Something to understand about real Vampires.

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Something to understand about real Vampires. Empty Something to understand about real Vampires.

Post by Tehom 23.11.23 4:56

To those who come into this forum looking for a big bad monster to turn or nurture them--

Vampires are too busy being Predators to desire catering to your whims even if it were for their amusement or feeding. When Vampires are described as "inhuman", "dark" and "cold" these are not play words for little children-- these are real considerations made by the herd of any kind of actual spiritual Predator and oftentimes the true experience a creature like this has at some point in their incarnation. How they experience, think, feel and approach the mundane reality is simply incomprehensible to most of you fitting into this category and I agree in that there's little reason, if any, to change seeing it that way. A Vampire being an advanced spiritual Predator does not care for your opinions of them, truly. They just do not. In a similar sense imaginatively you do not care about a moth from two weeks ago having landed on your hand right now while you're reading this text. Because it's inconsequential.

A Vampire walks this world in their most natural selves fearing absolutely nothing other than themselves. Wherever they choose is their hunting ground and they demonstrate a confidence echoing into the metaphysical world that can strike terror in not just those incarnated. They are incredibly dangerous beings detectably inhuman even from a distance and many Humans even in "aware" societies made aware to their nature lambast and curse at them, not praise them. They are rightfully feared.

With this note I hope it is made clear to you the harsh but honest reality: Unless you fit into an extremely elite category, this website is the closest you will ever reach to the reality of these words. And that is simply if you are fortunate.

To the rest of this forum, enjoy your evening...

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Something to understand about real Vampires. Empty Re: Something to understand about real Vampires.

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 23.11.23 10:58

Fearing absolutely nothing other than themselves is actually the very wisest consideration. In the end it is oneself, knowingly or utterly unknowing, that holds the final verdict over Self, cause for why weakness is the detriment of being, along such a dark road even perilous, that if one never gives in to such may triumph over every odds.

That's not simple, manifesting upon uncountable levels. Beyond what I may conceive and here express. Quite far.

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Something to understand about real Vampires. Empty Re: Something to understand about real Vampires.

Post by Lynskha 23.11.23 11:34

I'm fear the bills to pay at the beginning of the month. Razz

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Something to understand about real Vampires. Empty Re: Something to understand about real Vampires.

Post by Lynskha 23.11.23 12:48

I understand the notion of wanting to convey the idea of fearing nothing but oneself. It's a fanciful concept that somehow portrays a vampire as an extraordinary being, full of self-confidence, strength, and power. I confess I've been in that place when I was very young, in my adolescent enthusiasm for childish assumptions. The seductive allure of vampire imagery in movies and books, combined with ego, the sensation of potency and power.

Having a perspective within a certain "normality" for the vampiric being made me realize so much. We are small, whether human, vampire, fairy, witch, elf, etc. We are beings in constant learning and growth. Neither above at the top of an intellectual food chain or anything of the sort, nor below crawling. However, there is much to fear beyond oneself, various things that surround and permeate us. I believe it is an exercise in great humility to recognize these weaknesses and fears.

The idea of "fearing nothing but oneself" is alluring, but in reality, things are not quite so simple.

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Something to understand about real Vampires. Empty Re: Something to understand about real Vampires.

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 23.11.23 13:08

Lynskha wrote:I'm fear the bills to pay at the beginning of the month. Razz

Understandable. ha Away from the reality of that, however, I'll clarify my point above, as following...

My idea isn't that there's nothing out there to fear, as there are forces beyond our comprehension or reckoning - even of Vampires as even they themselves cannot be so sure of not falling to some monstrous reality in terrible metaphysical warfare or of ways beyond the comprehension of most, and by that I mean most occultists, and that includes myself, who has however the slight wit of understanding that things exist beyond my own level of understanding in such a way that they may be truly horrifying to even speak of - but that, in some way, ultimately, what we should fear the most, isn't any external force, but our own shortcomings on a path that calls for honor, selfless commitment, and overcoming of ego to stand as radiant examples of wisdom on an endarkened path of dangers and sometimes horrifying unforgiveness on that which approaches it dishonestly, that, with such magick may echo unspeakable wounds on those who seek to abuse it, misusing its grace and flame with dishonor. That's truly why one should fear themselves as if they don't live up to such standards, or seek to abuse, should be safer the further away they go. I believe (?) that in Asetian terminology such may be called the terrifying abomination of the soul. Someone correct me if I'm wrong on that point, as I don't wish to mislead, but that's something I've gathered from my studies or so understood.

