Discussion about Keepers.

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Discussion about Keepers. Empty Discussion about Keepers.

Post by Kalb 20.04.13 14:44

Em Hotep, Friends.

I've been meditating on the Keepers and their mysteries, of course we will never find out what mysteries are, but using human psychology and picking up a few examples here and there, I think we can come to some conclusion. Personally, I see Keepers so sentimental as Guardians. The concept of love may be different, but I believe they fighting for the same goal, for both, without the love around, without the Violet Flame and the flame of family around, life would not be the same thing. It's true too that Keepers can be unable to feel real compassion, cruelty and understand others that do not belong to the Circle. The main focus of Keepers is to Protect Asetians, It seems that Keepers only feel complete when are connected with the Asetians, when they know who they was in past and what they are right now. Each of us has a purpose, the Keepers born with certain responsabilities and obligations different from the majority of mankind and that make all the difference in all story. Moreover, it is a matter of Trust, that trust is unbreakable since the ancient time. Anyway, it was mentioned in other threads and I made a point to put it at the end of my text to join only a single place what was been said about the Keepers. Was referred the saga Star Wars and their symbolism by Victor, and we saw that the dark side only join in the territory after killed the Jedi's... the same symbolism to the ancient samurai and for chess games where pedestrians or other pieces protect the King. Keeping this in mind, we know that in the Djehuty of the Crocodile was the darkest time to the Asetian history, was a time of weakness and fragileness where the Red Order of Seth took advantage to cultivate ignorance in the world. Asetian Bible referred that the true Keeper is the one that recognize their importance in the Asetian path world, with that, is also important to mention that the history of monotheism is full of countless acts of abuse of power, the hunting for witches, the Inquisition, the slavery, the colonialism, and other actions that damaged the spiritual evolution. We also know that for various reasons, the Aset Ka left Egypt and began to live in Europe and with this new world implemented with ordinary beliefs, it is possible that the Keepers have been lost in its goal of protecting Asetians? Failing to remember their focus?

I would like to know your opinions. Below is what has been said about the Keepers in others threads.

Jonathan wrote:It is true that both Guardians and Keepers are known for being very dangerous and both could turn into fearless assassins. However, Guardians are more defined beings, like for example in their dedication to Love. Keepers are more diverse and can have different characteristics. Keepers are also probably the most mysterious type of otherkin we've known, since we know so little about them that makes them very interesting, dark and interesting. But I don't think they are similar to Guardians, although I have heard they are very close friends, which makes sense. The obsession with loyalty from the Guardians is a great match to the immortal dedication of the Keepers. Very compatible friends, certainly able of forging amazing bonds.

Aghrab wrote:Keepers and Guardians are by far one of the most loyal figures within the structure of the Order of Aset Ka. They both feel a strong sense of loyalty and protection towards the Asetians, and certain individuals within the Aset Ka. Could their loyalty and deep feelings for certain Asetians, lead them towards performing the Deadly Poison, once the physical life of their protected Asetian comes to an end?

This is actually not easy to answer, since Keepers, as loyal and passionate towards the Asetians as they are... still feel responsibility to protect the Asetians, so ending their lives for the loyalty of one Asetian, is to give up on what they deeply feel towards the rest of the Aset Ka – the sense of responsibility to live and keep the Aset Ka safe.

Victor wrote:Many people speculate about Tutankhamon being a key element in the secret plans from the Aset Ka to destroy Akhenaten during the Eighteen Dynasty of the Ancient Egyptian Empire. Is a well known fact that Akhenaten (born Amenhotep IV) was a Sethian, who brought the spiritual elements of the ROS into mainstream religion, being the responsible for the first monotheistic cult in the history of mankind. The small steps that later gave birth to religions like Christianity, Judaism and Islam, the modern day power of the Red Order of Seth. The Sethian legacy lingers until today, from the secretive plan that was pushed forward by Akhenaten. All of this was turned around through a silent plan from the Asetians, who by the hands of Tutankhamon sent Akhenaten's reign to dust and brought the old tradition back to the people of Egypt. This clearly points that Tutankhamon was an Asetian. Personally, I doubt he was a Keeper, given that he raised as a Pharaoh, which points to a Viperine or Guardian in power. However, the fact that he died so young, and was apparently so physically fragile, points to being a Viperine. But since you mentioned Keepers, it is important to keep in mind that the Keepers certainly played a great role in this counter-strike of the Asetians and their retake of power. It is obvious that such a mischievous plan was not accomplished by Tut alone, but had support of a large and complex net of spies, warriors and assassins. For certain that Tut had a close group of loyal Keepers under his command, that allowed him to change a nation so swiftly back into truth and giving a hard strike on the Sethian power, like their capital in Amarna that was literally destroyed by the power of the Asetians, their army and their allies.

