How do we expand grow and unify the combined vampire community?

Divine 277
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How do we expand grow and unify the combined vampire community? Empty How do we expand grow and unify the combined vampire community?

Post by Orc2king 23.04.13 16:22

Any ideas?


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How do we expand grow and unify the combined vampire community? Empty Re: How do we expand grow and unify the combined vampire community?

Post by Divine 277 23.04.13 23:18

What is your intension by doing so ?
Divine 277
Divine 277

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How do we expand grow and unify the combined vampire community? Empty Re: How do we expand grow and unify the combined vampire community?

Post by Lightseeker 24.04.13 5:43

I don't think such a unification is possible. The so-called vampire community is way to diverse and based upon a myriad of different philosophical, metaphysical and spiritual concepts which can and will not be able to be easily merged into one.

Even if some spiritual consensus could be reached (and this I very much doubt because there is not even clarity about how a "vampire" should be defined), the separate organisations would resist any unification attempt because most of them would have to give up their individual structure and concepts. Morevover, one big unified organisation would be much more vulnerable to attacks from outsiders (which have already been responsible for the downfall of more than one "vampire society" or "community" in the last two decades).

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How do we expand grow and unify the combined vampire community? Empty Re: How do we expand grow and unify the combined vampire community?

Post by Divine 277 24.04.13 5:48


I think it is possible to unite them in a kinda cooperation kinda way, however there needs to be a common goal and purpose ...

With out that there will not be any use anyway ...
Divine 277
Divine 277

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How do we expand grow and unify the combined vampire community? Empty Re: How do we expand grow and unify the combined vampire community?

Post by Lightseeker 24.04.13 5:54

@Divine 277: While I agree with what you say about the common goal and purpose, I still sincerely doubt even a cooperation would be possible.

Just for comparisson, look at the situation amongst the Christian churches: Allthough they - at least in theory - share a common goal, they still don't really cooperate on a deeper level and choose instead to maintain their own individuality, sometimes even branding the others as "wrong" or "heretic".

I see the same phenomenon in the vampire community. Just look at the animosity for example which exists between the ToV and some other "established" Vampire Orders.

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How do we expand grow and unify the combined vampire community? Empty Re: How do we expand grow and unify the combined vampire community?

Post by Divine 277 24.04.13 5:59

Well.. if I hypothetical said that I had 30 million dollars to my disposal and wanted to hire the vampire community to do what ever they like doing ... then I think it would be very possible ...

One can still have once own individuality, one just have to find a common thing to fight for ... cause one thing is for sure, there are some really strong willed characters around this community, from every corner of the world, with different knowledge and experiences... united, they could actually make a change.
Divine 277
Divine 277

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How do we expand grow and unify the combined vampire community? Empty Re: How do we expand grow and unify the combined vampire community?

Post by Orc2king 24.04.13 12:31

I'm sorry did I just hear people say no reason? No reason to unify our people?
Ok so I guess this requires an example.
If you see another vampire being attacked on the street and instinctively you know (I think that's a collective ability that most of us have to detect if there is another vampire around us) Do you let them get hurt? Do yet let whether they be sang or psi get beaten to a pulp? Or do you step in? To you choose to care for your brothers and your sisters? I do. I hope you do too.


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How do we expand grow and unify the combined vampire community? Empty Re: How do we expand grow and unify the combined vampire community?

Post by Divine 277 24.04.13 14:22

Who are you asking ?
Divine 277
Divine 277

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How do we expand grow and unify the combined vampire community? Empty Re: How do we expand grow and unify the combined vampire community?

Post by Orc2king 24.04.13 15:09

Everyone, every vampire who sees this.


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How do we expand grow and unify the combined vampire community? Empty Re: How do we expand grow and unify the combined vampire community?

Post by N.Augusta 25.04.13 19:33

Orc, why would saving a "vampire" be any more important than saving anyone else? Your question, while asked out of frustration, was rather silly.

You will find that we here do not give a damn about the psi/sang bull crap that goes on. It is all quite silly and childish. Our views on vampirism are not exactly favored by them..... We are quite okay with that! Very Happy

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How do we expand grow and unify the combined vampire community? Empty Re: How do we expand grow and unify the combined vampire community?

Post by Orc2king 26.04.13 7:31

Look Augusta, I'm talking about psi vs sang I'm talking about humans vs vampires. Now I don't know about you but when I "came out of the coffin" if you want to use that demeaning term for it I later, because of all the crap that literally everyone around me even the person I considered to be my best friend, the man who was the closest thing I had to a brother struck me in the face. I had to claim to have a mental disorder for them to leave me alone and I know there are more cases worse if not the same as mine out there and THAT is why we need to unify the vampire community. Fight for each other because the humans will not fight for us.


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How do we expand grow and unify the combined vampire community? Empty Re: How do we expand grow and unify the combined vampire community?

Post by Orc2king 26.04.13 7:32

Sorry I meant to say "NOT talking about psi vs sang"


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How do we expand grow and unify the combined vampire community? Empty Re: How do we expand grow and unify the combined vampire community?

Post by GrandOrder 26.04.13 11:46

You should not have shown your true colors to anyone, With the world we live in doing that is doing more harm to yourself than any good

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How do we expand grow and unify the combined vampire community? Empty Re: How do we expand grow and unify the combined vampire community?

Post by Orc2king 26.04.13 13:43

@grand order
Yeah I got that, trust me I got that


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How do we expand grow and unify the combined vampire community? Empty Re: How do we expand grow and unify the combined vampire community?

