Asetian Sacred Numbers and Time Cycles
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Asetian Sacred Numbers and Time Cycles
Greetings everyone,
I honestly don't if anyone has noticed this before, but I found a pattern in the years when key Asetian materials were published, based on the AB chapter concerning "Sacred Numbers" (pp. 289-294).
In 2007, the Asetian Bible was published, in a key-date (the 7th day of the 7th month, when the Sun was conjunct Sirius). This was a kind of "new beginning" for the Kemetic Order of Aset Ka;
TWO (2) years later, in 2009, "Kemet - The Year of Revelation" was published. According to the Asetian Bible, the number two represents:
(I remember someone in this forum commenting on the "light and dark" effects in the photographs of Kemet. I haven't bought Kemet, but does this description of Number 2 "ring a bell" to anyone who bought this book?)
And finally, THREE (3) years after "Kemet", a new work is to be published, which will undoubtedly cover something about the Orion (Sahu) constellation ( According to the Asetian Bible, Number 3 is:
Could this be a coincidence? I can hardly believe that...
I honestly don't if anyone has noticed this before, but I found a pattern in the years when key Asetian materials were published, based on the AB chapter concerning "Sacred Numbers" (pp. 289-294).
In 2007, the Asetian Bible was published, in a key-date (the 7th day of the 7th month, when the Sun was conjunct Sirius). This was a kind of "new beginning" for the Kemetic Order of Aset Ka;
TWO (2) years later, in 2009, "Kemet - The Year of Revelation" was published. According to the Asetian Bible, the number two represents:
Luis Marques wrote:"The dual nature of energy present in everything. A symbol of the sexual polarity in the manifestation of energy itself. The completeness of opposites. Male and Female. Positive and Negative. Light and Dark.
(I remember someone in this forum commenting on the "light and dark" effects in the photographs of Kemet. I haven't bought Kemet, but does this description of Number 2 "ring a bell" to anyone who bought this book?)
And finally, THREE (3) years after "Kemet", a new work is to be published, which will undoubtedly cover something about the Orion (Sahu) constellation ( According to the Asetian Bible, Number 3 is:
Luis Marques wrote:"The triple nature of the Asetian Trinity – the three Children of Aset, founders of the three lineages in the Asetian bloodline. Connected with the three stars of the Orion's belt, a sacred constellation to the Asetians, and intimately connected with their great Giza Initiatory Temples, commonly known as The Pyramids. Three also represents the cycle of evolution – Life, Death and Rebirth.
Could this be a coincidence? I can hardly believe that...
Pyrene- Outsider
- Number of posts : 73
Registration date : 2010-03-31
Re: Asetian Sacred Numbers and Time Cycles
Good post Pyrene. You're silent but paying attention.
I don't really have an answer except my own speculation, but I found that to be a very interesting study. Thanks for sharing it!
Concerning Kemet I do think it includes several allegories to the duality found in number 2. Like you mentioned, the artistic use of light and shade from the photographers, which was already mentioned in another thread. Also the confrontation of opposed "titanic" forces depicted by the Sethians and Asetians represented in some photos, which actually offer pretty interesting spiritual dynamics as none is the sole adversary while both are the adversaries of each other. The all and the nothing at the same time.
I don't really have an answer except my own speculation, but I found that to be a very interesting study. Thanks for sharing it!
Concerning Kemet I do think it includes several allegories to the duality found in number 2. Like you mentioned, the artistic use of light and shade from the photographers, which was already mentioned in another thread. Also the confrontation of opposed "titanic" forces depicted by the Sethians and Asetians represented in some photos, which actually offer pretty interesting spiritual dynamics as none is the sole adversary while both are the adversaries of each other. The all and the nothing at the same time.
Jonathan- Master
- Number of posts : 3051
Location : United States
Registration date : 2008-06-05
Re: Asetian Sacred Numbers and Time Cycles
Em Hotep, Pyrene.