Victor wrote:Keepers used to be not just friends and protectors of the Asetians, but also like a special force of the Aset Ka, entrusted with the most bizzarre missions, that could be enlightening or simply unethical as an assassination. However they were mostly used in missions to protect specific Asetians, especially important Elders.

I can see many parallels between the Keepers of the Aset Ka and the Jedi of StarWars.
What do you think?

Maktub wrote:Although I personally dislike this kind of comparisons, between something as serious, complex and historical with something from fiction, I can understand what you mean with the parallel you drew. Unlike what Jonathan said, I have already been approached with this idea, since it has been made in other occasions and under the same light of the Keepers.

Keepers are beings of a developed sense of spirituality and highly meditative natures. Many of them were powerful sorcerers, and also great in the secret abilities of dueling, fighting and war. The elite of the Keepers were fearless beings and quite deadly, therefore also your parallel with Jedis. They were entrusted with the protection and safeguard of many Asetians. Being ultimately loyal to the Asetian family and committed to their missions.
Also, Keepers in the old days used to be organized into the Council of Anubis. A secretive sect inside the Aset Ka structure that was responsible for the organization of the Keepers lineage and society, their formation and guidance, as long as to properly answer to the demands of the Asetian Empire when it came to the services of the Children of Anubis.

But we cannot forget a hugely important factor. We cannot forget that there was, and still is, a sect in the Aset Ka known as the Imperial Guard. Those were the real elite forces from the Order, and their secret services.
Although I can see countless missions, and even assassinations, being easily accomplished by the Keepers, we must never forget that the Imperial Guard was the most feared and devastating metaphysical force, as well as physical army, to ever put their feet on this Earth.

Still, Keepers are highly honorable beings, ultimately loyal to the Asetians and very feared among many sects of the underground. They are effective and wise. And their ethereal ways may remind us those of the Jedis.

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Discussion about Keepers. Empty Re: Discussion about Keepers.

Post by Jonathan 20.04.13 17:22

I find the Keepers so fascinating. They are so mysterious and secretive, probably even more than the Asetians. It seems to me obvious that the Keepers must be very diverse so we can't really describe how they are and what drives them, the only detail we can be sure about is that they love the Children of Aset and would protect them in every way they could. This doesn't mean that all Keepers are warriors. Although many awakened Keepers currently part of the inner circle of the Aset Ka may be dangerous and trained to protect them, there must be other Keepers that are living a normal life like anyone else, but that if the need arise, they would still help the Asetians with what tools they have. Also don't forget the unawakened Keepers, that just like the lost Asetians they don't fully understand who they are or what they are capable of.

I like the details shared by Victor about the pharaoh Tutankhamon and the cunning plans of the Aset Ka to retake the throne of Egypt by "force". Of course we no longer know what's real history and what is myth but it's still a very interesting account of those ancient struggles that defined what the Aset Ka is today.

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Discussion about Keepers. Empty Re: Discussion about Keepers.

Post by Kalb 20.04.13 22:36

Sure, I agree with everything you said Jonathan. Actually, I would like to know more your opinions on the subject, this is why I reopened this subject here.

About what Victor said... Well, there is a theory that is interesting, for example, many Egyptologists defend that the tomb of Tutankhamen was not ready for his death, and was eventually buried in a different location. Some say that Pharaoh Tutankhamen tomb took the chief advisor Ay who became pharaoh after the death of Tutankhamen and husband of his granddaughter Ankhesenamun, reinforcing the power of the new Pharaoh. In other words, Tutankhamen was not buried with the care that would be expect for a king. The final resting place of Tutankhamen was a tomb built for a common person and tidy fast ... another interesting detail is that the tomb of Tutankhamen had no hieroglyphs. However, before this happens, there really was a tragic change in the history of Egypt, there was a revolution time and it is here that Tutankhamen came to the throne becoming Pharaoh where he married with his sister Ankhesenamun. Following the thoughts of Victor, I could say that Ay could be a Keeper, looking at their path of work, Ay helped and was the one responsible for the recovery of old beliefs in Egypt, the Polytheism.

But this is nothing new to you, I can say that Ay may be a candidate to be Keeper?

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Discussion about Keepers. Empty Re: Discussion about Keepers.

Post by N.Augusta 21.04.13 3:54

Wasn't it said that the Imperial Guard no longer exists, yet the above comment by Maktub said otherwise?.

See, that is the thing, unless something is said directly from the AK, then we must keep in mind, always, that all else is hypothetical. (<-- That is a cautionary word for new people.)

Keepers are an interesting group, yet we know so little about them. But, who knows, maybe in time, more will be shared about them. Smile

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Discussion about Keepers. Empty Re: Discussion about Keepers.