Post by Divine 277 27.04.13 2:10

Why are we talking humans vs vampires ? or even vampires vs vampires ?

Just to ask a silly question,,, how would you do this fight ?

N.augusta : Agree, there is no difference .

People should really stop arguing about silly little things and focus on more important things .
Divine 277
Divine 277

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How do we expand grow and unify the combined vampire community? Empty Re: How do we expand grow and unify the combined vampire community?

Post by Orc2king 27.04.13 8:23

I take it you've never experienced discrimination or public beatings before. In this world human society has no place for us that's why I said we need to unify the vampire community by astablishing a singular system to work from for dealing with matters that could get a vampire arrested or found out by someone essentially the original idea I had was a shadow group


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How do we expand grow and unify the combined vampire community? Empty Re: How do we expand grow and unify the combined vampire community?

Post by Maxx 27.04.13 9:30

It is already in force.....It is called Asetians........enlarge your thinking process......and then engage it.

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How do we expand grow and unify the combined vampire community? Empty Re: How do we expand grow and unify the combined vampire community?

Post by N.Augusta 27.04.13 9:37

Yes, Luna and I have experienced discrimination-- we are Women!

Well, we will leave you to work on your goal of unification. Best of luck to you on your mission. Smile

You won't find interest here in such things. I am not trying to sound rude, okay, but being honest with you, which, is best. You may find more support and interest for such things on other sites which will be better use of your time concerning this matter. Connect with the VCN on FB and discuss your ideals about that. The VCN is a large network, for example.

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How do we expand grow and unify the combined vampire community? Empty Re: How do we expand grow and unify the combined vampire community?

Post by N.Augusta 27.04.13 9:38


Very Happy

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How do we expand grow and unify the combined vampire community? Empty Re: How do we expand grow and unify the combined vampire community?

Post by Maxx 27.04.13 10:39

Yes, I truly share your sentiments on the above......

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How do we expand grow and unify the combined vampire community? Empty Re: How do we expand grow and unify the combined vampire community?

Post by Maxx 27.04.13 10:40

As I have said before.....those of like mind cluster......

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How do we expand grow and unify the combined vampire community? Empty Re: How do we expand grow and unify the combined vampire community?

Post by N.Augusta 27.04.13 10:42

Hehehe Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

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How do we expand grow and unify the combined vampire community? Empty Re: How do we expand grow and unify the combined vampire community?

Post by Lightseeker 27.04.13 11:11


I'm not talking about psi vs sang I'm talking about humans vs vampires.

I understand what your saying about not being understood by others but still I don't really like the direction in which this is going. Helping a fellow vampire in need should not be more important than helping a fellow "normal" human in need. We all carry spiritual energy within us no matter what we are.

I believe the only way to go is one of tolerance and peaceful co-existence of all beings. Your notion of a vampire community that should unite in order to fight against "humans" sounds to me very elitist and reminds me of the philosophies of the ToV and also of Anton LaVey. I believe there may be times where it becomes necessary to fight for something but I would not want to generalise it like saying "humans vs. vampires".

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How do we expand grow and unify the combined vampire community? Empty Re: How do we expand grow and unify the combined vampire community?

Post by Orc2king 27.04.13 15:05

Ok guys I get it, thanks for the input


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How do we expand grow and unify the combined vampire community? Empty Re: How do we expand grow and unify the combined vampire community?

Post by Maxx 27.04.13 16:19

Might I add that we are all born into this world solo.....not in a group. As far as having protection, that is a learned technique for the most part. There can be no expectation of having others come to one's rescue when danger strikes. Instead of wasting time gathering others or finding some group to join like Hell's might consider one group that starts training their 3 year old children to meditate and to focus and begin energy step is the child becomes a part of and moves into the focus it views and experiences the molecular makeup and then next step is surrounding the focus subject to experience control of then moves into the area of meditation and contact with others through thought.....(we really do not know the true power of how to project thoughts or to read the mind of others)....we really do not need telephone service or tv monitors if we would work to develop our natural ability. So if one cannot learn to manipulate energy forces and repel attacks from others just by pointing and striking jolts into their body, they are barking up the wrong exercise tree. Even ones higher self would be able to be in contact with you to reveal an area and place and time to make sure you are not physically present to face a time of conflict. You learn to cloud the minds of others where even standing in front of them they do not even see you. You learn to see and know the future. You do not waste time in idle moments other than relaxation for short periods to recharge your energy self.....the universe opens up to reveal things around you that one was never aware of before when you experience the veil removed......all this presents another picture than trying to find a donor...or finding a dark place or hanging out in some bar in groups of idiots waiting for their world to end not knowing that they have to come back in it again to try and learn how to advance ones spirit/soul to may want to consider working on yourself rather than watching the vampire movies all over today leading you to spiritual death.....but you can do whatever you love doing for comfort.....It is called CHOICES...... study During the development of changing the energy vibrations within yourself, your confidence increases and grows......and one day you wake up and suddenly find that you have no desire to take advantage of others or to inflict harm on others in any you have found you have nothing but sympathy for that soul that has not awakened in their spirit and they are not aware....not awake or aware of what this world is really for. Compassion for all kindred spirits and you now begin to consider how to help your fellow man rather than run over them and bully your way to obtain greater toys in your life......your whole outlook changes.....and you learn how you can be an asset to this world rather than a liability....that is one part of a vampire.........

But I am just a human........

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