Destruction of the Great Pyramids...

Sinata Anika Asti
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Destruction of the Great Pyramids... Empty Destruction of the Great Pyramids...

Post by Sinata Anika Asti 11.07.12 16:08

Greetings all...

I was logged into my Facebook account yesterday and read a post stating that Islamic Extremists are now calling for the demolition of the Great Pyramids... I was wondering if anyone else has heard about this recently, and if it holds any validity... This is the link to the article...
Sinata Anika Asti
Sinata Anika Asti

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Destruction of the Great Pyramids... Empty Re: Destruction of the Great Pyramids...

Post by Maxx 11.07.12 16:51

I also have heard about this....They have destroyed some ancient site in Timbuctu......It is the dumbing down of the planet to then control the entire population run by a few. Even the dumb have no idea they have become pawns to carry out designs of others. It is a sickening example.......the education system has accomplished this in a couple of decades...


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Destruction of the Great Pyramids... Empty Re: Destruction of the Great Pyramids...

Post by schitzophobic 11.07.12 17:07

That's scary... I feel that if such a crime were commited, given the pyramids' instantly recognizable fame, that it would make the anti-muslim sentimentality grow to eclipse that of 911... but on a global scale...
From what I have seen the general populace is already dangerously restless... this is evidenced by the riots, revolutions, and protests that are increasing so rapidly world wide... something like this would give a focal point for all of that pent up energy, turning it into open hostility rather than directing it towards something beneficial...

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Destruction of the Great Pyramids... Empty Re: Destruction of the Great Pyramids...

Post by Sinata Anika Asti 11.07.12 17:39

I hope that is is some kind of a joke or hoax...
Sinata Anika Asti
Sinata Anika Asti

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Destruction of the Great Pyramids... Empty Re: Destruction of the Great Pyramids...

Post by schitzophobic 11.07.12 17:58

I fear its not a joke... historically when you combine propoganda with an isolated society you end up with indoctrination... a past example of such massive cultural indoctrination that is still present(to contrast with) would be north korea... they are only allowed certain information into the public there... in school thhey are taught that americans are "american nazis"... they are taught that they have it all and that anyone who says otherwise is lying...
My command is forward deployed to south korea... a few years back some of my coworkers met a defectee after he crossed the dmz... he was amazed that one room would have so many lightbulbs... he had thought we would kill him on sight and all kinds of things that his government had fed him... with culteral indoctrination like this its not hard to see how adding the justification of "its what god wants" could lead to all kinds of atrocities... as we have already witnessed...

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Destruction of the Great Pyramids... Empty Re: Destruction of the Great Pyramids...

Post by N.Augusta 11.07.12 22:24

This will never happen. The Egyptians would never allow this, nor would their government. You have to realize the amount of revenue that the country generates from tourism-- it totally DEPENDS on it. I

I didn't read the article though.

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Destruction of the Great Pyramids... Empty Re: Destruction of the Great Pyramids...

Post by schitzophobic 11.07.12 22:46

It wouldn't be allowed no... however any hostile act is such because there must be some sort of resistance... percieved or real... I agree that it is highly unlikely an attempt of such would succeed it still lends all that much more power to it... its a much bigger shock when one achieves the impossible than when one achieves the unlikely... thus my statements that this "impossible" act would ignite widespread outcry...

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Destruction of the Great Pyramids... Empty Re: Destruction of the Great Pyramids...

Post by Lamina 11.07.12 22:58

If something so important to so many really does get destroyed, then we may have lost a piece of history, but most of the world would be united, even if it is in anger. Could that be the real goal?


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Destruction of the Great Pyramids... Empty Re: Destruction of the Great Pyramids...

Post by schitzophobic 11.07.12 23:11

The ends doesn't always justify the means... once we lost the object of our unified agression we would begin to fall apart... we need to find other unifying factors that will be more permanent... after the hate fell off we might be closer to each other but if we couldn't find other things to connect to and the maturity to handle true unification things could quickly back track...

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Destruction of the Great Pyramids... Empty Re: Destruction of the Great Pyramids...

Post by Maxx 12.07.12 4:47

N. Augusta,

At this point in time, there is no tourism going on in Egypt. All the agents are telling people it is too dangerous to enter Egypt. The Muslim Brotherhood cares not for tourism. They will destroy anything to gain control.....Look at the other countries where they have taken the population and destroyed their future. And saying the people will not allow this......if the population has no means to defend themselves, how will they overcome a bunch of bullies with weapons.....? And for the record, the US is funding the Muslim Brotherhood behind the scenes......strange times going on today.


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Destruction of the Great Pyramids... Empty Re: Destruction of the Great Pyramids...

Post by Syrianeh 12.07.12 5:29

The stupidity of man has no limits. History repeats itself over and over. We think society has evolved, but it mostly goes around in circles. It's easy to see these patterns in history.

The Muslim radicals will rise and be washed out with the next tide, in time. Let's just hope there are enough smart decisions made to protect these treasures.

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Destruction of the Great Pyramids... Empty Re: Destruction of the Great Pyramids...

Post by Jonathan 12.07.12 8:38

N.Augusta I wouldn't trust the Egyptian government. Besides, we all thought 9/11 to be impossible until it happened and left us all devastated. Then it was all too late.

These guys are fanatics and an insult to the free world. Seeing man as an evolved species is nothing more than an illusion we tell ourselves to believe we have reached far...

Like Syrianeh said these are the same mistakes being repeated, sometimes even worse than they were done in the past. That is cyclical stagnation, not evolution.

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Destruction of the Great Pyramids... Empty Re: Destruction of the Great Pyramids...

Post by Demonia 12.07.12 9:04

it disappoints me so much that this much destruction is really going on in the world... i purposely don't watch the news, 1 because its all usually bs, and two.. i cant stomach the real state the earth is in right now. its all too much. its even worse too that in this lifetime, i may never be able to see the great pyramids, something that i've wanted to visit since the age of 5...

its even more sad that, ones such as ourselves that are filled with reason and "think first, act second"... have no power whatsoever to even try and reach out to all these misguided angry people. hell, of course i don't live over there and i'm not faced with their daily mess and problems... but people really don't think anymore do they? its sad enough animals have visually disappeared from the world unless you visit a zoo or a farm...
it angers me so much... the world wasn't supposed to be this way


and in being powerless in all of this... i hope the ignorant and power hungry terminate themselves quickly, so that there may be hope for rebuild.
i will keep a watch on this topic in hopes for good news brought to the table.

ankh udja seneb ...

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