mental stability

Sinata Anika Asti
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mental stability Empty mental stability

Post by schitzophobic 14.07.12 19:30

I have seen a broad range of examples of this and it doesn't make sense to me...
In the occult community and more specifically the various forms of the vampire community, individuals with any history of a psychiatric condition are looked down upon... many organizations will go so far as to refuse membership to anyone with such histories... add and adhd being the exceptions uusually... why is this?

To me a psychiatric illness is no different than any other illness or even spiritual imballance... the body and soul can get ill and that is ok... but for the mind to become ill...

It is also my understanding that an illness to one, say a severelly neglected spirit, can manifest into both mental and physical symptoms... we are not all reborn in perfect ballance when we awaken but rather I find that that's the first step in ones journey usually... to learn to balance oneself out in order to perform even basic magick... if one is in chaos it can be almost impossible to proceed until fixed... and depending on ones individual journey one can have a broad range of imbalances to fix....

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mental stability Empty Re: mental stability

Post by Sinata Anika Asti 14.07.12 21:05

This is an interesting can be said that some forms of mental illness can be caused by things of an occult nature...This topic can go many ways...
Sinata Anika Asti
Sinata Anika Asti

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mental stability Empty Re: mental stability

Post by Syrianeh 15.07.12 4:53

I don't think mentally ill people are looked down upon by the occult community, at least not by any mature community. Rather it is a certain sort of unbalanced and manic behaviour that is considered inadequate. For all we know, the Horus guy can be schizophrenic - though I'm afraid he doesn't even have that excuse.

We are all here somehow mentally affected. Think of it - Vampirism? Asetianism? Otherkin? shape-shifting? reincarnation? in what "mentally stable" society is this mainstream and accepted? And yet to most of us it's as real as the chair you're sitting on.

Some mental illnesses are just labels designed by society to explain a framework they can't deal with. You would be surprised to know how many of us here are "crazy". I was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder when I was just 16. And if I must be honest, I don't think I would be on this spiritual, magickal and self-searching path if I was fully sane, sheepish, balanced and compliant to society.

So it's all relative. Of course there are people with truly serious diseases that won't let them cope with life at large. There is in most cases a cure. And that is, in most cases, accomplished through meditation and pursing a balanced ego.


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mental stability Empty Re: mental stability

Post by schitzophobic 15.07.12 6:19

Sleep deprivation is getting to me... I did not mean to make it sound as prevelant as I did... it is not the norm by any means... but rather that amongst spiritual and religious paths I have researched, a few of those commonly labeled occult have restricions against mental and emotional conditions such as bpd or bipolar, and in a few cases even adhd and add... the majority of that small portion being the vampiric groups I have looked at...

I have yet to find a mainstream religion that has such... but as always I am not an expert...

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mental stability Empty Re: mental stability

Post by Demonia 15.07.12 10:56

Em Hotep schitzophobic

during the age of 12, when i began to experience my awakening, or really stop and think, and realize what i was, why i could travel places in my dreams, why i could always remember each and every dream in detail, and feel those dreams as if they're a separate life... dream of people i never met before but would meet years later, everything i had experienced and noticed that was different from the regular person... why in a forest i would feel so much more at home, why i would have memories of lives that weren't mine, be them human or animal... or why i could talk to people effortlessly and somehow mesmerize them and get what i wanted without even trying.. each vampiric trait i never realized was even vampiric.. once i started putting the pieces together and researching what i concluded myself to be, i was misunderstood by many - everyone around me as a matter of fact.
i would see ghosts, spirits, hear things, and to top it all off was going through family troubles and was admitted into a psych ward for about a week. all because of my innocence to try and connect with others and find answers. i was shunned and locked away just for being different. im sure we've all experienced this, until we realize to keep our mouths shut to the "mundane" or close minded individuals. people will always fear what they cant understand, no? always envy those who are different from them... so i was admitted to the psych ward. almost died there. all due to me trying to reach out to others for answers as to what i was, what i was going through, how i was feeling, intense fatigue and physical conditions unexplainable by physicians because simply nothing was wrong with me- no allergies, nothing.

experiencing so much pain and doubt, and "wow.. am i really crazy? why am i not simple like everyone else..." made me ignore myself, my metaphysical self, my own spirit. it couldn't be ignored though. i trusted in myself and began to love myself once more, and stopped being afraid of what others would think of me. i'd rather be happy alone in silence at peace with myself, than pushed around on the conveyer belt of regular middle class american life. once i stopped ignoring who and what i am, i coincidentally came across this forum.

i always give someone the benefit of the doubt, and try to see their true colors before judgement. in real life people have always told me im too nice for my own good. perhaps its a weakness, or perhaps its a great power. I would never want to shun away someone and hinder their spiritual growth as much as mine was hindered by those not in tune with their own spiritual self.

im going to cut this short though because i can ramble on all day, but basically, i agree with you. OF COURSE, there are plenty of people out there that are "crazy" or beyond help, be them by ignorance, immaturity, or mental health beyond repair, but i always give someone a chance. until they mess that chance up, everyone is an equal to me in my eyes. until i see reason to shun you away for ignorance, immaturity, or failure to comprehend things... i will accept you with open arms, as long as our goals are the same- to improve one's self, and keep on the quest for knowledge.

Aknh Udja Seneb...

