now. Play time is over. Even little children know from whence the power they have comes from and who gives it to them.

Sorry to be so abrupt......But you know I am correct.



Im sorry , I think you are a little harsh now ....

And here is why......It is difficult for the logical part of the brain to adapt to something that can not be explained by simple logical thinking.

the part of the brain is nothing like the other part and vice verso..

So if she knows, it can be hard to except, because the logical part of the brain cant see the logic and then its ON , the constant struggle to find the truth, that she probably knows already , but have a hard time excepting.

I really think, that of all people, this community would understand that...

Sincerely Divine 277
Divine 277
Divine 277

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6th sense and other abilities Empty Re: 6th sense and other abilities

Post by Divine 277 27.05.10 7:24

Btw ....
I have been looking for many decades for my explanation, and I know I know the truth ..... But I'm still struggling to except it.

Whit out thinking I am mad ( insane) Wink

Its not cool, to have to constantly struggle whit your self, to keep from not getting insane, its a fine line to balance.

In that way Im not one, I am Manny.
Divine 277
Divine 277

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6th sense and other abilities Empty Re: 6th sense and other abilities

Post by ladymoontear 17.07.10 20:09

i too struggle with intuition. and i say struggle because it is not something i want. but i have learned not to ignore it. for maxx to say she knows where it comes from is funny to me. i dont know how or why i have it or where it comes from nor do i know how to control it. but i have learned how to read it so to speak and what to do.
as for her saying bad things happen when people try to harm her... i do agree with some when they say it could be a karma issue. i have dealt with this as well. some of it was my own doing, some not. it is a protective barrier that surrounds one, but you also need to be mindful of your own thoughts and feelings. words and thoughts can be very powerful... even if it is just that.

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6th sense and other abilities Empty Re: 6th sense and other abilities

Post by Divine 277 18.07.10 4:22

Intuition is hardest to control when it is in the mater of feelings( the hart ) ( as in your own ) try to train on others.
Try to cash their "energy" sence them, test your self, and find out how far you can go Smile

When it comes to the mater of you don't wanting intuition .... well its a part of who you are, and in my opinion, when you suppress a part of your self, you will probably get bigger problems then if you don't.

Sincerely Divine277
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Post by GodmanOmar777 20.11.10 21:43

has any body ever had any experiece with looking into the darklight or the darkness and seeing a whole another place were many faces form out of nothingness Question

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