Dark kiss question

Divine 277
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Dark kiss question Empty Dark kiss question

Post by GrandOrder 17.05.13 8:41

I was thinking if the dark kiss could be improvised or even something similar i was reading a few things in another forum and someone said they experimented and they might know a way, Anyway anyone else ever think about this?

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Dark kiss question Empty Re: Dark kiss question

Post by Jonathan 17.05.13 9:22

The Dark Kiss is a very old magickal practice developed by the Asetians in Egypt, some even say that the original initiation was created by Aset although no one really knows if that is myth or literal truth.

Given the complexity of such ritual I would say that it can't be improvised. The initiatory secrets behind the Dark Kiss must be well understood as we're talking about something that uses some of the most advanced magickal techniques ever created and that would take a lot of power and wisdom to execute. It's very rare in modern times for the Aset Ka to use such power and give the Dark Kiss to someone who isn't already an Asetian.
If you ask me, I would say that experimenting with such energies and powers is not only dangerous but also foolish. It's more likely for bad consequences to come out of it than something positive. Something as serious and sacred shouldn't just be messed with in magickal experimentation. There are many things in magick to experiment and try out, much to learn and practice, but personally I would leave advanced Asetian magick out of the equation unless someone wants to get burnt.

That's just my opinion though, everyone is free to explore anything.

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Dark kiss question Empty Re: Dark kiss question

Post by Daniel09 17.05.13 23:16

No one is even really sure what the Dark Kiss is. For all we know, it's simply the knowledge of intentional reincarnation. However, it could also be a very delicate process of damaging the soul and manipulating it. Similar to creating an evolving A.I. program, it would have to be able to persist and adapt to changing environments.

Really, it could be anything, and I don't know a single person here who truly understands how alchemy of the soul even takes place. The Asetian Bible is very specific about not including specifics on this matter, especially since it is suggested that it is kept as a deep secret even within the inner circles of the Aset Ka.

I'd say don't worry about learning about it, but be careful with experiments. The soul can be a delicate piece of energy.

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Dark kiss question Empty Re: Dark kiss question

Post by Divine 277 21.05.13 4:19

The Dark Kiss can be a egyptian equal to the greek Hieros gamos.
Not much is said about the actual ritual ... but still looking.
If anyone has deeper knowledge about this type of practices please do share .. ether in private or in public.
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Dark kiss question Empty Re: Dark kiss question

Post by lizzyborden 24.05.13 22:33

how can i get a dark kiss then?


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Dark kiss question Empty Re: Dark kiss question

Post by Daniel09 24.05.13 23:36

lizzyborden wrote:how can i get a dark kiss then?

You cannot get one. It is that simple.

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Dark kiss question Empty Re: Dark kiss question

Post by lizzyborden 25.05.13 11:07

plz help me i want to be a vampire.pllzzz daniel09 help me


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Dark kiss question Empty Re: Dark kiss question

Post by Jonathan 25.05.13 13:16

lizzyborden wrote:plz help me i want to be a vampire.pllzzz daniel09 help me
That behaviour might easily lead to seeing your account banned. So please be a bit more mature.

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Dark kiss question Empty Re: Dark kiss question

Post by jyujinkai-dragon 30.05.13 15:20


Although the magics required to perform the 'dark kiss' require a great deal of energy, very little wisdom is required, given the ritual involves collapsing an initiate's subtle body, causing their soul to be ejected( and discarded), creating an empty vessel, into which another soul (asetian) can be implanted. Many Necromancers are aware of this and similar rituals involving the placement of stored souls or contructs within an empty vessel, it is only the slightly romantisized name 'dark kiss' that imparts that it is a gift rather than the truth, that it is a sacrifice on the initiate's part.

The reasoning behind why this ritual is performed so infrequently nowadays is quite simple, as it is effectively murder, the initiate 'dies' during the ritual and is reborn as asetian, even consentual acts are not beyond the laws of most countries in this day and age.



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Dark kiss question Empty Re: Dark kiss question

Post by Jonathan 01.06.13 3:03

There is something odd about your opinion on this. You speak of something in detail that is recognizably an ancient Asetian secret, admittedly only known by the Elders and much speculated about online, but then in another post you mentioned having no interest whatsoever on the Aset Ka and only having read the AB.

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Dark kiss question Empty Re: Dark kiss question

Post by Daniel09 02.06.13 10:47

Jonathan wrote:There is something odd about your opinion on this. You speak of something in detail that is recognizably an ancient Asetian secret, admittedly only known by the Elders and much speculated about online, but then in another post you mentioned having no interest whatsoever on the Aset Ka and only having read the AB.

