Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System

Sinata Anika Asti
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Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System Empty Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System

Post by DrakoEthnAegis 09.05.13 21:22

Hello. My name is Brandon, and I'm a multiple from the Plural community. I am the main host to a group of six dragons, including myself. I'll give their names later, but for now, I feel it is not quite a good time to do so.

I came to the forum for a few reasons. One reason was to meet people and be a bit social. But the main reason is that I have a Spiritual issue, concerning my shields and what not. But I'll put that in another thread. (where should I post it?)

I'm respectful of the vampire community, as I have a friend who is such.

So, to end this, I hope to get to know everyone here. Glad to be here. Smile

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Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System Empty Re: Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System

Post by Lightseeker 10.05.13 13:35

Welcome to the forum Drako!

I'm a multiple from the Plural community. I am the main host to a group of six dragons, including myself.

?? What do you mean by "multiple" and "dragons"? Would you care to explain that to me a bit more? Does it mean you carry dragon spirit entities and if yes, what kind of dragons?

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Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System Empty Re: Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System

Post by DrakoEthnAegis 10.05.13 13:41

We are a System of dragons. Spirits, yes. Three of us are a kind of Western Dragon, two are easterns, and one is a Drake.

Spiritual Species: Furry western Dragon
Description: A black Furred western dragon; Has big bat-like ears with silver insides; Silvery-white stripes along the back, legs, tail, and around the rim of the wings; all of which glow. Has two vampire-like fangs (which, as of yet, hold no purpose.) And internals are a Light silver, close to white, with blue eyes.
D.O.B: May, 30, 1993.
Gender: Male
Member: Host and Original owner of the Body.

Species: Charcoal Smoke dragon.
Description: A black smoke dragon who's colors grow darker as they go away from the center of the body and towards the ends of the extremities. Red pallet colors, and blue eyes.
Year of birth: 1795
Gender: male
Member: One of the Original members of the group.

Species: Grey Eastern Dragon.
Description: A small grey eastern dragon with short whiskers. He has grey eyes with rounded pupils and smooth horns that curve down. He has a Red Pallet.
Year of Birth: Unknown. (Possibly under 100 years old.)
Gender: Male
Member: New Walk-in member of the group. Permanent member.

Species: Dark Brown fire dragon.
Description: Similar in appearance as Bruya, however he is dark brown and holds himself with a Noble posture. Dark brown scales and Gold eyes(?).
Year of Birth: Unknown. (Guessing 1800's?)
Gender: Male
Member: Visitor Projecting from elsewhere.

Species: Bronze eastern dragon
Description: She is the largest member of the group. She stands at fourty feet to the head; twenty to the shoulder, and is triple that in length if not more. She has a human form, which she usually what she takes form as, which has soft skin and blond(?) hair.
Age: Ancient(?)
Gender: Female
Member: Visiting Walk-in, Possibly permanent.

Species: Drake (relative to the dragon)
Description: He is a six foot tall, heavy weight drake. He has black fur and spikes that go down his back and end at the base of his tail. He has a rounded pot-belly and blue eyes.
Date of Birth: April 10, 2013 (when he was first "created" in the headspace. No memories from before.)
Gender: Male
Member: Permanent member.

Number of posts : 15
Age : 31
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Registration date : 2013-05-09

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Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System Empty Re: Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System

Post by Lightseeker 10.05.13 13:49

So do you look like a dragon in your astral spirit form or do you have a kind of multiple personality depending on what dragon is currently "active"? Sorry, I don't get it.....

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Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System Empty Re: Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System

Post by Lightseeker 10.05.13 13:50

On second thought, I have to say though, your story reminds me a bit of "American Dragon" (the cartoon). Smile
Sorry, I don't mean it as an insult.

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Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System Empty Re: Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System

Post by DrakoEthnAegis 10.05.13 13:55

No I dont have multiple personalities based on them. They are entirely seperate spirits apart from myself. We simply share the same body. And yes, I mean my astral self, soul self, however you like to call it.

