Subconscious Feeding Question

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Subconscious Feeding Question Empty Subconscious Feeding Question

Post by Daniel09 04.10.11 21:17

How does a Vampire know if he/she is feeding subconsciously? By my understanding, subconscious means without conscious direction. Therefore, I wonder if people claiming to have been subconsciously feeding all their younger life are just blowing steam and trying to sound more credible.

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Subconscious Feeding Question Empty Re: Subconscious Feeding Question

Post by Hierophant 05.10.11 9:03

Myself I can sense when people withdraw from me. It's usually in conversation that goes too deep or an argument.

They withdraw because they feel drained.

Also it could be that I'm a douchebag.


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Subconscious Feeding Question Empty Re: Subconscious Feeding Question

Post by Khaldun 13.01.12 16:25

I see what you mean Daniel, if someone is saying that they are feeding subconsciously then it must take place without the individual's knowledge, by definition, so how can they know?

I believe that subconscious feeding takes place simply to keep the 'un awakened' vampire's subtle body healthy - taking in enough energy to survive. However, without awareness of shielding they would likely be taking in a lot of harmful energy too.

If and when the individual learns to consciously feed then they will feel the full benefits of energy feeding/cycling.

I suppose the parallel would be the difference between being fed on a drip while unconscious, just to be kept alive, as opposed to selecting ingredients for and cooking up your own meal - of course that's a flawed metaphor but hopefully you see where I'm coming from.

I see what you mean about an individual saying they 'unconsciously feed' of course they can assume that that was what they did to stay alive/healthy in all the years before they learnt to consciously feed - I've no problem with that opinion at all, in fact, I'd go as far as to say I believe that's what I've done - however, if it happened unconsciously then it happened without any in put from the individual and so no one can say for sure if they did it... Like sleep walking.

Hope that all made some kind of sense!


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Subconscious Feeding Question Empty Re: Subconscious Feeding Question

Post by Jonathan 19.01.12 2:49

That made sense. Good post.

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Subconscious Feeding Question Empty Re: Subconscious Feeding Question

Post by Maxx 20.01.12 8:01

While driving by a Catholic Church one day as church was letting out I was deep in thought on something else. As the priest stood outside on the sidewalk saying goodbye to all of the flock, A large wave of lifeforce or energy flew from the entire bunch and hit me from the side almost knocking me sideways. It was such a force that I had to put over and park a block away to get my bearings. I was not thinking of drawing it. It came to me.

Also, another time as I entered a restaurant and passed a waitress I looked at and walked past through a crowd to my table, The same type of Lifeforce or energy hit me and entered from my entire back in a cool wave of energy as I ingested it all. It had the effect of pushing me forward in a pushing manner. For some reason I instantly knew I had drawn from the waitress and took her lifeforce or energy. After sitting down she came over to the table and seemed rather dazed.

In both of these cases, I was not thinking in terms of this seems to be a process that operates as one needs to draw energy into the body. I do not know if this is in operation in every case but I have found it works that way for me.


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Subconscious Feeding Question Empty Re: Subconscious Feeding Question

Post by Daniel09 20.01.12 8:24

That's a very enlightening experience, Maxx. I can't say that I have ever personally felt anything like it.

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Subconscious Feeding Question Empty Re: Subconscious Feeding Question

Post by Maxx 20.01.12 12:53

Your question made me think back to when and if I was drawing from the public without mentally beginning the thought. I recall a female that was with me saw the waitress become all goofy acting, and then when she left she made the statement that "You are feeding from people again, aren't you"? ....... as she could see me drawing and the lifeforce flowing through the air into me.....she is a rather psychic individual. As I sat down, I mentally began feeding from those behind me as I can transfer my sight as if I can see through my eyes behind me without turning the head...and direct which folks I want to draw from......All of us do this and I can show you that you can see without using your physical eyes.

Sit down and close your eyes. Put both hands on your knees. Keep your eyes closed. Now, with eyes closed, look towards your hands mentally. Then raise both arms up in the air to be located in front of you. See both hands and then turn the right hand toward you, and then the left hand turn it back toward you. Make sure the room is kind of dark as you can see better that way. Keeping your eyes closed all the time, then wave both hands back and forth and you can see them as you move them back and forth. Then as you are sitting there, just take your astral sight and look around your room at all the items there. You will use your mental process to see these things but with practice you will begin to move your astral mind to be able to go anyplace you want to and view what is going on. Isn't that great?


