Mental/Emotional Links
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Mental/Emotional Links
I was wondering how much people here know about these links, or bonds I should say, because I am linked strongly to two people. With one, we share imagination and sometimes energy ability, and with the other we share memories and perhaps dreams. I share emotions with both of them.
Does anyone know much about these? How they're formed before we even met?
Does anyone know much about these? How they're formed before we even met?
Daniel09- Expert
- Number of posts : 850
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Registration date : 2009-01-17
Re: Mental/Emotional Links
Hello Daniel, I had a friend that was not a vampire but he had a bond that was similar to yours. He is a druid follower but the individual he was bound to was human and followed the path of Christianity, which in and of itself seemed a strange bond to begin with. Once they met they were extremely close and you could always tell there was something special about them. I have never had a bond as great as theirs with another, but around them you could tell they shared something that was sacred yet never could they explain how after meeting one time they would know almost everything about each other or be as twins in the heart, mind and at times the soul.
Elaina- Outsider
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Re: Mental/Emotional Links
Without a doubt there is a possibility that the link you speak of could be created before you even meeting those individuals. This is if the link was forged between you and them in another life. If strong enough, it can still continue to exist and move you, that link, in another incarnation. The best way to understand this is what the Asetian Bible explained, how between Asetians a bond may continue to exist even in the next life, if strong enough, and how hard it is to break these links. This can easily happen during something that strongly forces a link to be created between the two Asetians, things like Sexual Feeding and Deep Feeding.
Aghrab- Adept
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I can't realy help you there.
I can sometimes feell energy around me, or like when someone is coming I can feel it. Plus, I can gather the energy around me for my own use. Usualy people would call me a phy-vamp, but I am not a vampire or any kind.
I hope you find the information you've been looking for soon.
I can sometimes feell energy around me, or like when someone is coming I can feel it. Plus, I can gather the energy around me for my own use. Usualy people would call me a phy-vamp, but I am not a vampire or any kind.
I hope you find the information you've been looking for soon.
Re: Mental/Emotional Links
As it turns out, as information to me, some dream memories I have, and other older discoveries I had keyed to other things unexplained, were because of my bond to a third person, who is currently in the after-life, and has been around 6 years. We refer to each other as siblings because of how strongly connected we are and practically think as one mind when we're together, always understanding the other, and inputting useful info. Another oddity is that all three of them are vampires, something else I just found out, as previously I had only known of one to be a vampire.
So we four, managed to find each other this life almost directly after I, apparently the last to awaken, awakened.
So we four, managed to find each other this life almost directly after I, apparently the last to awaken, awakened.
Daniel09- Expert
- Number of posts : 850
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Re: Mental/Emotional Links
I tend to go with what Aghrab said about a previous incarnation being the origin of that link. To apply it in more detail, in this life I think it is just an extension and manifestation of your/their psychic abilities that all humans, vampires, etc naturally have. Perhaps in previous lives your/their psychic senses and abilites may have been cultivated to a point where you could make links like this. Whatever action brought this link into fruition was most likely emotionally charged be it love, happiness, longing, etc...
No matter the case, and this is all theory, (very probable theory) What you have with those people is special. I suspect it can be strengthened even further from this point through various mental exercises with them but I really am not an expert on those things.
No matter the case, and this is all theory, (very probable theory) What you have with those people is special. I suspect it can be strengthened even further from this point through various mental exercises with them but I really am not an expert on those things.
Dreiyan- Beginner
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Re: Mental/Emotional Links
New information has determined that all the bonds I formed have been pretty broken or never truly existed. I do still dream every once in a while regarding one or two of my friends, but that is a rarity.
Daniel09- Expert
- Number of posts : 850
Age : 32
Location : Nowhere
Registration date : 2009-01-17
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