It would appear to simply be his/her personal theory on how the Dark Kiss might work.

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Dark kiss question Empty Re: Dark kiss question

Post by jyujinkai-dragon 02.06.13 13:10


With respect,

Not personal theory Smile - previous life experience

'Dark Kiss' is but a romantisized name given by ak to an arcane necromancy ritual, the ak were not the first nor the last to employ 'implantation of a soul within an empty vessel, the ritual is hinted upon in number of texts, all of which pre-date the AB.

It is only the un-ethical nature of the arcane necromancy that limits the use of many rituals in modern society. obtaining the raw materials is difficult as obviously the rendering of a corpse for it salts would be deemed acceptable and viable souls are also hard to come by.



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Dark kiss question Empty Re: Dark kiss question

Post by Daniel09 02.06.13 15:25

jyujinkai-dragon wrote:
'Dark Kiss' is but a romantisized name given by ak to an arcane necromancy ritual, the ak were not the first nor the last to employ 'implantation of a soul within an empty vessel, the ritual is hinted upon in number of texts, all of which pre-date the AB.

It is only the un-ethical nature of the arcane necromancy that limits the use of many rituals in modern society. obtaining the raw materials is difficult as obviously the rendering of a corpse for it salts would be deemed acceptable and viable souls are also hard to come by.

To my knowledge, the Dark Kiss is alchemy of the soul, not replacement of the soul.

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Dark kiss question Empty Re: Dark kiss question

Post by Maxx 02.06.13 15:39

I see. If you might care to enlighten as to your technique to prove your knowledge of your previous life remembrance, it would help. Most all here agree in regard to previous lives lived, but there are many ways one comes to that conclusion in their own experience.

In my own case, I have experienced visions of parts of several lives I experienced. And in researching some of those experiences, I found government records of and descriptions of some of those lives which tend to lend enforcement. Names, positions, family, types of death, etc. all help me verify at least, some of the sites I saw and experienced. And all of these were written down before I began research on them.

I might tend to agree with a very small portion of your statement about the placing upon the soul......as I have been told by some others that a mark is apparent and is seen regarding myself in the astral that has been placed there. But I have gone through a process and was aware that it was there.

Might you tell us, if your view of your past lives came from reading a book in the astral, or viewing a thread, and if so, one would know what I meant..... or if from the sub conscious declaring such a past experience, or whether from hypnosis.......or even some other way which you might be comfortable in discovering that past....?

And I must add that I do not often see many that declare in their first few posts that ......"it would not be wise to mess with me by checking me out in the astral as you will become sick"..... that just puts up a flag that something is not right and appears that you would not be coming here openly as a visitor without an agenda.....but I have already declared openly that I was associating you with Etu Malku when I first looked at your name......but I have yet to become ill.....and actually do not expect to....and I already know you have been looking through the posts so you completely know what my manner is.......

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Dark kiss question Empty Re: Dark kiss question

Post by Jonathan 02.06.13 15:58

Daniel09 wrote:
jyujinkai-dragon wrote:
'Dark Kiss' is but a romantisized name given by ak to an arcane necromancy ritual, the ak were not the first nor the last to employ 'implantation of a soul within an empty vessel, the ritual is hinted upon in number of texts, all of which pre-date the AB.

It is only the un-ethical nature of the arcane necromancy that limits the use of many rituals in modern society. obtaining the raw materials is difficult as obviously the rendering of a corpse for it salts would be deemed acceptable and viable souls are also hard to come by.

To my knowledge, the Dark Kiss is alchemy of the soul, not replacement of the soul.
I have to say that Daniel is right. The Asetian Dark Kiss is alchemy of the soul and not replacement of the soul inside a preexisting body. I think he's confusing things.

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Dark kiss question Empty Re: Dark kiss question

Post by Maxx 06.06.13 14:57

I was watching Mr J-Dragon reading this column but no reply yet......I hope he was not run over crossing the street or something happened to him......He seemed so eager to join in.......hope he is ok......

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Dark kiss question Empty Re: Dark kiss question

Post by Jonathan 09.06.13 5:46

Maxx wrote:I was watching Mr J-Dragon reading this column but no reply yet......I hope he was not run over crossing the street or something happened to him......He seemed so eager to join in.......hope he is ok......
Yes, lets hope he is ok. He warned first-hand about the dangers of his soul causing us pain, lets only hope he didn't find pain in someone else's soul around here. Lets hope not.