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Subconscious Feeding Question Empty Re: Subconscious Feeding Question

Post by DCxMagus 23.02.12 5:38

I'm sure 90% of the teeny boopers say it just to fit in. I mean it's not something you can verify and since it is just assumed to be done by people until they "Awaken" to the fact they are doing it, the whole idea of unconsciously or subconsciously feeding as you label it serves to become nothing more then a self propelling "fact" that kids check off in their minds to make themselves believe they are vampires.

That being said, it does happen.

To be honest the only reason I knew I was doing it was I caught myself doing it during sexual intercourse, shortly after I had awoken the fact that I could in fact manipulate energy. In fact I still can't stop an exchange from happening, despite my greatest efforts, while having sexual contact with anyone I feel even a slight attraction to. It can play quite a devastating effect on my relationships but that's another story, another post. While I can control and hinder the exchange, it never completely stop and as of late it's really not even worth trying because by the end of the act, I've drained so much that I'm never even sure trying to stop it is doing anything anymore.

I have verified this by what my partners have told me about our encounters. People that are usually energized by sex will be completely drained and dead tired with me. On more then one occasion I've been told that their was an entirely different feeling to their orgasm with me then with other people, usually something about a link comes up or how they feel like I touched or looked into their souls. At first it was nice, I really though I was just connecting with people and bonus I was a natural at having sex(great confidence booster for a teenage male let me tell ya!). Sadly I know now these feelings are all artificial and are just effects of a nature I could never explain to them, no matter how much I would love to.


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Subconscious Feeding Question Empty Re: Subconscious Feeding Question

Post by witchmark 24.02.12 9:52

This is a wonderful topic to discuss as with most experiences, all will have a different view. I am not much of a shopper but I do love to go to the malls. I generally find a spot to sit and watch crowds meander around. I take the time to watch the flow of everyone's energy mix and mingle. Do I feel that humans exchange energy? Yes I do. I do not feel as though it is on a level that actually benefits them though. Not in the way that it benefits vampires at least.

Now, after awhile I walk through the very energy that is mingling around those people. I am not thinking of feeding but simply watching the effects, the energy flows in my direction rather than bouncing around interacting with the crowd. It simply goes to the vampire/witch/energy worker. When looking behind after passing, the energy that was mingling is gone. Where did it go? It went into me.

I have felt waves of energy from others that simply are fond of me. Traveling miles at a time from someone just thinking of me. Well, perhaps I should also throw in that some folks are simply upset with me at times. None the less, I get that energy and without focusing on feeding.

If we think that energy can be directed.....why can it not be directed on the unconscious level? In other words, energy equals life....we are predators (we need that same energy) why would it not move in our directions rather than simply be wasted away bouncing from person to person who is giving it off anyway?


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Subconscious Feeding Question Empty Re: Subconscious Feeding Question

Post by DCxMagus 24.02.12 16:18

Witchmark your describing 2 different types of phenomena in your post.

your first two paragraphs describe ambient feeding, or taking in the energy shed by living beings/strong elemental forces. Humans exchange energy every time they pass by one another,they just don't realize it because they are no longer in touch with that part of their soul.

Your third paragraph describes the exact danger/benefits of creating links with various people. Once you create a link it's a 2 way street and they are very hard to break if the other party is unwilling to break the link at that time. Depending on your interaction with the subject, a link can be strengthen or weakened. Activities such as "deep feeding" create incredibly powerful links between the vamp and their donor, so strong in some case the donor maybe even begin to show signs of the vampire in their energy system, I've even heard of donor's acquiring increased abilities in energy manipulation by these links.

Links are not something anyone should take lightly, their benefits are not without dangers. As I stated above it's a 2 way street that is not easily closed if the other party is unwilling. A link is basically letting someone past all your defenses, directly into your energy system. I'm sure you can see how this can be troublesome, if someone with energy manipulation abilities were to be linked to you and chose to use that link for less then amiable purposes.

