A little information

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A little information Empty A little information

Post by waterfreak77 30.04.12 13:25

Hey guys and gals, im new to this site and i need a little info on what type of vampires are on here and what they can do?? Also i am very interested in becoming a lycan or werewolf, is there a difference?? So please comment on this post or pm me please!


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Age : 29
Location : Texas
Registration date : 2012-04-30

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A little information Empty Re: A little information

Post by Kalb 30.04.12 17:49

Em Hotep, waterfreak77.

I fear that nobody will respond you around here. This topic was very immature of your part. If you look well for us here, all our work and effort speak for us. We accept ourself as we are... We do not change anything about ourself and we follow an Ancient Path... Asetianism.

To be Asetianist is accept what we are in a humble way. I advise you read all this forum and try understand what we study and what we believe. There are moments and situations in life where we need some help, hints, but, all you asked is pure laziness... With a great deal of research you can find everything. Do not be lazy and be strong in your search. Don't let others tell you what everything means.. Just let the others knows your vision and wisdom about your knowledge.

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Registration date : 2009-10-28


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A little information Empty Re: A little information

Post by Daniel09 30.04.12 18:07

waterfreak77 wrote:Hey guys and gals, im new to this site and i need a little info on what type of vampires are on here and what they can do?? Also i am very interested in becoming a lycan or werewolf, is there a difference?? So please comment on this post or pm me please!

Hey there. Though the site may seem theatrical or highly cultic in nature, I assure you that only serious matters are discussed, and spirituality is the primary concern.

There is no way for you to become a lycan, werewolf, or vampire, and those who are any of them do not possess any special abilities except when it comes to manipulating the metaphysical. Since the metaphysical rarely directly affects the physical except in subtle ways, you will not find whatever fantasies you are imagining here.

I hope you figure it out. Learn, grow, and be merry.

Number of posts : 850
Age : 32
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Registration date : 2009-01-17

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