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mental stability Empty Re: mental stability

Post by Maxx 15.07.12 11:07

And Uncle Fester IS crazy........

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mental stability Empty Re: mental stability

Post by Kaia 15.07.12 22:03

I haven't seen any 'official' restrictions (like denying membership) to a mental illness in any of the occult or vampirism communities I've visited. I do, however, see a lot of judgement from most Otherkin communities I've seen. Having Dissociative Identity Disorder I just hide it most of the time (creating multiple accounts works) or leave the place.

It's sad to see (for lack of better phrasing) that minority communities, who get enough prejudice as it is, just fight with everyone and even within themselves. It's really a waste.

And I need to put my 2 cents in on this: I agree with Syrianeh, none of us are "mentally stable" from the standard society point of view. It's better for them to label people as "crazy" than as "different".


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mental stability Empty Re: mental stability

Post by witchmark 16.07.12 13:37

I am going to add my two cents here as to what I have seen happen to those that are terribly troubled who enter the occult world. I am of the opinion, first and foremost, that it takes a level of education as well as evolution to occur for anyone to do well in the occult world. I say this due to all the pitfalls that are sitting right in front of someone who begins to study on a serious level.

I do not feel that it is "healthy" for a person to find there "fix" to delusions of the mind through a spiritual nature. Even the christian church should be avoided due to the nature of the biblical devil and all his demons, which can in turn harm the individual.....much work must first be done with those sorts of mindsets prior to any serious study.

I have seen people commit suicide due to those very things.....modern medicine is where they should be. Getting the help that is required prior to entering such studies. I think this is first!

I understand I am perhaps posting a very unpopular thought form here. I do not mind in the least, for if I can aid just one from such a bad experience let alone should one take their own life which equates to a permanent experience I am happy.


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mental stability Empty Re: mental stability

Post by Maxx 16.07.12 14:36

That certainly makes sense.......and I might add as a gauge......if there is no advancement within the framework of that occult program by that individual.....and I do not mean an advancement of title or rank (that is only manmade).....but I mean an advancement of the individual to grow and increase in occult abilities and wisdom in their walk....then there is no need to pursue anything farther there, as the person is only chasing delusion.....


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mental stability Empty Re: mental stability

Post by Kalb 16.07.12 15:55

"Nothing is lost, nothing is created, everything is transformed." Antoine Laurent Lavoisier.

Like nature,universe, we are equal. We are not fixed, we evolve and new doors of thought are opened every day. We like the scarab, always transforming and adapting with the new knowledge and reality without dogmas and fantasy. This is what I Call Chaos - mental Stability.

Everyone else...Are ready to die.

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mental stability Empty Re: mental stability

Post by DCxMagus 17.07.12 4:36

Ahh.. but who says there must be order and most all where do you get the idea that chaos can be "fixed"?

It is with in the realm of order where you learn to walk, it is in chaos where you will learn to swim


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mental stability Empty Re: mental stability

Post by witchmark 17.07.12 7:48

Indeed, but if one is suffering a mental issue how on earth does one respond to choas in a productive manner?


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mental stability Empty Re: mental stability

Post by squidofsymphony 20.07.12 11:16

Please help me. I don't ask for any ego feeding but I'm in pain. If it was a psychiatric issue they would have fixed it by now, but still the emptiness lingers like a spiritual parasite sucking the very life out of me from the inside. All I have left is rage and apathy. Yes I know I'm just a teenager and I respect the wisdom and experience you all have but I am suffering and you are the only people I know of who are open minded enough to accept what I have to say. All I want to know is what I am so that maybe, through that knowledge I can help my self. All I want to do is make it stop.


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mental stability Empty Re: mental stability

Post by Syrianeh 20.07.12 12:26

What do you have to say, Squid?

You should know that the search for yourself is an ongoing journey. All of us are on it, if I may be so bold as to speak for everyone else. I know I am.

But you can find peace in the journey, be assured.

I have scarce psychiatric knowledge and I'm not very sure about the details of your personal plight, but this emptiness you speak of is a serious issue that you should try to understand and come to terms with. You are very brave in exposing yourself like this, and also you are doing well in seeking to advance spiritually. But my advice is not to forgo the medical treatment you might be receiving. There might be a chemical component to your mental troubles that perhaps should be under medical supervision.

Have you searched for a creative outlet to your anxiety? There is a lot of pent up angst in your message. Maybe you can turn it into something beautiful. Smile

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mental stability Empty Re: mental stability

Post by Syrianeh 20.07.12 12:27

And remember, it's not what you are, but who you are.

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mental stability Empty Re: mental stability

Post by Demonia 20.07.12 12:48

Very kind words Syrianeh Smile

i went though a period of my life feeling sheer emptiness, you just need to keep living and let go. what brought you to this feeling in the first place? how can it be overcome? search within yourself. do lots of thinking. time heals all wounds. in time, we grow.
as for discovering what you are, as Syrianeh said, try looking at who you are. accomplishments, failures, your skills and weaknesses. accept every bit of it and become at peace with yourself. meditate. research. begin to take steps forward in the direction of what feels right for you.
others can help you on your way, but no one can walk for you. it is you who must make the effort and action.

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mental stability Empty Re: mental stability

Post by Jonathan 21.07.12 15:08

Good and caring advice from Syrianeh.

The presence and contributions from all of you, in so different ways, keeps enriching us all as a community and individuals. Keep it going, good vibe.


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