All beings draw energy to them, the difference is they don't have a NEED to do it to sustain what would be considered healthy life. This need is known by your body the moment you begin this life anew, some have the unfortunate burden of going through this life without knowing or understanding this need, while others awaken to it and the energy around us.

I don't necessary agree with the statement that we are predators, I've never felt the need to actually hunt down anyone for their energy. I have predatory instincts and display a predatory attitude towards life. I can get extremely competitive, get "in the zone" almost instantly in competitions, and dispute my greatest efforts I can still come off as elitist by my demeanor and tone of voice. But again I wouldn't take the full on predator label, I believe people who are vampiric as a whole have evolved past the point of considering other beings prey and more so as a source of energy that is still to be respected and even protected not for their sake but for ours, they just get the benefit because of aligned goals. We really have no reason to create any more enemies then we apparently already have.


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Subconscious Feeding Question Empty Re: Subconscious Feeding Question

Post by witchmark 24.02.12 16:55

Oh my goodness, DCxMagnus, I did not mean to get your feathers in a ruffle. Do forgive me.

I have been feeding via energy for years now. I have not once had any troubles with a "connection" being held to those I have fed off of. It is even rather safe for me to say that those I feed off of never know of it. Why, I have even had stranger tell me how much better they feel after being around me. How strange that would be if there was a "connection" to them.

I understand that you feed via a sexual nature? That is one way to feed, however that can be a connection that is difficult to break. From my experience, it is due to having flowed back into them via the act of sex.
In that arena, I would say that caution should be taken on who you feed off at point.

When out and about and the energy is simply flowing away from others, then it is free food so to speak. Tell me, how would you find it to be a "connection" that may be dangerous? There is really none. The only danger that I can find that may or may not be present is if the vampire does not disconnect him or herself. I do not expect you to agree with me as you have not held the same experiences as I have. My third paragraph is not a danger issue at all but it is a sensitivity to energy. I find it more of a growth as opposed to a danger.

Let me address the use of predator. It is a word used to separate. You yourself say you hold predator traits as opposed to what? How do you describe the act of feeding? How would a lion describe a gazelle? I do not care if one feels more comfortable saying that they have a doner or a lover or a special friend that gives.......we all had to find them aka hunting is required. The need for energy is just that.

What I do find is that we all have a personal preference as well as a personal vocabulary. As long as we are on the same page that is really all that matters. However, I caution anyone that sets up limitations on oneself. I think that perhaps reaching out and testing different ways of feeding is very beneficial and a great way to learn about oneself where it is concerned with what is the easiest way for them.

I remember being a child.....needing to be close to others physically in order for my energy levels to pick up. That is truly unconscious feeding when the rules of engagement are not spoken about. Would you not agree with that statement?


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Subconscious Feeding Question Empty Re: Subconscious Feeding Question

Post by DCxMagus 24.02.12 19:12

oh feathers are far from ruffled, again it's just the tone =P

Maybe it's just my nature but I utterly hate others effecting me in anyway, so even if it's a "good" feeling I hate feeling something because someone else felt something, but that comes from years of being overflooded with others emotions and such. I natural pure feeling from me, I rather enjoy but I can tell now when it's other feels and not my own that I'm feeling and I hate that. Just a difference of opinion.

I do understand that light and ambient types of drains won't produce any links that would form into a connection that will last, but links are still formed if your are draining from a subtle body or aura. Once the energy is in the air it's no longer attract to anyone so no link can be formed.

As for me I associate predators with attacking, it's true we all hunt in one way or another so I do agree with you on that. I've just never seen the need to drain someone in an aggressive manner is all. That aside words are of human creation and we share the same idea and that's really all that matter, semantics are a fools game, I'm sure you would agree.

It's rather hard to get me ruffled, I just like to provoke discussion sometimes taking devil's advocate to do so, if it's healthy to the conversation.


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Subconscious Feeding Question Empty Re: Subconscious Feeding Question

Post by Kalb 25.02.12 3:42

Em Hotep,
Do you agree that Subconscious Feeding and Inner Will is the same thing?

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Subconscious Feeding Question Empty Re: Subconscious Feeding Question

Post by DCxMagus 25.02.12 6:15

Stalker wrote:Em Hotep,
Do you agree that Subconscious Feeding and Inner Will is the same thing?

