Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System

Sinata Anika Asti
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Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System - Page 2 Empty Re: Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System

Post by DrakoEthnAegis 13.05.13 14:34

I'm Afraid it was a mistake coming to this forum. My other thread concerning my questions seems to have been ignored, and I am no longer comfortable posting here. I shall make my leave.

I apreciate some of the welcomes that I have recieved, but it was a mistake bringing to light my plurality so soon. So, I bid you all farewell.

Number of posts : 15
Age : 31
Location : Texas
Registration date : 2013-05-09

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Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System - Page 2 Empty Re: Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System

Post by Divine 277 13.05.13 14:56

I am really interested in this .. and how you validate this with your self ...

And others, It seems to me that you think this is real and there for your reality ...

If so : it has to be a conclusion from the 3 in 7 ...

So Im kinda sad to see you go ...

Divine 277
Divine 277

Number of posts : 1003
Age : 43
Location : Gate between heaven and hell.
Registration date : 2010-03-01


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Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System - Page 2 Empty Re: Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System

Post by DrakoEthnAegis 13.05.13 15:18

I Opened in my intro with plurality because I was simply was introducing who I was.
I was getting a bit upset about the inquiries about wether or not that they were Malicious, and being thought of as possibly fake.
I came to the forum seeking help with my Spiritual disconnection, not with my Plurality. I should have left it out entirely.

Divine, you seem to be the most understanding so far, and if you want to know more, I'll share.

But I want everyone here to know two things:

one, I am 100% certain of the intent of these other spirits.

two, I am NOT roleplaying.

Number of posts : 15
Age : 31
Location : Texas
Registration date : 2013-05-09

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Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System - Page 2 Empty Re: Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System

Post by Jonathan 14.05.13 2:39

You're young. You have much to learn not only about the occult but also about life.

A small lesson you will learn if you ever get deeper into the occult is that you can never be 100% sure of the intent of any other disembodied spirit. It may be easier to believe otherwise but it's an illusion.

Wish you the best in your future pursuits.

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Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System - Page 2 Empty Re: Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System

Post by Lightseeker 14.05.13 3:17

@Drako: Well, I certainly did take you seriously and didn't assume you were roleplaying. Also, I didn't say YOUR dragons were malicious, I just said that some such entities in GENERAL could be.
I would have liked to know more about this plurality due to my interest in spirit guides.
What I do admit is that I feel it is a bit tyring to converse with you when you answer in ways such as "I can't tell you that just yet". I talk about my knowledge and experiences here quite openely because I believe that the people here really treat each other with respect. I don't think there is any need here for such secrecy.
Anyway, I'd like you to stay and converse further but if you really decide to leave, I wish you all the best Smile

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Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System - Page 2 Empty Re: Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System

Post by Divine 277 14.05.13 7:25

How you validate this with your self ... ?

Divine 277
Divine 277

Number of posts : 1003
Age : 43
Location : Gate between heaven and hell.
Registration date : 2010-03-01


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Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System - Page 2 Empty Re: Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System

Post by Poorvamp 04.08.13 11:46

dragon...gif....so....cute...can't focus.

Number of posts : 73
Location : Houston, Tx
Registration date : 2013-07-19

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Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System - Page 2 Empty Re: Hello from the DrakoEthnAegis System

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