Thanks for your post. I understand what you mean and actually I follow your thought. I believe that numerology works very well in Asetianism, after all, is an official information of Aset Ka... Some time ago I launched a theory regarding the date of the new project, I said that project probably would be launched on 11.07.2012. Of course, that was based on the count of my thought and study.
Its here that I'm trying to figure out and get the hit of the release date, because the Asetianism works according to nature, everything works according to the nature and it's organized and calm. I reached a new conclusion.
So, I went back to study and I have many questions about the 11.07.2012. I was left with many uncertainties and started counting again .. I'll show you my line of thinking.
1. At this point I firmly believe that the final number will be 5 - Manifestation.
2. The final number of 07.07.2012 is 1.
3. The final numver of 11.07.2012 is 5.
We know that the Asetian Bible was launched on 07.07.2007 and Kemet (07.05.2009). Between the date of the first project and second were 671 days, which means 6+7+1= 14 = 5 - Manifestation.
Now just counting the days of the second project for the third and guess what the final number on 07.07.2012? 5.
My main question is when the project will be send to the public... 07.07.2012 or 11.07.2012. I'm just waiting and observ the next date.
Thanks for your post. I understand what you mean and actually I follow your thought. I believe that numerology works very well in Asetianism, after all, is an official information of Aset Ka... Some time ago I launched a theory regarding the date of the new project, I said that project probably would be launched on 11.07.2012. Of course, that was based on the count of my thought and study.
Its here that I'm trying to figure out and get the hit of the release date, because the Asetianism works according to nature, everything works according to the nature and it's organized and calm. I reached a new conclusion.
So, I went back to study and I have many questions about the 11.07.2012. I was left with many uncertainties and started counting again .. I'll show you my line of thinking.
1. At this point I firmly believe that the final number will be 5 - Manifestation.
2. The final number of 07.07.2012 is 1.
3. The final numver of 11.07.2012 is 5.
We know that the Asetian Bible was launched on 07.07.2007 and Kemet (07.05.2009). Between the date of the first project and second were 671 days, which means 6+7+1= 14 = 5 - Manifestation.
Now just counting the days of the second project for the third and guess what the final number on 07.07.2012? 5.
My main question is when the project will be send to the public... 07.07.2012 or 11.07.2012. I'm just waiting and observ the next date.
Re: Asetian Sacred Numbers and Time Cycles
Greetings Stalker,
I prefer to follow another line of thought while calculating "key" dates according to their numerological sum. Please note:
7+7+2007 = 2021 ("Asetian Bible", July 7th 2007)
5+7+2009 = 2021 ("Kemet", May 7th 2009)
Following this logic would lead me to think that in 2012, the date-sum would also be 2021. One such date which totals 2021 is August 1st 2012, when Venus will be conjunct the Orion's belt, particularly the star Alnitak (Zeta Orionis). Venus' astrological symbol has always reminded me of an Ankh, while many "Venus-goddesses" have names reminding "Ast", "Aset" (Astarte, Ishtar, Eostre, Asherah, etc). This, of course, is only one possibility amongst many, but I thought I should refer to it.
I prefer to follow another line of thought while calculating "key" dates according to their numerological sum. Please note:
7+7+2007 = 2021 ("Asetian Bible", July 7th 2007)
5+7+2009 = 2021 ("Kemet", May 7th 2009)
Following this logic would lead me to think that in 2012, the date-sum would also be 2021. One such date which totals 2021 is August 1st 2012, when Venus will be conjunct the Orion's belt, particularly the star Alnitak (Zeta Orionis). Venus' astrological symbol has always reminded me of an Ankh, while many "Venus-goddesses" have names reminding "Ast", "Aset" (Astarte, Ishtar, Eostre, Asherah, etc). This, of course, is only one possibility amongst many, but I thought I should refer to it.
Pyrene- Outsider
- Number of posts : 73
Registration date : 2010-03-31
Re: Asetian Sacred Numbers and Time Cycles
It's an interesting way of seeing things ... I will research and study more on this subject.