Post by Jonathan 21.04.13 5:52

Actually I was under the impression that the Imperial Guard was officially still in existence, but I may be wrong. I think that was even hinted on the Asetian Bible no?
If they still exist I would guess they must operate in a very different way than back in Egypt, at least I don't believe the Aset Ka still maintains a living incarnated physical army as they used to. These are just different times. They could now be a smaller elite force for whatever secret missions that do no concern us, or maybe even a subtler force operating primarily on the astral and metaphysical planes, that would make more sense for this age as most dangers from the Sethians in modern times are likely magickal, metaphysical and psychological than something physical.

Also I have trust in the research done by Maktub and Victor, although I know that it's just that, the result from study and research and not actual statements from the Aset Ka so can't be considered official.

I'm also aware that some discussions in here are highly hypothetical, like what Kalb is doing with this thread, but I see nothing wrong about that as long as we well know that we're dealing with theories and not confirmed truths by the AK. Nothing wrong with exchanging some ideas and debating some possible realities over a subject we find fascinating, after all that's something we all do inside our heads anyways. Smile

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Discussion about Keepers. Empty Re: Discussion about Keepers.

Post by Kalb 21.04.13 7:31

Jonathan wrote:They could now be a smaller elite force for whatever secret missions that do no concern us, or maybe even a subtler force operating primarily on the astral and metaphysical planes, that would make more sense for this age as most dangers from the Sethians in modern times are likely magickal, metaphysical and psychological than something physical.

Make all sense.

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Discussion about Keepers. Empty Re: Discussion about Keepers.

Post by N.Augusta 21.04.13 8:12

Nothing wrong at all with the hypothetical-- we have some fascinating minds here and are a smart bunch. The hypothetical thoughts are fun to share and give us new avenues of thought to consider, explore and debate. Smile)) No matter how off the wall they sound, the more open we are to sharing them, then the more lively our discussions become. And, truly, we have to think outside the box when it comes to this stuff as we travel in the waters of the "unknown" Smile

But anyway, my cautionary word was, as stated, for new people, which, we seem to have quite a few of those recently. Wink Wasn't questioning anyone!


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Discussion about Keepers. Empty Re: Discussion about Keepers.

Post by Victor 23.04.13 6:45

Maktub wrote:Keepers are beings of a developed sense of spirituality and highly meditative natures. Many of them were powerful sorcerers, and also great in the secret abilities of dueling, fighting and war. The elite of the Keepers were fearless beings and quite deadly, therefore also your parallel with Jedis. They were entrusted with the protection and safeguard of many Asetians. Being ultimately loyal to the Asetian family and committed to their missions.
Also, Keepers in the old days used to be organized into the Council of Anubis. A secretive sect inside the Aset Ka structure that was responsible for the organization of the Keepers lineage and society, their formation and guidance, as long as to properly answer to the demands of the Asetian Empire when it came to the services of the Children of Anubis.
I have reasons to believe that the Council of Anubis is still active today, as part of the Aset Ka, although in much lesser numbers. Its members, the Children of Anubis also known as Keepers, are cherished friends of the Asetians and part of the Family.

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Discussion about Keepers. Empty Re: Discussion about Keepers.

Post by Daniel09 23.04.13 12:22

Victor wrote:
I have reasons to believe that the Council of Anubis is still active today, as part of the Aset Ka, although in much lesser numbers. Its members, the Children of Anubis also known as Keepers, are cherished friends of the Asetians and part of the Family.

I believe you would be correct here. I do not have much to add, but it makes complete sense for the Council to still exist and regulate what information is recorded and released regarding all aspects of the Aset Ka, especially of themselves.

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Discussion about Keepers. Empty Re: Discussion about Keepers.

Post by Leelahel 11.11.15 20:00

I would like to reflect on your reflections. By pulling cards I will allow things to come through, and hopefully add to the discussion.

I’ve got much to go through, many pull quotes to write about, so will be posting thoughts in chunks.

"Personally, I see Keepers so sentimental as Guardians. The concept of love may be different, but I believe they fighting for the same goal, for both, without the love around, without the Violet Flame and the flame of family around, life would not be the same thing."

For Keepers,
Page of Cups - Ten of Cups - Eight of Swords Seven of Coins
Emotions run deep. They are limited by the demand of their calling, for which they proudly structure themselves. I don’t see any doubt, just sheer devotion. Yes, high love. Devotion just about sums it up for me.

For Guardians,
Nine of Wands — Three of Swords — Temperance — Nine of Cups
Even with their burdens and what they carry out, they are able to balance their emotions and nurture them. Their emotions flow freely, in harmony and in assurance that the purpose they fulfill is that which gives them a purpose. They seem much more satisfied with their hard work in the end, even if the start of the tableau formed here with the cards shows a difficult start.