I wouldn't say they are the same thing as much as subconscious feeding is a by-product of the Inner Will. Hence why even an aware vampire could still continue to subconsciously feed even if they are aware of energy transfer and manipulation.

I would liken this to breathing. Obviously we don't feed as much as we breathe, but the process still explains it well. When a human is born, leaves the womb, and their lungs fill with air for the first time, they begin to breathe. This isn't a conscious decision but because the body know it needs oxygen it begins to breathe in air to get that, the baby is completely unaware of this process yet they complete it and benefit from it flawlessly. Now this continues until the child learns of the respiratory system. They learn it's function, it's various parts and most of all they are first introduced to the idea of breathing and more importantly that they are breathing right now. This introduces them to the idea of controlling their breath, holding their breath, slow deep breathing versus shallow fast breathing, etc. Now once this knowledge is gained a conscious decision to breathe doesn't need to be made every time oxygen is required, we can continue to breathe subconsciously, yet we know that if we wanna go underwater for 45 second, you take a big breath and hold it, this allows you to continue on your way were oxygen isn't available.

So to me the Inner Will would be like the human body, it knows you need outside sources of energy and it will do what it needs to gather the bare minimal for survival. Once your awaken to the Inner Will and discover your energetic need for outside sources of energy, you begin to learn more effective ways to not only get that energy but to sustain that energy for longer periods of time. If you were to continue to ignore your Inner will and resist the realization of your true self you would continue to feed on the base subconscious level.

Something I would like to note on a personal level that's relative to the original question of

"How do you know when you are subconsciously feeding"

As much as I hate to say it, there have been some "dark" times within my exploration of not only the occult by my nature in general(the draining and more importantly the cycling of energy) were I have reverted back to relying on a subconscious feed to keep me going. What I have found is simply this, as my work in energy increases and begins to develop I find I need not more energy, but more refined energy in order to feel like a feeding session was a success.

Now I have found 2 ways to get at this energy, increase the overall cycle rate of energy into my body and refine the energy in order to get what I need. I find this naturally refines the energy in my meditation area(where I feed from the most, my personal living area) which is good, unfortunately it quickly becomes to time intensive to the point where I spend all the time I can allot to working with energy, simply refining and processing energy just to be able to feed. This as you can see quickly stalemates any progress at this point.

The second way is of course to forgo the lighter forms of feeding and innate a more personal, deeper type of feeding. I'll already described my hang ups with that, especially since I natural resort to sexual encounters for this type of feeding.

Unfortunately a happy medium solution hasn't been found yet. I can only hope that as I start work with the Asetian bible a solution is reveled to me through meditation and personal insight, it is something I will be meditating on heavily as I wish to get over the hump so to speak this time, it's really almost become another awakening type landmark in my progress to me.


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Subconscious Feeding Question Empty Re: Subconscious Feeding Question

Post by Kalb 25.02.12 12:08

Capture what comes in the metaphysical world is a very difficult task for our consciousness that has a very limited capacity. For example, most of the things about our body does it unconsciously, that is, we do not realize them. Imagine doing it consciously? Being able to master all the muscles, nerves and calculate all the movements of our bodies? Do not do it because it is in automatic mode, our unconscious does it for us, it seems that our physical body is programmed to make things automatic and left doors open for us to access and enter a new reality without limitations. Many times our subconscious needs to tell our conscious something, but our conscious refuses to listen, for various reasons this happens and I believe one of them is because ou body is very busy with others duties more physical. In some sleep dreams the subconscious sends a message to the conscious with symbolism, we try decode the message, then, our consciousness is focused on the message and then try to understand their symbolism. It seems that it takes great concentration to understand the hidden things. So, it is that we often use extra things to help us, such the example as the Tarot. Tarot is mirror of our inner reality, it's more easy understand more about us through the spiritual mirror than physical ego.
Now, the soul is like the body, does some things automatically, because their metabolism demands. Perhaps in many circunstances you notice that you feel as if all your energy is gone and you feel tired and weak. Why this happens? Because the other person's energy is not healthy. Same happens in places, happens in everywhere. Have you ever been in a situation where someone is talking to you and telling you about their problems? If you are more healthy than them, you will take on all their negative energy and will not feel well afterwards. This is what I call automatic feeding or unconscious Feeding.
Maybe if you wanted to do this consciously would not have as much success as was unconscious. I think this is all a matter of metabolism. The big mystery for me is it is not having access to the source code ...