Thank You.
Thank You.
Re: Asetian Sacred Numbers and Time Cycles
Interesting stuff Pyrene. I admit that I am somewhat ignorant in what concerns astronomy and your conclusions on how that relates with the dates of Asetian projects. Is there some software where I can check that? How do you know when Venus is aligned with Orion?Pyrene wrote:Following this logic would lead me to think that in 2012, the date-sum would also be 2021. One such date which totals 2021 is August 1st 2012, when Venus will be conjunct the Orion's belt, particularly the star Alnitak (Zeta Orionis). Venus' astrological symbol has always reminded me of an Ankh, while many "Venus-goddesses" have names reminding "Ast", "Aset" (Astarte, Ishtar, Eostre, Asherah, etc). This, of course, is only one possibility amongst many, but I thought I should refer to it.
Jonathan- Master
- Number of posts : 3051
Location : United States
Registration date : 2008-06-05
Re: Asetian Sacred Numbers and Time Cycles
Hello Jonathan,
I'm a student of Sidereal Astrology, which is based on the stars themselves instead of the seasons as modern tropical astrology is. As such, the position of certain stars in the zodiac is always an important aspect of my own studies.
This is a very interesting subject and I invite you to read some materials on Sidereal Astrology. I found a whole new universe when I first read about it, and it meant a complete revolution after 16 years studying tropical astrology.
As a start, try to read anything written by Cyril Fagan, Garth Allen (a.k.a. Donald Bradley), and then some materials by Indian sages like Parasara or Jaimini, or modern authors like Prash Trivedi or P.V.R. Narasimha Rao.
Here's a good start, with Cyril Fagan's "Heliacal Phenomena and the Origin of the Exaltations or Hypsomata":
I'm a student of Sidereal Astrology, which is based on the stars themselves instead of the seasons as modern tropical astrology is. As such, the position of certain stars in the zodiac is always an important aspect of my own studies.
This is a very interesting subject and I invite you to read some materials on Sidereal Astrology. I found a whole new universe when I first read about it, and it meant a complete revolution after 16 years studying tropical astrology.
As a start, try to read anything written by Cyril Fagan, Garth Allen (a.k.a. Donald Bradley), and then some materials by Indian sages like Parasara or Jaimini, or modern authors like Prash Trivedi or P.V.R. Narasimha Rao.
Here's a good start, with Cyril Fagan's "Heliacal Phenomena and the Origin of the Exaltations or Hypsomata":
Pyrene- Outsider
- Number of posts : 73
Registration date : 2010-03-31
Re: Asetian Sacred Numbers and Time Cycles
My tools in calculating planetary-stellar conjunctions are astrology programs and websites.
AstroDienst offers the possibility of using the sidereal zodiac – Cyril Fagan's ayanamsa based on the Aldebaran-Antares axis, or hindu Chitrapaksha based on star Spica – as well as several different house systems. AstroDienst also allows to mark some fixed stars in the horoscope, namely Algol, Aldebaran, Sirius, Regulus, Spica and Antares.
Other specific programs I use are Jagannatha Hora (for Hindu/"Vedic" Astrology), and also ZET and Astrolog.
My tools in calculating planetary-stellar conjunctions are astrology programs and websites.
AstroDienst offers the possibility of using the sidereal zodiac – Cyril Fagan's ayanamsa based on the Aldebaran-Antares axis, or hindu Chitrapaksha based on star Spica – as well as several different house systems. AstroDienst also allows to mark some fixed stars in the horoscope, namely Algol, Aldebaran, Sirius, Regulus, Spica and Antares.
Other specific programs I use are Jagannatha Hora (for Hindu/"Vedic" Astrology), and also ZET and Astrolog.
Pyrene- Outsider
- Number of posts : 73
Registration date : 2010-03-31
Re: Asetian Sacred Numbers and Time Cycles
Thanks for the info Pyrene.
Jonathan- Master
- Number of posts : 3051
Location : United States
Registration date : 2008-06-05
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