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Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System Empty Re: Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System

Post by Lightseeker 10.05.13 14:02

There are some authors that actually consider "dragon spirits" as being malevolent and attaching to people in order to control them (I'm thinking of one specific author especially but I can't recall his name right now). According to this theory the dragons come from another solar system.
So do you really feel comforable wiht all these spirits sharing your body? I wouldn't, to be honest. And how do you control which one manifests at a given time?

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Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System Empty Re: Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System

Post by DrakoEthnAegis 10.05.13 14:07

I do not know what you are talking about, But When it comes to dragons, do not believe everything you hear and only half of what you see. Thats a phrase that I've learned the hard way.

No, none of them are Malevolent. They are not in any way dark or sinister, and that in particular is an insult.

They do not "manifest", they are always here, in our headspace, and are welcome family members.

Besides. Easterns are in no such way sinister to begin with. Look up eastern dragons in Chinese and Japanese lore. They are told to bring good fortune and are Benevolent, and highly intelligent, beings.

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Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System Empty Re: Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System

Post by Lightseeker 10.05.13 14:12

I don't believe everything I see or hear that's why I inquire and ask questions. I don't mean to be insulting in any way.
I am aware that different interpretations of dragons exist.

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Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System Empty Re: Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System

Post by Divine 277 10.05.13 14:17

Hello and welcome Smile
I would like to ask you a question Smile

I would like to know how you came to this conclusion, and how you know that this /that you say is real ?

Sincerely Divine 277

Divine 277
Divine 277

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Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System Empty Re: Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System

Post by DrakoEthnAegis 10.05.13 14:22

Well, to respond to your question before. Yes, I am very much comfortable with them being with me. They have helped me in tough spiritual spots, and are kind and gentle.

It may be true what you said about dragons from the location that was mentioned, as you said "from another solar system" but thats simply that, One location mentioned. there are Many kinds of dragons, and even creatures in general, of all kinds. There is malevolence and Benevolence everywhere you look to one extent or another.

It all started about 6 years ago in a dream. It was connected to Bruya, who was with me since Birth, and only awakened about five years ago.
Despite my spiritual disconnection, I can see them All the time in our headspace, though rather faintly. Azhnevan and onward are recent members, within the last few months.

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Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System Empty Re: Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System

Post by DrakoEthnAegis 10.05.13 14:26

Double posting cause there doesn't seem to be an edit feature...

As for how I think it is real. To be fairly honest, I used to have a lot of doubt in the past. But there have been circumstances that have proved their existance time and time again, some of which I cannot simply ignore. (Though I can't mention here, because it relates to things that Im not free to speak of.)

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Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System Empty Re: Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System

Post by GrandOrder 10.05.13 14:38

Hello iv heard about these dragons and iv also heard that they require alot of trust, However that trust can be lost in an instant how long did it take you?

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Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System Empty Re: Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System

Post by DrakoEthnAegis 10.05.13 14:44

Not too long, really. Bruya is Young and really open minded. and He came to me before I was born because he liked my energy and the personality it mapped out. After that, my soul self has progressed from human to a dragon due to being in constant proximity to him, which Im happy with actually. Most of my headmates are Young, Azhnevan in particular. Dargo came because he knows Bruya, and I invited Ahnsandria so that Azhnevan could have the company of his own kind, on the condition that she does not ignore the others, and protects our headspace and those who belong in it.

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Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System Empty Re: Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System

Post by Divine 277 11.05.13 1:37

So how does this work ? is it like mutable personality disorder ? are they there to protect you ? the thing is that this is confusing me a bit .. do they do anything , do they speak to you ? If so what do they want ? ( the questions could go on and on . ...and on )
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System Empty Re: Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System

Post by GrandOrder 11.05.13 2:28

Yes im too curious on there purpose aswell, Also why so many of them?

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Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System Empty Re: Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System

Post by DrakoEthnAegis 11.05.13 11:41

No, Not multiple personality disorder. it isnt any disorder at all. It is Simply multiple spirits residing in one body. Its all spiritual, not psychological.

They are here because they choose to be. And Yes, they can do a number of things, energy wise for example. But they mostly just communicate with eachother to pass the time because for the time being I am the only one capable of Fronting. (Controlling the body) Yes, they speak to me, but for the time being, due to spiritual disconnections, I have to rely on reading lips because I cannot 'really' hear them well if at all. Its like having to read lips to something on mute.