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Subconscious Feeding Question Empty Re: Subconscious Feeding Question

Post by witchmark 25.02.12 13:53


I would like to comment on some of the aspects you have pointed out. I do agree with you that our subconscious mind speaks to us in symbols through dreams. Some of the time, that is. I do once again agree with you with the use of the Tarot Cards. I am reader myself.

However, I do not share your perspective on positive and negative energy where feeding is concerned. I do not feed from physical I am unfamiliar with that method. For those of you who do, please forgive me as I have not had the experience in that form of feeding.

I am going to reference energy feeding though. I place no emotional attachment during feeding. For those that have sat down next to me and thrown their troubles of life in my direction I have benefited from it. What do I give in return? Sound advice is the maximum and at the very least, they feel as though someone has taken the time to listen to them.

Energy in my world is just that....if I place an emotional tie to it during feeding than I can gather information about that individual....that does not make it unhealthy. The only way it can become unhealthy is if I allow it to be. Not breaking the tendril that is extended during feeding that is.

As vampires, witches, and other kin, we can make the world a more enjoyable place to live. We can do the opposite as well. That depends on our make up. The choices that are brought to our awareness even.

I do not see a possibility of becoming unhealthy where feeding from direct energy is. If I have over looked something I would indeed welcome the education.

I would venture to guess, that those here that do feed can think back to childhood and remember the times they were feeding but had no idea what it was that they were doing. It is in education that we understand the things that we do naturally.


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Subconscious Feeding Question Empty Re: Subconscious Feeding Question

Post by Kalb 26.02.12 12:53

Hello, witchmark. You were very polite in your response. Thank you.
I have the feeling that what you said were things done in conscious not in unconscious level. However, when we feel uncomfortable with someone, we should try to learn from the situation and then we can also understand ourselves and others better and of course if we are strong and healthy we might be able to withstand this. owever, I do not believe this is only limited results turn negative into positive energy, I just wanted to express myself in a little detail that I think often happens many times unconsciously. On the other hand, I consider myself a bit ignorant on the subject and certainly I'm not the best person to be discussing this.


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Subconscious Feeding Question Empty Re: Subconscious Feeding Question

Post by witchmark 26.02.12 13:20


Perhaps what you may be picking up on when others make you feel uncomfortable is not so much of a negative energy but rather a more psychic connection found during a feeding....rather it is consciously done or not. Just a thought, mind you. I have a strong sense that you are VERY intuitive.


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Subconscious Feeding Question Empty Re: Subconscious Feeding Question

Post by Maxx 26.02.12 13:32

Stalker, If I may, I would like to give two illustrations in my own life....and afterwards ask you a question regarding both......

First, Years ago in my life I was used by churches and was called all over the US to perform exorcisms at the request of Churches as well as individuals. At the start of this process, I would place my hand on the individual and will the force within me to travel down my arm and into them.......In every case the problem left them and in a profound way as they felt the problem come out of their body in a particular place....some times they would scream. I viewed it leave from their body at the same time and I would see it with my eyes.......although the person did not.
After several hours of this with the end of the day, I was so drained of energy, I sometimes would go into my room and just lie down on the floor to regain my energy later.....I was really tired. As time went by, I became more educated in what I was doing and I would just stand and point and command what I was seeing within the person to leave. It left with the same results as the other example. Many of these people were in a negative electromagnetic life. It never affected me one way or another if they were ill or not. Sometimes I would just take excess energy from these people as all humans produce excess energy and there is no problem by draining some of it away. They just produce more. It is like the plant that grows and gains energy drawing from the sun......just like we produce it from our food and drawing from the sun.

My second illustration is one of my favorite ways to draw energy. I am aware of what the sight is in Rome from the leverage place at the Vatican when the Pope is looking down at the crowd and addressing them and giving them His Blessing from the balcony. I love to go back there in the spirit realm and again look down on the crowd where I see thousands standing there and looking up...with their focus all in one place. I draw much energy from it all. Now, you would certainly know that there are many there that are ill and have diseases and not everyone is in perfect health. Many are young children and very many are the elderly..... Makes no difference. I cannot remember seeing any falling over dead as I drew lifeforce from them for my energy renewal.

