is it worth being a vampire??

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is it worth being a vampire?? Empty is it worth being a vampire??

Post by Aster 05.04.13 20:33

i've always been intrigued about becoming a vampire and i know there similar to humans but how much does your life really change (not that i would mind change, my lifes kida boring lately) and is it worth it or a regret. how is someone turned? how were you turned? is it even your choice?? any additional info is appreciated tongue


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is it worth being a vampire?? Empty Re: is it worth being a vampire??

Post by N.Augusta 05.04.13 20:57

Oh no, it is never-ever-ever worth it! To become a vampire, one has to be bitten by the undead. Unfortunately, they stink of an undeniable repulsively foul odor which most people simply cannot endure. The undead can only come out after the sun sets-- forget about how wrongly in error Hollywood depicts vampires now who can endure the sunlight with charms, that is just what they want you to believe. The undead are walking among us in the night time hours. Typically, they like working in all night delis, bars, 7 eleven's and the like, especially since most come from the far east. If the undead want you, they will get you. But, what Hollywood also fails to depict in their falsely romanticized version of the modern vampire is that due to lack of oxygen in the brain cells, and having dead cells all over, they are really very stupid. In fact, they are more like zombies in the "Walking Dead" show... I hope none of us are ever caught by one, but I always keep my Fruit Loop cereal charms with me and keep jolly ranchers in my pocket as rumor has it that sweet things don't really suit their fancy as they no longer crave sweets.. So far, it seems to be working.

You have asked the wrong questions at the wrong place. Please, do some research and review the threads. I advise you to read: and after that, read everything on that site as that will explain a lot.

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is it worth being a vampire?? Empty Re: is it worth being a vampire??

Post by Aster 05.04.13 21:12

i guess the link at the end answered a lot of questions thanks!! still think being a vampire would be intriguing


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is it worth being a vampire?? Empty Re: is it worth being a vampire??

Post by sauroneyesfang 06.04.13 21:19

I'm sorry i must disagree with some of your descriptions N.agusta, some are far from the truth! for one we are not stinky rotting undead that resemble zombies, ancient vampires looked more like Gargoyals, the modern vampire is human to a certain extent. and yes we still struggle with the sunlight but we are adapting to it we still get nasty burns when we are out and about during the day and if we are even on a hot day we have long sleeves and long pants on with a hoodie. and your right on when you said "they like to work at night in the bars,clubs, and gas stations" not exact words but you get my point.
i have been studdying vampire for 4 years just for fun that is how i found out that i am one my self.

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is it worth being a vampire?? Empty Re: is it worth being a vampire??

Post by Kalb 07.04.13 4:42

Em Hotep,

Aster: Envy is one of the seven deadly sins, is the desire for attributes, possessions, status or wanting the abilities of others. In other words, envy exists and is present in all spheres of human relationships, manifesting itself in all aspects of our daily lives. Among friends, colleagues or even family, are frequently envies motivated by unfavorable comparisons of the status of one person over another. the lack of self-esteem or lack of initiative to achieve what others get, envy can, however, be positive... when we make someone successful as reference to achieve what he has achieved , toward success. In this case, you need a self-esteem that you become confident in your abilities. In other hand if you use envious to be a fragile person, you surrender to your own insignificance which is really bad.

By this I mean, we're all different people, we should respect what the others are and show our own attitude and respect towards others in the world. We all have a meaning in life. We have our position in life, and what is ours, must be Respected, Loved and Celebrated. If your life is boring, change it. Makes it worthwhile.

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is it worth being a vampire?? Empty Re: is it worth being a vampire??

Post by Jonathan 07.04.13 6:01

sauroneyesfang I think you missed the point in N.Augusta's post. She was being ironic, obviously she knows that becoming a vampire has nothing to do with being bitten by the undead and rotting corpses.

By the way, did you know that not every vampire gets burnt in the sun? Well at least no more than everyone else, depending on skin coloration and other biological factors. Yes some vampires are more susceptible to sunlight than others but most effects are at an energy level, not as physical as you might imagine. There are cases of vampire burns but nothing as extreme and relevant as popular culture makes us believe.

If the first vampires (known by us as the Asetians) were from Ancient Egypt, you can easily see they were not that afraid of the sun as I doubt that most Asetians in the ancient times would hide in the temples and their palaces. Yes they were spiritual teachers but they were also warriors and conquerers. They must have endured the cracking sun as well.

You will better understand the "sun and vampire" relationship if you study the legend of the fight between Aset and Ra, the sun god. It will not explain everything but at least will give a documented historical connection in ancient mythology. This detail is also explained in the Asetian Bible book for those interested in such connections.

Aster, if it's worth being a vampire, there is no real answer to that. Vampires are not created or transformed considering what is worth and what isn't. It's a spiritual thing and most currently incarnated vampires have been one for centuries. They are a family. You never ask if it's worth to be born of a certain ethnicity or to protect someone you love right? Being a vampire, or better said, being an Asetian, is exactly the same thing.

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is it worth being a vampire?? Empty Re: is it worth being a vampire??

Post by sauroneyesfang 07.04.13 7:29

Thanks for the Info Jonathan ill defiantly look that up. my reason for saying that we still get nasty burns in the sun light, is from my own experience, but now that i have done some research on full moons and my cravings it turn out that i burn worse when im hungry or thirsty, and yes soms vampires do get some of there energy from the sun. i how ever get my energy from others, i cant really put my finger on what its called, psy/psi?? am i even close, i have only been doing in depth research on my kind for only 4-6 months before that in my high school years i just read up on vampire legends or myths if you will. but the Aset and Ra story i never heard of.

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is it worth being a vampire?? Empty Re: is it worth being a vampire??

Post by Jonathan 07.04.13 9:01

It's an Ancient Egypt myth where Aset used her magick to poison Ra in order to learn his secret name and then used it to control his powers. There is much more to the story but the simple version goes like that. Since then the relationship between Aset and the sun (Ra) was... complicated.
This story is found in many Egyptology books and not just in the Asetian Bible, what appears for the first time in the Asetian Bible is making the connection to vampirism and pointing out that interesting missing link on where the lore of vampires and sun might have been born.

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is it worth being a vampire?? Empty Re: is it worth being a vampire??

Post by Aster 07.04.13 9:20

thanks for all the info everyone! all of this is so fascinating and i love seeing everyones different opinions on everything. im going to look into more of this stuff


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is it worth being a vampire?? Empty Re: is it worth being a vampire??

Post by N.Augusta 07.04.13 10:39

Ooppsss, Busted! Razz Yeap yeap, Jonathan is correct! Smile))))

Now, I would like to hear more about the ancient vampires that look like gargoyles. That reminds me a bit of the story of Anne Rices vampires.

Where did you come to this conclusion? Or what path is that belief from? Me is curious. Smile

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