The future.

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The future. - Page 2 Empty Re: The future.

Post by Bella Donna 08.06.12 23:54

Stalker wrote:Em Hotep,

Do you believe that the future is written?

Bella Donna
Bella Donna

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The future. - Page 2 Empty Re: The future.

Post by Kalb 09.06.12 6:21

Bella Donna wrote:
Stalker wrote:Em Hotep,
Do you believe that the future is written?

Hello, Bella Donna. Explain your reply, please.

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The future. - Page 2 Empty Re: The future.

Post by Bella Donna 09.06.12 7:36

Stalker wrote:
Hello, Bella Donna. Explain your reply, please.

Well simply saying I would say that I do not believe that the future would be written already. I donĀ“t have any fate for destiny or gudance from outside the person.
I am practical magickian and see that the person who Masters his or her own life and uses methods to rule the reality can change things with practical occultism.

If I would not believe the way I do I could just cross my hands and pray for salvation which I deo not!

I am the master of my own reality which my mind creates so believeing everything would be written would make it useless to do anything for attin something.
Bella Donna
Bella Donna

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The future. - Page 2 Empty Re: The future.

Post by Bella Donna 09.06.12 7:37

Sorry about my typos in previou!
Bella Donna
Bella Donna

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The future. - Page 2 Empty Re: The future.

Post by Jonathan 09.06.12 8:03

I agree with your view Bella Donna. We do have the power to change our destiny and define our life!

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The future. - Page 2 Empty Re: The future.

Post by witchmark 09.06.12 18:34

Bella Donna, on my behalf you need not to apologize for typos. We all make them. Considering how wonderfully well your statement was (typos and all), well all I can say is that I do agree with you.


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The future. - Page 2 Empty Re: The future.

Post by Bella Donna 09.06.12 23:52

witchmark wrote:Bella Donna, on my behalf you need not to apologize for typos. We all make them. Considering how wonderfully well your statement was (typos and all), well all I can say is that I do agree with you.

Thank you witchmark. It is just that little annoying when you find it from your own text.. Cool
Bella Donna
Bella Donna

Number of posts : 35
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The future. - Page 2 Empty Re: The future.

Post by ChristinCP 05.09.12 19:27

Stalker wrote:Em Hotep,

Do you believe that the future is written?

To some extent, in that we've tried to plan things on an individual level as well as a collective level - but things don't always go according to plan. I believe that we absolutely plan out our lifetimes, and that there are larger collectives at work which have planned many things. Prophecy is a perfect example. Although, looking further into that, are those plans self-serving, or for the good of humanity? Probably a little of both. You have the whole Anunnaki, self-serving, control-based factions who have tried to control our world behind the scenes for thousands of years. Then you have even older collectives out there who have had our evolution planned since inception. I read a book a little while back by a woman named Lyssa Royal who channeled teachings from Lyra (very interesting). I think the book was called "The Prism of Lyra".

Things don't always go as planned, but then again, who's to say that the final outcome was not the original intent? I think we all knew (collectively) when we began incarnating what the outcome/end-goal was. How we got there is the journey and part of the "fun". For a while I felt that my future involved leaving the earth plane and moving onto other parts of the universe (going home?), but now I don't know if I will stay with the earth or not once we go through our big change. I suppose it depends on who stays and who goes Smile

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