My question to you is, again, do you think it makes any difference on drawing energy from those people that are ill, or living more a negative life than a postive life.....and......

actually, if you study the teachings of Franz Bardon, you will see where he illustrates the difference in the electomagnetic forces between male and female in different parts of the body....It can show how each of the sexes are drawn to each other.......and it will also show how being homosexual has not one thing wrong with it as the person just has the different energy wiring into their body from another. I am not gay but I have no issue with one that is because I can understand how that body is wired if you look at it in the spirit realm.


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Subconscious Feeding Question Empty Re: Subconscious Feeding Question

Post by Kalb 26.02.12 16:51

Em Hotep,

Maxx, Thank you for sharing some of your experience with me. I feel glad for that. But, unfortunately i have no answer to you. I can tell you is that it is always better to be cautious than fix up after. Please, I am interested in knowing what is your opinion about your own questions.

witchmark: Many times i do not explain myself well, but i think you understand my point. About what you said about me... Your sense is based in what? In my words? Or in your intuition?

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Subconscious Feeding Question Empty Re: Subconscious Feeding Question

Post by Maxx 26.02.12 17:11


Regarding the own opinion is that whether from drawing in the physical realm, or in that astral realm, or in the mental realm which is the soul does not effect the quality of the energy being transferred one bit....meaning it makes no difference whether the donor or subject is having an emotional problem or anxiety issue or even stone results are the same to the receiver......or the one drawing into the body. This is what I was trying to show from my own experience and ask if you found any different results? And the reason for my question is based on your statements that I had read when you posted to Witchmark. I was not trying to be combative at all. There is a slight problem with the meaning of some wording based on the difference in languages .........and I realize it is difficult in some cases to fully understand what another says....even the type written word between those that the mother tongue is the same....sometimes have problems even understanding each other......but you, Stalker, do an excellent job of handling all of these issue.



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Subconscious Feeding Question Empty Re: Subconscious Feeding Question

Post by Jonathan 26.02.12 23:23

This is a very interesting discussion you are all holding in this thread. Please continue as I believe we can all learn from eachother's opinions and experiences.

I understand what Maxx and witchmark meant to say, but in my personal experience with energy I am not sure if I fully agree. In my case, the kind of people and their own health or even spiritual evolution has a noticeable effect on the quality of the energy being drained. For example if you drain from someone that is drunk or under the influence of drugs, you can notice the lower quality of their energy. Just like the energy feels much smoother and fresh when it comes out of someone that is spiritual and has a balanced soul rather than someone less spiritually evolved. Surely this has to do with some level of psychic sensitivity as witchmark mentioned to Stalker, but it's not only the result of an open psychic channel, it's also related with the actual vibration of the energy, affecting its properties. This sometimes may be subtle, but it's there.

I understand that your experiences were different, but this is how it happens with me and my sensitivity. I hope that it doesn't sound crazy to you.

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Subconscious Feeding Question Empty Re: Subconscious Feeding Question

Post by Maxx 27.02.12 8:07


I understand regarding the difference in the quality offered by the subjects.......
I agree...........but I have never been one to be that picky in my roaming around in the energy bank making withdrawals. can just call me an energy whore. Really, I am not often roaming and drawing from one individual as most of the time I draw from the bank of sections in large crowds, like stores or shops with large crowds standing and waiting for check-out. I only single out one individual when I see the person is a loud mouth trying to draw attention to themselves. (But in the critical bottom line, you are correct)


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Subconscious Feeding Question Empty Re: Subconscious Feeding Question

Post by witchmark 27.02.12 10:20


What brought me to a sense that you are very intuitive was found in your words as well as reflecting on my own experiences.


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Subconscious Feeding Question Empty Re: Subconscious Feeding Question

Post by Kalb 27.02.12 11:36

I agree with Jonathan, make more sense to me.
witchmark, I think you're wrong. I am not a intuitive person. Sorry.
Maxx, Interesting...

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