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Dark kiss question Empty Re: Dark kiss question

Post by Maxx 09.06.13 14:33

yes. for certain.....and when J.Dragon returns I want to ask him to pass on a question to Mr Malku.....as I saw today on another site where Mr Malku wrote that he creates or composes music for the Aset Ka inner group .... meaning he has first hand contact with them......I want to know if any of that music that was commissioned by them has been released to the public yet? And if so, where can we find copies of it for our listening pleasure...?

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Dark kiss question Empty Re: Dark kiss question

Post by Victor 16.06.13 15:17

For a while now that I have been considering to actively intervene but I was allowing for the speculation and misconception to take its course.

The Dark Kiss is not a necromantic technique. The ethics behind this initiation is not what makes it a rare practice these days by the Aset Ka.

That idea is incorrect and speculative at best. The Dark Kiss is not the incarnation of an Asetian soul in a mortal vessel, it is the act of soul creation where a new Asetian soul is born, something only accomplished through the creational powers of Aset. It's true that details are not known, but the idea that it requires little wisdom is clearly inaccurate, as only the wisest Elders are known to have successfully performed it.

Saying the Dark Kiss is an adapted form of an older ritual of necromancy shows no knowledge of what this transcendent initiation actually is. Of course the ritual predates the Asetian Bible, it's a modern book! It does not however predate the Aset Ka that created the initiation.

Anyone can read whatever they like and believe in what everyone says online as some appreciate speculation, but the fact is that besides the Order of Aset Ka, that created the Dark Kiss and is recognized as the obvious authority on the subject, there is only one other entity who knows this technique in detail and can speak truthfully about it. I will even give you a hint about that other organization... it's known for the Red in its name.

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Dark kiss question Empty Re: Dark kiss question

Post by Jonathan 18.06.13 8:27

Good post. Thanks for intervening and explaining it better.

In the end you speak about the Red Order of Seth. Do you know if the Dark Kiss used by the Sethians is the same creational magick used by the Asetians? I read somewhere that Sethians used an incomplete and heavily adapted version, but I don't know how accurate that is. Since the technique has been developed by the Asetians in Ancient Egypt it's known that the Sethians have been attempting to gain access to such magick since those times, being one of the causes of actual wars of biblical proportions back in Egypt.

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Dark kiss question Empty Re: Dark kiss question

Post by Victor 19.06.13 10:49

It can't be exactly the same initiation since the Asetian Dark Kiss is based on the creational powers of Aset. The original version used by the Aset Ka during the Sep Tepy was also different than the one practiced after that time since the Asetians left Egypt, being used in the creation the Elders and never again. How different and why no one really knows but the Elders themselves. There must be a strong reason.

Just because the Red Order of Seth somehow copied and altered the original Dark Kiss developed by the Aset Ka it doesn't make them any less experts on the subject or their own initiations less powerful. Many believe that in this day, in the physical realm of our world, they hold far greater influence than the Asetians and incarnate in much greater number.

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Dark kiss question Empty Re: Dark kiss question

Post by Nightshade 20.06.13 9:26

Don't take me wrong and I hope I won't come off as arrogant, but if this subject under debate is an initiatory secret, accepted by all as only known by the Aset Ka, shouldn't we also take your contributions about such with a grain of salt?
I don't mean that your posts aren't valuable, quite the opposite as I have found much productive information in your different opinions shared in this forum and I'm sure everyone appreciates them, but should we approach them as truth or just educated opinion?

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Dark kiss question Empty Re: Dark kiss question

Post by Victor 20.06.13 16:36

Not truth. You are right to question everything I write. What I share is the result of occult study of many years and knowledge passed down by others who have studied the Asetians for even longer than I have, many who would rather remain in the shadow than under the lights of a deceiving modern reality, but my contributions are also admittedly, as you said, educated opinions. You are free to use them in your learning but I advise you to form your own opinion based on your conclusions. This forum is not a school of Asetianism, we don't teach Asetianism, we only help others learning it by themselves. The path of Asetianism is eternal and every initiate is forever learning. There is no ending that would force you to find another path to continue evolving, and those who end up believing they reached the end have only found initiatory obstacles that are essential parts of the path that you must break in order to transcend into higher consciousness. Not everyone has the required courage and perseverance to succeed in the Asetian path.

Asetian Truth you will only find in the words of the Asetians themselves. The real ones, not the many pretenders to be found online. We don't pretend to be what we are not in here.

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Dark kiss question Empty Re: Dark kiss question

Post by Curious One 19.03.15 18:56

The dark kiss is admittedly an interesting subject especially to me. I always wonder more about the unknowns. With good reason it is secret lest it fall into the wrong hands but I hate hitting a wall in my searches none the less.
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