As for what they want, well it Really depends on the individual. Bruya came to me so as to find his long lost brother. Azh came for safety, And the others came for their own reasons as well. None of which are malevolent intentions. I know that for a fact.

I could link to a few data bases in PMs if you are interested about Plurality. it is FAR more than simply Multiple personalities. Far, far more.

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Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System Empty Re: Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System

Post by DrakoEthnAegis 11.05.13 11:45

Im not the only one with many. Actually, I know of a few people (who I wont say who out of respect of privacy) who have a LOT more than I do. I'm actually on the Lower scale when it comes to number.

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Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System Empty Re: Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System

Post by Lightseeker 12.05.13 2:56


The more I hear about this, the more interesting I think it is. I've been searching to have or invite some kind of spirit guide / spirit animal since a long time already, not necessarily a dragon. Could you perhaps tell me how I might possible be able to "attract" one?

I could link to a few data bases in PMs if you are interested about Plurality.

Yes, please PM me. Thank you very much!

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Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System Empty Re: Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System

Post by Jonathan 12.05.13 3:12

I would never invite or accept any spirit or entity inside my body. That goes against every concept of identity and that's what makes us strong, to be in control of Self. Magick since times immemorial has always fought to strengthen self and block outsider access to your identity, be it mind or body.

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Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System Empty Re: Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System

Post by DrakoEthnAegis 12.05.13 12:25

I was very specific with who I invited. And I made sure that there was no risk involved.

And I can't tell you that just yet. It isn't something to take lightly.


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Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System Empty Re: Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System

Post by Sinata Anika Asti 13.05.13 4:55

@Jonathan, excellent advice...

@Drako...If you are having issues feeling energy then how can you be so sure of the said "dragons" intentions? You stated in another post you cannot feel energy...Honestly, this sounds like a bunch of fantasy character descriptions, the way you placed them in informational categories...I apologize if there is any validity to this, but you stating you know their intent yet cannot feel anything is contradictory...
Sinata Anika Asti
Sinata Anika Asti

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Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System Empty Re: Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System

Post by Divine 277 13.05.13 9:12

Sinata Anika Asti wrote:@Jonathan, excellent advice...

@Drako...If you are having issues feeling energy then how can you be so sure of the said "dragons" intentions? You stated in another post you cannot feel energy...Honestly, this sounds like a bunch of fantasy character descriptions, the way you placed them in informational categories...I apologize if there is any validity to this, but you stating you know their intent yet cannot feel anything is contradictory...

I can agree to this, if there is nothing more the original poster would like to add ...
However feeling and seeing is two different kinds of senses ...
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System Empty Re: Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System

Post by DrakoEthnAegis 13.05.13 13:04

I used that such as "Species, gender, etc" Organization because it is Easier to Read. Thats the only reason behind it.

Now, The reason I know their intent is Not because of what I can or cannot sense, but because of their Actions. I have known Bruya, especially, for going on four years now. He has helped me through a Lot of Spiritual Problems And has been with me Since I was born; dormant until I recently learned about him about 4 years ago and he awakened.

Furthermore, I have people that I can physically go to for help should I need it. I am not doing this alone.

I am not roleplaying, as that is what it sounds like you're saying. I came to this forum not to be fake, but to learn and experience, and to grow stronger spiritually.

From these comments on my introduction, its pretty clear that many of you have never met a Plural that wasn't Psychological or Trauma based, if at all. That is fine. What I came here for is to find assistance in Shielding and Spiritual Sensory, such as Sight and touch. I have tried many places and asked many people, which in turn caused more trouble than it was worth, and unsuccessful to boot; but I'm still trying.

You know a lot about me already in these last few posts than Most anyone does. Please, Do not accuse my headmates as being Malicious and with ill intent. You have not been around them as I have.

I was refered to this Site by a friend, who is Vampiric and Very knowledgable. I hope that it proves Fruitful.

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Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System Empty Re: Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System

Post by Lightseeker 13.05.13 14:28

And I can't tell you that just yet. It isn't something to take lightly.

A pity.... Well, that's ok if you don't feel comfortable talking about it. I just thought you might have some advice. If you change your mind once, please PM me.

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