what are real vampires like?

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what are real vampires like? Empty what are real vampires like?

Post by Aster 03.04.13 17:49

are they humans that think they're vampires or are they like an actual different species? do they really drink blood? can they come out in sun? please answer with any info on vamps! also if anyone knows where to find them or how to summon them?? thanks! xoxo


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what are real vampires like? Empty Re: what are real vampires like?

Post by sauroneyesfang 03.04.13 19:42

we are as human as you are we not immortal but are not humans that "think we are vampires" Blood is most of our diet and we can survive on human food. yes we can come out in the sun but we get sun burnt real easily it does not take much. we are all around, but you really cant tell us apart from the humans. we are diverse in appearance. we are not all gothic or emo. A country boy like me could be a vampire (and I am a vampire) we can be religious, meaning we could be baptist, catholic, jewish,ect. and you cant summon us.

pm me please

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what are real vampires like? Empty Re: what are real vampires like?

Post by Daniel09 03.04.13 20:34

There are different kinds of Vampires. Generally, the term is applied to humans who have an energy system that functions differently than a normal one, requiring external energy "consumption" to function correctly. This 'can' be performed through blood, but that isn't as common as you might think. Most is more subtle than that, and even environmental energy can be harnessed.

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what are real vampires like? Empty Re: what are real vampires like?

Post by Aster 04.04.13 14:40

so do a lot of vampires tell other people there vampires or is it like some big secrete?


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what are real vampires like? Empty Re: what are real vampires like?

Post by Jonathan 04.04.13 15:41

Aster wrote:so do a lot of vampires tell other people there vampires or is it like some big secrete?
I would doubt most who state it so openly, especially online where so many people pretend to be something they are not. Wink

Real vampires have no need to show off what they are. Whoever tells you otherwise just wants people to see them for more than what they truly are.

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what are real vampires like? Empty Re: what are real vampires like?

Post by N.Augusta 04.04.13 16:29

Real vampires, walk the streets dressed up like Chucky Cheese. The big bad ones dress up like Garfield and eat Chucky Cheese for brunch. You can always find that at your local Chuck Cheese locations on Sunday's after church lets out. Very Happy

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what are real vampires like? Empty Re: what are real vampires like?

Post by Jonathan 05.04.13 6:14

Now now there comes N.Augusta to ruin the moment when I was trying to be serious and pass an important message. Damn you girl!


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what are real vampires like? Empty Re: what are real vampires like?

Post by N.Augusta 05.04.13 14:43

No matter how hard I try-- I can't always behave.... Bad N. bad!!!!! Smile

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what are real vampires like? Empty horribly mislead

Post by sauroneyesfang 05.04.13 18:53

N.Augusta wrote:Real vampires, walk the streets dressed up like Chucky Cheese. The big bad ones dress up like Garfield and eat Chucky Cheese for brunch. You can always find that at your local Chuck Cheese locations on Sunday's after church lets out. Very Happy

Most of us will keep our secret out of sight. unless we want to educate humans about our kind. but we will slip back into the shadows.

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what are real vampires like? Empty Re: what are real vampires like?

Post by Kalb 07.04.13 5:08

Hello sauroneyesfang.

I am aware that there are several lessons about the vampires in the world, many of the teachings have been published and shown to the world to a certain level so they could be tested and explored. In your group, what is the difference? What we can learn for sure? I can confirm some of your texts/experience? Do you have a website? I am interested in learning more from you and your group.

Please, next time do not send other user to send a PM to you. This is a open forum. No need hidden nothing, if you want to expose your knowledge makes it for all to see, so we can check and give our opinion.

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