Maybe my point is convoluted, however, and can be debated on some point of accuracy, as to its exact formulation but there is a kernel of meaning to it, however angled - whether one agrees with that perspective or not, or can add some further insight into it, which I am utterly confident that someone may on some level, as every truth, or perspective, may be disputed upon the face of such relative suppositions of an angled view and approach, by experience and nature of perspective on the matter.

This doesn't mean that there aren't other forces to fear, as there very much are, but that the very worst of ways to succumb to them is by the failure of Self, or the recklessness of Self, on this type of Path, the unawareness of dangers and the lack of appropriate responsibility to tackle it. As such, in my presupposition, we shouldn't too much focus on every possible thing to fear out there as it's fruitless, yielding to nothing but the restless nervousness, anxiety and dread of whatever we'll be able to face, but a cautious, open and responsible aware mind is to be had as we can't truly think ourselves to be invulnerable fortresses that no force in the universe cannot break and respect is paramount in an occultist's work, especially to these higher forces with which he endeavors to work, in such a way that, we cannot think that we can approach them disrespectfully, for instance, and have nothing to fear whatsoever - and even if we approach them respectfully, maybe we have still got to be strong, aware and valiant - but I know that's likely not what you meant at all in any way to contradict, speaking to Tehom, here, as I believe I get the gist of what you're saying in particular that has nothing to do with being boldly disrespectful or in any way reckless at all but my curiosity still in some way actually aims itself to an additional meaning or commentary by you on this point in particular, of how you'd contrast this notion with your personal point of view.

Perhaps I cannot speak for all but the type of message, depending on interpretation by whoever reads, may need the finetuning of a certain angle of view that preempts their misunderstanding, and that is my corrective reasoning for writing this additional reply, as a note on my words above.

Thank you for bringing up the opportunity of the subject, however, to offer a window of reflection and sharing of thoughts. I hope that, in case you will choose to respond to this in particular, that your response may be as enlightening (to whatever capacity my own response - although majorly to my own clarification, however - was... if it was). Smile

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Something to understand about real Vampires. Empty Re: Something to understand about real Vampires.

Post by Tehom 23.11.23 13:31

[quote="Lynskha"]I understand the notion of wanting to convey the idea of fearing nothing but oneself. It's a fanciful concept that somehow portrays a vampire as an extraordinary being, full of self-confidence, strength, and power. I confess I've been in that place when I was very young, in my adolescent enthusiasm for childish assumptions. The seductive allure of vampire imagery in movies and books, combined with ego, the sensation of potency and power.

Having a perspective within a certain "normality" for the vampiric being made me realize so much. We are small, whether human, vampire, fairy, witch, elf, etc. We are beings in constant learning and growth. Neither above at the top of an intellectual food chain or anything of the sort, nor below crawling. However, there is much to fear beyond oneself, various things that surround and permeate us. I believe it is an exercise in great humility to recognize these weaknesses and fears.

The idea of "fearing nothing but oneself" is alluring, but in reality, things are not quite so simple.[/quote]

Unfortunately I don't think you understand the spiritual philosophy behind fearing none other than one's self if the only relatability you can find in it is some youngster's adolescent egoic notion of conveying Power to others. :P A little unfortunate to read from you, Lynshka, especially being an Asetianist and surely by now comprehending what fear does to the mind. This is a natural experience for many and nothing forced at all as is found in mundane society which I'd have expected you of all to pick up on in that post. I too remember being young (and still am in Heart) like many other much older members here so I'll also add that I think you're a little too fast in your presumptions like a few others thinking they've figured out much more than they do, (forgivably), but what is being described is very clearly not some egoic anything but just pure reality of personal achievement and nature itself. Predatory elitism is not some fancy of the mind but a reality a true Predator can only ever ignore to their own detriment and debasement, ironically making them susceptible to manipulation from all kinds of forces and even mundane Human Beings.