In reaction to the pull quote from Kalb,
The drive is very different but the devotion seems quite overwhelmingly similar here. something that impresses me in what I find among the cards is a strong sense of belonging and purpose. Loyalty comes up above all as fuel for that love. I see a common bond here between loyalty and love. Duty and purpose.

No matter how hard the task may have been for these two groups, their resolve and their devotion shows unshakeable. Something like this must stand the test of time, even if as mentioned before, in smaller numbers. The smaller numbers mean no less strength when the strength of those that remains is unshakeable. Quality over quantity.

Credit to commentary from Kalb, Jonathan, Aghrab, Victor and Maktub.

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Discussion about Keepers. Empty Re: Discussion about Keepers.

Post by Leelahel 11.11.15 20:17

"The main focus of Keepers is to Protect Asetians, It seems that Keepers only feel complete when are connected with the Asetians, when they know who they was in past and what they are right now. Each of us has a purpose, the Keepers born with certain responsabilities and obligations different from the majority of mankind and that make all the difference in all story."

This statement confirms my findings from the previous card pull, which is most encouraging to continue.

Hierophant - Death - Empress - Two of Cups

"Even the process of change from one age to another brings much fruit.” Stream of consciousness line coming through intuitively.

The sense of devotion stems from something higher than themselves. They resonate with that sense, which I intuit represents the Asetians with the Hierophant + Death combination. Rather, those first three cards in combination speak of the closeness and the divine charge to their position.

It brings them closer to themselves and their higher selves, through which they do much of their work in spirit. It is a task that surpasses death and physical form, but continues through the ages in their aural incarnations in their astral forms. I feel space.

Looking more into it, I am seeing acceptance stemming from their devotion. Whatever comes, so it is. They have a strong understanding of life, death and what comes after. (Vague phrase.) They understand the natural order, the metaphysical concepts that stretch through time and space all the way down to the concept of connection. Their connection to something bigger is natural.

Spirit, consciousness, purpose, love, devotion. All key words in protection of Asetians and acceptance of their role in the bigger picture.

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Discussion about Keepers. Empty Re: Discussion about Keepers.

Post by Jonathan 12.11.15 4:02

This is a very interesting analysis Leelahel. There's merit to your words and conclusions. Thank you for sharing it and please do continue.

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Discussion about Keepers. Empty Re: Discussion about Keepers.

Post by Kalb 12.11.15 15:11

Em Hotep, Leelahel.

Interesting. I like to analyze sometimes things through Tarot. I will meditate on what you said and when I form an opinion, I answer you. Ok?

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Discussion about Keepers. Empty Re: Discussion about Keepers.

Post by Kalb 12.12.15 16:15

Leelahel: During this time, I meditated. I believe that the best option to Keepers would be: The Hermit + Six of Cups + High Priestess. Starting with the Hermit, the card is virtually on a look at our inner, the discovery of our inner reality, the achievement of internal and severe mysteries of past lives. A Keeper despite having a Anubian soul, it is only recognized by Asetians when he wakes up, discovering their true mission. The letter itself reveals interesting details, looking at the deck Thoth Tarot we see a very debatable symbolism, taking it to a symbolic and Asetian interpretation I could say that the red tunic can perfectly represent the enemy everywhere, the Sethians known for being the founders of the Red Order Of Seth. The egg is covered by the serpent makes a connection with the origin of everything - Horus. Numerically, the letter represents the number 9, which usually shows the victory of Sethians on Asetians. the other two cards, develops after The Hermit. My apologies about the delay, I was interested in your observation and wanted to do my own.

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Discussion about Keepers. Empty Re: Discussion about Keepers.

Post by Leelahel 12.12.15 16:21

Hi Kalb, I am going to write down your post in my journal. I agree with all of your choices because of how well thought out they are.

I also would like to clarify that I did not pick the cards knowingly from the deck. What I did in my introspections is what I shuffled the deck while I was reading and I pulled some cards off the top to help me look into the situation. As if I was doing a reading on the matter.

With the cards I picked, and my own intuition, I did a sort of reading based off the excerpts of the posts. I just wanted to clarify they were not cards I personally chose knowing the identity. I often do this with excerpts from the Asetian Bible also, it helps me visualize and work with it.

I used Vertigo Tarot in my introspection.

Thank you again for taking the time to go through your cards and meditate. I did find that I can use them as signifiers for the journey. So I will go look for my Thoth Tarot.

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Discussion about Keepers. Empty Re: Discussion about Keepers.

Post by Maxx 26.03.16 20:29

I have found Ay fascinating in this topic as well as his connection to other sections.

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