Sadly all I can reply with after that is you seem to understand a sentimental idea but not the actual reality of what I'm talking about at all, though I'm willing to assist as patiently as I can.

It is an act of great humility to acknowledge one's fears and weaknesses but never should you confuse that for surrendering to them and permitting them to lead you in life. This is actually one of the greatest limitations of Self most who do any kind of predatory work find themselves stuck at, typically a sign of a limited mind, where people strive to "Be" this that and the third for years even without ever having done the basic work of finding out who they actually are, forever wondering why they've so many problems and nothing ever "flows." Chasing illusions... Like the so-called "Powerful Vampires" of the OVC who need exterior validation to subsist on, this perceptive illness is not exclusive to those who dress in fancy garb to appear as a manifestation of their own unvisited dark sides but also most of the modern world, being the differential between Mundane Society and the higher, more evolved practices.

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Something to understand about real Vampires. Empty Re: Something to understand about real Vampires.

Post by Lynskha 23.11.23 13:45

Well... done here.

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Something to understand about real Vampires. Empty Re: Something to understand about real Vampires.

Post by Tehom 23.11.23 13:51


You're asking for commentary on how I'd contrast the notion of being only in ego mind unbreakable to embodying the reality of what you are and demonstrating this as you were born to instead of running from it your entire life?

Why? what do you want me to comment it? I will say that it should actually be the goal of any Asetianist to discover and patiently learn what it means to become unbreakable, and conquer their own Egos, as I've learned in this inarguably lifelong tradition.

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Something to understand about real Vampires. Empty Re: Something to understand about real Vampires.

Post by Tehom 23.11.23 14:06


There's no need for that. Discussion is how we form new understandings. I'd be open and consider it a challenge rather than exit the thread on such a note.

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Something to understand about real Vampires. Empty Re: Something to understand about real Vampires.

Post by Lynskha 23.11.23 14:08

I mean, I have nothing to add. Just that.

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Something to understand about real Vampires. Empty Re: Something to understand about real Vampires.

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 23.11.23 14:47

Tehom wrote:MysticLightShinethForth,

You're asking for commentary on how I'd contrast the notion of being only in ego mind unbreakable to embodying the reality of what you are and demonstrating this as you were born to instead of running from it your entire life?

Why? what do you want me to comment it? I will say that it should actually be the goal of any Asetianist to discover and patiently learn what it means to become unbreakable, and conquer their own Egos, as I've learned in this inarguably lifelong tradition.

Not how I perceived my question. It was unclear, maybe even to myself, lost in convoluted text. Shall return later.

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Something to understand about real Vampires. Empty Re: Something to understand about real Vampires.

Post by AlifBalaamYashin 24.11.23 8:38

Tehom wrote:To those who come into this forum looking for a big bad monster to turn or nurture them--

Vampires are too busy being Predators to desire catering to your whims even if it were for their amusement or feeding. When Vampires are described as "inhuman", "dark" and "cold" these are not play words for little children-- these are real considerations made by the herd of any kind of actual spiritual Predator and oftentimes the true experience a creature like this has at some point in their incarnation. How they experience, think, feel and approach the mundane reality is simply incomprehensible to most of you fitting into this category and I agree in that there's little reason, if any, to change seeing it that way. A Vampire being an advanced spiritual Predator does not care for your opinions of them, truly. They just do not. In a similar sense imaginatively you do not care about a moth from two weeks ago having landed on your hand right now while you're reading this text. Because it's inconsequential.

A Vampire walks this world in their most natural selves fearing absolutely nothing other than themselves. Wherever they choose is their hunting ground and they demonstrate a confidence echoing into the metaphysical world that can strike terror in not just those incarnated. They are incredibly dangerous beings detectably inhuman even from a distance and many Humans even in "aware" societies made aware to their nature lambast and curse at them, not praise them. They are rightfully feared.

With this note I hope it is made clear to you the harsh but honest reality: Unless you fit into an extremely elite category, this website is the closest you will ever reach to the reality of these words. And that is simply if you are fortunate.

To the rest of this forum, enjoy your evening...
I can't comment on the vampire end of this since I do not believe in vampires, but usually when it is said that one only needs to fear oneself it corelates with the Jungian concept of the Shadow Self, an unindividuated person who is at the mercy of their Ego and Animus/Anima where their lesser self makes decisions (usually very bad ones) for their life.

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Something to understand about real Vampires. Empty Re: Something to understand about real Vampires.

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 24.11.23 13:09

MysticLightShinethForth wrote:
Tehom wrote:MysticLightShinethForth,

You're asking for commentary on how I'd contrast the notion of being only in ego mind unbreakable to embodying the reality of what you are and demonstrating this as you were born to instead of running from it your entire life?

Why? what do you want me to comment it? I will say that it should actually be the goal of any Asetianist to discover and patiently learn what it means to become unbreakable, and conquer their own Egos, as I've learned in this inarguably lifelong tradition.

Not how I perceived my question. It was unclear, maybe even to myself, lost in convoluted text. Shall return later.

My question was how you contrast the state of being fearless of anything other than of Self with the notion of understanding higher forces perhaps wisely to be feared, or if not, revered.

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Something to understand about real Vampires. Empty Re: Something to understand about real Vampires.

Post by Tehom 24.11.23 13:46


Reverence, and respect. They do not expect you fear them, they treat you accordingly to how you actually are. Naturally or no. Arrogance will not survive.

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Something to understand about real Vampires. Empty Re: Something to understand about real Vampires.

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 02.12.23 12:12

The state - or shall we call it the condition - of fearlessness reminds me of the Aghoris. A state is fluctuating, bound to change. A condition is more stable.

Literally fearless beings, that if their body shall fall apart, they don't fear; in their inner consciousness they chant, "Shivoham, Shivoham", being no mere repetition of mantra but the realization. "I am Shiva, Shiva is me - eternal consciousness am I, lord of the earth and the skies."

I yet harbor fear within me, but I seek to utilize it as a tool to drive me forward.

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Something to understand about real Vampires. Empty Re: Something to understand about real Vampires.

Post by Tehom 28.08.24 14:47

Another thing to revive this thread actually is the priorities of these Creatures of the Night vs those of the roleplayers; despite it being said worth countless times now by the experienced and well-practiced, and those authentically seeking to be, a Vampire is especially conscious (by consequence) of how their social environment and category impacts their system and day-to-day life. Associating with those of lowered energy systems without any care or conscious links made to filter or stabilize one's sense of self, or having their vibration forcibly lowered by some other circumstance will very quickly remind anyone used to the earnest integrity formed in usually refined senses, of the lower states of consciousness the masses know as their daily life. Imprisoned within the normalities and customs fit only from a perspective higher and in certain direction to make one servile, and ruled, but to them (the masses) - everything. All there is.

Which is as weak and wobbly a foundation as anyone intelligent would expect it to be...

To be frank - you cannot live as prey, being any kind of Predator or you will inevitably become what You associate with. It is honestly a worse and unacceptable fate to be so capable, and to be rendered so low, than to just to be preyed upon. It quite genuinely is a kind of mass-farm, or rat-maze. Big difference in one who maintains themselves, acting weak, and one who has become weak, but fronts as strong - something anyone will experience on the path to understanding themselves. The Art of War is quite the excellent guide when read from the right perspectives...

That stratum, though - societal. Won't do. Obviously.

...Anyways there should always be the distinction between what such Beings actually deal with so they are able to access the kind of Spiritual resources, they require. We are always learning new things... all of us.

Of course and as always this will seem to some pompous elitism or arrogance and to others just the vivid description of simple life.

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